gem.util.Location.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package gem.util
import cats._,, cats.implicits._
import scala.BigDecimal.RoundingMode.FLOOR
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import java.math.MathContext
/** A sortable value used to indicate relative positions of a set of associated
* elements. `Location`s may be thought of as lists of arbitrary integers
* which are be compared element by element such that the first pair of values
* that differ determine the ordering of the `Location`s as a whole. If one
* `Location` is a proper prefex of another, then it sorts ahead of the other
* `Location`.
* @group Sequence Model
sealed trait Location extends Product with Serializable {
// These functions aren't of any use to clients. Instead they are involved
// in the cacluation of Locations that fall between two other locations.
/** Infinite Stream of position elements corresponding to this Location. */
protected def positions: Stream[Int]
/** Minimum size required to obtain all the fixed elements in this Location,
* if any. Beginning and End Locations have no fixed elements.
protected def minPrefixLength: Int
final override def toString: String =
this match {
case Location.Beginning => "{α}"
case Location.Middle(ps) => "{" +",") + "}"
case Location.End => "{ω}"
object Location {
/** A marker for the first Location. No other Location comes before the
* Beginning. Beginning should not be used to order elements unless you
* are sure no elements will ever need to be inserted before Beginning. Use
* Beginning to calculate Locations that fall before the first existing
* Location (if any).
case object Beginning extends Location {
protected def positions: Stream[Int] =
protected def minPrefixLength: Int =
/** A Location that falls somewhere between the Beginning and End.
sealed abstract case class Middle(posList: NonEmptyList[Int]) extends Location {
def positions: Stream[Int] =
posList.toList.toStream #::: Stream.continually(Int.MinValue)
def toList: List[Int] =
protected def minPrefixLength: Int =
/** A marker for the last Location. No other Location comes after the End.
* End should not be used to order elements unless you are sure no elements
* will ever need to be inserted after End. Use End to calculate new
* Locations that fall after the last existing Location (if any).
case object End extends Location {
def positions: Stream[Int] =
protected def minPrefixLength: Int =
val beginning: Location = Beginning
val end: Location = End
// Constructors
def apply(is: Int*): Location =
def fromFoldable[F[_]: Foldable](fi: F[Int]): Location =
fi.foldRight([Int])) { (i, elst) => { lst =>
if (lst.isEmpty && i === Int.MinValue) lst else (i :: lst)
}.value match {
case h :: t => new Middle(NonEmptyList(h, t)) {}
case _ => Beginning
/** Assuming not all provided Ints are `Int.MinValue`, produces a `Middle`
* `Location`.
def unsafeMiddle(is: Int*): Middle =
/** Assuming not all provided Ints are `Int.MinValue`, produces a `Middle`
* `Location`.
def unsafeMiddleFromFoldable[F[_]: Foldable](fi: F[Int]): Middle =
fromFoldable(fi) match {
case m: Middle => m
case _ => sys.error("Location arguments do not form a Middle position: " + fi.toList.mkString(", "))
// Utility
private object Base10 {
val Zero = BigInt(0)
val One = BigInt(1)
val Max = BigInt(Int.MaxValue)
val Min = BigInt(Int.MinValue)
val Radix = Max + Min.abs + One
def toBase10(loc: Location, len: Int): BigInt =
loc.positions.take(len).foldRight((Zero, One)) { case (i, (acc, pow)) =>
(acc + (BigInt(i) + Min.abs) * pow, pow * Radix)
def fromBase10(bi: BigInt): Middle = {
def go(rem: BigInt, tail: List[Int]): Middle = {
val (a, b) = rem /% Radix
val head = (b + Min).intValue
if (a === Zero) new Middle(NonEmptyList(head, tail)) {} else go(a, head +: tail)
go(bi, List.empty)
/** Finds `count` `Location`s that fall evenly distributed between `l0` and
* `l1`, assuming these locations are not the same.
* @param count how many locations to find
* @param start starting location (exclusive)
* @param end ending Location (exclusive)
* @return sorted list of `Location` where every element is GT l0 and LT l1
* (or vice versa if l0 is GT l1)
def find(count: Int, start: Location, end: Location): List[Middle] = {
import Base10._
def go(len: Int): List[Middle] = {
val start10 = toBase10(start, len)
val end10 = toBase10(end, len)
// (end10 - start10) is the space we have to fill. We need count + 1
// more or less evenly spaced gaps between numbers in that space. So
// total space / gaps needed is the decimal gap size. It has to be at
// least 1.0 or else we don't have enough space to accommodate `count`
// new elements and we have to recurse.
val gapSize = BigDecimal.exact(end10 - start10) / (count + 1)
if (gapSize < BigDecimal.exact(1)) go(len + 1)
else {
// This is the existing start position as a BigDecimal.
val startBd = BigDecimal(start10, 0, MathContext.UNLIMITED)
// Calculate count digits separated one from the other by gapSized gaps,
// but rounding down to make them integral. Since gapSize is at least
// 1.0, this will always advance and never produce duplicates.
(1 to count)
.scanLeft(startBd) { (sum, _) => sum + gapSize }
.map { bd => fromBase10(bd.setScale(0, FLOOR).toBigInt) }
if ((count <= 0) || (start >= end)) Nil
else go(start.minPrefixLength max end.minPrefixLength)
// Type Classes
implicit val OrderLocation: Order[Location] = Order.from {
case (Beginning, Beginning ) => 0
case (End, End ) => 0
case (Middle(m0), Middle(m1)) if (m0 === m1) => 0
case (l0, l1 ) =>
.find { case (a, b) => a =!= b }
.foldMap { case (a, b) => a compare b }
implicit val OrderMiddle: Order[Location.Middle] =
OrderLocation.contramap[Location.Middle](lm => lm: Location)
implicit val ShowLocation: Show[Location] = Show.fromToString
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