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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma
package core
package data
import cats.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.DecodingFailure
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax.*
import monocle.Prism
import monocle.Traversal
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Minimal zipper based on scalaz's implementation
* This is only meant for small collections. performance has not been optimized
protected[data] trait ZipperOps[A, +Z] {
val lefts: List[A]
val focus: A
val rights: List[A]
protected def build(lefts: List[A], focus: A, rights: List[A]): Z
protected def unmodified: Z
* Find and element and focus if successful
def findFocusP(p: PartialFunction[A, Boolean]): Option[Z] =
* How many items are in the zipper
def length: Int = lefts.length + 1 + rights.length
* Find and element and focus if successful
def findFocus(p: A => Boolean): Option[Z] =
if (p(focus)) unmodified.some
else {
val indexLeft = lefts.lastIndexWhere(p)
val indexRight = rights.indexWhere(p)
if (indexLeft === -1 && indexRight === -1)
else if (indexLeft >= 0)
(lefts.splitAt(indexLeft) match {
case (x, i :: l) =>
build(l, i, (focus :: x).reverse ::: rights)
case _ =>
(rights.splitAt(indexRight) match {
case (x, h :: t) =>
build((focus :: x).reverse ::: lefts, h, t)
case _ =>
def focusFirst: Z = {
val h :: t = toList : @unchecked
build(Nil, h, t)
* Returns the index of the focused element. In other words, the index of
* the focused element if the Zipper were exported `toList`.
def indexOfFocus: Int =
* Focuses on the given element index, if in range.
* @param index index of the element to focus
* @return a Some(Zipper) which is the same as this Zipper but with the
* indicated element as the focus, or else None if the index is out
* of range
def focusIndex(index: Int): Option[Z] = {
val leftLen = lefts.length
val rightLen = rights.length
if (index < 0) {
} else if (index < leftLen) {
val (x, newLeft) = lefts.splitAt(leftLen - index)
val newFocus :: newRight = (focus :: x).reverse ::: rights : @unchecked
build(newLeft, newFocus, newRight).some
} else if (index === leftLen) {
} else if (index < (leftLen + 1 + rightLen)) {
val (x, newFocus :: newRight) = rights.splitAt(index - leftLen - 1) : @unchecked
build((focus :: x).reverse ::: lefts, newFocus, newRight).some
} else {
* Focuses on the first element (left to right) which is a maximum element
* in the zipper according to Order[A].
def focusMax(using Order[A]): Z =
focusCompare(_ > _)
* Focuses on the first element (left to right) which is a minimum element
* in the zipper according to Order[A].
def focusMin(using Order[A]): Z =
focusCompare(_ < _)
private def focusCompare(f: (A, A) => Boolean): Z = {
def go(
cur: (List[A], A, List[A]),
res: (List[A], A, List[A])
): (List[A], A, List[A]) =
cur._3 match {
case Nil =>
case hRight :: tRight =>
val next = (cur._2 :: cur._1, hRight, tRight)
if (f(hRight, res._2)) go(next, next) else go(next, res)
// focus first
val h :: t = toList : @unchecked
val init = (List.empty[A], h, t)
build.tupled(go(init, init))
def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean =
if (p(focus))
lefts.exists(p) || rights.exists(p)
def previous: Option[Z] =
lefts match {
case Nil => none
case h :: t => build(t, h, focus :: rights).some
def next: Option[Z] =
rights match {
case Nil => none
case h :: tail => build(focus :: lefts, h, tail).some
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] =
if (p(focus))
def withFocus: Zipper[(A, Boolean)] =
Zipper(, false)), (focus, true),, false)))
def toList: List[A] = lefts.reverse ::: (focus :: rights)
def toNel: NonEmptyList[A] = NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(toList)
override def toString: String =
s"Zipper(${lefts.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}, $focus, ${rights.mkString("(", ", ", ")")})"
class Zipper[A] protected (val lefts: List[A], val focus: A, val rights: List[A])
extends ZipperOps[A, Zipper[A]] {
override protected def build(lefts: List[A], focus: A, rights: List[A]): Zipper[A] =, focus, rights)
override protected def unmodified: Zipper[A] = this
* Modify the focus
def modify(f: A => A): Zipper[A] = build(lefts, f(focus), rights)
* Modify the focus
def modifyP(p: Prism[A, A]): Zipper[A] =
p.getOption(focus).map(f => build(lefts, f, rights)).getOrElse(unmodified)
protected def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Zipper[?]]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match
case that: Zipper[?] =>
that.canEqual(this) &&
lefts == that.lefts &&
focus == that.focus &&
rights == that.rights
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
val state = Seq(lefts, focus, rights), b) => 31 * a + b)
object Zipper extends ZipperFactory[Zipper] {
def apply[A](lefts: List[A], focus: A, rights: List[A]): Zipper[A] =
new Zipper(lefts, focus, rights)
* Builds a Zipper from a List, if it is non-empty. The head (if any)
* becomes the focus.
def fromList[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] =
* Builds a Zipper from NonEmptyList. The head of the list becomes the focus
def fromNel[A](ne: NonEmptyList[A]): Zipper[A] =
apply(Nil, ne.head, ne.tail)
* Builds a Zipper from elements. The first element becomes the focus
def of[A](a: A, as: A*): Zipper[A] =
apply(Nil, a, as.toList)
* Builds a Zipper with only one element, which of course is focused.
def one[A](a: A): Zipper[A] =
apply(Nil, a, Nil)
protected def build[A](lefts: List[A], focus: A, rights: List[A]): Zipper[A] =
apply(lefts, focus, rights)
* Based on traverse implementation for List
* @group Typeclass Instances
given Traverse[Zipper] = new Traverse[Zipper] {
override def traverse[G[_], A, B](
fa: Zipper[A]
)(f: A => G[B])(using Applicative[G]): G[Zipper[B]] =
(fa.lefts.traverse(f), f(fa.focus), fa.rights.traverse(f)).mapN {
case (l, f, r) => build(l, f, r)
override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Zipper[A], b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Zipper[A], lb: Eval[B])(
f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]
): Eval[B] = {
def loop(as: Vector[A]): Eval[B] =
as match {
case h +: t => f(h, Eval.defer(loop(t)))
case _ => lb
* Creates a monocle Traversal for the Zipper
def zipperT[A]: Traversal[Zipper[A], A] =
* Traversal filtered zipper, Note this is unsafe as the predicate breaks some laws
def unsafeSelect[A](predicate: A => Boolean): Traversal[Zipper[A], A] =
new Traversal[Zipper[A], A] {
override def modifyA[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[A])(s: Zipper[A]): F[Zipper[A]] = {
val lefts: F[List[A]] = s.lefts.traverse {
case x if predicate(x) => f(x)
case x => x.pure[F]
val rights: F[List[A]] = s.rights.traverse {
case x if predicate(x) => f(x)
case x => x.pure[F]
val focus: F[A] =
if (predicate(s.focus)) f(s.focus) else s.focus.pure[F]
(lefts, focus, rights).mapN { (l, f, r) =>
build(l, f, r)
// Where a Zipper is represented as a type with `selected: A` and `all: [A!]!`
// fields.
trait ZipperCodec {
given [A: Decoder : Eq]: Decoder[Zipper[A]] =
Decoder.instance { c =>
list <- c.downField("all").as[List[A]]
idx <- c.downField("index").as[Int] orElse
c.downField("selected").as[A].flatMap(a =>
.indexWhere(_ === a)
.filter(_ >= 0)
.toRight(DecodingFailure("The `selected` item is not a member of the `all` list of items.", c.history))
zipper <- Zipper.fromList(list)
.toRight(DecodingFailure("The `all` list of items must be non-empty.", c.history))
.toRight(DecodingFailure("The `index` value is out of bounds.", c.history))
yield zipper
given [A: Encoder]: Encoder[Zipper[A]] =
Encoder.instance { (a: Zipper[A]) =>
"selected" -> a.focus.asJson,
"index" -> a.indexOfFocus.asJson,
"all" -> a.toList.asJson
object ZipperCodec extends ZipperCodec