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lucuma.core.enums.GmosSouthGrating.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma
package core
package enums
import cats.syntax.eq.*
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given
import coulomb.syntax.*
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt
import lucuma.core.math.Angle
import lucuma.core.math.Wavelength
import lucuma.core.math.WavelengthDelta
import lucuma.core.math.units.{*, given}
import lucuma.core.util.Enumerated
import spire.math.Rational
* Enumerated type for GMOS South gratings.
* @group Enumerations (Generated)
* @see
sealed abstract class GmosSouthGrating(
val tag: String,
val shortName: String,
val longName: String,
val rulingDensity: Int,
val dispersion: Quantity[Rational, NanometersPerPixel],
val simultaneousCoverage: WavelengthDelta,
val blazeWavelength: Wavelength,
val referenceResolution: PosInt,
val obsolete: Boolean
) extends Product with Serializable {
* Δλ for 0.5" slit.
* @see
private def Δλ: Double =
blazeWavelength.nm.value.value.doubleValue / referenceResolution.value.toDouble
/** Resolution at λ with the specified slit width. */
def resolution(λ: Wavelength, slitWidth: Angle): Int =
((λ.nm.value.value.doubleValue / Δλ) * (0.5 / Angle.signedDecimalArcseconds.get(slitWidth).toDouble)).toInt
/** Resolution at λ with the effective slit width of the given FPU. */
def resolution(λ: Wavelength, fpu: GmosSouthFpu): Int =
resolution(λ, fpu.effectiveSlitWidth)
object GmosSouthGrating {
private def pmToDispersion(pm: Int): Quantity[Rational, NanometersPerPixel] =
private def nmToWavelengthDelta(value: Int): WavelengthDelta =
private def blazeNm(value: Int): Wavelength =
private def resolution(value: Int): PosInt =
/** @group Constructors */
case object B1200_G5321 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "B1200_G5321",
shortName = "B1200",
longName = "B1200_G5321",
rulingDensity = 1200,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 26),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 159),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 463),
referenceResolution = resolution(3744),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object R831_G5322 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "R831_G5322",
shortName = "R831",
longName = "R831_G5322",
rulingDensity = 831,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 38),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 230),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm(757),
referenceResolution = resolution(4396),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object B600_G5323 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "B600_G5323",
shortName = "B600",
longName = "B600_G5323",
rulingDensity = 600,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 50),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 307),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 461),
referenceResolution = resolution(1688),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object R600_G5324 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "R600_G5324",
shortName = "R600",
longName = "R600_G5324",
rulingDensity = 600,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 52),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 318),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 926),
referenceResolution = resolution(3744),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object B480_G5327 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "B480_G5327",
shortName = "B480",
longName = "B480_G5327",
rulingDensity = 480,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 62),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 390),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 422),
referenceResolution = resolution(1520),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object R400_G5325 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "R400_G5325",
shortName = "R400",
longName = "R400_G5325",
rulingDensity = 400,
dispersion = pmToDispersion( 74),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta( 462),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 764),
referenceResolution = resolution(1918),
obsolete = false
/** @group Constructors */
case object R150_G5326 extends GmosSouthGrating(
tag = "R150_G5326",
shortName = "R150",
longName = "R150_G5326",
rulingDensity = 150,
dispersion = pmToDispersion(193),
simultaneousCoverage = nmToWavelengthDelta(1190),
blazeWavelength = blazeNm( 717),
referenceResolution = resolution(631),
obsolete = false
/** All members of GmosSouthDisperser, in canonical order. */
lazy val all: List[GmosSouthGrating] =
List(B1200_G5321, R831_G5322, B600_G5323, R600_G5324, B480_G5327, R400_G5325, R150_G5326)
/** Select the member of GmosSouthDisperser with the given tag, if any. */
def fromTag(s: String): Option[GmosSouthGrating] =
all.find(_.tag === s)
/** Select the member of GmosSouthDisperser with the given tag, throwing if absent. */
def unsafeFromTag(s: String): GmosSouthGrating =
fromTag(s).getOrElse(throw new NoSuchElementException(s"GmosSouthDisperser: Invalid tag: '$s'"))
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit val GmosSouthGratingEnumerated: Enumerated[GmosSouthGrating] =
new Enumerated[GmosSouthGrating] {
def all: List[GmosSouthGrating] = GmosSouthGrating.all
def tag(a: GmosSouthGrating): String = a.tag
override def unsafeFromTag(s: String): GmosSouthGrating =