lucuma.core.math.RadialVelocity.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.math
import cats.*
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.ops.algebra.cats.all.given
import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given
import coulomb.syntax.*
import lucuma.core.math.Constants.SpeedOfLight
import lucuma.core.math.units.*
import lucuma.core.optics.Format
import monocle.Prism
import spire.std.bigDecimal.*
* Representation of a radial velocity in meters per second
* Valid range is (-C, C) where C is the speed of light
* Radial Velocity is often represented as RV
* The selection of units is based on references to velocities as low as 20 cm/s
final case class RadialVelocity private (rv: Quantity[BigDecimal, MetersPerSecond]) {
// Direct conversion via coulomb turns to be too slow
def toDoubleKilometersPerSecond: Double = rv.value.toDouble / 1000
* Converts the radial velocity to a Redshift, approximate
* a return value of None should be understood as an infinity Redshift
def toRedshift: Option[Redshift] =
if (rv.value.abs < SpeedOfLight.value) {
val i = (rv / SpeedOfLight).value
val t = (1 + i) / (1 - i)
Some(Redshift(BigDecimal.decimal(java.lang.Math.sqrt(t.toDouble) - 1).round(
} else None
override def toString =
object RadialVelocity {
val fromMetersPerSecond: Prism[BigDecimal, RadialVelocity] =
Prism[BigDecimal, RadialVelocity](b =>
.filter(_.abs <= SpeedOfLight.value)
.flatMap(v => RadialVelocity(v.withUnit[MetersPerSecond]))
val kilometerspersecond: Format[BigDecimal, RadialVelocity] =
Format[BigDecimal, RadialVelocity](
b =>
.filter(_.abs <= SpeedOfLight.toValue[BigDecimal].toUnit[KilometersPerSecond].value)
.flatMap(v => RadialVelocity(v.withUnit[KilometersPerSecond])),
rv => rv.rv.toUnit[KilometersPerSecond].value
* Construct a RadialVelocity if the value is in the allowed range
* @group Constructors
def apply(rv: Quantity[BigDecimal, MetersPerSecond]): Option[RadialVelocity] =
if (rv.value.abs < SpeedOfLight.value) Some(new RadialVelocity(rv)) else None
* Attempts to construct a RadialVelocity, it will fail if the value is outside the allowed range
* @group Constructors
def unsafeFromQuantity(rv: Quantity[BigDecimal, MetersPerSecond]): RadialVelocity =
apply(rv).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Value of rv $rv not allowed"))
* `Zero RadialVelocity`
* @group Constructors
val Zero: RadialVelocity = new RadialVelocity(0.withUnit[MetersPerSecond])
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
given Order[RadialVelocity] =
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
given Show[RadialVelocity] =