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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.model
import cats.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given
import lucuma.core.math.*
import monocle.Focus
import monocle.Lens
import java.lang.Math.atan2
import java.lang.Math.cos
import java.lang.Math.hypot
import java.lang.Math.sin
import java.time.Instant
* Time-parameterized coordinates, based on an observed position at some point in time (called the
* `epoch`) and measured velocities in distance (`radialVelocity`; i.e., doppler shift) and position
* (`properMotion`) per year. Given this information we can compute the position at any instant in
* time. The references below are ''extremely'' helpful, so do check them out if you're trying to
* understand the implementation.
* @see
* The pretty good [[ wikipedia]] article
* @see
* Astronomical Almanac 1984
* [[;view=1up;seq=141 p.B39]]
* @see
* Astronomy and Astrophysics 134 (1984)
* [[ p.1-6]]
* @param baseCoordinates
* observed coordinates at `epoch`
* @param epoch
* time of the base observation; typically `Epoch.J2000`
* @param properMotion
* proper velocity '''per year''' in [[lucuma.core.math.RightAscension]] and
* [[lucuma.core.math.Declination]], if any
* @param radialVelocity
* radial velocity (km/y, positive if receding), if any
* @param parallax
* parallax, if any
final case class SiderealTracking(
baseCoordinates: Coordinates,
epoch: Epoch,
properMotion: Option[ProperMotion],
radialVelocity: Option[RadialVelocity],
parallax: Option[Parallax]
) {
def at(i: Instant): Option[Coordinates] =
/** Coordinates `elapsedYears` fractional epoch-years after `epoch`. */
def plusYears(elapsedYears: Double): Option[Coordinates] =
if (isConstant) baseCoordinates.some
def isConstant: Boolean =
properMotion.forall(_ === ProperMotion.Zero) &&
radialVelocity.forall(_ === RadialVelocity.Zero) &&
parallax.forall(_ === Parallax.Zero)
object SiderealTracking extends SiderealTrackingOptics {
import Constants.{AstronomicalUnit, TwoPi}
def const(cs: Coordinates): SiderealTracking =
SiderealTracking(cs, Epoch.J2000, none, none, none)
* Coordinates corrected for proper motion
* @param baseCoordinates
* base coordinates
* @param epoch
* the epoch
* @param properMotion
* proper velocity per epoch year
* @param radialVelocity
* radial velocity (km/sec, positive if receding)
* @param parallax
* parallax
* @param elapsedYears
* elapsed time in epoch years
* @return
* Coordinates corrected for proper motion. None for invalid Declination, e.g. +/-90
def coordinatesOn(
baseCoordinates: Coordinates,
epoch: Epoch,
properMotion: ProperMotion,
radialVelocity: Double,
parallax: Parallax,
elapsedYears: Double
): Option[Coordinates] = {
val result = coordinatesOnʹ(
parallax.μas.value.value / 1000000.0,
// Some constants we need
private val secsPerDay = 86400.0
private val auPerKm = 1000.0 / AstronomicalUnit[Double].value
private val radsPerAsec = Angle.arcseconds.reverseGet(1).toDoubleRadians
// We need to do things with little vectors of doubles
private type Vec2 = (Double, Double)
private type Vec3 = (Double, Double, Double)
// |+| gives us addition for VecN, but we also need scalar multiplication
private implicit class Vec3Ops(private val a: Vec3) extends AnyVal {
def *(d: Double): Vec3 =
(a._1 * d, a._2 * d, a._3 * d)
* Coordinates corrected for proper motion
* @param baseCoordinates
* base (ra, dec) in radians, [0 … 2π) and (-π/2 … π/2)
* @param daysPerYear
* length of epoch year in fractonal days
* @param properMotion
* proper velocity in (ra, dec) in radians per epoch year
* @param radialVelocity
* radial velocity (km/sec, positive means away from earth)
* @param parallax
* parallax in arcseconds (!)
* @param elapsedYears
* elapsed time in epoch years
* @return
* (ra, dec) in radians, corrected for proper motion
private def coordinatesOnʹ(
baseCoordinates: Vec2,
daysPerYear: Double,
properMotion: Vec2,
parallax: Double,
radialVelocity: Double,
elapsedYears: Double
): Option[Vec2] = {
// Break out our components
val (ra, dec) = baseCoordinates
val (dRaʹ, dDec) = properMotion
val cosDec = cos(dec)
val cosRa = cos(ra)
val sinDec = sin(dec)
val sinRa = sin(ra)
if (cosDec != 0) {
// See:
val dRa = dRaʹ / cosDec
// Convert to cartesian
val pos: Vec3 =
(cosRa * cosDec, sinRa * cosDec, sinDec)
// Change per year due to radial velocity and parallax. The units work out to asec/y.
val dPos1: Vec3 =
pos *
daysPerYear *
secsPerDay *
radsPerAsec *
auPerKm *
radialVelocity *
// Change per year due to proper velocity
val dPos2 = (
-dRa * pos._2 - dDec * cosRa * sinDec,
dRa * pos._1 - dDec * sinRa * sinDec,
dDec * cosDec
// Our new position (still in polar coordinates). `|+|` here is scalar addition provided by
// cats … unlike scalaz it does give you Semigroup[Double] even though it's not strictly lawful.
val pʹ = pos |+| ((dPos1 |+| dPos2) * elapsedYears)
// Back to spherical
val (x, y, z) = pʹ
val r = hypot(x, y)
val raʹ = if (r === 0.0) 0.0 else atan2(y, x)
val decʹ = if (z === 0.0) 0.0 else atan2(z, r)
val raʹʹ = {
// Normalize to [0 .. 2π)
val rem = raʹ % TwoPi
if (rem < 0.0) rem + TwoPi else rem
(raʹʹ, decʹ).some
} else none
given Order[SiderealTracking] = {
given Monoid[Order[SiderealTracking]] =
def order[A: Order](f: SiderealTracking => A): Order[SiderealTracking] =
// This could be done with:
// => (p.baseCoordinates, p.epoch, ...))
// but that would always perform comparisons for all the fields (and all
// their contained fields down to the leaves of the tree) all of the time.
// The Monoid approach on the other hand will stop at the first difference.
// This is premature optimization perhaps but it seems like it might make a
// difference when sorting a long list of targets.
order(_.baseCoordinates) |+|
order(_.epoch) |+|
order(_.properMotion) |+|
order(_.radialVelocity) |+|
trait SiderealTrackingOptics {
/** @group Optics */
val baseCoordinates: Lens[SiderealTracking, Coordinates] =
/** @group Optics */
val baseRa: Lens[SiderealTracking, RightAscension] =
/** @group Optics */
val baseDec: Lens[SiderealTracking, Declination] =
/** @group Optics */
val epoch: Lens[SiderealTracking, Epoch] =
/** @group Optics */
val properMotion: Lens[SiderealTracking, Option[ProperMotion]] =
/** @group Optics */
val radialVelocity: Lens[SiderealTracking, Option[RadialVelocity]] =
/** @group Optics */
val parallax: Lens[SiderealTracking, Option[Parallax]] =