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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
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package lucuma.core.optics
import cats.Functor
import cats.arrow.Category
import monocle.Fold
import monocle.Getter
import monocle.Iso
* A split monomorphism, which we can think of as a weaker `Iso[A, B]` where `A` is a ''smaller''
* . type. So `get andThen reverseGet andThen` remains an identity but `reverseGet andThen get` is merely
* idempotent (i.e., it normalizes values in `B`). The following statements hold:
* - `reverseGet` is a ''retraction'' of `get`,
* - `get` is a ''section'' of `reverseGet`,
* - `A` is a ''retract'' of `B`,
* - the pair `(reverseGet, get)` is a ''splitting'' of the idempotent `reverseGet andThen get`.
* @param get section of `reverseGet` such that `get andThen reverseGet` is an identity
* @param reverseGet any function B => A
* @see [[ Split Monomorphism]] at nLab
final case class SplitMono[A, B](get: A => B, reverseGet: B => A) {
/** Modify the target of the SplitMono using a function. */
def modify(f: B => B): A => A =
a => reverseGet(f(get(a)))
/** Modify the target of the SplitMono using Functor. */
def modifyF[F[_]: Functor](f: B => F[B])(a: A): F[A] =
/** Swapping `get` and `reverseGet` yields a `SplitEpi`. */
def reverse: SplitEpi[B, A] =
SplitEpi(reverseGet, get)
/** Compose with another SplitMono. */
def andThen[C](f: SplitMono[B, C]): SplitMono[A, C] =
SplitMono(get.andThen(f.get), reverseGet.compose(f.reverseGet))
/** Compose with another SplitEpi. */
def andThen[C](f: SplitEpi[B, C]): Wedge[A, C] =
Wedge(get.andThen(f.get), reverseGet.compose(f.reverseGet))
/** Compose with an Iso. */
def andThen[C](f: Iso[B, C]): SplitMono[A, C] =
SplitMono(get.andThen(f.get), reverseGet.compose(f.reverseGet))
/** View this SplitEpi as a Fold. */
def asFold: Fold[A, B] =
/** View this SplitMono as a Getter. */
def asGetter: Getter[A, B] =
/** View this SplitMono as a Wedge. */
def asWedge: Wedge[A, B] =
Wedge(get, reverseGet)
/** SplitMono is an invariant functor over A. */
def imapA[C](f: A => C, g: C => A): SplitMono[C, B] =
SplitMono(g.andThen(get), reverseGet.andThen(f))
/** SplitMono is an invariant functor over B. */
def imapB[C](f: C => B, g: B => C): SplitMono[A, C] =
SplitMono(get.andThen(g), f.andThen(reverseGet))
* reverseGet and get, yielding a normalized formatted value. Subsequent reverseGet/get cycles are
* idempotent.
def normalize(b: B): B =
object SplitMono {
/** An Iso is trivially a SplitMono. */
def fromIso[A, B](p: Iso[A, B]): SplitMono[A, B] =
SplitMono(p.get, p.reverseGet)
/** SplitMono forms a category. */
given Category[SplitMono] =
new Category[SplitMono] {
def id[A]: SplitMono[A, A] = SplitMono(identity, identity)
def compose[A, B, C](f: SplitMono[B, C], g: SplitMono[A, B]): SplitMono[A, C] = g.andThen(f)