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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.util
import cats.Monoid
import cats.Order
import cats.syntax.order.*
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegLong
import lucuma.core.optics.Format
import lucuma.core.refined.numeric.NonZeroBigDecimal
import lucuma.core.refined.numeric.NonZeroInt
import monocle.Iso
import monocle.Prism
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MICROS
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.util.Try
* TimeSpan is a time span, similar to a `FiniteDuration` in that it is a
* single `Long` value representing an amount of time, but in this case fixed
* to positive microseconds. This corresponds with the ODB GraphQL schema
* duration, which allows setting and displaying times in Long microseconds
* and fractional milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours.
opaque type TimeSpan = NonNegLong
object TimeSpan {
val Min: TimeSpan =
val Max: TimeSpan =
inline def Zero: TimeSpan = Min
* Constructs a TimeSpan from the given number of microseconds, if it is
* non-negative.
def fromMicroseconds(µs: Long): Option[TimeSpan] =
def unsafeFromMicroseconds(µs: Long): TimeSpan =
fromMicroseconds(µs).getOrElse(sys.error(s"The µs value ($µs) must be non-negative."))
* Constructs a TimeSpan from the given amount of microseconds, rounding
* the nearest microsecond and capping the lower value to Min and the
* upper value to Max.
def fromMicrosecondsBounded(µs: BigDecimal): TimeSpan =
µs.setScale(0, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP) match {
case µsʹ if µsʹ < Min.toMicroseconds => Min
case µsʹ if µsʹ > Max.toMicroseconds => Max
case µsʹ => unsafeFromMicroseconds(µsʹ.longValue)
* Constructs a TimeSpan from a `NonNegLong` value in microseconds.
def apply(µs: NonNegLong): TimeSpan =
def fromNonNegMicroseconds(µs: NonNegLong): TimeSpan =
* Converts the Duration into a TimeSpan if it is in range, discarding any
* sub-microsecond value.
def fromDuration(value: Duration): Option[TimeSpan] = {
val µs = BigInt(value.getSeconds) * BigInt(10).pow(6) + value.getNano/1000L
// would like to call µs.bigInteger.longValueExact but is not
// available in Scala JS at the moment
* Builds a Duration from the specified amount and unit and converts it
* into a TimeSpan if it is in range, discarding any sub-microsecond value.
def fromDuration(amount: Long, unit: TemporalUnit): Option[TimeSpan] =
fromDuration(Duration.of(amount, unit))
def unsafeFromDuration(value: Duration): TimeSpan =
fromDuration(value).getOrElse(sys.error(s"The duration value ($value) must be non-negative."))
def unsafeFromDuration(amount: Long, unit: TemporalUnit): TimeSpan =
unsafeFromDuration(Duration.of(amount, unit))
* Converts the given amount of time in milliseconds into a TimeSpan,
* rounding any sub-microsecond value to the nearest microsecond (half-up).
def fromMilliseconds(ms: BigDecimal): Option[TimeSpan] =
Try(ms.bigDecimal.movePointRight(3).setScale(0, java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).longValueExact)
* Converts the given amount of time in seconds into a TimeSpan,
* rounding any sub-microsecond value to the nearest microsecond (half-up).
def fromSeconds(s: BigDecimal): Option[TimeSpan] =
* Converts the given amount of time in minutes into a TimeSpan,
* rounding any sub-microsecond value to the nearest microsecond (half-up).
def fromMinutes(m: BigDecimal): Option[TimeSpan] =
fromSeconds(m * 60L)
* Converts the given amount of time in hours into a TimeSpan,
* rounding any sub-microsecond value to the nearest microsecond (half-up).
def fromHours(h: BigDecimal): Option[TimeSpan] =
fromSeconds(h * 3_600L)
* Parses the string into a TimeSpan according to ISO-8601 standard, if possible.
def parse(iso: String): Either[String, TimeSpan] =
.toRight(s"Cannot parse `$iso` as a TimeSpan")
extension (timeSpan: TimeSpan) {
def isZero: Boolean =
toMicroseconds === 0
def nonZero: Boolean =
def toMicroseconds: Long =
def toNonNegMicroseconds: NonNegLong =
def toMilliseconds: BigDecimal =
def toSeconds: BigDecimal =
def toMinutes: BigDecimal =
toSeconds / 60
def toHours: BigDecimal =
toSeconds / 3_600
def toDuration: Duration =
Duration.of(timeSpan.value, MICROS)
def toSecondsPart: Int =
(timeSpan.toSeconds.longValue % 60L).toInt
def toMinutesPart: Int =
(timeSpan.toMinutes.longValue % 60L).toInt
def toHoursPart: Int =
(timeSpan.toHours.longValue % 24L).toInt
def toMillisPart: Int =
(timeSpan.toMilliseconds.longValue % 1000L).toInt
* Formats this TimeSpan using the ISO-8601 standard.
def format: String =
* Adds two TimeSpan values, if the resulting value is in range.
def add(other: TimeSpan): Option[TimeSpan] =
fromMicroseconds(timeSpan.toMicroseconds + other.toMicroseconds)
* Adds two TimeSpan values, capping the resulting value at `Max`.
def +|(other: TimeSpan): TimeSpan =
* Subtracts two TimeSpan values, if the resulting value is in range.
def subtract(other: TimeSpan): Option[TimeSpan] =
fromMicroseconds(timeSpan.toMicroseconds - other.toMicroseconds)
* Subtracts a TimeSpan value, with a floor of `Min` on the resulting value.
def -|(other: TimeSpan): TimeSpan =
* Multiplies a TimeSpan by an integer, limiting the resulting value to the
* range (`Min`, `Max`).
def *|(multiplier: Int): TimeSpan =
fromMicrosecondsBounded(BigDecimal(timeSpan.toMicroseconds) * multiplier)
def *|(multiplier: BigDecimal): TimeSpan =
fromMicrosecondsBounded(timeSpan.toMicroseconds * multiplier)
* Divides a TimeSpan by a non-negative integer, via integer division.
def /|(divisor: NonZeroInt): TimeSpan =
TimeSpan.fromMicroseconds(timeSpan.toMicroseconds / divisor.value).getOrElse(Min)
def /|(divisor: NonZeroBigDecimal): TimeSpan =
fromMicrosecondsBounded(timeSpan.toMicroseconds / divisor.value)
* Obtains the absolute (i.e., positive regardless of order) time span between two Timestamp, if in range.
def between(t0: Timestamp, t1: Timestamp): Option[TimeSpan] =
Duration.between(t0.toInstant, t1.toInstant).abs
val NonNegMicroseconds: Iso[NonNegLong, TimeSpan] =
Iso[NonNegLong, TimeSpan](fromNonNegMicroseconds)(toNonNegMicroseconds)
val FromMicroseconds: Prism[Long, TimeSpan] =
val FromMilliseconds: Format[BigDecimal, TimeSpan] =
Format(fromMilliseconds, toMilliseconds)
val FromSeconds: Format[BigDecimal, TimeSpan] =
Format(fromSeconds, toSeconds)
val FromMinutes: Format[BigDecimal, TimeSpan] =
Format(fromMinutes, toMinutes)
val FromHours: Format[BigDecimal, TimeSpan] =
Format(fromHours, toHours)
val FromDuration: Format[Duration, TimeSpan] =
Format(fromDuration, toDuration)
val FromString: Format[String, TimeSpan] =
Format(parse(_).toOption, format)
given orderTimeSpan: Order[TimeSpan] =
* TimeSpan forms a monoid under the bounded add operation.
given Monoid[TimeSpan] =
Monoid.instance(TimeSpan.Zero, _ +| _)