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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.util
import cats.Comparison
import cats.Eq
import cats.Order
import cats.Order.catsKernelOrderingForOrder
import cats.syntax.option.*
import cats.syntax.order.*
import org.typelevel.cats.time.*
import java.time.Instant
* A TimestampInterval represents a period of time with a fixed starting point
* 'start' (inclusive) and an fixed ending point 'end' (exclusive). In other
* words, [start, end). Whereas a TimeSpan focuses solely on an amount of
* time, the TimestampInterval tracks specific start and end times.
* @param start time at which the interval begins (inclusive)
* @param end time at which the interval ends (exclusive)
sealed class TimestampInterval private (val start: Timestamp, val end: Timestamp) {
import TimestampInterval.between
import TimestampInterval.Overlap
assert(start <= end, s"start time ($start) must be <= end time ($end)")
* The amount of time represented by the interval, if possible to fit in a
* TimeSpan.
def timeSpan: Option[TimeSpan] =
TimeSpan.between(start, end)
* The amount of time represented by the interval, but capped at
* TimeSpan.Max. Most TimestampIntervals in practice will fall
* well short of TimeSpan.Max and this provides a convenient way
* of working with time spans that avoids Option.
def boundedTimeSpan: TimeSpan =
def contains(time: Timestamp): Boolean =
start <= time && time < end
def containsInstant(time: Instant): Boolean =
start.toInstant <= time && time < end.toInstant
def isEmpty: Boolean =
start === end
def nonEmpty: Boolean =
* The interval that includes both this and 'other' interval along with all
* timestamps in between.
def span(other: TimestampInterval): TimestampInterval =
between(start min other.start, end max other.end)
* Merges this interval with the given interval if they overlap or abut,
* returns the two individual intervals otherwise.
def plus(other: TimestampInterval): List[TimestampInterval] =
overlap(other) match {
case Overlap.None if !abuts(other) => List(this, other).sorted
case _ => List(span(other))
* Subtracts `other` from this interval returning the `List` of intervals
* that remain. For example,
if this interval is a subset of `other`: an empty `List`
if this interval overlaps either end of `other`: a singleton
* containing this interval clipped by `other`
if this interval is a proper superset of `other`: an interval
* containing only points in this interval that are to the left of `other`
* and another interval containing only points to the right of `other.
def minus(other: TimestampInterval): List[TimestampInterval] =
overlap(other) match {
case Overlap.LowerPartial => List(between(start, other.start))
case Overlap.UpperPartial => List(between(other.end, end))
case Overlap.ProperSuperset => if (other.isEmpty) List(this) else List(between(start, other.start), between(other.end, end)).filter(!_.isEmpty)
case Overlap.None => List(this)
case Overlap.ProperSubset |
Overlap.Equal => Nil
* Determines whether and how this interval overlaps with the 'other'
* interval.
def overlap(other: TimestampInterval): Overlap =
start.comparison(other.start) match {
case Comparison.LessThan =>
if (end <= other.start) Overlap.None
else if (end < other.end) Overlap.LowerPartial
else Overlap.ProperSuperset
case Comparison.EqualTo =>
if (end === other.end) Overlap.Equal
else if (end < other.end) Overlap.ProperSubset
else Overlap.ProperSuperset
case Comparison.GreaterThan =>
if (start >= other.end) Overlap.None
else if (end > other.end) Overlap.UpperPartial
else Overlap.ProperSubset
* Two time intervals abut if they fall side by side on the timeline with
* no intervening timestamps.
def abuts(other: TimestampInterval): Boolean =
other.start === end || other.end === start
* Determines whether two intervals overlap in any way.
def intersects(other: TimestampInterval): Boolean =
* Determine the intersection between 2 intervals, or None if they don't
* intersect.
def intersection(other: TimestampInterval): Option[TimestampInterval] =
overlap(other) match
case Overlap.None => None
case Overlap.LowerPartial => TimestampInterval.between(other.start, end).some
case Overlap.UpperPartial => TimestampInterval.between(start, other.end).some
case Overlap.Equal => this.some
case Overlap.ProperSubset => this.some
case Overlap.ProperSuperset => other.some
* Determine the time between the end of the earlier interval and the
* start of the later (None if it doesn't fit in a TimeSpan), or
* TimeSpan.Zero if they intersect or abut.
def timeBetween(other: TimestampInterval): Option[TimeSpan] =
if (intersects(other)) TimeSpan.Zero.some
else if (this < other) TimeSpan.between(end, other.start)
else TimeSpan.between(other.end, start)
* `timeBetween` but capped at TimeSpan.Max.
def boundedTimeBetween(other: TimestampInterval): TimeSpan =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case t: TimestampInterval => start === t.start && end === t.end
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int =
start.hashCode() * 31 + end.hashCode();
override def toString: String =
s"[${start.format}, ${end.format})"
object TimestampInterval {
* An interval covering all time (that can be expressed in a Timestamp).
val All: TimestampInterval =
between(Timestamp.Min, Timestamp.Max)
* Creates an interval between the two timestamps, swapping the order if
* necessary. If t0 comes before t1, the interval is [t0, t1). Otherwise
* it is [t1, t0).
def between(t0: Timestamp, t1: Timestamp): TimestampInterval =
if (t0 <= t1) new TimestampInterval(t0, t1) else new TimestampInterval(t1, t0)
* Creates an empty interval with a start and end at the given timestamp.
def empty(at: Timestamp): TimestampInterval =
TimestampInterval(at, at)
* Creates an interval [t, Max).
def from(t: Timestamp): TimestampInterval =
TimestampInterval.between(t, Timestamp.Max)
* Creates an interval [Min, t).
def until(t: Timestamp): TimestampInterval =
TimestampInterval.between(Timestamp.Min, t)
given Order[TimestampInterval] =
enum Overlap {
/** No common timestamps between the two intervals. */
case None
/** This interval overlaps only the lower end of the other interval. */
case LowerPartial
/** This interval overlaps only the upper end of the other interval. */
case UpperPartial
/** Both intervals contain the same timestamps. */
case Equal
* All the elements of this interval are contained in the other interval,
* and they are not Equal. That is, there are elements in the other
* interval not contained in this interval.
case ProperSubset
* All the elements of the other interval are contained in this interval,
* but they are not Equal. That is, there are elements of this interval
* which are not contained in the other interval.
case ProperSuperset
object Overlap {
given Eq[Overlap] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals
extension (self: Overlap) {
* Returns True if the intervals are overlapping in any way.
def intersects: Boolean =
return self =!= None
* Returns True if the intervals are only partially overlapping, False
* if not overlapping or if one totally overlaps the other.
def isPartial: Boolean =
self match {
case LowerPartial | UpperPartial => true
case _ => false
* Returns True if one interval totally overlaps the other, False if
* partially overlapping or not overlapping at all.
def isTotal: Boolean =
self match {
case Equal | ProperSubset | ProperSuperset => true
case _ => false
* Returns True if the first interval is a subset (partial or equal)
* of the other.
def isSubset: Boolean =
self match {
case Equal | ProperSubset => true
case _ => false
* Returns True if the first interval is a superset (partial or equal)
* of the other.
def isSuperset: Boolean =
self match {
case Equal | ProperSuperset => true
case _ => false