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lucuma.core.validation.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core
import cats.syntax.all.*
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval
import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString
import lucuma.core.optics.*
package object validation {
type DigitCount = Int Refined Interval.Closed[0, 1000]
// Convenience type aliases
type Errors = NonEmptyChain[NonEmptyString]
type EitherNec[E, A] = Either[NonEmptyChain[E], A]
type EitherErrors[A] = EitherNec[NonEmptyString, A]
// The `Input` types fix the input type to `String` and the error type to `Errors`.
type ValidSplitEpiNec[E, A, B] = ValidSplitEpi[NonEmptyChain[E], A, B]
type InputValidSplitEpi[A] = ValidSplitEpiNec[NonEmptyString, String, A]
type ValidWedgeNec[E, A, B] = ValidWedge[NonEmptyChain[E], A, B]
type InputValidWedge[A] = ValidWedgeNec[NonEmptyString, String, A]
type ValidFormatNec[E, A, B] = ValidFormat[NonEmptyChain[E], A, B]
type InputValidFormat[A] = ValidFormatNec[NonEmptyString, String, A]
extension[A](e: Either[String, A])
/** Convert an `Either[String, A]` to an `Either[Errors, A]` */
def toEitherErrorsUnsafe: EitherErrors[A] =
e.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(NonEmptyString.unsafeFrom(s)))
extension[A](e: Either[NonEmptyString, A])
/** Convert an `Either[NonEmptyString, A]` to an `Either[Errors, A]` */
def toEitherErrors: EitherErrors[A] =
e.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(s))
extension[A, B](self: ValidSplitEpi[NonEmptyString, A, B])
def toErrorsValidSplitEpi: ValidSplitEpi[Errors, A, B] =
ValidSplitEpi(self.getValid.andThen(_.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(s))), self.reverseGet)
extension[A, B](self: ValidSplitEpi[String, A, B])
def toErrorsValidSplitEpiUnsafe: ValidSplitEpi[Errors, A, B] =
self.getValid.andThen(_.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(NonEmptyString.unsafeFrom(s)))),
extension[A, B](self: ValidWedge[NonEmptyString, A, B])
def toErrorsValidWedge: ValidWedge[Errors, A, B] =
ValidWedge(self.getValid.andThen(_.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(s))), self.reverseGet)
extension[A, B](self: ValidWedge[String, A, B])
def toErrorsValidWedgeUnsafe: ValidWedge[Errors, A, B] =
self.getValid.andThen(_.leftMap(s => NonEmptyChain(NonEmptyString.unsafeFrom(s)))),
extension[A](self: InputValidWedge[A])
def withErrorMessage(msg: String => NonEmptyString): InputValidWedge[A] =
self.withError(str => NonEmptyChain(msg(str)))
* Build an `InputValidWedge[NonEmptyList[A]]` given a `InputValidWedge[A]`
def toNel(separator: NonEmptyString): InputValidWedge[NonEmptyList[A]] =
.toRight("Must be defined")
extension[A](self: InputValidSplitEpi[A])
def withErrorMessage(msg: String => NonEmptyString): InputValidSplitEpi[A] =
self.withError(str => NonEmptyChain(msg(str)))
* Build an `InputValidSplitEpi[NonEmptyList[A]]` given a `InputValidSplitEpi[A]`
def toNel(separator: NonEmptyString): InputValidSplitEpi[NonEmptyList[A]] =
.toRight("Must be defined")
def asValidWedge: InputValidWedge[A] = self.asValidWedge