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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma
package core
package enums
import cats.syntax.eq.*
import lucuma.core.syntax.timespan.*
import lucuma.core.util.Enumerated
import lucuma.core.util.TimeSpan
* Enumerated type for Flamingos2 read modes.
* @group Enumerations (Generated)
sealed abstract class F2ReadMode(
val tag: String,
val shortName: String,
val longName: String,
val description: String,
val minimumExposureTime: TimeSpan,
val recommendedExposureTime: TimeSpan,
val readoutTime: TimeSpan,
val readCount: Int,
val readNoise: Double
) extends Product with Serializable
object F2ReadMode {
/** @group Constructors */ case object Bright extends F2ReadMode("Bright", "bright", "Bright Object", "Strong Source", 1500.msTimeSpan, 5000.msTimeSpan, 8000.msTimeSpan, 1, 11.7)
/** @group Constructors */ case object Medium extends F2ReadMode("Medium", "medium", "Medium Object", "Medium Source", 6.secTimeSpan, 21.secTimeSpan, 14.secTimeSpan, 4, 6.0)
/** @group Constructors */ case object Faint extends F2ReadMode("Faint", "faint", "Faint Object", "Weak Source", 12.secTimeSpan, 85.secTimeSpan, 20.secTimeSpan, 8, 5.0)
/** All members of F2ReadMode, in canonical order. */
val all: List[F2ReadMode] =
List(Bright, Medium, Faint)
/** Select the member of F2ReadMode with the given tag, if any. */
def fromTag(s: String): Option[F2ReadMode] =
all.find(_.tag === s)
/** Select the member of F2ReadMode with the given tag, throwing if absent. */
def unsafeFromTag(s: String): F2ReadMode =
fromTag(s).getOrElse(throw new NoSuchElementException(s"F2ReadMode: Invalid tag: '$s'"))
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit val F2ReadModeEnumerated: Enumerated[F2ReadMode] =
new Enumerated[F2ReadMode] {
def all = F2ReadMode.all
def tag(a: F2ReadMode) = a.tag
override def unsafeFromTag(s: String): F2ReadMode =