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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.math
import cats.Order
import cats.Show
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.ZoneOffset.UTC
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
/** Astronomical time representation of continuous days since noon, November 24,
* 4714 BC.
* @param dayNumber whole Julian Day number
* @param nanoAdjustment fraction of a day adjustment in nanoseconds
* @see The Wikipedia [[ article]]
sealed abstract case class JulianDate(
dayNumber: Int,
nanoAdjustment: Long
) {
import JulianDate._
// Guaranteed by the JulianDate constructors, double checked here.
assert(dayNumber >= 0, s"dayNumber >= 0")
assert(nanoAdjustment >= MinAdjustment, s"nanoAdjustment >= $MinAdjustment")
assert(nanoAdjustment <= MaxAdjustment, s"nanoAdjustment <= $MaxAdjustment")
/** Julian date value as a Double, including Julian Day Number and fractional
* day since the preceding noon.
val toDouble: Double =
dayNumber + nanoAdjustment.toDouble / NanoPerDay.toDouble
/** Modified Julian Date (MJD) double. This is logically the same as
* `toDouble - 2400000.5`. MJD was introduced to preserve a bit of floating
* point decimal precision in calculations that use Julian dates. It also
* makes it easier to directly implement algorithms that work with MJD.
* @see
def toModifiedDouble: Double = {
val h = SecondsPerHalfDay.toLong * Billion.toLong
val d = dayNumber - 2400000
val n = nanoAdjustment - h
val (dʹ, nʹ) =
if (n >= MinAdjustment) (d, n)
else (d - 1, n + SecondsPerDay.toLong * Billion.toLong)
dʹ + nʹ.toDouble / NanoPerDay.toDouble
def toInstant: Instant =, ChronoUnit.DAYS).plusNanos(nanoAdjustment)
object JulianDate {
/** Seconds per Julian day. */
val SecondsPerDay: Int = // 86400
24 * 60 * 60
private val SecondsPerHalfDay: Int = // 43200
SecondsPerDay / 2
private val Billion: Int = 1000000000
private val NanoPerDay: Long = SecondsPerDay.toLong * Billion.toLong
private val NanoPerHalfDay: Long = SecondsPerHalfDay.toLong * Billion.toLong
private val MinAdjustment: Long = -NanoPerHalfDay
private val MaxAdjustment: Long = NanoPerHalfDay - 1
/** J2000 reference epoch as Julian Date. */
val J2000: JulianDate = // JulianDate(2451545,0)
LocalDateTime.of(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
val Epoch: Instant = // Since there's no year 0, years BC are off by 1. Eg: The year 1BC is represented by 0.
ZonedDateTime.of(-4713, 11, 24, 12, 0, 0, 0, UTC).toInstant
/** Convert an `Instant` to a Julian Date.
def ofInstant(i: Instant): JulianDate =
ofLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime.ofInstant(i, UTC))
/** JulianDate from a `LocalDateTime` assumed to represent a time at UTC.
def ofLocalDateTime(ldt: LocalDateTime): JulianDate = {
val y = ldt.getYear
val m = ldt.getMonthValue
val d = ldt.getDayOfMonth
// Julian Day Number algorithm from:
// Fliegel, H.F. and Van Flandern, T.C. (1968). "A Machine Algorithm for
// Processing Calendar Dates" Communications of the Association of Computing
// Machines ll, 6sT.
// Yes, integer division. -1 for Jan and Feb. 0 for Mar - Dec.
val t = (m - 14) / 12
// Julian Day Number (integer division).
val jdn = (1461 * (y + 4800 + t)) / 4 +
(367 * (m - 2 - 12 * t)) / 12 -
(3 * ((y + 4900 + t) / 100)) / 4 +
d - 32075
// Whole seconds since midnight
val secs = ldt.getHour * 3600 + ldt.getMinute * 60 + ldt.getSecond
val adj = (secs - SecondsPerHalfDay).toLong * Billion + ldt.getNano
new JulianDate(jdn, adj) {}
def fromDoubleApprox(d: Double): JulianDate = {
val day = d.toInt
val wholeNanos = (NanoPerDay * (d - day)).toLong
if (wholeNanos >= NanoPerHalfDay)
new JulianDate(day + 1, wholeNanos - NanoPerDay) {}
new JulianDate(day, wholeNanos) {}
given Order[JulianDate] = => (jd.dayNumber, jd.nanoAdjustment))
given Show[JulianDate] =