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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.math
import cats.Order
import cats.syntax.all.*
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegBigDecimal
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.JsonNumber
import lucuma.core.optics.Format
import lucuma.core.validation.ValidSplitEpiNec
import monocle.Prism
import scala.util.control.Exception.catching
// Signal-to-noise stored as milli-signal to noise Long capped at 9,999,999,999
// so that it fits in a database numeric(10, 3).
opaque type SignalToNoise = Long
object SignalToNoise {
* Maximum supported signal-to-noise value: 9,999,999.999.
val Max: SignalToNoise =
* Minimum supported signal-to-noise value: 0.000.
val Min: SignalToNoise =
extension (s2n: SignalToNoise) {
* Converts this SignalToNoise value to a `BigDecimal`, which is guaranteed
* to be positive.
def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal =
BigDecimal(s2n, 3)
* Converts this SignalToNoise value to a `NonNegBigDecimal`.
def toNonNegBigDecimal: NonNegBigDecimal =
private def fromMilliLong(msn: Long): Option[SignalToNoise] =
Option.when(msn >= Min && msn <= Max)(msn)
private def fromMilliDecimal(msn: BigDecimal): Option[SignalToNoise] =
private def errorMessage(sn: BigDecimal): String =
s"Signal-to-noise is limited to [${Min.toBigDecimal}, ${Max.toBigDecimal}), got $sn"
private def error(sn: BigDecimal): Nothing =
* Creates a `SignalToNoise` value assuming that the given BigDecimal is in
* range [Min, Max] and does not have a finer scale than milli-sn.
* @group Optics
val FromBigDecimalExact: Prism[BigDecimal, SignalToNoise] =
Prism[BigDecimal, SignalToNoise](bd => fromMilliDecimal(bd * 1000))(_.toBigDecimal)
* Creates a `SignalToNoise` value assuming from a NonNegBigDecimal that is in
* range [Min, Max] and does not have a finer scale than milli-sn.
* @group Optics
val FromNonNegBigDecimalExact: Prism[NonNegBigDecimal, SignalToNoise] =
Prism[NonNegBigDecimal, SignalToNoise](bd =>
* Creates a `SignalToNoise` value assuming that the given BigDecimal is in
* range [Min, Max]. Rounds finer scale values to milli-sn.
* @group Optics
val FromBigDecimalRounding: ValidSplitEpiNec[String, BigDecimal, SignalToNoise] =
bd =>
fromMilliDecimal((bd * 1000)
.setScale(0, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP))
.toRightNec("Invalid SignalToNoise value $bd"),
* Creates a `SignalToNoise` value assuming that the given NonNegBigDecimal is in
* range [Min, Max]. Rounds finer scale values to milli-sn.
* @group Optics
val FromNonNegBigDecimalRounding: ValidSplitEpiNec[String, NonNegBigDecimal, SignalToNoise] =
bd =>
fromMilliDecimal((bd.value * 1000)
.setScale(0, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP))
.toRightNec("Invalid SignalToNoise value $bd"),
* Formats to the canonical String representation for SignalToNoise.
* @group Optics
val FromString: Format[String, SignalToNoise] = {
def parse(s: String): Option[SignalToNoise] =
(catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt BigDecimal.exact(s)).flatMap(FromBigDecimalExact.getOption)
def show(sn: SignalToNoise): String =
Format(parse, show)
* Creates a `SignalToNoise` value from the given integer assuming it is
* positive non-zero and less than 10,000,000.
def fromInt(sn: Int): Option[SignalToNoise] =
fromMilliLong(sn * 1000L)
* Constructs a SignalToNoise from a BigDecimal, assuming it is in range and representable in 3 decimal places.
* Otherwise throws an exception.
def unsafeFromBigDecimalExact(sn: BigDecimal): SignalToNoise =
given Order[SignalToNoise] =
Order.fromLessThan(_ < _)
given Decoder[SignalToNoise] =
Decoder.decodeJsonNumber.emap { jNum =>
for {
bd <- jNum.toBigDecimal.toRight(s"Signal-to-noise values must be parsable as a decimal, not: $jNum")
sn <- FromBigDecimalExact.getOption(bd).toRight(errorMessage(bd))
} yield sn
given Encoder[SignalToNoise] =
Encoder.encodeJsonNumber.contramap[SignalToNoise] { sn =>