lucuma.core.model.OrcidId.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.model
import cats.Eq
import io.circe.*
import scala.util.matching.Regex
* The ORCID iD is an https URI with a 16-digit number that is compatible with the ISO Standard
* (ISO 27729), also known as the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI). The last digit
* is a checksum that is either 0-9, or X.
* @see
sealed abstract case class OrcidId(uri: URI) {
* Although the ORCID iD is technically a URI, the portion following `` is what
* we use as the serial form (and what we display to the user).
final lazy val value: String = uri.getPath().drop(1)
object OrcidId {
private val ValuePat = raw"(\d{4})-(\d{4})-(\d{4})-(\d{3})([\dX])"
private val ValueRegex = ValuePat.r
private val UriRegex = s"$ValuePat".r
private def parseWith(s: String, re: Regex): Either[String, OrcidId] =
s match {
case re(a, b, c, d, x) =>
if (checkDigit(a + b + c + d) == x)
Right(new OrcidId(new URI(s"$a-$b-$c-$d$x")) {})
Left(s"Invalid ORCID iD (bad checksum): $s")
case _ => Left(s"Invalid ORCID iD: $s")
def fromUri(uri: URI): Either[String, OrcidId] =
parseWith(uri.toString, UriRegex)
def fromValue(s: String): Either[String, OrcidId] =
parseWith(s, ValueRegex)
given Eq[OrcidId] =
given Encoder[OrcidId] =
given Decoder[OrcidId] =
Decoder[String].emap(s => fromValue(s))
// adapted from the code at the link above
private[model] def checkDigit(baseDigits: String): String = {
require(baseDigits.forall(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
val total = baseDigits.foldLeft(0) { (acc, c) =>
val digit = c - '0'
(acc + digit) * 2
val remainder = total % 11
val result = (12 - remainder) % 11
if (result == 10) "X" else result.toString