lucuma.core.model.PosAngleConstraint.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.model
import cats.Eq
import cats.syntax.all.*
import lucuma.core.math.Angle
import monocle.Focus
import monocle.Lens
import monocle.Optional
import monocle.Prism
import monocle.macros.GenPrism
* Position Angle Constraint model. Defines how the position angle will be
* constrained.
sealed trait PosAngleConstraint extends Product with Serializable
object PosAngleConstraint extends PosAngleConstraintOptics {
* Specifies that the there is no constraint on the position angle.
* It may be set to any angle for this observation.
case object Unbounded extends PosAngleConstraint {
override def toString: String = "Unbounded"
* Constructs an `Unbounded` instance with a wider `PosAngle` type.
* @group Constructors
val unbounded: PosAngleConstraint =
* Specifies that the position angle must be set to the specified angle.
final case class Fixed(angle: Angle) extends PosAngleConstraint {
override def toString: String = s"Fixed(${angle.toDoubleDegrees})"
object Fixed {
val angle: Lens[Fixed, Angle] = Focus[Fixed](_.angle)
* Constructs a `Fixed` instance with a wider `PosAngle` type.
* @group Constructors
def fixed(angle: Angle): PosAngleConstraint =
* Specifies a position angle equal to the given angle or the given angle
* plus 180 degrees.
final case class AllowFlip(angle: Angle) extends PosAngleConstraint {
override def toString: String = s"AllowFlip(${angle.toDoubleDegrees})"
object AllowFlip {
val angle: Lens[AllowFlip, Angle] = Focus[AllowFlip](_.angle)
* Constructs an `AllowFlip` instance with a wider `PosAngle` type.
* @group Constructors
def allowFlip(angle: Angle): PosAngleConstraint =
* Specifies that the position angle be set to the average parallactic
* angle at the time of the observation.
case object AverageParallactic extends PosAngleConstraint {
override def toString: String = "AverageParallactic"
* Constructs an `AverageParallactic` instance with a wider `PosAngle` type.
* @group Constructors
val averageParallactic: PosAngleConstraint =
* Specifies a fixed position angle, remembering that originally the
* average parallactic angle was desired.
final case class ParallacticOverride(angle: Angle) extends PosAngleConstraint {
override def toString: String = s"ParallacticOverride(${angle.toDoubleDegrees})"
object ParallacticOverride {
val angle: Lens[ParallacticOverride, Angle] = Focus[ParallacticOverride](_.angle)
* Constructs a `ParallacticOverride` instance with a wider `PosAngle` type.
* @group Constructors
def parallacticOverride(angle: Angle): PosAngleConstraint =
val Default: PosAngleConstraint = Fixed(Angle.Angle0)
given Eq[PosAngleConstraint] = Eq.instance {
case (Fixed(a), Fixed(b)) => a === b
case (AllowFlip(a), AllowFlip(b)) => a === b
case (AverageParallactic, AverageParallactic) => true
case (ParallacticOverride(a), ParallacticOverride(b)) => a === b
case (Unbounded, Unbounded) => true
case _ => false
sealed trait PosAngleConstraintOptics { self: PosAngleConstraint.type =>
* Optional that extracts the position angle for those constraints where a
* particular angle is defined: `Fixed`, `AllowFlip` and `ParallacticOverride`.
* @group Optics
val angle: Optional[PosAngleConstraint, Angle] =
Optional[PosAngleConstraint, Angle]({
case PosAngleConstraint.Fixed(angle) => angle.some
case PosAngleConstraint.AllowFlip(angle) => angle.some
case PosAngleConstraint.AverageParallactic => none
case PosAngleConstraint.ParallacticOverride(angle) => angle.some
case PosAngleConstraint.Unbounded => none
})({ a => {
case PosAngleConstraint.Fixed(_) => PosAngleConstraint.Fixed(a)
case PosAngleConstraint.AllowFlip(_) => PosAngleConstraint.AllowFlip(a)
case PosAngleConstraint.AverageParallactic => PosAngleConstraint.AverageParallactic
case PosAngleConstraint.ParallacticOverride(_) => PosAngleConstraint.ParallacticOverride(a)
case PosAngleConstraint.Unbounded => PosAngleConstraint.Unbounded
* @group Optics
val toFixed: Prism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.Fixed] =
GenPrism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.Fixed]
* @group Optics
val fixedAngle: Optional[PosAngleConstraint, Angle] =
* @group Optics
val toAllowFlip: Prism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.AllowFlip] =
GenPrism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.AllowFlip]
* @group Optics
val allowFlipAngle: Optional[PosAngleConstraint, Angle] =
* @group Optics
val toParallacticOverride: Prism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.ParallacticOverride] =
GenPrism[PosAngleConstraint, PosAngleConstraint.ParallacticOverride]
* @group Optics
val parallacticOverrideAngle: Optional[PosAngleConstraint, Angle] =