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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
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package lucuma.core.optics
import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.kernel.Monoid
import cats.syntax.all.*
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Validate as RefinedValidate
import lucuma.core.optics.*
import monocle.Iso
import monocle.Prism
* A validating and normalizing optic. Behaves similarly to `Format`, but the getter (now called
* `getValid`) returns an `Either[E, A]` instead of an `Option[A]`.
* Laws are the same for `Format`, except that `coverage` allows no normalization to happen as long
* as there are invalid inputs.
* Composition with `Format` or stronger optics (`Prism` and `Iso`) yields another `ValidSplitEpi`,
* and require providing an `E` instance for the invalid cases.
abstract class ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] extends ValidFormat[E, A, B] with Serializable { self =>
val getValid: A => Either[E, B]
val reverseGet: B => A
def getOption: A => Option[B] = getValid.andThen(_.toOption)
* getValid and reverseGet, yielding a normalized formatted value if valid. Subsequent
* getValid/reverseGet cycles are idempotent.
def normalize(a: A): Either[E, A] =
/** Override `E` in case of an invalid `T`. */
def withError(error: A => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
a => getValid(a).leftMap(_ => error(a)),
/** Build a `Format` with the same funcionality, discarding the `E` instances. */
def asFormat: Format[A, B] =
Format(a => getValid(a).toOption, reverseGet)
/** Build a `ValidWedge` with the same functionality. */
def asValidWedge: ValidWedge[E, A, B] =
ValidWedge(getValid, reverseGet)
/** Compose with another `ValidSplitEpi`. */
def andThen[C](f: ValidSplitEpi[E, B, C]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
getValid(_).fold(_.asLeft, f.getValid),
/** Compose with a `ValidSplitEpi`. */
def andThen[C](f: ValidWedge[E, B, C]): ValidWedge[E, A, C] =
/** Compose with a `ValidSplitEpi`. */
def andThen(f: ValidFilter[E, B]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
/** Compose with a `Format`. */
def andThen[C](f: Format[B, C], error: B => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
andThen(ValidSplitEpi.fromFormat(f, error))
/** Compose with a `Prism`. */
def andThen[C](f: Prism[B, C], error: B => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
andThen(ValidSplitEpi.fromPrism(f, error))
/** Compose with an `Iso`. */
def andThen[C](f: Iso[B, C]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
/** Compose with a `SplitEpi`. */
def andThen[C](f: SplitEpi[B, C], error: B => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
andThen(ValidSplitEpi.fromFormat(f.asFormat, error))
/** Compose with a `SplitMono`. */
def andThen[C](f: SplitMono[B, C]): ValidWedge[E, A, C] =
/** Compose with a `Wedge`. */
def andThen[C](f: Wedge[B, C]): ValidWedge[E, A, C] =
/** `ValidSplitEpi` is an invariant functor over A. */
def imapA[C](f: A => C, g: C => A): ValidSplitEpi[E, C, B] =
ValidSplitEpi(g.andThen(getValid), reverseGet.andThen(f))
/** `ValidSplitEpi` is an invariant functor over B. */
def imapB[C](f: C => B, g: B => C): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, C] =
ValidSplitEpi(getValid.andThen(, f.andThen(reverseGet))
* Build `ValidSplitEpi` from another one, but allow empty values to become `None`.
def optional(implicit ev: Monoid[A], eq: Eq[A]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, Option[B]] =
(a: A) =>
if (a.isEmpty)
(b: Option[B]) => b.foldMap(self.reverseGet)
* Build `ValidSplitEpi` from another one, refining the return type with predicate `P`.
def refined[P](error: B => E)(implicit ev: RefinedValidate[B, P]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, Refined[B, P]] =
this.andThen(ValidSplitEpi.forRefined[E, B, P](error))
object ValidSplitEpi {
* Build optic that's always valid and doesn't normalize or format
def id[E, A]: ValidSplitEpi[E, A, A] = fromIso([A])
* Build optic from getValid and reverseGet functions.
def apply[E, A, B](
_getValid: A => Either[E, B],
_reverseGet: B => A
): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
new ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] {
val getValid: A => Either[E, B] = _getValid
val reverseGet: B => A = _reverseGet
* Build optic from a Format
def fromFormat[E, A, B](format: Format[A, B], error: A => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
a => format.getOption(a).toRight(error(a)),
* Build optic from a Prism
def fromPrism[E, A, B](prism: Prism[A, B], error: A => E): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
fromFormat(Format.fromPrism(prism), error)
* Build optic from a Iso
def fromIso[E, A, B](iso: Iso[A, B]): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, B] =
* Build optic for a Refined predicate
def forRefined[E, A, P](error: A => E)(implicit
v: RefinedValidate[A, P]
): ValidSplitEpi[E, A, A Refined P] =
fromPrism(refinedPrism[A, P], error)