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// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
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package lucuma.graphql.routes
import cats.MonadError
import cats.MonadThrow
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.Ref
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.syntax.all.*
import clue.model.GraphQLError
import clue.model.GraphQLRequest
import clue.model.StreamingMessage.*
import clue.model.StreamingMessage.FromClient.*
import clue.model.StreamingMessage.FromServer.*
import grackle.Operation
import grackle.Result.*
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.JsonObject
import lucuma.graphql.routes.mkGraphqlError
import org.http4s.ParseResult
import org.http4s.headers.Authorization
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
/** A web-socket connection that receives messages from a client and processes them. */
sealed trait Connection[F[_]] {
* Accept a message from the client and process it, possibly changing state and sending messages
* in return.
* @param m client provided message
def receive(m: FromClient): F[Unit]
/** Close the connection, never to be heard from again. */
def close: F[Unit]
object Connection {
* Connection is a state machine that (typically) transitions from states `PendingInit` to
* `Connected` to `Terminated` as it receives messages from the client.
sealed trait ConnectionState[F[_]] {
* Initialize the connection with the given send reply function and subscriptions.
* @param send function to call in order to send a reply to the client
* @param subs subscriptions being managed for this connection
* @return state transition and action to execute
def reset(
service: GraphQLService[F],
send: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit],
subs: Subscriptions[F]
): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])
* Starts a Graph QL operation associated with a particular id.
* @return state transition and action to execute
def start(id: String, req: GraphQLRequest[JsonObject]): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])
* Terminates a Graph QL subscription associated with a particular id
* @return state transition and action to execute
def stop(id: String): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])
* Stops all the subscriptions.
* @return state transition and action to execute
def stopAll: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])
* Closes the connection, signaling that nothing more will be sent via the reply queue.
* @return state transition and action
def close: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])
* PendingInit state. Initial state, awaiting `connection_init` message that contains the user
* authorization header. Once it receives it, we transition to `Connected`.
def pendingInit[F[_]: Logger](
replyQueue: Queue[F, Option[FromServer]]
)(implicit ev: MonadError[F, Throwable]): ConnectionState[F] =
new ConnectionState[F] {
override def reset(
service: GraphQLService[F],
send: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit],
subs: Subscriptions[F],
): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(connected(service, send, subs),
send(Some(ConnectionAck)) *> send(Some(ConnectionKeepAlive))
private def doClose(m: String): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
for {
_ <- Logger[F].debug(s"Request received on un-initialized connection: $m. Closing.")
_ <- replyQueue.offer(None)
} yield ()
override def start(id: String, req: GraphQLRequest[JsonObject]): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
doClose(s"start($id, $req)")
override def stop(id: String): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override val stopAll: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override val close: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
* Connected state. Post-initialization, we stay in the `Connected` state until explicitly
* terminated by the client.
def connected[F[_]: Logger: MonadThrow](
service: GraphQLService[F],
send: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit],
subscriptions: Subscriptions[F]
): ConnectionState[F] =
new ConnectionState[F] {
override def reset(
service: GraphQLService[F],
r: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit],
s: Subscriptions[F]
): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(connected(service, r, s),
subscriptions.removeAll *>
r(Some(ConnectionAck)) *>
override def start(id: String, raw: GraphQLRequest[JsonObject]): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) = {
val parseResult = service.parse(raw.query, raw.operationName, raw.variables)
val action = parseResult match {
case Success(op) => if (service.isSubscription(op)) subscribe(id, op) else execute(id, op)
case Warning(_, op) => if (service.isSubscription(op)) subscribe(id, op) else execute(id, op) // n.b. warnings on subscribe are lost
case Failure(ps) => send(Error(id,
case InternalError(err) => send(Error(id, mkGraphqlErrors(err)).some)
(this, action)
override def stop(id: String): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(this, subscriptions.remove(id))
override val stopAll: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(this, subscriptions.removeAll)
def subscribe(id: String, request: Operation): F[Unit] =
subscriptions.add(id, service.subscribe(request))
def execute(id: String, request: Operation): F[Unit] =
service.query(request).flatMap { r =>
mkFromServer(r, id).flatMap {
case Right(data) => send(data.some) *> send(Complete(id).some)
case Left(error) => send(error.some)
override val close: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(closed, subscriptions.removeAll *> send(None))
/** Closed state. All requests raise an error, the connection having been closed. */
def closed[F[_]](implicit M: MonadError[F, Throwable]): ConnectionState[F] =
new ConnectionState[F] {
private val raiseError: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(this, M.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Connection was terminated.")))
override def reset(
service: GraphQLService[F],
r: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit],
s: Subscriptions[F]
): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override def start(id: String, req: GraphQLRequest[JsonObject]): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override def stop(id: String): (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override val stopAll: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
override val close: (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit]) =
(this, M.unit)
def apply[F[_]: Logger](
service: Option[Authorization] => F[Option[GraphQLService[F]]],
replyQueue: Queue[F, Option[FromServer]]
)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Connection[F]] =
Ref.of(pendingInit[F](replyQueue)).map { stateRef =>
new Connection[F] {
def handle(f: ConnectionState[F] => (ConnectionState[F], F[Unit])): F[Unit] =
def parseAuthorization(
connectionProps: Map[String, Json]
): Option[ParseResult[Authorization]] =
* Connection initialization upon receipt of a `connection_init` message. These actions are
* done outside of any particular state because they require executing effects in addition
* to the state transition itself. Namely: user lookup based on authentication data in the
* `connection_init` payload and the creation of the Subscriptions object with its `Ref` for
* tracking subscriptions.
* @param connectionProps properties extracted from the `connection_init` payload
def init(connectionProps: Map[String, Json]): F[Unit] = {
// Creates the function used to send replies to the client. It just offers a message to
// the reply queue and logs it.
val reply: Option[FromServer] => F[Unit] = { m =>
for {
b <- replyQueue.tryOffer(m)
_ <- Logger[F].debug(s"Subscriptions send $m ${if (b) "enqueued" else "DROPPED!"}")
} yield ()
// Given an optional Authorization, get a service and start a subscription (if allowed)
def trySubscribe(opAuth: Option[Authorization]): F[Unit] =
service(opAuth).flatMap {
// User is authorized. Go.
case Some(svc) =>
Subscriptions(reply, svc.mapping.mkResponse).flatMap(s => handle(_.reset(svc, reply, s)))
// User has insufficient privileges to connect.
case None =>
reply(Some(FromServer.Error("","Not authorized."))))) *>
// Either subscribe or error out, based on the Authorization property (if any)
parseAuthorization(connectionProps) match {
// Authorization header is present and well-formed
case Some(Right(auth)) =>
// Authorization header is missing
case None =>
// Authorization header is present but malformed.
case Some(Left(_)) =>
reply(Some(FromServer.Error("","Authorization property is malformed."))))) *>
override def receive(m: FromClient): F[Unit] =
Logger[F].debug(s"received $m") *> {
m match {
case ConnectionInit(m) => init(m)
case Start(id, request) => handle(_.start(id, request))
case Stop(id) => handle(_.stop(id))
case ConnectionTerminate => handle(_.stopAll)
override def close: F[Unit] =