lucuma.react.primereact.SelectItemGroup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.react.primereact
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^.*
import lucuma.typed.primereact.selectitemSelectitemMod.SelectItem as CSelectItem
import scalajs.js
case class SelectItemGroup[A](
label: VdomNode,
options: List[SelectItem[A]]
object SelectItemGroup {
// We're using the index of the options for the CSelectValue so comparisons can
// be made via Eq rather than let javascript do the comparisons.
extension [A](groups: List[SelectItemGroup[A]])
def toOptionsWithIndex: List[(SelectItem[A], Int)] =
// We can't pass `List[SelectItem[A]] | List[SelectItemGroup[A]]` as a parameter to MultiSelects
// and DropDowns because they can't be distinguished at runtime via pattern matching. So, the
// group list is wrapped in this class. For backwards compatibility and because it is by far the
// most common case, `List[SelectItem[A]]` is left unwrapped.
// Another option would be to have different components for grouped and ungrouped, but that would
// lead to a lot of additional components.
case class SelectItemGroups[A](groups: List[SelectItemGroup[A]]):
val optionsWithIndex =
val raw: js.Array[Any] =
val (idx, objList) = groups.foldLeft((0, js.Array[Any]()))((acc, sig) =>
val (idx, l) = acc
val (nextIdx, children) = rawOptionsSegment(sig.options, idx)
val obj = js.Dynamic.literal(
"label" -> sig.label.rawNode.asInstanceOf[js.Any],
"children" -> children
(nextIdx, l :+ obj)
private def rawOptionsSegment(
options: List[SelectItem[A]],
startIdx: Int
): (Int, js.Array[CSelectItem]) =
val (nextIdx, list) = options.foldLeft((startIdx, js.Array[CSelectItem]())) {
case ((idx, l), si) =>
(idx + 1, l :+ si.raw(idx))
(nextIdx, list)