lucuma.ui.sequence.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.ui.sequence
import cats.syntax.eq.*
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^.*
import lucuma.core.enums.DatasetQaState
import lucuma.core.enums.ObserveClass
import lucuma.core.math.SignalToNoise
import lucuma.core.model.sequence.Step
import lucuma.core.model.sequence.gmos.DynamicConfig
import lucuma.core.util.NewType
import lucuma.react.SizePx
import lucuma.react.common.*
import lucuma.react.primereact.Tag
import lucuma.react.primereact.Tooltip
import lucuma.react.primereact.tooltip.*
import lucuma.react.syntax.*
import lucuma.schemas.model.enums.StepExecutionState
import lucuma.ui.LucumaIcons
import lucuma.ui.LucumaStyles
import lucuma.ui.utils.*
import lucuma.ui.utils.Render
object SequenceRowHeight:
val Regular: SizePx = 25.toPx
val WithExtra: SizePx = 60.toPx
object StepIndex extends NewType[PosInt]:
val One: StepIndex = StepIndex(PosInt.unsafeFrom(1))
type StepIndex = StepIndex.Type
private def renderStepType(icon: VdomNode, tooltip: String): VdomNode =
<.span(icon).withTooltip(content = tooltip, showDelay = 100, position = Tooltip.Position.Bottom)
extension (stepTypeDisplay: StepTypeDisplay)
private def icon: VdomNode =
stepTypeDisplay match
case StepTypeDisplay.Bias => SequenceIcons.StepType.Bias
case StepTypeDisplay.Dark => SequenceIcons.StepType.Dark
case StepTypeDisplay.Arc => SequenceIcons.StepType.Arc
case StepTypeDisplay.Flat => SequenceIcons.StepType.Flat
case StepTypeDisplay.Object => SequenceIcons.StepType.Object
given Render[StepTypeDisplay] = stepType =>
given Render[Option[DatasetQaState]] = qaState =>
qaState match
case Some(DatasetQaState.Pass) => LucumaStyles.IndicatorOK
case Some(DatasetQaState.Usable) => LucumaStyles.IndicatorWarning
case Some(DatasetQaState.Fail) => LucumaStyles.IndicatorFail
case None => LucumaStyles.IndicatorUnknown
given Render[StepExecutionState] =
case StepExecutionState.NotStarted | StepExecutionState.Ongoing | StepExecutionState.Completed =>
case other @ (StepExecutionState.Aborted | StepExecutionState.Stopped |
StepExecutionState.Abandoned) =>
other match
case StepExecutionState.Aborted => "Aborted"
case StepExecutionState.Stopped => "Stopped Early"
case StepExecutionState.Abandoned => "Abandoned",
severity = other match
case StepExecutionState.Stopped => Tag.Severity.Info
case _ => Tag.Severity.Danger
extension [D, R <: SequenceRow[D]](list: List[R])
/* Zip list with `StepIndex` and return the indexed list and the next index */
def zipWithStepIndex(
initial: StepIndex = StepIndex(PosInt.unsafeFrom(1))
): (List[(R, StepIndex)], StepIndex) =
(list.zipWithMappedIndex(index => initial.modifyValue(i => PosInt.unsafeFrom(i.value + index))),
initial.modifyValue(i => PosInt.unsafeFrom(i.value + list.size))
extension (sn: Option[SignalToNoise])
def showForFutureStep[D](r: Step[D]): Option[SignalToNoise] =
sn.filter: _ =>
r.instrumentConfig match
case DynamicConfig.GmosNorth(_, _, _, _, _, _, fpu) =>
val showScience = r.observeClass === ObserveClass.Science
val showAcq = r.observeClass === ObserveClass.Acquisition && fpu.isEmpty
showScience || showAcq
case DynamicConfig.GmosSouth(_, _, _, _, _, _, fpu) =>
val showScience = r.observeClass === ObserveClass.Science
val showAcq = r.observeClass === ObserveClass.Acquisition && fpu.isEmpty
showScience || showAcq
case _ => false
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