lucuma.ui.sso.SSOClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.ui.sso
import cats.Applicative
import cats.effect.*
import cats.implicits.*
import eu.timepit.refined.*
import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.parser.*
import lucuma.core.model.StandardRole
import lucuma.core.model.User
import lucuma.sso.client.codec.user.*
import lucuma.ui.utils.RetryHelpers.*
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.dom.FetchClientBuilder
import org.scalajs.dom.RequestCredentials
import org.scalajs.dom.window
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import retry.*
import java.time.Instant
import java.util as ju
case class JwtOrcidProfile(exp: Long, `lucuma-user`: User) derives Decoder
case class SSOClient[F[_]: Async: Logger](config: SSOConfig):
private val client = FetchClientBuilder[F]
// Does a client side redirect to the sso site
val redirectToLogin: F[Unit] =
Sync[F].delay {
val returnUrl = window.location
window.location.href =
(config.uri / "auth" / "v1" / "stage1").withQueryParam("state", returnUrl.toString).toString
val guest: F[UserVault] =
retryingOnAllErrors(retryPolicy[F], logError[F]("Switching to guest")) {
_.expect[String](Request[F](Method.POST, config.uri / "api" / "v1" / "auth-as-guest"))
.map(body =>
(for {
k <- Either.catchNonFatal(
ju.Base64.getDecoder.decode(body.split('.')(1).replace("-", "+"))
j = new String(k)
p <- parse(j)
u <-[JwtOrcidProfile]
t <- refineV[NonEmpty](body)
} yield UserVault(u.`lucuma-user`, Instant.ofEpochSecond(u.exp), t))
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Error decoding the token"))
val whoami: F[Option[UserVault]] =
retryingOnAllErrors(retryPolicy[F], logError[F]("Calling whoami")) {
.flatMap([F](Method.POST, config.uri / "api" / "v1" / "refresh-token")))
.use {
case Status.Successful(r) =>
_.flatMap(body =>
for {
k <- Either
ju.Base64.getDecoder.decode(body.split('.')(1).replace("-", "+"))
j = new String(k)
p <- parse(j).leftMap(_.message)
u <-[JwtOrcidProfile].leftMap(_.message)
t <- refineV[NonEmpty](body)
} yield UserVault(u.`lucuma-user`, Instant.ofEpochSecond(u.exp), t)
).fold(msg => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error decoding the token: $msg"), _.some)
case _ =>
.adaptError { case t =>
new Exception("Error connecting to authentication server.", t)
def switchRole(roleId: StandardRole.Id): F[Option[UserVault]] =
retryingOnAllErrors(retryPolicy[F], logError[F]("Switching role")) {
(config.uri / "auth" / "v1" / "set-role").withQueryParam("role",
.use_ *> whoami
val logout: F[Unit] =
retryingOnAllErrors(retryPolicy[F], logError[F]("Calling logout")) {
client.flatMap(, config.uri / "api" / "v1" / "logout"))).use_
val switchToORCID: F[Unit] =
logout.attempt >> redirectToLogin
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