lucuma.ui.forms.InputEV.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.ui.forms
import cats.syntax.all._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.ReactMonocle._
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.component.builder.Lifecycle.RenderScope
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^._
import lucuma.ui.input.InputFormat
import react.common._
* Input component that uses an ExternalValue to share the content of the field
final case class InputEV[EV[_], A](
name: String,
id: String,
value: EV[A],
format: InputFormat[A] =,
inputType: InputEV.InputType = InputEV.TextInput,
placeholder: String = "",
disabled: Boolean = false,
onChange: InputEV.ChangeCallback[A] =
(_: A) => Callback.empty, // callback for parents of this component
onBlur: InputEV.ChangeCallback[A] = (_: A) => Callback.empty
)(implicit val ev: ExternalValue[EV])
extends ReactFnProps[InputEV[InputEV.AnyF, Any]](InputEV.component) {
def valGet: String = ev.get(value).foldMap(format.reverseGet)
def valSet(s: String): Callback = format.getOption(s).map(ev.set(value)).getOrEmpty
val onBlurC: InputEV.ChangeCallback[String] =
(s: String) => format.getOption(s).map(onBlur).getOrEmpty
val onChangeC: InputEV.ChangeCallback[String] =
(s: String) => format.getOption(s).map(onChange).getOrEmpty
object InputEV {
type AnyF[_] = Any
protected type Props[EV[_], A] = InputEV[EV, A]
protected[forms] type ChangeCallback[A] = A => Callback
sealed trait InputType extends Product with Serializable
case object TextInput extends InputType
case object PasswordInput extends InputType
protected val component =
.withHooks[Props[AnyF, Any]]
// final protected case class State(curValue: Option[String], prevValue: String)
.useState(none[String]) // value
.useEffectWithDepsBy((props, _) => props.valGet)((_, value) =>
newValue => value.setState(newValue.some)
.render { (props, value) =>
def onTextChange(e: ReactEventFromInput): Callback = {
// Capture the value outside setState, react reuses the events
val v =
// First update the internal state, then call the outside listener
value.setState(v.some) >>
// Next 2 might not be called if the InputFormat returns None
props.valSet(v) >>
def onBlur(cc: ChangeCallback[String]): Callback =
^.`type` := (props.inputType match {
case TextInput => "text"
case PasswordInput => "password"
^.placeholder := props.placeholder,
^.name :=,
^.id :=,
^.value := value.value.orEmpty,
^.disabled := props.disabled,
^.onChange ==> onTextChange,
^.onBlur --> onBlur(props.onBlurC)
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