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edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.consumer.Office365ChangeLogConsumer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.consumer;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Group;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.attr.AttributeDefName;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.attr.finder.AttributeDefNameFinder;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.ChangeLogConsumerBaseImpl;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.ChangeLogEntry;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.ChangeLogProcessorMetadata;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.consumer.o365.GraphApiClient;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITAttributeAssignValueQuery;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITAttributeAssignValueView;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITAttributeDefName;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITGroup;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.finder.PITAttributeDefNameFinder;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.GrouperUtil;
import edu.internet2.middleware.subject.Subject;
import org.apache.commons.jexl2.Expression;
import org.apache.commons.jexl2.JexlEngine;
import org.apache.commons.jexl2.MapContext;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import java.util.*;
* Created by jj on 5/30/16.
public class Office365ChangeLogConsumer extends ChangeLogConsumerBaseImpl {
private static final Log logger = GrouperUtil.getLog(Office365ChangeLogConsumer.class);
private static final String CONFIG_PREFIX = "changeLog.consumer.";
private static final String DEFAULT_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "uid";
public static final String GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "etc:attribute:office365:o365Id";
private GraphApiClient apiClient;
private String tenantId;
private String idAttribute;
private String domain;
private String upnAttribute;
private String groupJexl;
private String mailNicknameJexl;
private String descriptionJexl;
private String subjectJexl;
private GrouperSession grouperSession;
public void initialize(ChangeLogProcessorMetadata changeLogProcessorMetadata) {
String name = changeLogProcessorMetadata.getConsumerName();
GrouperLoaderConfig config = GrouperLoaderConfig.retrieveConfig();
String authEndpoint = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".loginEndpoint", "");
String resourceEndpoint = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".resourceEndpoint", "");
String clientId = config.propertyValueStringRequired(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".clientId");
String clientSecret = config.propertyValueStringRequired(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".clientSecret");
this.tenantId = config.propertyValueStringRequired(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".tenantId");
String scope = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".scope", "");
this.idAttribute = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".idAttribute", DEFAULT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
this.domain = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".domain", this.tenantId);
this.upnAttribute = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".upnAttribute");
this.groupJexl = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".groupJexl");
this.mailNicknameJexl = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".mailNicknameJexl");
this.descriptionJexl = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".descriptionJexl");
this.subjectJexl = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".subjectJexl");
AzureGroupType groupType;
String groupTypeString = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".groupType",;
try {
groupType = AzureGroupType.valueOf(groupTypeString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
groupType = AzureGroupType.Security;
logger.error("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Invalid option for property " + CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".groupType: " + groupTypeString + " - reverting to type " +;
AzureVisibility visibility = null;
String visibilityString = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".visibility");
if (visibilityString != null) {
if (groupType == AzureGroupType.Unified) {
try {
// discrepancy in graph api -- documented as Hiddenmembership but object returns HiddenMembership.
// The enum is fixed, but the older loader property was using Hiddenmembership. Map the old value
// so existing configs don't break
if ("Hiddenmembership".equals(visibilityString)) {
visibilityString = "HiddenMembership";
logger.warn("For " + CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".visibility, legacy value Hiddenmembership was remapped to HiddenMembership");
visibility = AzureVisibility.valueOf(visibilityString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
visibility = AzureVisibility.Public;
logger.error("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Invalid option for property " + CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".visibility: " + visibilityString + " - reverting to type " +;
} else {
logger.error("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Property " + CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".visibility is only valid for Unified group type -- ignoring");
String proxyType = config.propertyValueString(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".proxyType");
String proxyHost;
Integer proxyPort;
if (proxyType != null) {
proxyHost = config.propertyValueStringRequired(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".proxyHost");
proxyPort = config.propertyValueIntRequired(CONFIG_PREFIX + name + ".proxyPort");
} else {
proxyHost = null;
proxyPort = null;
this.grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
this.apiClient = new GraphApiClient(authEndpoint, resourceEndpoint,
clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, scope, groupType, visibility, proxyType, proxyHost, proxyPort);
public long processChangeLogEntries(List changeLogEntryList,
ChangeLogProcessorMetadata changeLogProcessorMetadata) {
return super.processChangeLogEntries(changeLogEntryList, changeLogProcessorMetadata);
public String evaluateGroupJexlExpression(Group group, String expressionString, String defaultIfExpressionNull) {
if (expressionString == null) {
return defaultIfExpressionNull;
Expression expression = new JexlEngine().createExpression(expressionString);
MapContext context = new MapContext();
context.set("group", group);
context.set("consumerName", this.getConsumerName());
context.set("tenantId", this.tenantId);
context.set("domain", this.domain);
context.set("idAttribute", this.idAttribute);
String result = (String)expression.evaluate(context);
logger.trace("evaluated group jexl -> [" + result + "]");
return result;
public String evaluateSubjectJexlExpression(Subject subject, String expressionString) {
if (expressionString == null) {
return null;
Expression expression = new JexlEngine().createExpression(expressionString);
MapContext context = new MapContext();
context.set("subject", subject);
context.set("subjectIdValue", subject.getAttributeValue(this.idAttribute));
context.set("subjectUpnValue", this.upnAttribute == null ? null : subject.getAttributeValue(this.upnAttribute));
context.set("consumerName", this.getConsumerName());
context.set("tenantId", this.tenantId);
context.set("domain", this.domain);
context.set("idAttribute", this.idAttribute);
String result = (String)expression.evaluate(context);
logger.trace("evaluated subject jexl -> [" + result + "]");
return result;
public String getUserPrincipalName(Subject subject) {
String userPrincipalName = null;
String method = "N/A";
if (this.upnAttribute != null) {
userPrincipalName = subject.getAttributeValue(this.upnAttribute);
method = "upnAttribute";
if (GrouperUtil.isBlank(userPrincipalName) && this.subjectJexl != null) {
userPrincipalName = evaluateSubjectJexlExpression(subject, subjectJexl);
method = "subjectJexl";
if (GrouperUtil.isBlank(userPrincipalName)) {
String id = subject.getAttributeValue(this.idAttribute);
if (!GrouperUtil.isBlank(id)) {
userPrincipalName = subject.getAttributeValue(this.idAttribute).trim() + "@" + this.domain;
method = "default (idAttribute)";
if (GrouperUtil.isBlank(userPrincipalName)) {
logger.error("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + " unable to determine principal name for subject " + subject);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to calculate principal name for subject " + subject);
logger.debug("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": calculated subject principal by method " + method + " as " + userPrincipalName);
return userPrincipalName;
protected void addGroup(Group group, ChangeLogEntry changeLogEntry) {"consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Creating group " + group);
// TODO: currently uses the mailNickname as an ID. need to fix this
String displayName = evaluateGroupJexlExpression(group, this.groupJexl, group.getName());
logger.debug("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": calculated displayName as " + displayName);
String mailNickname = evaluateGroupJexlExpression(group, this.mailNicknameJexl, group.getUuid());
logger.debug("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": calculated mailNickname as " + mailNickname);
String description = evaluateGroupJexlExpression(group, this.descriptionJexl, group.getId());
logger.debug("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": calculated description as " + description);
AzureGraphGroup azureGroup = apiClient.addGroup(
// todo capture exception
AttributeDefName attributeDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, false);
// invoked when the sync attribute is removed from the group or folder
protected void removeGroup(Group group, ChangeLogEntry changeLogEntry) {"consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Sync attribute removed (will stop sync until re-added) for group " + group.getName());
logger.debug("removeGroup() called (no effect except to stop future sync) for group " + group.getName());
protected void removeDeletedGroup(PITGroup pitGroup, ChangeLogEntry changeLogEntry) {"consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Removing deleted group " + pitGroup.getName() + " from Azure");
String azureGroupId = null;
// looking for syncAttribute assignment in the PIT
try {
Set pitGroupIdAttributes = PITAttributeDefNameFinder
.findByName(GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, false, true);
if (pitGroupIdAttributes.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find PITAttributeDefName " + GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
PITAttributeDefName pitGroupIdAttribute = pitGroupIdAttributes.iterator().next();
Set attrAssignValues = new PITAttributeAssignValueQuery()
if (!attrAssignValues.isEmpty()) {
azureGroupId = attrAssignValues.iterator().next().getValueString();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("no attribute value for " + GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Failed to obtain Azure group id from attributes", e);
logger.debug("PITGroup " + pitGroup.getName() + " attribute " + GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + " = " + azureGroupId);
protected void addMembership(Subject subject, Group group, ChangeLogEntry changeLogEntry) {"consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Adding " + subject + " to " + group);
String groupId = group.getAttributeValueDelegate().retrieveValueString(GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
logger.debug("azure groupId: " + groupId);
String userPrincipalName = getUserPrincipalName(subject);
try {
apiClient.addMemberToMS(groupId, userPrincipalName);
} catch (Exception e) {
//todo do more to handle this gracefully
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
protected void removeMembership(Subject subject, Group group, ChangeLogEntry changeLogEntry) {"consumer " + this.getConsumerName() + ": Removing " + subject + " from " + group);
try {
AzureGraphUser user = apiClient.lookupMSUser(getUserPrincipalName(subject));
String groupId = group.getAttributeValueDelegate().retrieveValueString(GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
} catch (IOException e) {