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edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.GrouperHttpClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HeaderElement;
import org.apache.http.HeaderElementIterator;
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPatch;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustSelfSignedStrategy;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeaderElementIterator;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder;
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContexts;
import org.apache.http.ssl.TrustStrategy;
import org.apache.http.util.Args;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.GrouperConfig;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.collections.MultiKey;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.util.GrouperClientUtils;


HTTP call. Use this for all HTTP calls as a client *

 * import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.*;
 * GrouperHttpClient grouperHttpCall = new GrouperHttpClient();
 * grouperHttpCall.assignUrl(url);
 * grouperHttpCall.assignGrouperHttpMethod("POST");
 * grouperHttpCall.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
 * grouperHttpCall.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken);
 * grouperHttpCall.assignBody(body);
 * grouperHttpCall.executeRequest();
 * if (grouperHttpCall.getResponseCode() != 200) {
 *   throw new RuntimeException("Error connecting to '" + url + "': " + grouperHttpCall.getResponseCode());
 * }
 * String json = grouperHttpCall.getResponseBody();
*/ public class GrouperHttpClient { public static void main(String[] args) { GrouperHttpClient grouperHttpClient = new GrouperHttpClient(); grouperHttpClient.assignGrouperHttpMethod(GrouperHttpMethod.get); grouperHttpClient.assignUrl(""); // grouperHttpClient.assignProxyType(GrouperProxyType.PROXY_HTTP); // grouperHttpClient.assignProxyUrl(""); grouperHttpClient.executeRequest(); System.out.println(grouperHttpClient.getResponseCode() + ", " + grouperHttpClient.getResponseBody()); } public static void shutdown() { for (CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient : customTrustStoreClient.values()) { try{ closeableHttpClient.close(); } catch (Throwable e){ } } customTrustStoreClient.clear(); for (CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient : trustAllClients.values()) { try{ closeableHttpClient.close(); } catch (Throwable e){ } } trustAllClients.clear(); for (CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient : clients.values()) { try{ closeableHttpClient.close(); } catch (Throwable e){ } } clients.clear(); } /** * */ private Set doNotLogParameters = new HashSet(); /** * */ private Set doNotLogHeaders = new HashSet(); /** * if response body contains sensitive info and shouldnt be logged */ private boolean doNotLogResponseBody = false; /** * if response body contains sensitive info and shouldnt be logged * @param theDoNotLogResponseBody * @return this for chaining */ public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogResponseBody(boolean theDoNotLogResponseBody) { this.doNotLogResponseBody = theDoNotLogResponseBody; return this; } /** * if request body contains sensitive info and shouldnt be logged */ private boolean doNotLogRequestBody = false; /** * if request body contains sensitive info and shouldnt be logged * @param theDoNotLogRequestBody * @return this for chaining */ public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogRequestBody(boolean theDoNotLogRequestBody) { this.doNotLogRequestBody = theDoNotLogRequestBody; return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogParameters(String paramsCommaSeparated) { this.doNotLogParameters = GrouperUtil.nonNull(GrouperUtil.toSet(GrouperUtil.splitTrim(paramsCommaSeparated, ","))); return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogHeaders(String headersCommaSeparated) { this.doNotLogHeaders = GrouperUtil.nonNull(GrouperUtil.toSet(GrouperUtil.splitTrim(headersCommaSeparated, ","))); return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogParameters(Set params) { this.doNotLogParameters = GrouperUtil.nonNull(params); return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignDoNotLogHeaders(Set headers) { this.doNotLogHeaders = GrouperUtil.nonNull(headers); return this; } public Set getDoNotLogParameters() { return doNotLogParameters; } public Set getDoNotLogHeaders() { return doNotLogHeaders; } public boolean isDoNotLogResponseBody() { return doNotLogResponseBody; } /** * Truststore (.jks) to add dynamically to list of truststores. */ private File trustStore; /** * Password for truststore. */ private String trustStorePassword; /** * Trust regardless of cert; ONLY use when you KNOW the endpoint. */ private boolean trust; /** * The url being called. */ private String url; /** * Whether you want the response as a file as opposed to a string in memory. */ private boolean responseAsFile; /** * The filename to use for the response, if the response is retrieved as a file. */ private String responseFileName; /** * The user for basic auth. */ private String user; /** * The password for basic auth. */ private String password; /** * If getting the reponse body as a file, this is the file. */ private File responseFile; /** * Response headers. */ private Map responseHeaders = new LinkedHashMap(); /** * Response headers lower case. */ private Map responseHeadersLower = new LinkedHashMap(); /** * Any parameters to add to the URL. */ private Map urlParameters; /** * Any parameters to add to the URL. */ private Map bodyParameters; /** * Any files to send. */ private Map filesToSend; /** * This get the response body. */ private StringBuilder responseBodyHolder = new StringBuilder(); /** * This get the response code. */ private int responseCode = -1; /** * The response body receiver. */ private GrouperHttpResponseBodyCallback httpResponseBodyCallback = new GrouperHttpResponseBodyCallback(){ @Override public void readBody(InputStream bodyInputStream) { try { GrouperHttpClient.this.responseBodyHolder.append(IOUtils.toString(bodyInputStream)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }}; /** * Any paremeters to add to the header. */ private Map headers; /** * Any body to send. */ private String body; /** * Any body to send. */ private byte[] bodyBytes; /** * The type of method to call. */ private GrouperHttpMethod grouperHttpMethod; public GrouperHttpClient assignGrouperHttpMethod(GrouperHttpMethod grouperHttpMethod) { this.grouperHttpMethod = grouperHttpMethod; return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignGrouperHttpMethod(String grouperHttpMethodType) { this.grouperHttpMethod = GrouperHttpMethod.valueOfIgnoreCase(grouperHttpMethodType, false); return this; } /** * Use to override HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE which is the default. */ private HttpMultipartMode httpMultipartMode = HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE; /** logger */ private static final Log LOG = GrouperUtil.getLog(GrouperHttpClient.class); /** * Sets the url being called. * @param _url the new url being called */ public GrouperHttpClient assignUrl(String _url) { this.url = _url; return this; } /** * proxy url to proxy to (override other configuration) */ private String proxyUrl; /** * proxy url to proxy to (override other configuration) * @param proxyUrl1 * @return this for chaining */ public GrouperHttpClient assignProxyUrl(String proxyUrl1) { this.proxyUrl = proxyUrl1; return this; } /** * proxy type to override other configuration */ private GrouperProxyType proxyType; /** * proxy type to override other configuration * @param grouperProxyType1 * @return this for chaining */ public GrouperHttpClient assignProxyType(GrouperProxyType grouperProxyType1) { this.proxyType = grouperProxyType1; return this; } /** * proxy type to override other configuration * @param grouperProxyType1 * @return this for chaining */ public GrouperHttpClient assignProxyType(String grouperProxyTypeString) { this.proxyType = GrouperProxyType.valueOfIgnoreCase(grouperProxyTypeString, false); return this; } /** * Sets the user for basic auth. * @param _user the new user for basic auth */ public GrouperHttpClient assignUser(String _user) { this.user = _user; return this; } /** * Sets the password for basic auth. * @param _password the new password for basic auth */ public GrouperHttpClient assignPassword(String _password) { this.password = _password; return this; } /** * Add a parameter to the BODY for a POST body form. * @param key is the name. * @param value is the value. */ public GrouperHttpClient addBodyParameter(String key, String value) { if((this.body != null && !this.body.trim().isEmpty()) || (this.bodyBytes != null)) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both bodyParameters and Body in the same http call"); } if (this.bodyParameters == null){ this.bodyParameters = new HashMap(); } this.bodyParameters.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Add a parameter to the URL. * @param key is the name. * @param value is the value. */ public GrouperHttpClient addUrlParameter(String key, String value) { if (this.urlParameters == null){ this.urlParameters = new HashMap(); } this.urlParameters.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Adds a parameter to the header. * @param key is the name. * @param value is the value. */ public GrouperHttpClient addHeader(String key, String value) { if (this.headers == null){ this.headers = new HashMap(); } this.headers.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Sets the body to send. * @param _body the body to send */ public GrouperHttpClient assignBodyBytes(byte[] _body) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(this.body)){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set both body and bodyBytes!"); } // Can't set both params and a body in the same call if(this.bodyParameters != null && this.bodyParameters.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both bodyParameters and Body in the same http call"); } // Can't set both filesToSend and a body in the same call if(this.filesToSend != null && this.filesToSend.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both FilesToSend and Body in the same http call"); } this.bodyBytes = _body; return this; } /** * Sets the body to send. * @param _body the body to send */ public GrouperHttpClient assignBody(String _body) { if (this.bodyBytes != null){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set both body and bodyBytes!"); } // Can't set both params and a body in the same call if(this.bodyParameters != null && this.bodyParameters.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both bodyParameters and Body in the same http call"); } // Can't set both filesToSend and a body in the same call if(this.filesToSend != null && this.filesToSend.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both FilesToSend and Body in the same http call"); } this.body = _body; return this; } /** * Get the response body of the call. * @return the responseBodyHolder */ public String getResponseBody() { return this.responseBodyHolder.toString(); } /** * Get the response code. * @return the responseCode */ public int getResponseCode() { return this.responseCode; } /** * Truststore (.jks) to add dynamically to list of truststores. * @param _trustStore the trustStore to set. */ public GrouperHttpClient assignTrustStore(File _trustStore) { this.trustStore = _trustStore; return this; } /** * Password for truststore. * @param _trustStoreKey the trustStoreKey to set. */ public GrouperHttpClient assignTrustStorePassword(String _trustStoreKey) { this.trustStorePassword = _trustStoreKey; return this; } public GrouperHttpClient assignHttpResponseBodyCallback( GrouperHttpResponseBodyCallback httpResponseBodyCallback) { this.httpResponseBodyCallback = httpResponseBodyCallback; return this; } /** * @param filename The name of the file to send. * @param file The file to send. */ public GrouperHttpClient addFileToSend(String filename, File file) { // Can't set both filesToSend and a body in the same call if((this.body != null && !this.body.trim().isEmpty()) || (this.bodyBytes != null)) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set both FilesToSend and Body in the same http call"); } if(this.filesToSend == null) { this.filesToSend = new HashMap<>(); } this.filesToSend.put(filename, file); return this; } /** * Any headers sent back in the resopnse. * @return the responseHeaders */ public Map getResponseHeaders() { return this.responseHeaders; } /** * Any headers (lower case) sent back in the resopnse. * @return the responseHeadersLower */ public Map getResponseHeadersLower() { return this.responseHeadersLower; } /** * Any headers sent back in the resopnse. * @param _responseHeaders the responseHeaders to set */ public GrouperHttpClient assignResponseHeaders(Map _responseHeaders) { this.responseHeaders = _responseHeaders; this.responseHeadersLower = _responseHeaders == null ? null : new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String name : GrouperUtil.nonNull(_responseHeaders).keySet()) { this.responseHeadersLower.put(name.toLowerCase(), _responseHeaders.get(name)); } return this; } /** * Use to override HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE which is the default. * @param _httpMultipartMode the httpMultipartMode to set */ public GrouperHttpClient assignHttpMultipartMode(HttpMultipartMode _httpMultipartMode) { this.httpMultipartMode = _httpMultipartMode; return this; } /** * Whether you want the response as a file as opposed to a string in memory. * @param _responseAsFile the responseAsFile to set, */ public GrouperHttpClient assignResponseAsFile(boolean _responseAsFile) { this.responseAsFile = _responseAsFile; return this; } /** * If getting the reponse body as a file, this is the file. * @return the responseFile. */ public File getResponseFile() { return this.responseFile; } /** * If getting the reponse body as a file, this is the file. * @param _responseFile the responseFile to set. */ public GrouperHttpClient assignResponseFile(File _responseFile) { this.responseFile = _responseFile; return this; } /** * The filename to use for the response, if the response is retrieved as a file. * @return the responseFileName */ public String getResponseFileName() { return this.responseFileName; } /** * The filename to use for the response, if the response is retrieved as a file. * @param _responseFileName the responseFileName to set */ public GrouperHttpClient assignResponseFileName(String _responseFileName) { this.responseFileName = _responseFileName; return this; } /** * Trust regardless of cert; ONLY use when you KNOW the endpoint. * @param _trust the trust to set */ public GrouperHttpClient assignTrust(boolean _trust) { = _trust; return this; } /** * Get the body of the response as a string. * @param httpMethod is the method. * @return the string. */ public static String responseBodyAsString(HttpMethod httpMethod){ String result = null; InputStream inputStream = null; try{ inputStream = httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); result = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); } catch (Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } return result; } /** * Get the body of the response as a string. * @param closeableHttpResponse is the response. * @return the string. */ public static String responseBodyAsString(CloseableHttpResponse closeableHttpResponse){ String result = null; InputStream inputStream = null; try{ inputStream = closeableHttpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); } catch (Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } return result; } /** * Create a basic authentication string. * @param login is the login. * @param password is the password. * @return "Basic login:password" where login:password is Base64 encoded. */ public static String basicAuthenticationString(String login, String password){ String basicBase64 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64((login + ":" + password).getBytes())); return "Basic " + basicBase64; } private static Map customTrustStoreClient = new HashMap<>(); /** * Get a custom ClosableHttpClient that uses a truststore with the truststore and password information in grouperHttpCall. * * @param grouperHttpCall The call. * @return A ClosableHttpClient with the custom truststore. * @throws Exception If there's a problem setting up the truststore or sslfactory */ private static CloseableHttpClient getCustomTrustStoreClient(File trustStore, String password, int retries) throws Exception { MultiKey clientKey = new MultiKey(trustStore, retries); CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient = customTrustStoreClient.get(clientKey); if (closeableHttpClient == null) { synchronized (GrouperHttpClient.class) { closeableHttpClient = customTrustStoreClient.get(clientKey); if (closeableHttpClient == null) { // Trust own CA and all self-signed certs SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContexts.custom() .loadTrustMaterial(trustStore, password == null ? "".toCharArray() : password.toCharArray(), new TrustSelfSignedStrategy()) .build(); // Allow TLSv1* protocol only SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslConnectionSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory( sslcontext, new String[] { "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2" }, null, new HostnameVerifier() { // Trust all of the hostnames @Override public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } } ); closeableHttpClient = httpClientBuilderDecorate(HttpClients.custom()).setRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(retries, false)).setSSLSocketFactory(sslConnectionSocketFactory).useSystemProperties().build(); boolean httpClientReuse = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueBoolean("httpClientReuse", true); if (httpClientReuse) { customTrustStoreClient.put(clientKey, closeableHttpClient); } } } } return closeableHttpClient; } /** * how many times to retry for a non fatal error on idempotent requests */ private int retries = 0; /** * how many times to retry for a non fatal error on idempotent requests * @param theRetries * @return retries */ public GrouperHttpClient assignRetries(int theRetries) { this.retries = theRetries; return this; } /** * timeout millis defaults to one hour */ private int timeoutMillis = 1000*60*60; public GrouperHttpClient assignTimeoutMillies(int theTimeoutMillies) { this.timeoutMillis = theTimeoutMillies; return this; } /** * implement this interface to have the grouper http client have the callback to set up the new authorization * if there's a retry or delay */ private GrouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization grouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization = null; /** * implement this interface to have the grouper http client have the callback to set up the new authorization * if there's a retry or delay */ public void setGrouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization( GrouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization grouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization) { this.grouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization = grouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization; } /** * implement this interface to customize to set custom condition on which you want to retry */ private GrouperHttpThrottlingCallback grouperHttpThrottlingCallback = null; /** * implement this interface to customize to set custom condition on which you want to retry */ public void setThrottlingCallback( GrouperHttpThrottlingCallback grouperHttpThrottlingCallback) { this.grouperHttpThrottlingCallback = grouperHttpThrottlingCallback; } /** * if there's a 429 or a connection timed out exception then delay for sometime and retry these many times. */ private int retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues = 5; /** * if there's a 429 or a connection timed out exception then delay for sometime and retry these many times. */ public void setRetryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues(int retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues) { this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues = retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues; } /** * if there's a 429 or a connection timed out exception then retry and sleep for these many millis */ private long retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis = 60*1000; // 1 min default /** * if there's a 429 or a connection timed out exception then retry and sleep for these many millis */ public void setRetryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis( long retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis) { this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis = retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis; } /** * if there's a 429 or a connection timed out exception then after each retry, add to the sleep these many millis */ private int retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis = 60*1000; // 1 min default /** * if there's a 429 or connection timed out exception then after each retry, add to the sleep these many millis */ public void setRetryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis( int retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis) { this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis = retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis; } /** * if there's a 429 or connection timed out then count how many times we retried for logging */ private int retryForThrottlingTimesItWasRetried = 0; /** * if there's a 429 or connection timed out then count how many times we retried for logging */ public int getRetryForThrottlingTimesItWasRetried() { return retryForThrottlingTimesItWasRetried; } /** *
Execute a post with the given parameters, set teh code and the response into the call.
  public GrouperHttpClient executeRequest() {
    int code = -1;
    this.retryForThrottlingTimesItWasRetried = 0;
    this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues = Math.max(0, retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues);
    this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis = Math.max(0, retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis);
    this.retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis = Math.max(0, retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis);
    for (int i=0; i < retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues+1; i++) {
      RuntimeException runtimeException = null;
      boolean retry = false;
      try {
        code = this.getResponseCode();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        String fullStackTrace = GrouperUtil.getFullStackTrace(e);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullStackTrace) && StringUtils.contains(fullStackTrace, "timed out")) {
          retry = true;
        runtimeException = new RuntimeException("Error connecting to '" + this.url + "'", e);
      if ( (code == 429 && this.grouperHttpThrottlingCallback == null) 
          || (this.grouperHttpThrottlingCallback != null && this.grouperHttpThrottlingCallback.setupThrottlingCallback(this))) {
        retry = true;
      if (i <= retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssues && retry) {

        // if the seconds are in the header, use that perhaps
        String retryAfterString = this.getResponseHeadersLower().get("retry-after");
        long sleepMillis = -1;
        try {
          if (!StringUtils.isBlank(retryAfterString)) {
            sleepMillis = (GrouperUtil.longValue(retryAfterString) * 1000) + 5000;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          // ignore, this might be a date format...
        // 1 min -> 2 mins -> 3 mins ->>>>
        long sleepMillisCalculated = retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesSleepMillis + (i * retryForThrottlingOrNetworkIssuesBackOffMillis);
        if (sleepMillis == -1) {
          sleepMillis = sleepMillisCalculated;
        } else {
          // dont sleep more than 20 minutes...
          sleepMillis = Math.min(sleepMillis, 20 * 60 * 1000);
        if (this.debugMapForCaller != null) {
          GrouperClientUtils.debugMapIncrementLogEntry(this.debugMapForCaller, "httpClient_ThrottleCount", 1);
      if (runtimeException != null) {
        throw runtimeException;
      if (!retry) {
    return this;
Execute a post with the given parameters, set teh code and the response into the call.
   * @param grouperHttpCall is the configuration object.
  private GrouperHttpClient executeRequestHelper(){

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // We default to post.
    if (this.grouperHttpMethod == null){

    // Get an http client.
    CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient;

    // retries
    // .setRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(10, false))
    // .disableAutomaticRetries();

    // See if we trust all.
    if ({

      closeableHttpClient = getTrustAllClient(this.retries); 
      // Check for custom truststore
    } else if(this.trustStore != null) {
      try {
        closeableHttpClient = this.getCustomTrustStoreClient(this.trustStore, this.trustStorePassword, this.retries);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error getting custom truststore ClosableHttpClient", e);
    } else {
      closeableHttpClient = getClient(this.retries);
    HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase = null;
    CloseableHttpResponse closeableHttpResponse = null;

      // Use multipart for post forms and files.
      MultipartEntityBuilder multipartEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();        
      boolean useMultipart = this.filesToSend != null && this.filesToSend.size() > 0;

      // put url params in the url
      if (this.urlParameters != null && this.urlParameters.size() > 0){

        String urlToUse = this.url;
        if (urlToUse.endsWith("?")) {
          urlToUse = urlToUse.substring(0, urlToUse.length()-1);
        boolean addQuestion = !urlToUse.contains("?");

        // Add params.
        boolean first = true;
        for (String key : this.urlParameters.keySet()){
          urlToUse = urlToUse + ((first && addQuestion) ? "?" : "&") + URLEncoder.encode(key, "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.urlParameters.get(key), "UTF-8");
          first = false;

        // Set the URL to the URl with quary params.


      // Create the request.
      httpRequestBase = this.grouperHttpMethod.newHttpMethod(this.url);

      // Set the authorization data
      if (this.user != null && this.password != null){
        String authenticationString = basicAuthenticationString(this.user, this.password); 
        httpRequestBase.addHeader("Authorization", authenticationString);

      if (grouperHttpClientSetupAuthorization != null) {
      // Add the params
      if (this.bodyParameters != null && this.bodyParameters.size() > 0){
        if(this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.get) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Body parameters cannot be used with GET!");
        // If we've got params and files, use multipart
        if(useMultipart) {
          for (String key : this.bodyParameters.keySet()){
            multipartEntityBuilder.addTextBody(key, this.bodyParameters.get(key));
          // Otherwise, do it normally
        } else {
          ArrayList postParams = new ArrayList<>();
          for (String key : this.bodyParameters.keySet()){
            postParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, this.bodyParameters.get(key)));
          ((HttpPost)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParams));

      // Add the files
      if(useMultipart) {
        if(this.grouperHttpMethod != && this.grouperHttpMethod != GrouperHttpMethod.patch) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Files may only be used with POST!");
        for (String key : this.filesToSend.keySet()){
          multipartEntityBuilder.addPart(key, new FileBody(this.filesToSend.get(key)));

      if (useMultipart && this.grouperHttpMethod =={
      } else if (useMultipart && this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.patch){

      // Add headers
      if (this.headers != null){
        for (String key : this.headers.keySet()){
          httpRequestBase.addHeader(key, this.headers.get(key));

      // Add body
      if (this.body != null){
        if (this.grouperHttpMethod =={
          ((HttpPost)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new StringEntity((this.body)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.patch){
          ((HttpPatch)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new StringEntity((this.body)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.put){
          ((HttpPut)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new StringEntity((this.body)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.delete){
          ((GrouperHttpDeleteWithBody)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new StringEntity((this.body)));
        } else {
          throw new RuntimeException("Request body may only be used with POST, PATCH or PUT!");
      } else if (this.bodyBytes != null){
        if (this.grouperHttpMethod =={
          ((HttpPost)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity((this.bodyBytes)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.patch){
          ((HttpPatch)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity((this.bodyBytes)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.put){
          ((HttpPut)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity((this.bodyBytes)));
        } else if (this.grouperHttpMethod == GrouperHttpMethod.delete){
          ((GrouperHttpDeleteWithBody)httpRequestBase).setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity((this.bodyBytes)));
        } else {
          throw new RuntimeException("Request body may only be used with POST, PATCH or PUT!");

      RequestConfig.Builder config = RequestConfig.custom()
      GrouperProxyBean grouperProxyBean = GrouperProxyBean.proxyConfig(this.proxyType, this.proxyUrl, this.url);

      if (grouperProxyBean != null) {
        HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(grouperProxyBean.getHostname(), grouperProxyBean.getPort(), grouperProxyBean.getScheme());

      // Execute the method.
      closeableHttpResponse = closeableHttpClient.execute(httpRequestBase);
      this.responseCode = closeableHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
      if (this.debugMapForCaller != null) {
        GrouperClientUtils.debugMapIncrementLogEntry(this.debugMapForCaller, "httpCode_" + this.responseCode, 1);
        GrouperClientUtils.debugMapIncrementLogEntry(this.debugMapForCaller, "wsCalls", 1);
        GrouperClientUtils.debugMapIncrementLogEntry(this.debugMapForCaller, "wsMillis", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

      if (closeableHttpResponse.getAllHeaders() != null){
        for (Header header : closeableHttpResponse.getAllHeaders()){
          this.getResponseHeaders().put(header.getName(), header.getValue());
          this.getResponseHeadersLower().put(header.getName().toLowerCase(), header.getValue());

      // Get the response.
      InputStream inputStream = null;
      FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
      // Apparently with a delete there is no content.
      if (this.grouperHttpMethod != GrouperHttpMethod.delete && closeableHttpResponse.getEntity() != null ) {
          inputStream = closeableHttpResponse.getEntity().getContent();
          if (this.responseAsFile){
            String fileName = this.getResponseFileName();
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(fileName)) {
              fileName = GrouperUtil.tmpDir(true) + "this_" + GrouperUtil.timestampToFileString(new Date()) + "_" + GrouperUtil.uniqueId() + ".txt";
            } else {
              if (!fileName.contains(File.separator)) {
                fileName = GrouperUtil.tmpDir(true) + "this_" + GrouperUtil.timestampToFileString(new Date()) + "_" + GrouperUtil.uniqueId() + "_" + fileName;
                if (!fileName.contains(".")) {
                  fileName = fileName + ".txt";
            File tempFile = new File(fileName);
            GrouperUtil.assertion(GrouperUtil.fileCreateNewFile(tempFile), "File exists: " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath());
            fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
            IOUtils.copy(inputStream, fileOutputStream);
          else {
        } catch (Exception e){
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {

      if (this.assertResponseCode != null) {
        if (this.assertResponseCode != this.responseCode) {
          StringBuilder responseBody = new StringBuilder();
          if (this.responseBodyHolder != null && this.responseBodyHolder.length() > 0 && !this.doNotLogResponseBody) {
            responseBody.append("\n").append(GrouperUtil.abbreviate(this.responseBodyHolder.toString(), 10000));
          if (this.responseFile != null) {
            responseBody.append("\nResponse file: ").append(this.responseFileName).append(", size: ")
              .append(this.responseFile == null ? "null" : this.responseFile.length()).append("\n");

          throw new RuntimeException("Expected response code: " + this.assertResponseCode + " but received response code: " + this.responseCode + responseBody);
      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(this.assertJsonPointer) || !StringUtils.isBlank(this.assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString)) {

        GrouperUtil.assertion(!StringUtils.isBlank(this.assertJsonPointer), "json pointer is required");
        GrouperUtil.assertion(!StringUtils.isBlank(this.assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString), "json pointer expected value is required");
        String value = GrouperUtil.jsonJacksonGetStringFromJsonPointer(this.jsonNode, this.assertJsonPointer);
        if (!StringUtils.equals(value, this.assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString)) {
          StringBuilder responseBody = new StringBuilder();
          if (this.responseBodyHolder != null && this.responseBodyHolder.length() > 0 && !this.doNotLogResponseBody) {
            responseBody.append("\n").append(GrouperUtil.abbreviate(this.responseBodyHolder.toString(), 10000));

          throw new RuntimeException("Expected json pointer value: '" + this.assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString + "' at path '" 
              + this.assertJsonPointer + "' but received value: '" + value + "'" + responseBody);
      return this;
    } catch (Exception e){
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally{

      if (closeableHttpResponse != null) {
      if (httpRequestBase != null) {
      if (closeableHttpResponse != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // ignore
      // dont close this, just close the methods.  the client is reused
      boolean httpClientReuse = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueBoolean("httpClientReuse", true);
      if (!httpClientReuse) {
        } catch (Throwable e){
      // do the logging
      try {
        GrouperHttpClientLog grouperHttpCallLog = threadLocalLog.get();
        if (grouperHttpCallLog != null || LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          StringBuilder theLog = new StringBuilder();
          theLog.append("HTTP method: ").append(this.grouperHttpMethod).append("\n");
          if (!this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("URL") && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("*")) {
            theLog.append("HTTP URL: ").append(this.url).append("\n");
          if (!StringUtils.isBlank(this.user) && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("user") && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("*")) {
            theLog.append("HTTP user: ").append(this.user).append("\n");
          for (String key: GrouperUtil.nonNull(this.headers).keySet()) {
            theLog.append("HTTP request header: ").append(key).append(": ");
            if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("Authorization", key)
                && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains(key)
                && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("*")) {
            } else {
          if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.body)) {
            theLog.append("HTTP request body: ");
            if (this.doNotLogRequestBody) {
            } else {
              theLog.append(StringUtils.abbreviate(this.body, 20000));
          for (String key : GrouperUtil.nonNull(this.bodyParameters).keySet()) {
            theLog.append("HTTP request body param: ").append(key).append(":");
            if (!key.toLowerCase().contains("pass")
                && !key.toLowerCase().contains("secret")
                && !this.getDoNotLogParameters().contains(key)
                && !this.getDoNotLogParameters().contains("*")) {
            } else {
          theLog.append("HTTP response code: ").append(this.responseCode).append(", took ms: ").append(System.currentTimeMillis() - start).append("\n");
          for (String key: GrouperUtil.nonNull(this.responseHeaders).keySet()) {
            theLog.append("HTTP response header: ").append(key).append(": ");
            if (!key.toLowerCase().contains("cookie")
                && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains(key)
                && !this.getDoNotLogHeaders().contains("*")) {
            } else {
          if (this.responseBodyHolder != null && this.responseBodyHolder.length() > 0 && !this.doNotLogResponseBody) {
            theLog.append(GrouperUtil.abbreviate(this.responseBodyHolder.toString(), 3000)).append("\n");
          if (this.responseFile != null) {
            theLog.append("Response file: ").append(this.responseFileName).append(", size: ")
              .append(this.responseFile == null ? "null" : this.responseFile.length()).append("\n");
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          if (grouperHttpCallLog != null) {

      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("error in http logging", e);

  private static Map clients = new HashMap<>();
  private static HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilderDecorate(HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
    int httpClientMaxTotalPoolSize = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueInt("httpClientMaxTotalPoolSize", 100);
    int httpClientDefaultMaxPerRoute = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueInt("httpClientDefaultMaxPerRoute", 30);
    // use the timeout of server, or if not found, use 5 seconds
    final ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy myStrategy = new ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy() {

      public long getKeepAliveDuration(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) {
        Args.notNull(response, "HTTP response");  
        HeaderElementIterator it = new BasicHeaderElementIterator(response.headerIterator(HTTP.CONN_KEEP_ALIVE));
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          HeaderElement he = it.nextElement();
          String param = he.getName();
          String value = he.getValue();
          if (value != null && param.equalsIgnoreCase("timeout")) {
            try {
                return Long.parseLong(value) * 1000;
            } catch(NumberFormatException ignore) {
        return 5000;

    return httpClientBuilder;
  private static CloseableHttpClient getClient(int retries) {
    CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient = clients.get(retries);
    if (closeableHttpClient == null) {
      synchronized (GrouperHttpClient.class) {
        closeableHttpClient = clients.get(retries);
        if (closeableHttpClient == null) {
          closeableHttpClient = httpClientBuilderDecorate(HttpClientBuilder.create()).setRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(retries, false)).useSystemProperties().build();
          boolean httpClientReuse = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueBoolean("httpClientReuse", true);
          if (httpClientReuse) {
            clients.put(retries, closeableHttpClient);
    return closeableHttpClient;

  private static Map trustAllClients = new HashMap<>();
  private static CloseableHttpClient getTrustAllClient(int retries) {
    CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient = trustAllClients.get(retries);
    if (closeableHttpClient == null) {
      synchronized (GrouperHttpClient.class) {
        closeableHttpClient = trustAllClients.get(retries);
        if (closeableHttpClient == null) {
          TrustStrategy trustStrategy = new TrustStrategy() {
            public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) throws CertificateException {
              return true;
          // Trust all, ONLY use for connections you are sure of.
          SSLContextBuilder builder = new SSLContextBuilder();
          try {
            builder.loadTrustMaterial(null, trustStrategy);
            SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslsf = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(, SSLConnectionSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER);
            closeableHttpClient = httpClientBuilderDecorate(HttpClients.custom()).setRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(retries, false)).setSSLSocketFactory(sslsf).useSystemProperties().build();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
          boolean httpClientReuse = GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueBoolean("httpClientReuse", true);
          if (httpClientReuse) {
            trustAllClients.put(retries, closeableHttpClient);
    return closeableHttpClient;

  private static ThreadLocal threadLocalLog = new InheritableThreadLocal();

   * get the current log
   * log start
  public static GrouperHttpClientLog logCurrent() {
    GrouperHttpClientLog grouperHttpCallLog = threadLocalLog.get();
    return grouperHttpCallLog;

   * stop a debug log in a finally block
   * @return the log message
  public static String logEnd() {
    GrouperHttpClientLog grouperHttpCallLog = threadLocalLog.get();
    StringBuilder log = grouperHttpCallLog == null ? null : grouperHttpCallLog.getLog();
    return log == null ? null : log.toString();

   * start a static debug log
   * log start
  public static boolean logStart(GrouperHttpClientLog grouperHttpCallLog) {
    if (threadLocalLog.get() != null ) {
      return false;
    return true;


   * debug map for caller
  private Map debugMapForCaller;

   * debug map for timing and result code
   * @param debugMap
   * @return this for chaining
  public GrouperHttpClient assignDebugMap(Map debugMap) {
    this.debugMapForCaller = debugMap;
    return this;

   * json node of response
  private JsonNode jsonNode;
   * get the json node of the response (generate if not there already)
   * @return the json node
  public JsonNode retrieveJsonNode() {
    if (this.jsonNode != null) {
      return this.jsonNode;
    this.jsonNode = GrouperUtil.jsonJacksonNode(this.getResponseBody());
    return this.jsonNode;
   * make sure there is a certain response code
  private Integer assertResponseCode = null;
   * if the response code is not this, then exception and log response
   * @param expectedCode
   * @return this for chaining
  public GrouperHttpClient assignAssertResponseCode(int expectedCode) {
    this.assertResponseCode = expectedCode;
    return this;

   * check a json pointer for a value to see if request is success.
   * note that the parsed JsonNode is available too
  private String assertJsonPointer = null;
   * check a json pointer for a value to see if request is success.
   * note that the parsed JsonNode is available too.
   * json pointer e.g. /a/b/c
   * @param assertJsonPointer1
   * @return this for chaining
  public GrouperHttpClient assignAssertJsonPointer(String assertJsonPointer1) {
    this.assertJsonPointer = assertJsonPointer1;
    return this;

   * check a json pointer e.g. /a/b/c and see if it equals this value, if not, exception
  private String assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString = null;
   * if the response code is not this, then exception and log response
   * @param assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString1
   * @return this for chaining
  public GrouperHttpClient assignAssertJsonPointerExpectedValueString(String assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString1) {
    this.assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString = assertJsonPointerExpectedValueString1;
    return this;


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