edu.isi.nlp.UnicodeFriendlyString Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.isi.nlp;
import edu.isi.nlp.strings.offsets.CharOffset;
import edu.isi.nlp.strings.offsets.OffsetRange;
import edu.isi.nlp.strings.offsets.UTF16Offset;
* A wrapper for {@link String} which makes it easier (and more efficient) not to make errors in the
* presence of Unicode codepoints outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).
* Java internally uses a UTF-16 String representations. In this encoding, the vast majority of
* commonly used Unicode codepoints are represented by a single {@code char}. However, there are
* many Unicode codepoints which require two {@code char}s (perhaps most importantly emojis in
* Twitter and discussion forum texts). These multi-char characters will cause discrepancies between
* Java {@code char} offsets and lengths and Unicode codepoint offsets and length. Unfortunately,
* many of our evaluations require us to work with Unicode codepoint offsets and the presence of
* multi-char characters can lead to incorrect offsets throughout a document when used with naive
* Java code. Using this class to wrap all strings coming from documents can help prevent such
* errors.
Do not attempt to create a {@code UnicodeFriendlyString} directly. Instead apply {@link
* StringUtils#unicodeFriendly(String)} to a Java {@link String}.
Equality between {@code UnicodeFriendlyString}s is determined by equality of {@link
* #utf16CodeUnits()}. {@link #hashCode()} is defined to be the hash code of the {@link
* #utf16CodeUnits()}.
public interface UnicodeFriendlyString {
/** Does this string actually contain a character outside the BMP? */
boolean hasNonBmpCharacter();
* Are any of the characters in the specified range of code point offsets in this string outside
* the BMP?
boolean hasNonBmpCharacter(OffsetRange codepointOffsetRange);
/** The representation of this String in UTF-16, Java's native form */
String utf16CodeUnits();
* The size of the representation of this string in UTF-16, Java's native form. This will equal
* {@link #utf16CodeUnits()}'s {@link String#length()}.
int lengthInUtf16CodeUnits();
* The number of Unicode code points in this string. This will differ from {@link
* #lengthInUtf16CodeUnits()} if and only if non-BMP characters are present.
int lengthInCodePoints();
/** Returns the Unicode codepoint at the given codepoint index. */
int codepointAtCodepointIndex(CharOffset codepointIdx);
* Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix. Always returns {@code true} for if the
* argument is the empty string.
boolean startsWith(UnicodeFriendlyString ufs);
* Tests if the substring of this string beginning at the specified index starts with the
* specified prefix. Always returns {@code true} for if the argument is the empty string.
boolean startsWith(UnicodeFriendlyString ufs, CharOffset offset);
* Returns the substring, in terms of code point offsets, starting at {@code
* startCodepointInclusive} and continuing to the end of the string.
UnicodeFriendlyString substringByCodePoints(CharOffset startCodepointInclusive);
* Returns the substring, in terms of code point offsets, starting at {@code
* startCodepointInclusive} and continuing up to (but not including) {@code
* endCodepointExclusive}.
UnicodeFriendlyString substringByCodePoints(
CharOffset startCodepointInclusive, CharOffset endCodepointExclusive);
* Returns the substring, in terms of code point offsets, covering the specified (inclusive) range
* of code points.
UnicodeFriendlyString substringByCodePoints(OffsetRange codePointRange);
boolean isEmpty();
/** Returns a copy of this string with whitespace trimmed from either end. */
UnicodeFriendlyString trim();
boolean contains(UnicodeFriendlyString other);
boolean contains(String otherCodeUnits);
* Returns the {@link CharOffset} for the first occurrence of {@code other} within this {@link
* UnicodeFriendlyString}. If {@code other} does not occur as a substring, {@link
* Optional#absent()} is returned. Plain {@link String} codePointIndexOf() methods are not
* supported to restrict users from accidentally calling a substring with a naive {@link
* String#length()} as that length will be in UTF16 offsets and not behave correctly with this
* interface when used with non-BMP characters.
Optional codePointIndexOf(UnicodeFriendlyString other);
* Returns the {@link CharOffset} for the first occurrence of {@code other} within this {@link
* UnicodeFriendlyString} which beings at or after {@code startIndex}. If {@code other} does not
* occur as a substring, {@link Optional#absent()} is returned. Plain {@link String}
* codePointIndexOf() methods are not supported to restrict users from accidentally calling a
* substring with a naive {@link String#length()} as that length will be in UTF16 offsets and not
* behave correctly with this interface when used with non-BMP characters.
Optional codePointIndexOf(UnicodeFriendlyString other, CharOffset startIndex);
* Process each codepoint of this string with a {@link CodePointProcessor}. This is how you should
* replace things which would be for loops over the indices of a regular {@link String}.
void processCodePoints(CodePointProcessor codePointProcessor);
/** Gets the codepoint index of a code unit offset */
CharOffset codepointIndex(UTF16Offset offset);
* Something which can process the code points of a string and produce some result. Note that in
* many cases it is easier to create an anonymous {@link NoResultCodePointProcessor} and ignore
* {@link #getResult()}.
interface CodePointProcessor {
void processCodepoint(UnicodeFriendlyString s, CharOffset codePointOffset, int codePoint);
T getResult();
* A {@link CodePointProcessor} useful for making anonymous {@code CodePointProcessors} which feed
* their output directly into local variables in a method and doesn't bother with {@link
* #getResult()}.
abstract class NoResultCodePointProcessor implements CodePointProcessor {
public final Void getResult() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Should not call getResult on " + "a NoResultCodePointProcessor");