edu.isi.nlp.evaluation.SummaryConfusionMatrices Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.isi.nlp.evaluation;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import edu.isi.nlp.StringUtils;
import edu.isi.nlp.primitives.DoubleUtils;
import edu.isi.nlp.symbols.Symbol;
import edu.isi.nlp.symbols.SymbolUtils;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Utilities for working with {@link SummaryConfusionMatrix}es. In particular, to build a {@link
* SummaryConfusionMatrix}, use {@link #builder()}.
* Other useful things: computing F-measures ({@link #FMeasureVsAllOthers(SummaryConfusionMatrix,
* Symbol)}) and pretty-printing ({@link #prettyPrint(SummaryConfusionMatrix)}.
* @author rgabbard
public final class SummaryConfusionMatrices {
private SummaryConfusionMatrices() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static String prettyPrint(SummaryConfusionMatrix m, Ordering labelOrdering) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (final Symbol key1 : labelOrdering.sortedCopy(m.leftLabels())) {
for (final Symbol key2 : labelOrdering.sortedCopy(m.rightLabels())) {
sb.append(String.format("%s / %s: %6.2f\n", key1, key2, m.cell(key1, key2)));
return sb.toString();
public static String prettyDelimPrint(final SummaryConfusionMatrix m, final String delimiter) {
return prettyDelimPrint(m, delimiter, SymbolUtils.byStringOrdering());
public static String prettyDelimPrint(
final SummaryConfusionMatrix m,
final String delimiter,
final Ordering labelOrdering) {
final Joiner delimJoiner = Joiner.on(delimiter);
final ImmutableList.Builder lines = ImmutableList.builder();
final List rowLabels = labelOrdering.sortedCopy(m.leftLabels());
final List columnLabels = labelOrdering.sortedCopy(m.rightLabels());
// Create header
final ImmutableList.Builder header = ImmutableList.builder();
header.addAll(Iterables.transform(columnLabels, SymbolUtils.desymbolizeFunction()));
// Output each line
for (final Symbol rowLabel : rowLabels) {
final ImmutableList.Builder row = ImmutableList.builder();
for (final Symbol columnLabel : columnLabels) {
row.add(String.format("%.2f", m.cell(rowLabel, columnLabel)));
// Return all lines
return StringUtils.unixNewlineJoiner().join(;
public static String prettyPrint(SummaryConfusionMatrix m) {
return prettyPrint(m, SymbolUtils.byStringOrdering());
public static final FMeasureCounts FMeasureVsAllOthers(
SummaryConfusionMatrix m, final Symbol positiveSymbol) {
return FMeasureVsAllOthers(m, ImmutableSet.of(positiveSymbol));
public static final FMeasureCounts FMeasureVsAllOthers(
SummaryConfusionMatrix m, final Set positiveSymbols) {
double truePositives = 0;
for (final Symbol goodSymbol : positiveSymbols) {
for (final Symbol goodSymbol2 : positiveSymbols) {
truePositives += m.cell(goodSymbol, goodSymbol2);
double falsePositives = -truePositives;
double falseNegatives = -truePositives;
for (final Symbol goodSymbol : positiveSymbols) {
falsePositives += m.rowSum(goodSymbol);
falseNegatives += m.columnSum(goodSymbol);
return FMeasureCounts.fromTPFPFN(truePositives, falsePositives, falseNegatives);
* Returns accuracy, which is defined as the sum of the cells of the form (X,X) over the sum of
* all cells. If the sum is 0, 0 is returned. To pretty-print this you probably want to multiply
* by 100.
public static final double accuracy(SummaryConfusionMatrix m) {
final double total = m.sumOfallCells();
double matching = 0.0;
for (final Symbol key : Sets.intersection(m.leftLabels(), m.rightLabels())) {
matching += m.cell(key, key);
return DoubleUtils.XOverYOrZero(matching, total);
* Returns the maximum accuracy that would be achieved if a single classification were selected
* for all instances.
public static final double chooseMostCommonRightHandClassAccuracy(SummaryConfusionMatrix m) {
final double total = m.sumOfallCells();
double max = 0.0;
for (final Symbol right : m.rightLabels()) {
max = Math.max(max, m.columnSum(right));
return DoubleUtils.XOverYOrZero(max, total);
public static final double chooseMostCommonLeftHandClassAccuracy(SummaryConfusionMatrix m) {
final double total = m.sumOfallCells();
double max = 0.0;
for (final Symbol left : m.leftLabels()) {
max = Math.max(max, m.rowSum(left));
return DoubleUtils.XOverYOrZero(max, total);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* To build a {@link SummaryConfusionMatrix}, call {@link SummaryConfusionMatrices#builder()}. On
* the returned object, call {@link #accumulatePredictedGold(Symbol, Symbol, double)} to record
* the number of times a system response corresponds to a gold standard responses for some item.
* Typically the double value will be 1.0 unless you are using fractional counts for some reason.
* When done, call {@link #build()} to get a {@link SummaryConfusionMatrix}.
public static class Builder {
private final Table table = HashBasedTable.create();
public Builder accumulate(final SummaryConfusionMatrix matrix) {
return this;
public Builder accumulate(final Symbol row, final Symbol col, final double val) {
final Double cur = table.get(row, col);
final double setVal;
if (cur != null) {
setVal = cur + val;
} else {
setVal = val;
table.put(row, col, setVal);
return this;
* This is just an alias for accumulate. However, since the F-measure functions assume the
* predictions are on the rows and the gold-standard on the columns, using this method in such
* cases and make the code clearer and reduce errors.
public Builder accumulatePredictedGold(
final Symbol prediction, final Symbol gold, final double val) {
accumulate(prediction, gold, val);
return this;
public SummaryConfusionMatrix build() {
// first attemtp the more efficient implementation for the common binary case
final Optional binaryImp =
if (binaryImp.isPresent()) {
return binaryImp.get();
} else {
return new TableBasedSummaryConfusionMatrix(table);
public static final Function Build =
new Function() {
public SummaryConfusionMatrix apply(Builder input) {
private Builder() {}
// here be implementation details users don't need to be concerned with
class TableBasedSummaryConfusionMatrix implements SummaryConfusionMatrix {
private final Table table;
public double cell(final Symbol row, final Symbol col) {
final Double ret = table.get(row, col);
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
} else {
return 0.0;
/** The left-hand labels of the confusion matrix. */
public Set leftLabels() {
return table.rowKeySet();
/** The right hand labels of the confusion matrix. */
public Set rightLabels() {
return table.columnKeySet();
TableBasedSummaryConfusionMatrix(final Table table) {
this.table = ImmutableTable.copyOf(table);
checkArgument(all(table.values(), x -> x >= 0));
public double sumOfallCells() {
return DoubleUtils.sum(table.values());
public double rowSum(Symbol rowSymbol) {
return DoubleUtils.sum(table.row(rowSymbol).values());
public double columnSum(Symbol columnSymbol) {
return DoubleUtils.sum(table.column(columnSymbol).values());
public SummaryConfusionMatrix filteredCopy(CellFilter filter) {
final SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder ret = SummaryConfusionMatrices.builder();
for (final Table.Cell cell : table.cellSet()) {
if (filter.keepCell(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey())) {
ret.accumulate(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue());
public SummaryConfusionMatrix copyWithTransformedLabels(Function f) {
final SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder ret = SummaryConfusionMatrices.builder();
for (final Table.Cell cell : table.cellSet()) {
ret.accumulate(f.apply(cell.getRowKey()), f.apply(cell.getColumnKey()), cell.getValue());
public void accumulateTo(SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder builder) {
for (final Table.Cell cell : table.cellSet()) {
builder.accumulate(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue());
* The special case where there are only two labels is very common, so we provide a much more
* efficient implementation for it. This makes a noticeable difference when e.g. doing bootstrap
* sampling with many different score breakdowns.
class BinarySummaryConfusionMatrix implements SummaryConfusionMatrix {
private final Symbol key0;
private final Symbol key1;
private final double[] data;
private static final int NOT_PRESENT = -1;
BinarySummaryConfusionMatrix(Symbol key0, Symbol key1, double[] data) {
checkArgument(key0 != key1);
checkArgument(data.length == 4);
this.key0 = checkNotNull(key0);
this.key1 = checkNotNull(key1);
// no defensive copy because we control where this comes from = checkNotNull(data);
public static boolean canUseFor(Table table) {
return table.rowKeySet().size() == 2 && table.rowKeySet().equals(table.columnKeySet());
public static Optional attemptCreate(
Table table) {
if (canUseFor(table)) {
final Iterator keyIt = table.rowKeySet().iterator();
final Symbol key0 =;
final Symbol key1 =;
return Optional.of(
new BinarySummaryConfusionMatrix(
new double[] {
cell(table, key0, key0),
cell(table, key0, key1),
cell(table, key1, key0),
cell(table, key1, key1)
} else {
return Optional.absent();
private static double cell(Table table, Symbol row, Symbol col) {
final Double val = table.get(row, col);
if (val != null) {
return val;
} else {
return 0.0;
public double cell(Symbol row, Symbol col) {
int rowIdx = keyIndex(row);
int colIdx = keyIndex(col);
if (rowIdx == NOT_PRESENT || colIdx == NOT_PRESENT) {
return 0.0;
return data[2 * rowIdx + colIdx];
public void accumulateTo(SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder builder) {
builder.accumulate(key0, key0, data[0]);
builder.accumulate(key0, key1, data[1]);
builder.accumulate(key1, key0, data[2]);
builder.accumulate(key1, key1, data[3]);
private int keyIndex(Symbol sym) {
if (sym == key0) {
return 0;
} else if (sym == key1) {
return 1;
} else {
public Set leftLabels() {
return ImmutableSet.of(key0, key1);
public Set rightLabels() {
return ImmutableSet.of(key0, key1);
public double sumOfallCells() {
return DoubleUtils.sum(data);
public double rowSum(Symbol row) {
int rowIdx = keyIndex(row);
if (NOT_PRESENT == rowIdx) {
return 0.0;
return data[2 * rowIdx] + data[2 * rowIdx + 1];
public double columnSum(Symbol column) {
int colIdx = keyIndex(column);
if (NOT_PRESENT == colIdx) {
return 0.0;
return data[colIdx] + data[colIdx + 2];
public SummaryConfusionMatrix filteredCopy(CellFilter filter) {
final SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder builder = SummaryConfusionMatrices.builder();
for (final Symbol left : leftLabels()) {
for (final Symbol right : rightLabels()) {
if (filter.keepCell(left, right)) {
builder.accumulate(left, right, cell(left, right));
public SummaryConfusionMatrix copyWithTransformedLabels(Function f) {
final SummaryConfusionMatrices.Builder builder = SummaryConfusionMatrices.builder();
for (final Symbol left : leftLabels()) {
for (final Symbol right : rightLabels()) {
builder.accumulate(f.apply(left), f.apply(right), cell(left, right));