edu.isi.nlp.parameters.serifstyle.SerifStyleParameterFileLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.isi.nlp.parameters.serifstyle;
import edu.isi.nlp.IsiNlpImmutable;
import edu.isi.nlp.StringUtils;
import edu.isi.nlp.parameters.ParameterFileLoader;
import edu.isi.nlp.parameters.Parameters;
import edu.isi.nlp.parameters.exceptions.ParseFailureException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A class for parsing Serif-style parameter files to Map
* Serif-style parameter files contain lines like:
* key: value
* If key has already been defined, the line must have the the OVERRIDE
prefix like:
* OVERRIDE key: value
* You may include other parameter files with relative or absolute paths as follows:
* INCLUDE foo/bar.params
* INCLUDE /home/bob/foo.params
* You may use the value of previously defined parameters in defining other parameters like this:
* foo: /home/bob
* bar: %foo%/data.dat
* Lines prefixed with #
are treated as comments.
* If {@link #interpolateEnvironmentalVariables()} is enabled (default: false), then parameters
* can have environmental variables interpolate into their value. The environment will not be
* directly incorporated into the returned parameters. An parameter value defined in the parameter
* file will trump an environmental variable value.
* @author Ryan Gabbard
public abstract class SerifStyleParameterFileLoader implements ParameterFileLoader {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerifStyleParameterFileLoader.class);
* The standard behavior of BBN parameter files is to crash if a parameter file redefines an
* already defined parameter without explicitly specifying the OVERRIDE prefix. Sometimes this
* behavior is inconvenient, so this parameter provides a way to turn it off, and allow silent
* redefinition.
public boolean crashOnUndeclaredOverrides() {
return true;
public boolean interpolateEnvironmentalVariables() {
return false;
public static class Builder extends ImmutableSerifStyleParameterFileLoader.Builder {}
/** Parses a BBN-style parameter file to a Map. */
public final Parameters load(final File configFile) throws IOException {
final Loading loading = new Loading();
return Parameters.fromMap(loading.ret);
abstract static class ParseIssue {
abstract ImmutableList includeStack();
abstract int line();
abstract String message();
final String toUserMessage() {
return "At " + Joiner.on(" -> ").join(includeStack()) + ":" + line() + ": " + message();
private static class UnrecoverableParseError extends RuntimeException {}
// class to encapsulate all the state during the loading of a file
private final class Loading {
final Map ret = new HashMap<>();
final List warnings = new ArrayList<>();
final List errors = new ArrayList<>();
final Map environmentalVariables = System.getenv();
private void topLoad(final File configFile) throws IOException {
try {
internalLoad(configFile, new Stack<>());
} catch (UnrecoverableParseError pfe) {
// if a PFE was thrown, an error should have gotten added to
// the errors list and will be reported below
for (final ParseIssue warning : warnings) {
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
final List messages = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ParseIssue error : errors) {
throw new ParseFailureException(StringUtils.unixNewlineJoiner().join(messages));
private void internalLoad(final File configFile, Stack includeStack) throws IOException {
final File absConfigFile = configFile.getAbsoluteFile();"Loading parameter file {}", absConfigFile);
int i = 1;
for (String line : Files.readLines(absConfigFile, Charsets.UTF_8)) {
if (line.startsWith("INCLUDE ")) {
if (line.length() < 9) {
.message("INCLUDE must be followed by a filename: " + line)
throw new UnrecoverableParseError();
// Fix our slashes if we are on Windows
if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {
line = line.replace("/", File.separator);
// Check if we have any interpolation
line = interpolateLine(line, includeStack, i);
final String includedFilename = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1);
File includedFile = new File(includedFilename);
if (!includedFile.isAbsolute()) {
final File curDir = absConfigFile.getParentFile();
includedFile = new File(curDir, includedFilename); // relative path
internalLoad(includedFile, includeStack);
} else //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if ((line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(0) == '#') || line.isEmpty()) {
// comment, do nothing
} else if (line.startsWith("UNSET ")) {
final String key = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1).trim();
} else {
boolean override = false;
if (line.startsWith("OVERRIDE ")) {
if (line.length() < 10) {
.message("OVERRIDE must be followed by a parameter setting: " + line)
throw new UnrecoverableParseError();
line = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1);
override = true;
// Check if we have any interpolation
line = interpolateLine(line, includeStack, i);
// we limit the split to 2 so we only split on the first :, since our parameters may
// themselves contain :s
final String[] parts = line.split(":", 2);
if (parts.length != 2 || parts[0].isEmpty() || parts[1].isEmpty()) {
.message("Lines must be of the format key: value but got " + line)
throw new UnrecoverableParseError();
final String key = parts[0].trim();
final String value = parts[1].trim();
if (ret.containsKey(key) && !override) {
final ParseIssue issue =
.message("Attempting to override a parameter without OVERRIDE prefix: " + line)
if (crashOnUndeclaredOverrides()) {
} else {
ret.put(key, value);
private String interpolateLine(String line, Stack includeStack, int curLine) {
boolean changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
final Matcher matcher = INTERPOLATE_REGEX.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
final String key =;
String value = ret.get(key);
// if requested, try to interpolate from environmental variables, but only if
// the user hasn't explicitly defined the variable.
if (value == null
&& interpolateEnvironmentalVariables()
&& environmentalVariables.containsKey(key)) {
value = environmentalVariables.get(key);
if (value != null) {
line = line.replace("%" + + "%", value);
changed = true;
} else {
final StringBuilder msg =
new StringBuilder(
"Could not interpolate for " + key + ". Available parameters are " + ret);
if (interpolateEnvironmentalVariables()) {
msg.append(". Available environmental variables are ").append(environmentalVariables);
// we treat interpolation errors as recoverable
return line;
private static final Pattern INTERPOLATE_REGEX =
Pattern.compile("%((\\w|\\.)+)%", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);