Adjust the dates for the new term
When adjusting dates, you will be asked to provide the start and end dates
for the course you are importing and the current course. Canvas will use
this information to distribute events and assignments with due dates as
evenly as possible across the current course and keep them due on the same
day of the week as the original course. You'll also be given the option to
make day substitutions to adjust for changing class schedules, such as
moving all assignments with Monday due dates to Tuesdays.
Remove all dates
The following tools will have dates removed during the import process:
- Assignments (due, availability, and peer-review dates)
- Announcements (delayed post dates)
- Quizzes (due, availability, and show correct answers dates)
- Calendar events (start and end dates)
- Modules (unlock dates)
- Files (availability dates)
Leave dates as is; do not make any changes
Using this option, no date adjustments will happen at all after the
import process is completed.