edu.mines.jtk.dsp.Sampling Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2005, Colorado School of Mines and others.
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package edu.mines.jtk.dsp;
import static edu.mines.jtk.util.ArrayMath.*;
import edu.mines.jtk.util.Check;
* Sampling of one variable.
* Samplings are often used to represent independent variables for sampled
* functions. They describe the values at which a function is sampled. For
* efficiency, and to guarantee a unique mapping from sample value to
* function value, we restrict samplings to be strictly increasing. In other
* words, no two samples have equal value, and sample values increase with
* increasing sample index.
* Samplings are either uniform or non-uniform. Uniform samplings are
* represented by a sample count n, a sampling interval d, and a first
* sample value f. Non-uniform samplings are represented by an array of
* sample values.
* All sample values are computed and stored in double precision.
* This double precision can be especially important in uniform samplings,
* where the sampling interval d and first sample value f may be used to
* compute values for thousands of samples, in loops like this one:
* int n = sampling.getCount();
* double d = sampling.getDelta();
* double f = sampling.getFirst();
* double v = f;
* for (int i=0; i<n; ++i,v+=d) {
* // some calculation that uses the sample value v
* }
* In each iteration of the loop above, the sample value v is computed by
* accumulating the sampling interval d. This computation is fast, but it
* also yields rounding error that can grow quadratically with the number
* of samples n. If v were computed in single (float) precision, then this
* rounding error could exceed the sampling interval d for as few as
* n=10,000 samples.
* If accumulating in double precision is insufficient, a more accurate
* and more costly way to compute sample values is as follows:
* // ...
* double v = f;
* for (int i=0; i<n; ++i,v=f+i*d) {
* // some calculation that uses the sample value v
* }
* With this computation of sample values, rounding errors can grow only
* linearly with the number of samples n.
* Two samplings are considered equivalent if their sample values differ
* by no more than the sampling tolerance. This tolerance may be
* specified, as a fraction of the sampling interval, when a sampling is
* constructed. Alternatively, a default tolerance may be used. When
* comparing two samplings, the smaller of their tolerances is used.
* A sampling is immutable. New samplings can be constructed by applying
* various transformations (e.g., shifting) to an existing sampling, but
* an existing sampling cannot be changed. Therefore, multiple sampled
* functions can safely share the same sampling.
* @author Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines
* @version 2005.03.11
public class Sampling {
* A default fraction used to test for equivalent sample values.
* By default, if the difference between two sample values does not
* exceed this fraction of the sampling interval, then those values
* are considered equivalent. This default is used when a tolerance
* is not specified explicitly when a sampling is constructed.
public static final double DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-6;
* Constructs a uniform sampling with specified count. The sampling
* interval (delta) is 1.0, and the first sample value is 0.0.
* @param n the number (count) of samples; must be positive.
public Sampling(int n) {
* Constructs a uniform sampling with specified parameters.
* @param n the number (count) of samples; must be positive.
* @param d the sampling interval (delta); must be positive.
* @param f the first sample value.
public Sampling(int n, double d, double f) {
* Constructs a sampling with specified parameters.
* @param n the number (count) of samples; must be positive.
* @param d the sampling interval (delta); must be positive.
* @param f the first sample value.
* @param t the sampling tolerance, expressed as fraction of delta.
public Sampling(int n, double d, double f, double t) {
_n = n;
_d = d;
_f = f;
_v = null;
_t = t;
_td = _t*_d;
* Constructs a sampling from the specified array of values. The values
* must be strictly increasing.
* The constructed sampling may or may not be uniform, depending on the
* specified values and default sampling tolerance. If uniform (to within
* the default tolerance), then the array of values is discarded, and the
* sampling is represented by the count, sampling interval, and first
* sample value.
* @param v the array of sampling values; must have non-zero length.
public Sampling(double[] v) {
* Constructs a sampling from the specified array of values and tolerance.
* The values must be strictly increasing.
* The constructed sampling may or may not be uniform, depending on the
* specified values and tolerance. If uniform (to within the specified
* tolerance), then the array of values is discarded, and the sampling is
* represented by the count, sampling interval, and first sample value.
* @param v the array of sampling values; must have non-zero length.
* @param t the sampling tolerance, expressed as fraction of delta.
public Sampling(double[] v, double t) {
Check.argument(isIncreasing(v),"v is increasing");
_n = v.length;
_d = (_n<2)?1.0:(v[_n-1]-v[0])/(_n-1);
_f = v[0];
_t = t;
_td = _t*_d;
boolean uniform = true;
for (int i=0; i<_n && uniform; ++i) {
double vi = _f+i*_d;
if (!almostEqual(v[i],vi,_td))
uniform = false;
_v = (uniform)?null: copy(v);
* Gets the number of samples.
* @return the number of samples.
public int getCount() {
return _n;
* Gets the sampling interval. If not uniformly sampled, the sampling
* interval is the average difference between sample values.
* @return the sampling interval; 1.0, if fewer than two samples.
public double getDelta() {
return _d;
* Gets the first sample value.
* @return the first sample value.
public double getFirst() {
return _f;
* Gets the last sample value.
* @return the last sample value.
public double getLast() {
return (_v!=null)?_v[_n-1]:_f+(_n-1)*_d;
* Gets the sample value with specified index.
* @param i the index.
* @return the sample value.
public double getValue(int i) {
return value(i);
* Gets the sample values. If this sampling was constructed with an array
* of sample values, then the returned values are equivalent (equal to
* within the sampling tolerance) to the values in that array.
* @return the sample values; returned by copy, not by reference.
public double[] getValues() {
double[] v;
if (_v!=null) {
v = copy(_v);
} else {
v = new double[_n];
for (int i=0; i<_n; ++i)
v[i] = _f+i*_d;
return v;
* Determines whether this sampling is uniform. A sampling is uniform
* if its values can be computed, to within the sampling tolerance, by
* the expression v = f+i*d, for sampling indices i = 0, 1, ..., n-1.
* Samplings with only one sample are considered to be uniform.
* Note that, by this definition, samplings constructed with an array
* of sample values may or may not be uniform.
* @return true, if uniform; false, otherwise.
public boolean isUniform() {
return _v==null;
* Determines whether this sampling is equivalent to the specified sampling.
* Two samplings are equivalent if each of their sample values differs by
* no more than the sampling tolerance.
* @param s the sampling to compare to this sampling.
* @return true, if equivalent; false, otherwise.
public boolean isEquivalentTo(Sampling s) {
Sampling t = this;
if (t.isUniform()!=s.isUniform())
return false;
if (t.isUniform()) {
if (t.getCount()!=s.getCount())
return false;
double tiny = tinyWith(s);
double tf = t.getFirst();
double tl = t.getLast();
double sf = s.getFirst();
double sl = s.getLast();
return almostEqual(tf,sf,tiny) && almostEqual(tl,sl,tiny);
} else {
double tiny = tinyWith(s);
for (int i=0; i<_n; ++i) {
if (!almostEqual(_v[i],s.value(i),tiny))
return false;
return true;
* Determines whether this sampling is compatible with the specified sampling.
* Two samplings are incompatible if their ranges of sample values overlap,
* but not all values in the overlapping parts are equivalent. Otherwise,
* they are compatible.
* @param s the sampling to compare to this sampling.
* @return true, if compatible; false, otherwise.
public boolean isCompatible(Sampling s) {
Sampling t = this;
int nt = t.getCount();
int ns = s.getCount();
double tf = t.getFirst();
double sf = s.getFirst();
double tl = t.getLast();
double sl = s.getLast();
int it = 0;
int is = 0;
int jt = nt-1;
int js = ns-1;
if (tl0 && almostEqual(x,_v[j-1],_td)) {
i = j-1;
} else if (j<_n && almostEqual(x,_v[j],_td)) {
i = j;
return i;
* Returns the index of the sample nearest to the specified value.
* @param x the value.
* @return the index of the nearest sample.
public int indexOfNearest(double x) {
int i;
if (isUniform()) {
i = (int)Math.round((x-_f)/_d);
if (i<0)
i = 0;
if (i>=_n)
i = _n-1;
} else {
i = binarySearch(_v,x);
if (i<0) {
i = -(i+1);
if (i==_n) {
i = _n-1;
} else if (i>0 && Math.abs(x-_v[i-1])
* The ranges of sample values overlap, and all values in the overlapping
* parts are equivalent. In this case, the two samplings are compatible;
* and this method returns the array {n,it,is}, as described
* above.
* The ranges of sample values in the two samplings do not overlap.
* In this case, the two samplings are compatible; and this method
* returns either {0,nt,0} or {0,0,ns}, depending on whether all
* sample values in this sampling are less than or greater than
* those in the specified sampling, respectively.
* The ranges of sample values overlap, but not all values in the
* overlapping parts are equivalent. In this case, the two samplings
* are incompatible; and this method returns null.
* @param s the sampling to compare with this sampling.
* @return the array {n,it,is} that describes the overlap; null, if
* the specified sampling is incompatible with this sampling.
public int[] overlapWith(Sampling s) {
Sampling t = this;
int nt = t.getCount();
int ns = s.getCount();
double tf = t.getFirst();
double sf = s.getFirst();
double tl = t.getLast();
double sl = s.getLast();
int it = 0;
int is = 0;
int jt = nt-1;
int js = ns-1;
if (tl
* If the two samplings do not overlap, this method does not create
* samples within any gap that may exist between them. In other words,
* the number of samples in the sampling returned is exactly nt+ns-n,
* where nt is the number of samples in this sampling, ns is the number
* of samples in the specified sampling, and n is the number of samples
* with equivalent values in any overlapping parts of the two samplings.
* If the samplings do not overlap, then n = 0. One consequence of this
* behavior is that the union of two uniform samplings with the same
* sampling interval may be non-uniform.
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @see #overlapWith(Sampling)
* @param s the sampling to merge with this sampling.
* @return the merged sampling; null, if no merge is possible.
public Sampling mergeWith(Sampling s) {
Sampling t = this;
int[] overlap = t.overlapWith(s);
if (overlap==null)
return null;
int n = overlap[0];
int it = overlap[1];
int is = overlap[2];
int nt = t.getCount();
int ns = s.getCount();
int nm = nt+ns-n;
if (n>0 && t.isUniform() && s.isUniform()) {
double dm = t.getDelta();
double fm = (it==0)?s.getFirst():t.getFirst();
return new Sampling(nm,dm,fm);
} else {
double[] vm = new double[nm];
int jm = 0;
for (int jt=0; jt
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @param s the value (shift) to add to this sampling's values.
* @return the new sampling.
public Sampling shift(double s) {
if (_v==null) {
return new Sampling(_n,_d,_f+s,_t);
} else {
double[] v = new double[_n];
for (int i=0; i<_n; ++i)
v[i] = _v[i]+s;
return new Sampling(v,_t);
* Prepends samples to this sampling.
* If this sampling is not uniform, prepended sample values are computed
* to preserve the average difference between adjacent sample values.
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @param m the number of new samples prepended to this sampling.
* @return the new sampling.
public Sampling prepend(int m) {
int n = _n+m;
double f = _f-m*_d;
if (_v==null) {
return new Sampling(n,_d,f,_t);
} else {
double[] v = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @param m the number of new samples appended to this sampling.
* @return the new sampling.
public Sampling append(int m) {
int n = _n+m;
if (_v==null) {
return new Sampling(n,_d,_f,_t);
} else {
double[] v = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i<_n; ++i)
v[i] = _v[i];
for (int i=_n; i
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @param m the factor by which to decimate; must be positive.
* @return the new sampling.
public Sampling decimate(int m) {
int n = 1+(_n-1)/m;
if (_v==null) {
return new Sampling(n,m*_d,_f,_t);
} else {
double[] v = new double[n];
for (int i=0,j=0; i
* This method returns a new sampling; it does not modify this sampling.
* @param m the factor by which to interpolate.
* @return the new sampling.
public Sampling interpolate(int m) {
int n = _n+(_n-1)*(m-1);
if (_v==null) {
return new Sampling(n,_d/m,_f,_t);
} else {
double[] v = new double[n];
v[0] = _v[0];
for (int i=1,j=m; i<_n; ++i,j+=m) {
v[j] = _v[i];
double dk = (v[j]-v[j-m])/m;
double vk = v[j-m];
for (int k=j-m+1; k