edu.mines.jtk.sgl.ImagePanel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2006, Colorado School of Mines and others.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package edu.mines.jtk.sgl;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import edu.mines.jtk.awt.ColorMap;
import edu.mines.jtk.awt.ColorMapListener;
import edu.mines.jtk.dsp.Sampling;
import static edu.mines.jtk.ogl.Gl.*;
import edu.mines.jtk.ogl.GlTextureName;
import edu.mines.jtk.util.*;
import static edu.mines.jtk.util.MathPlus.max;
import static edu.mines.jtk.util.MathPlus.min;
* An axis-aligned panel that draws a 2D image of a slice of a 3D array.
* The corner points of the image panel's axis-aligned frame determines
* which slice of the 3D array is drawn.
* @author Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines
* @version 2006.06.04
public class ImagePanel extends AxisAlignedPanel {
* Constructs an image panel with default unit sampling for 3D array.
* @param f 3D array of floats.
public ImagePanel(float[][][] f) {
this(new Sampling(f[0][0].length),
new Sampling(f[0].length),
new Sampling(f.length),
* Constructs an image panel for specified sampling and 3D array.
* @param s1 sampling of 1st dimension (Z axis).
* @param s2 sampling of 2nd dimension (Y axis).
* @param s3 sampling of 3rd dimension (X axis).
* @param f 3D array of floats.
public ImagePanel(Sampling s1, Sampling s2, Sampling s3, float[][][] f) {
this(s1,s2,s3,new SimpleFloat3(f));
* Constructs an image panel for specified sampling and abstract 3D array.
* @param s1 sampling of 1st dimension (Z axis).
* @param s2 sampling of 2nd dimension (Y axis).
* @param s3 sampling of 3rd dimension (X axis).
* @param f abstract 3D array of floats.
public ImagePanel(Sampling s1, Sampling s2, Sampling s3, Float3 f) {
_sx = s3;
_sy = s2;
_sz = s1;
_f = f;
_clips = new Clips(_f);
* Notifies this panel that values in the referenced 3D array have changed.
public void update() {
_texturesDirty = true;
* Gets a box constraint for this panel. The constraint is consistent
* with the sampling of this image.
* @return the box constraint.
public BoxConstraint getBoxConstraint() {
return new BoxConstraint(_sx,_sy,_sz);
* Sets the index color model for this panel.
* The default color model is a black-to-white gray model.
* @param colorModel the index color model.
public void setColorModel(IndexColorModel colorModel) {
_texturesDirty = true;
* Gets the index color model for this panel.
* @return the index color model.
public IndexColorModel getColorModel() {
return _colorMap.getColorModel();
* Sets the clips for this panel. An image panel maps array values
* to bytes, which are then used as indices into a specified color
* model. This mapping from array values to byte indices is linear,
* and so depends on only these two clip values. The minimum clip
* value corresponds to byte index 0, and the maximum clip value
* corresponds to byte index 255. Array values outside of the range
* [clipMin,clipMax] are clipped to lie inside this range.
* Calling this method disables the computation of clips from percentiles.
* Any clip values computed or specified previously will be forgotten.
* @param clipMin the sample value corresponding to color model index 0.
* @param clipMax the sample value corresponding to color model index 255.
public void setClips(double clipMin, double clipMax) {
_texturesDirty = true;
* Gets the minimum clip value.
* @return the minimum clip value.
public float getClipMin() {
return _clips.getClipMin();
* Gets the maximum clip value.
* @return the maximum clip value.
public float getClipMax() {
return _clips.getClipMax();
* Sets the percentiles used to compute clips for this panel. The default
* percentiles are 0 and 100, which correspond to the minimum and maximum
* array values.
* Calling this method enables the computation of clips from percentiles.
* Any clip values specified or computed previously will be forgotten.
* @param percMin the percentile corresponding to clipMin.
* @param percMax the percentile corresponding to clipMax.
public void setPercentiles(double percMin, double percMax) {
_texturesDirty = true;
* Gets the minimum percentile.
* @return the minimum percentile.
public float getPercentileMin() {
return _clips.getPercentileMin();
* Gets the maximum percentile.
* @return the maximum percentile.
public float getPercentileMax() {
return _clips.getPercentileMax();
* Adds the specified color map listener.
* @param cml the listener.
public void addColorMapListener(ColorMapListener cml) {
* Removes the specified color map listener.
* @param cml the listener.
public void removeColorMapListener(ColorMapListener cml) {
// protected
protected void draw(DrawContext dc) {
// private
private Axis _axis; // axis orthogonal to plane of this panel
private Sampling _sx,_sy,_sz; // sampling of x, y, z axes
private Float3 _f; // 3D indexed floats
// Coordinate bounds.
private double _xmin,_ymin,_zmin; // minimum array coordinates
private double _xmax,_ymax,_zmax; // maximum array coordinates
// Clips.
private Clips _clips;
private float _clipMin = 0.0f;
private float _clipMax = 1.0f;
// Color map with default gray color model.
private ColorMap _colorMap = new ColorMap(_clipMin,_clipMax,ColorMap.GRAY);
// This panel can draw up to ns*nt samples sliced from nx*ny*nz samples
// of an array. The dimensions ns and nt are chosen from array dimensions
// nx, ny, and nz, depending on which axis of the array is orthogonal to
// the plane of this panel. Specifically,
// Axis.X: ns = ny, nt = nz
// Axis.Y: ns = nx, nt = nz
// Axis.Z: ns = nx, nt = ny
// The panel is drawn as a mosaic of ms*mt textures. The size of each
// textures is ls*lt samples, where ls and lt are powers of two. To
// enable seamless linear interpolation, these textures must overlap
// by one sample. For either the s or t dimensions, given l>3 and n,
// the number of textures in the panel is m = 1+(n-2)/(l-1).
// By convention, we index samples within the panel with ks and kt,
// textures within the panel by js and jt, and samples within each
// texture by is and it. In other words, index variables i, j, and k
// correspond to dimensions l, m, and n.
// Here is an example of indices k and j for l=4, m=3, and n=10:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sample index k
// 0 0 0 0 texture index j=0
// 1 1 1 1 texture index j=1
// 2 2 2 2 texture index j=2
// Note the one-sample overlap of the textures.
// The panel may or may not draw its entire mosaic of ms*mt textures.
// The corner points of the frame containing this panel determine the
// subset of the ms*mt textures drawn. For fast drawing, this panel
// maintains a cache of the required textures in an array[mt][ms].
// In this array, only those textures that are required for drawing
// are non-null.
// Sampling of panels and textures, as described above.
private int _ls,_lt; // numbers of samples per textures
private int _ms,_mt; // numbers of textures in panel
private int _ns,_nt; // numbers of samples in panel
private double _ds,_dt; // sampling intervals in panel
private double _fs,_ft; // first sample values in panel
// The texture cache; textures required for drawing are non-null.
private GlTextureName[][] _tn; // array[_mt][_ms] of texture names
private boolean _texturesDirty = true; // do textures need updating?
// The subset of samples that must be drawn depends on frame corner points.
private int _kxmin,_kymin,_kzmin; // min sample-in-array indices
private int _kxmax,_kymax,_kzmax; // max sample-in-array indices
private int _ksmin,_ktmin; // min sample-in-panel indices
private int _ksmax,_ktmax; // max sample-in-panel indices
private int _jsmin,_jtmin; // min texture-in-cache indices
private int _jsmax,_jtmax; // max texture-in-cache indices
// Used when creating/loading a texture.
private IntBuffer _pixels; // array[_lt][_ls] of image pixels for one texture
private float[][] _floats; // array[_ls][_lt] of image floats for one texture
* Update the clip min/max for this panel, if necessary.
private void updateClipMinMax() {
float clipMin = _clips.getClipMin();
float clipMax = _clips.getClipMax();
if (_clipMin!=clipMin || _clipMax!=clipMax) {
_clipMin = clipMin;
_clipMax = clipMax;
_texturesDirty = true;
private void drawTextures() {
// If parent is not a frame, do not know where to draw.
AxisAlignedFrame frame = getFrame();
if (frame==null)
// If necessary, update sampling.
Axis axis = frame.getAxis();
if (_axis!=axis)
// If necessary, update bounds and textures.
Point3 qmin = frame.getCornerMin();
Point3 qmax = frame.getCornerMax();
double xmin = qmin.x;
double ymin = qmin.y;
double zmin = qmin.z;
double xmax = qmax.x;
double ymax = qmax.y;
double zmax = qmax.z;
if (_xmin!=xmin || _ymin!=ymin || _zmin!=zmin ||
_xmax!=xmax || _ymax!=ymax || _zmax!=zmax)
// If necessary, update textures.
if (_texturesDirty)
// Prepare to draw textures.
// Push image(s) slightly below any lines we may draw on top.
float[] v = {0.0f};
glGetFloatv(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR,v,0); float factor = v[0];
glGetFloatv(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS,v,0); float units = v[0];
// Shift and scale factors for computing texture coordinates.
float sa = 0.5f/(float)_ls;
float ta = 0.5f/(float)_lt;
float sb = 1.0f/(float)_ls;
float tb = 1.0f/(float)_lt;
// Average of corner coordinates. (Will use only one of these.)
double xa = 0.5*(_xmin+_xmax);
double ya = 0.5*(_ymin+_ymax);
double za = 0.5*(_zmin+_zmax);
// For all textures in the cache, ...
for (int jt=_jtmin; jt<=_jtmax; ++jt) {
for (int js=_jsmin; js<=_jsmax; ++js) {
// Indices of samples needed for this texture.
int ks0 = js*(_ls-1);
int kt0 = jt*(_lt-1);
int ks1 = ks0+_ls-1;
int kt1 = kt0+_lt-1;
ks0 = max(_ksmin,ks0);
kt0 = max(_ktmin,kt0);
ks1 = min(_ksmax,ks1);
kt1 = min(_ktmax,kt1);
// Texture coordinates. In the example pictured here, we assume
// three textures (js = 0,1,2) with ls = 4. For each texture, the
// "|" correspond to texture coordinates 0.0 and 1.0. The "x"
// correspond to image samples, The s coordinate interval between
// image samples is 1.0/ls, and the s coordinate of the first image
// sample is 0.5/ls.
// ks: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// js=0: | x x x x |
// js=1: | x x x x |
// js=2: | x x x x |
float s0 = sa+(float)(ks0%(_ls-1))*sb;
float t0 = ta+(float)(kt0%(_lt-1))*tb;
float s1 = s0+(float)(ks1-ks0)*sb;
float t1 = t0+(float)(kt1-kt0)*tb;
// Draw the texture.
GlTextureName tn = _tn[jt][js];
if (_axis==Axis.X) {
double y0 = _fs+ks0*_ds;
double z0 = _ft+kt0*_dt;
double y1 = _fs+ks1*_ds;
double z1 = _ft+kt1*_dt;
glTexCoord2f(s0,t0); glVertex3d(xa,y0,z0);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t0); glVertex3d(xa,y1,z0);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t1); glVertex3d(xa,y1,z1);
glTexCoord2f(s0,t1); glVertex3d(xa,y0,z1);
} else if (_axis==Axis.Y) {
double x0 = _fs+ks0*_ds;
double z0 = _ft+kt0*_dt;
double x1 = _fs+ks1*_ds;
double z1 = _ft+kt1*_dt;
glTexCoord2f(s0,t0); glVertex3d(x0,ya,z0);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t0); glVertex3d(x1,ya,z0);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t1); glVertex3d(x1,ya,z1);
glTexCoord2f(s0,t1); glVertex3d(x0,ya,z1);
} else {
double x0 = _fs+ks0*_ds;
double y0 = _ft+kt0*_dt;
double x1 = _fs+ks1*_ds;
double y1 = _ft+kt1*_dt;
glTexCoord2f(s0,t0); glVertex3d(x0,y0,za);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t0); glVertex3d(x1,y0,za);
glTexCoord2f(s1,t1); glVertex3d(x1,y1,za);
glTexCoord2f(s0,t1); glVertex3d(x0,y1,za);
// Done with textures for now.
private void updateSampling(
Axis axis, Sampling sx, Sampling sy, Sampling sz)
int nx = sx.getCount();
int ny = sy.getCount();
int nz = sz.getCount();
double dx = sx.getDelta();
double dy = sy.getDelta();
double dz = sz.getDelta();
double fx = sx.getFirst();
double fy = sy.getFirst();
double fz = sz.getFirst();
_axis = axis;
_sx = sx;
_sy = sy;
_sz = sz;
_ls = 64;
_lt = 64;
if (_axis==Axis.X) {
_ns = ny;
_ds = dy;
_fs = fy;
_nt = nz;
_dt = dz;
_ft = fz;
} else if (_axis==Axis.Y) {
_ns = nx;
_ds = dx;
_fs = fx;
_nt = nz;
_dt = dz;
_ft = fz;
} else {
_ns = nx;
_ds = dx;
_fs = fx;
_nt = ny;
_dt = dy;
_ft = fy;
_ms = 1+(_ns-2)/(_ls-1);
_mt = 1+(_nt-2)/(_lt-1);
_tn = new GlTextureName[_mt][_ms];
_kxmin = 0; _kxmax = -1;
_kymin = 0; _kymax = -1;
_kzmin = 0; _kzmax = -1;
_ksmin = 0; _ksmax = -1;
_ktmin = 0; _ktmax = -1;
_jsmin = 0; _jsmax = -1;
_jtmin = 0; _jtmax = -1;
_pixels = Direct.newIntBuffer(_ls*_lt);
_floats = new float[_ls][_lt];
private void updateBoundsAndTextures(
double xmin, double ymin, double zmin,
double xmax, double ymax, double zmax)
_xmin = max(xmin,_sx.getFirst());
_ymin = max(ymin,_sy.getFirst());
_zmin = max(zmin,_sz.getFirst());
_xmax = min(xmax,_sx.getLast());
_ymax = min(ymax,_sy.getLast());
_zmax = min(zmax,_sz.getLast());
int kxmin = _sx.indexOfNearest(_xmin);
int kymin = _sy.indexOfNearest(_ymin);
int kzmin = _sz.indexOfNearest(_zmin);
int kxmax = _sx.indexOfNearest(_xmax);
int kymax = _sy.indexOfNearest(_ymax);
int kzmax = _sz.indexOfNearest(_zmax);
boolean stale;
if (_axis==Axis.X) {
stale = _kxmin!=kxmin;
_kxmin = kxmin;
_ksmin = _kymin = kymin;
_ktmin = _kzmin = kzmin;
_kxmax = kxmax;
_ksmax = _kymax = kymax;
_ktmax = _kzmax = kzmax;
} else if (_axis==Axis.Y) {
stale = _kymin!=kymin;
_ksmin = _kxmin = kxmin;
_kymin = kymin;
_ktmin = _kzmin = kzmin;
_ksmax = _kxmax = kxmax;
_kymax = kymax;
_ktmax = _kzmax = kzmax;
} else {
stale = _kzmin!=kzmin;
_ksmin = _kxmin = kxmin;
_ktmin = _kymin = kymin;
_kzmin = kzmin;
_ksmax = _kxmax = kxmax;
_ktmax = _kymax = kymax;
_kzmax = kzmax;
// New texture-in-cache index bounds.
int jsmin = _ksmin/(_ls-1);
int jtmin = _ktmin/(_lt-1);
int jsmax = max(0,_ksmax-1)/(_ls-1);
int jtmax = max(0,_ktmax-1)/(_lt-1);
// Stale textures are in the cache but no longer needed.
// Move stale textures from the cache to a stale list.
ArrayList staleList = new ArrayList();
for (int jt=_jtmin; jt<=_jtmax; ++jt) {
for (int js=_jsmin; js<=_jsmax; ++js) {
if (stale || js0) {
GlTextureName tn = staleList.remove(--nstale);
// Update texture-in-cache index bounds.
_jsmin = jsmin;
_jtmin = jtmin;
_jsmax = jsmax;
_jtmax = jtmax;
// Textures now clean.
_texturesDirty = false;
private void updateTextures() {
// Reload only those textures already cached.
for (int jt=_jtmin; jt<=_jtmax; ++jt) {
for (int js=_jsmin; js<=_jsmax; ++js) {
if (_tn[jt][js]!=null)
// Textures now clean.
_texturesDirty = false;
private void disposeTextures() {
if (_tn!=null) {
for (int jt=0; jt<_mt; ++jt) {
for (int js=0; js<_ms; ++js) {
GlTextureName tn = _tn[jt][js];
if (tn!=null)
_tn = null;
private GlTextureName makeTexture() {
GlTextureName tn = new GlTextureName();
return tn;
private void loadTexture(int js, int jt) {
int ks = js*(_ls-1);
int kt = jt*(_lt-1);
int ls = min(_ls,_ns-ks);
int lt = min(_lt,_nt-kt);
if (_axis==Axis.X) {
} else if (_axis==Axis.Y) {
} else if (_axis==Axis.Z) {
float fscale = 255.0f/(_clipMax-_clipMin);
float fshift = _clipMin;
IndexColorModel icm = _colorMap.getColorModel();
for (int is=0; is255.0f)
fi = 255.0f;
int i = (int)(fi+0.5f);
int r = icm.getRed(i);
int g = icm.getGreen(i);
int b = icm.getBlue(i);
int a = icm.getAlpha(i);
int p = (r&0xff)|((g&0xff)<<8)|((b&0xff)<<16)|((a&0xff)<<24);
GlTextureName tn = _tn[jt][js];