edu.nps.moves.disutil.DisTime Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.nps.moves.disutil;
import java.util.*;
* DIS time units are a pain in the ass. DIS time units are arbitrary, and set
* equal to 2^31 - 1 time units per hour. The DIS time is set to the number of
* time units since the start of the hour. The timestamp field in the PDU header
* is four bytes long and is specified to be an unsigned integer value.
* There are two types of official timestamps in the PDU header: absolute time
* and relative time. Absolute time is used when the host is sync'd to UTC, ie
* the host has access to UTC via Network Time Protocol (NTP). This time can be
* legitimately compared to the timestamp of packets received from other hosts,
* since they all refer to the same universal time.
* Relative timestamps are used when the host does NOT have access to NTP, and
* hence the system time might not be coordinated with that of other hosts. This
* means that a host receiving DIS packets from several hosts might have to set
* up a per-host table to order packets, and that the PDU timestamp fields from
* one host is not directly comparable to the PDU timestamp field from another
* host.
* Absolute timestamps have their LSB set to 1, and relative timestamps have
* their LSB set to 0. The idea is to get the current time since the top of the
* hour, divide by 2^31-1, shift left one bit, then set the LSB to either 0 for
* relative timestamps or 1 for absolute timestamps.
* The nature of the data is such that the timestamp fields will roll over once
* an hour, and simulations must be prepared for that. Ie, at the top of the
* hour outgoing PDUs will have a timestamp of 1, just before the end of the
* hour the PDUs will have a timestamp of 2^31 - 1, and then they will roll back
* over to 1. Receiving applications should expect this behavior, and not simply
* expect a monotonically increasing timestamp field.
* The official DIS timestamps don't work all that well in our (NPS's)
* applications, which often expect a monotonically increasing timestamp field.
* To get around this, we use hundreds of a second since the start of the year.
* The maximum value for this field is 3,153,600,000, which can fit into an
* unsigned int. The resolution is good enough for most applications, and you
* typically don't have to worry about rollover, instead getting only a
* monotonically increasing timestamp value.
* Note that many applications in the wild have been known to completely ignore
* the standard and to simply put the Unix time (seconds since 1970) into the
* field.
* You need to be careful with the shared instance of this class--I'm not at all
* convinced it is thread safe. If you are using multiple threads, I suggest you
* create a new instance of the class for each thread to prevent the values from
* getting stomped on.
* @author DMcG
public class DisTime {
public static final int ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMP_MASK = 0x00000001;
public static final int RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP_MASK = 0xfffffffe;
protected GregorianCalendar cal;
public static DisTime disTime = null;
* Shared instance. This is not thread-safe. If you are working in multiple
* threads, create a new instance for each thread.
* @return singleton instance of DisTime
public static DisTime getInstance() {
if (disTime == null) {
disTime = new DisTime();
return disTime;
public DisTime() {
cal = new GregorianCalendar();
* Returns the number of DIS time units since the top of the hour. there are
* 2^31-1 DIS time units per hour.
* @return integer DIS time units since the start of the hour.
private int getDisTimeUnitsSinceTopOfHour() {
// set cal object to current time
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // UTC milliseconds since 1970
// Set cal to top of the hour, then compute what the cal object says was milliseconds since 1970
// at the top of the hour
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long topOfHour = cal.getTimeInMillis();
// Milliseconds since the top of the hour
long diff = currentTime - topOfHour;
// It turns out that Integer.MAX_VALUE is 2^31-1, which is the time unit value, ie there are
// 2^31-1 DIS time units in an hour. 3600 sec/hr X 1000 msec/sec divided into the number of
// msec since the start of the hour gives the percentage of DIS time units in the hour, times
// the number of DIS time units per hour, equals the time value
double val = (((double) diff) / (3600.0 * 1000.0)) * Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int ts = (int) val;
return ts;
* Returns the absolute timestamp, assuminng that this host is sync'd to
* NTP. Fix to bitshift by mvormelch.
* @return DIS time units, get absolute timestamp
public int getDisAbsoluteTimestamp() {
int val = this.getDisTimeUnitsSinceTopOfHour();
val = (val << 1) | ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMP_MASK; // always flip the lsb to 1
return val;
* Returns the DIS standard relative timestamp, which should be used if this
* host is not slaved to NTP. Fix to bitshift by mvormelch
* @return DIS time units, relative
public int getDisRelativeTimestamp() {
int val = this.getDisTimeUnitsSinceTopOfHour();
val = (val << 1) & RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP_MASK; // always flip the lsb to 0
return val;
* Returns a useful timestamp, hundredths of a second since the start of the
* year. This effectively eliminates the need for receivers to handle
* timestamp rollover, as long as you're not working on New Year's Eve.
* @return a timestamp in hundredths of a second since the start of the year
public long getNpsTimestamp() {
// set cal object to current time
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // UTC milliseconds since 1970
// Set cal to the start of the year
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long startOfYear = cal.getTimeInMillis();
// Milliseconds since the top of the hour
long diff = currentTime - startOfYear;
diff /= 10; // milliseconds to hundredths of a second
return diff;
* Another option for marshalling with the timestamp field set
* automatically. The UNIX time is conventionally seconds since January 1,
* 1970. UTC time is used, and leap seconds are excluded. This approach is
* popular in the wild, but the time resolution is not very good for high
* frequency updates, such as aircraft. An entity updating at 30 PDUs/second
* would see 30 PDUs sent out with the same timestamp, and have 29 of them
* discarded as duplicate packets.
* Note that there are other "Unix times", such milliseconds since 1/1/1970,
* saved in a long. This cannot be used, since the value is saved in a long.
* Java's System.getCurrentTimeMillis() uses this value.
* Unix time (in seconds) rolls over in 2038.
* See the wikipedia page on Unix time for gory details.
* @return seconds since 1970
public long getUnixTimestamp() {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
t = t / 1000l; // NB: integer division, convert milliseconds to seconds
return t;
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