edu.nps.moves.spatial.RangeCoordinates Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.nps.moves.spatial;
import SRM.*; // Sedris spatial reference model version 4.4
import edu.nps.moves.dis.*;
* Represents a local, flat range area with Euclidian coordinates, which is
* convienient for somewhat small simulated areas. This class assumes a local,
* flat, coordinate system with an origin at (lat, lon, altitude) and positive X
* pointing local east, positive Y pointing local north, and positive Z pointing
* up. Specified in WGS_84 geodesic coordinate system. Altitude is distance
* above the ellipsoid.
* The coordinate system has its origin at the given (lat, lon) and creates a
* plane tangent and normal to the ellipsoid at that point.
* There are several major reference frames that may be useful in various contexts:
* Geocentric: Origin at the center of the earth. Positive X out at the
* intersection of the equator and prime meridian, Y out at 90 deg east lon, and
* Z up through the north pole. This is the coordinate system used by DIS world
* coordinates.
* Geodetic: The coordinate system uses lat/lon/altitude. This is handy for
* positioning an object on the earth (or close to it) but not so handy for
* describing things like velocity.
* Local Tangent Surface Euclidian (LTSE): Pick a lat/lon/altitude, and then at
* that point you can define a single plane normal and tangent to the globe.
* Positive X points local east, positive Y points local north, and positive Z
* points local up. This is handy for describing the position of an object in,
* for example, a range of somewhat small dimensions, perhaps 20KM X 20KM, where
* we don't want to get sucked into the whole curved earth scene and just want
* to be simple.
* Body Centric/Lococentric/Platform-centric: The origin is at the volumentric
* center of an entity (in DIS); Positive x points out the long axis, positive Y
* points to the right, and positive Z points down. This is widely used to
* describe (roll, pitch, yaw) in aircraft. Note that you need a transform from
* (for example) the LTSE to body coordinates to define the position of the body
* axis origin and orientation WRT the LTSE origin. Note that the direction of
* the Z axis is the opposite of that used by LTSE. The axes are often named
* (u,v,w) in this frame of reference.
* We can also convert between these coordinate systems using standard libraries
* in the SRM.
* See User’s Manual for SRM Orientation, Velocity, and Acceleration
* Transformations Version 2.0, 18 Nov 2009, available with the sedris Java SDK
* download.
* @author DMcG
public class RangeCoordinates {
* A reference frame for the earth's surface, ie an ellipsoid with
* coordinates of the form (lat, lon, altitude). The technical term for this
* would be geodetic.
SRF_Celestiodetic earthSurfaceReferenceFrame;
Coord3D earthSurfaceReferenceFrameOrigin;
* A DIS reference frame, with a euclidian coordinate system with origin at
* the center of of the earth. Coordinates, in (x, y, z), in meters. This is
* the reference frame used by many DIS fields on the wire. The technical
* term for this would be geocentric. Z is through the north pole, x out the
* prime meridian at the equator, and y out the equator at 90 deg east.
SRF_Celestiocentric disCoordinateReferenceFrame;
* A local, flat, euclidian reference frame. This is tangent to a (lat, lon,
* altitudeOrigin) on an earth that is supplied by the user in the
* constructor. This allows users to set up a local, relatively small area
* for moving things around without in the nuisance of worrying about curved
* earth. The technical term for this would be Local Tangent Euclidian, ie a
* plane tangent to the earth at the given (lat, lon, alt). Coordinate
* system is x east, y north, z up.
SRF_LocalTangentSpaceEuclidean localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame;
* The origin of the local euclidian reference frame, in sedris data
* structure
Coord3D localEuclidianOrigin;
* The latitude and longitude of the local, flat, euclidian coordinate
* system origin
double latitudeOrigin, longitudeOrigin;
* The altitude of the local coordinate system origin, ie the distance above
* the ellipsoid, not distance above terrain
double altitudeOrigin;
* Constructor for a local flat coordinate system. Takes the latitude and
* longitude (in degrees) for WGS_84 and the height above the ellipsoid and
* creates a local, flat coordinate system at that point.
* @param originLat Origin of the flat local coordinate system, in degrees,
* latitude
* @param originLon Origin of the flat local coordinate system, in degrees,
* longitude
* @param heightOffset altitudeOrigin above ellipsoid surface, in meters
public RangeCoordinates(double originLat, double originLon, double heightOffset) {
latitudeOrigin = originLat;
longitudeOrigin = originLon;
altitudeOrigin = heightOffset;
try {
// Create a Celestiodetic SRF with WGS 1984, ie a curved coordinate
// system (lat/lon/alt)
earthSurfaceReferenceFrame = new SRF_Celestiodetic(SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984,
// Create a Celesticentric SRF with WGS 1984, ie a rectilinear,
// earth-centered coordinate system as used in DIS
disCoordinateReferenceFrame = new SRF_Celestiocentric(SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984,
double latInRadians = Math.toRadians(originLat);
double lonInRadians = Math.toRadians(originLon);
// Reference system for a local tangent euclidian space plane, tangent to the lat/lon
// at a give altitude.
= new SRF_LocalTangentSpaceEuclidean(SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984,
lonInRadians, latInRadians, // Origin (note: lon, lat)
0.0, // Azimuth; can rotate axis, but don't.
0.0, 0.0, // False x,y origin (can offset origin to avoid negative coordinates)
heightOffset); // Height offset
// It's handy to have this pre-created in some calculations
localEuclidianOrigin = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
earthSurfaceReferenceFrameOrigin = earthSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(latInRadians, lonInRadians, heightOffset);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("problem creating coordinate systems" + e);
* Changes a Vector3Double from the local coordinate system (flat,
* euclidian, orgin given at (lat, lon, alt)) to a global, DIS,
* earth-centric coordinate system. Overwrites the values currently in
* Vector3Double passed in.
* @param localCoordinates Position in local euclidian coordinate system.
* Values are overwritten to the DIS earth-centric coordinate system on
* return
public void changeVectorToDisCoordFromLocalFlat(Vector3Double localCoordinates) {
Vector3Double vec = this.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(localCoordinates.getX(),
* Transform from local, flat coordinate system to the DIS coordinate
* system. All units in meters, positive x east, y north, z altitude.
* @param x x coordinate in local, flat coordinate system
* @param y y coordinate in meters in local, flat coordinate system
* @param z z coordinate, altitude, in meters in local flat coordinate
* system
public Vector3Double DISCoordFromLocalFlat(double x, double y, double z) {
Vector3Double disCoordinates = new Vector3Double();
try {
// Holds coordinates in the local tangent plane
Coord3D localCoordinates = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(x, y, z);
// holds coordinates in the DIS (geocentric) coordinate frame
Coord3D disCoord = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code region = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.changeCoordinateSRF(localCoordinates, disCoord);
// convert from the local tanget plane coordinates to the DIS coordinate frame
double values[] = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.getCoordinate3DValues(disCoord);
//System.out.println("DIS x:" + values[0] + " y:" + values[1] + " z:" + values[2] );
// Set the values in the return object
} catch (Exception e) {
//Should throw exception here
System.out.println("can't change to DIS coord " + e);
return null;
return disCoordinates;
* Changes the world-coordinates vector3double to the local euclidian flat
* coordinate system. Overwrites the values in worldCoordinates.
* @param worldCoordinates
public void changeVectorToLocalCoordFromDIS(Vector3Double worldCoordinates) {
Vector3Double vec = this.localCoordFromDis(worldCoordinates.getX(),
* Given DIS coordinates, convert to the local euclidian plane coordinates.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
public Vector3Double localCoordFromDis(double x, double y, double z) {
Vector3Double local = new Vector3Double();
try {
// Holds position in the local tangent plane
Coord3D localCoordinates = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Holds position in the DIS reference frame
Coord3D disCoord = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(x, y, z);
SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code region = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.changeCoordinateSRF(disCoord, localCoordinates);
//System.out.println("Region:" + region);
// Get the position in the local tangent place (ie, range coordinates) from DIS coordinates (ie, geocentric)
double values[] = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.getCoordinate3DValues(localCoordinates);
//System.out.println("-->Local x:" + values[0] + " y:" + values[1] + " z:" + values[2] );
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("can't change from DIS coord to Local" + e);
return null;
return local;
* Converts a roll, pitch, and heading/yaw in the local flat coordinate
* system to DIS euler angles. Input orientation is in units of radians. DIS
* uses euler angles to describe the orientation of an object, using an
* earth-centered coordinate system, with successive rotations about the
* original x, y, and z axes. You need to be careful here because there are
* all sorts of conventions for "euler angles" including the order in which
* the axes are rotated about.
* phi = roll, theta = pitch, psi = yaw/heading
* , by one popular convention. All units are in radians.
* Note that we also need the postion of the object in the local coordinate
* system. The DIS euler angles will vary depending on not just the
* roll/pitch/heading, but also where in the local coordinate frame the
* object is. Also, the pitch/roll/heading are in the local coordinate
* system, NOT the coordinate system of the object.
* @param pitchRollHeading
public edu.nps.moves.dis.Orientation localRollPitchHeadingToDisEuler(edu.nps.moves.dis.Orientation pitchRollHeading,
edu.nps.moves.dis.Vector3Double localPosition) {
// Tait-Bryan angles is jargon/correct terminology for the roll, pitch, and yaw. It refers
// to rotation about the original x, y, and z axes of the reference frame in use; it's also
// called cardano angles or tait-bryan. DIS uses rotation about the earth-centric origin. In
// a body-centric reference frame we have roll, pitch, and yaw. In the local frame of reference
// it is rotation about x (phi), y (theta) and z (psi).
// Recall that the local frame of reference has X pointing east, y pointing north, and
// z pointing up. We are NOT using a body-centric reference frame here; we are using the
// range reference frame.
try {
// DIS euler angles in open-dis object. This is returned by the method.
edu.nps.moves.dis.Orientation openDisOrientation = new edu.nps.moves.dis.Orientation();
// Local coordinate system orientation, in tait-bryan
OrientationTaitBryanAngles localOrientation
= new OrientationTaitBryanAngles(pitchRollHeading.getPhi(),
// Local frame of reference position
Coord3D localSRMPosition = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(localPosition.getX(), localPosition.getY(), localPosition.getZ());
// DIS frame of reference position
Vector3Double disLocation = this.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(localPosition.getX(), localPosition.getY(), localPosition.getZ());
//Coord3D disCoord = disCoordinateFrame.createCoordinate3D(disLocation.getX(), disLocation.getY(), disLocation.getZ());
Coord3D disCoord = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(6378137.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//double[] pos = disCoord.getValues();
// System.out.println("DIS position for orienation change:" + pos[0] + "," + pos[1] + "," + pos[2]);
// An empty object passed into the method call below. When returned it's filled out with
// the DIS euler angles.
SRM.Orientation disOrientation = new OrientationTaitBryanAngles();
disCoordinateReferenceFrame.transformOrientation(localSRMPosition, // INPUT: Local coordinate frame location
localOrientation, // INPUT: Local coordinate frame orientation (roll, pitch, heading)
disCoord, // INPUT: DIS coordinate frame location
disOrientation); // Output: DIS orientation in euler angles (xyz/Tait-Bryan)
SRM_Tait_Bryan_Angles_Params tait = disOrientation.getTaitBryanAngles();
openDisOrientation.setPhi((float) tait.pitch);
openDisOrientation.setTheta((float) tait.roll);
openDisOrientation.setPsi((float) tait.yaw);
System.out.println("disOrientation:" + disOrientation.getTaitBryanAngles());
System.out.println("DIS coordinates:" + disCoord);
return openDisOrientation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public void c(double lat, double lon, double alt,
double bank, double pitch, double head) {
try {
// The geocentric aircraft location
Coord3D gd_coord = earthSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(Math.toRadians(lon), Math.toRadians(lat), alt);
//The geocentric location to be computed.
Coord3D gc_coord = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
disCoordinateReferenceFrame.changeCoordinate3DSRF(gd_coord, gc_coord);
System.out.println("Geocentric coordinates for location " + lat + "," + lon + " :" + gc_coord);
// Create Space-fixed Entity-to-NED Tait-Bryan Orientation ...
OrientationTaitBryanAngles tbE2NED_ori = new OrientationTaitBryanAngles(Math.toRadians(bank),
Math.toRadians(head)); //AirCraft
System.out.println("Orientation for bank, pitch, heading:" + tbE2NED_ori);
// Transform GC Identity to GD to get the World-to-LTSE matrix
OrientationMatrix mW2LTSE_ori = new OrientationMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); //result target
earthSurfaceReferenceFrame.transformOrientation(gc_coord, mW2LTSE_ori, gd_coord, mW2LTSE_ori);
OrientationMatrix mNED2LTSE_ori = new OrientationMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
// The DIS orientation is the composition of 3 orientations: tbE2NED_ori and mNED2LTSE_ori and mNED2LTP_ori
// Let tbDIS_ori =( tbE2NED_ori o mNED2LTSE_ori o mNED2LTP_ori )
System.out.println("tbE2NED_ori:" + tbE2NED_ori);
System.out.println("tbE2NED_ori:" + tbE2NED_ori);
System.out.println("mW2LTSE_ori:" + mW2LTSE_ori);
// tbDIS_ori = new OrientationTaitBryanAngles(tbE2NED_ori.composeWith(tbE2NED_ori.composeWith(mW2LTSE_ori)).getTaitBryanAngles());
} catch (Exception e) {
public void change(double localX, double localY, double localZ,
double bank, double noseUp, double bearing) {
// bearing, in degrees, clockwise from true north is positive
// noseUp, in degrees, angle at which the body is WRT the local flat plane, zero is level, positive is up angle
// bank, degrees from level, positive is right bank
// bearing to LTSE: 360 - bearing - 270 = yaw in LTSE
// noseUp in LTSE: 0 + positive up angle from horizon
// roll in ltse: -180 + bank angle
try {
Coord3D localLTSEPosition = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(localZ, localY, localZ);
Coord3D localLTSEOrigin = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Coord3D disPosition = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D();
Coord3D disOrigin = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D();
//Coord3D geodeticPosition = earthSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(latitudeOrigin, longitudeOrigin, altitudeOrigin);
// changes the contents of disPosition to reflect the geocentric coordinates of the LTSE position
SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code region = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.changeCoordinateSRF(localLTSEPosition, disPosition);
disCoordinateReferenceFrame.changeCoordinateSRF(localLTSEOrigin, disOrigin);
//double values[] = disCoordinateReferenceFrame.getCoordinate3DValues(disPosition);
System.out.println("DIS position, should be equal to DIS coords for LTSE orig:" + disPosition);
System.out.println("ORigin of LTSE in DIS coordinates:" + disOrigin);
//disCoordinateReferenceFrame.changeCoordinateSRF(geodeticPosition, disPosition);
//System.out.println("Geodetic position:" + geodeticPosition);
OrientationTaitBryanAngles taitBryanOrientation
= new OrientationTaitBryanAngles(Math.toRadians(-180.0 + bank),
Math.toRadians(360.0 - bearing - 270.0));
System.out.println("tb orientation:" + taitBryanOrientation);
// Will hold output, the orientation in DIS reference frame
OrientationTaitBryanAngles taitBryanDis = new OrientationTaitBryanAngles();
localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.transformOrientation(disOrigin, // position of object in DIS
taitBryanOrientation, // Orientation of body, wrt TB->LTSE
localLTSEPosition, // Position, in LTSE coordinates
taitBryanDis); // output: the orientation in DIS ref frame
System.out.println("orientation in DIS:" + taitBryanDis.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// x-axis intercept: prime meridian, equator, and zero altitude.
RangeCoordinates primeMeridian = new RangeCoordinates(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
primeMeridian.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
primeMeridian.c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // lat lon alt
0.0, // bank angle
0.0, // noseup angle
180.0); //bearing
// North pole: z-axis intercept with earth surface
RangeCoordinates northPole = new RangeCoordinates(0.0, 180.0, 0.0); // north pole
northPole.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// y-axis: equator, 90 deg east. x and z should be near-zero
RangeCoordinates yAxis = new RangeCoordinates(90.0, 0.0, 0.0); // y axis
yAxis.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Move west a bit from the equator/prime meridian
RangeCoordinates westALittle = new RangeCoordinates(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
westALittle.DISCoordFromLocalFlat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
public SRF_LococentricEuclidean3D getPlatformReferenceFrame(Vector3Double rangePositionCoordinates) {
try {
// The x,y,z location of the platform in range coordinates (ie, the LTSE).
Coord3D lococenter = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createCoordinate3D(rangePositionCoordinates.getX(),
// We also need two unit vectors to describe the orientation of the platform in the LTSE
// primary axis direction--x, along the long axis of the platform
double[] orientationX = new double[3];
Direction xAxis = localTangentSurfaceReferenceFrame.createDirection(localEuclidianOrigin, orientationX);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;