edu.stanford.dawn.virtualized.LanguageVirtualization.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package virtualized
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import language.experimental.macros
import scala.collection.mutable
* Converts Scala features that can not be overridden to method calls that can be given
* arbitrary semantics.
* ==Features covered are==
* {{{
* var x = e => var x = __newVar(e)
* if(c) t else e => __ifThenElse(c, t, e)
* return t => __return(t)
* x = t => __assign(x, t)
* while(c) b => __whileDo(c, b)
* do b while c => __doWhile(c, b)
* }}}
* ===Poor man's infix methods for `Any` methods===
* {{{
* t == t1 => infix_==(t, t1)
* t != t1 => infix_!=(t, t1)
* t.## => infix_##(t, t1)
* t.equals t1 => infix_equals(t, t1)
* t.hashCode => infix_hashCode(t)
* t.asInstanceOf[T] => infix_asInstanceOf[T](t)
* t.isInstanceOf[T] => infix_isInstanceOf[T](t)
* t.toString => infix_toString(t)
* t.getClass => infix_getClass(t)
* }}}
* ===Poor man's infix methods for `AnyRef` methods===
* {{{
* t eq t1 => infix_eq(t, t1)
* t ne t1 => infix_ne(t, t1)
* t.clone => infix_clone(t)
* t.notify => infix_notify(t)
* t.notifyAll => infix_notifyAll(t)
* t.synchronized[T](t1) => infix_synchronized(t, t1)
* t.wait => infix_wait(t)
* t.wait(l) => infix_wait(t, l)
* t.wait(t1, l) => infix_wait(t, t1, l)
* t.finalize() => infix_finalize(t)
* }}}
* @todo
* {{{
* try b catch c => __tryCatch(b, c, f)
* throw e => __throw(e)
* case class C { ... } => ???
* Nothing => ???
* Null => ???
* }}}
trait LanguageVirtualization extends MacroModule with TransformationUtils with DataDefs {
import c.universe._
def virtualize(t: Tree): (List[Tree], Seq[DSLFeature]) = VirtualizationTransformer(t)
object VirtualizationTransformer {
def apply(tree: Tree) = {
val t = new VirtualizationTransformer().apply(tree)
log("(edu.stanford.cs.dawn, Seq[Features]): " + t, 2)
private class VirtualizationTransformer extends Transformer {
val lifted = mutable.ArrayBuffer[DSLFeature]()
def liftFeature(receiver: Option[Tree], nme: String, args: List[Tree], targs: List[Tree] = Nil, trans: Tree => Tree = transform): Tree = {
lifted += DSLFeature(, nme, targs, List(
log(show(method(, nme, List(, targs)), 3)
method(, nme, List(, targs)
// this is used for scopes:
// def OptiQL[R](b: => R) = new Scope[OptiQLLower, OptiQLLowerRunner[R], R](b)
// syntax has to correspond exactly!
// this map collects dsls at definition site so it can access them at call site
// TODO: this is not a safe feature which should rather be removed as it is not longer used in Delite
val dslScopes:scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, (Tree, Tree, Tree)] = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap()
// Call for transforming Blocks. Allows expanding a single statement to multiple statements within a given scope
private def transformStm(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
// TODO: Name mangling is nice and elegant, but becomes an issue when we assume we've mangled
// names which actually haven't been changed. Would need to come up with a solution to check to see
// if a name's been mangled that also respects scoping (and potentially incremental compilation?)
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) if mods.hasFlag(Flag.MUTABLE) =>
// Mangle Var name to make readVar calls happen explicitly
val s = TermName(sym+"$v")
// leaving it a var makes it easier to revert when custom __newVar isn't supplied
val v = ValDef(mods, s, tpt, liftFeature(None, "__newVar", List(rhs)))
val d = DefDef(mods, sym, Nil, Nil, tpt, liftFeature(None, "__readVar", List(Ident(s))))
List(v, d)
case v@ValDef(mods, term@TermName(name), _, _) if !mods.hasFlag(Flag.PARAMACCESSOR) =>
val vdef = transform(v)
val n = Literal(Constant(name.toString))
val regv = Apply(Ident(TermName("__valDef")), List(Ident(term), Literal(Constant(name))))
List(vdef, regv)
case _ => List(transform(tree))
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
tree match {
/* Attempt to virtualize vars in both class bodies and blocks **/
case Template(parents, selfType, bodyList) =>
val body = bodyList.flatMap(transformStm)
Template(parents, selfType, body)
case Block(stms, ret) =>
val stms2 = stms.flatMap(transformStm) ++ transformStm(ret)
Block(stms2.dropRight(1), stms2.last)
/* Variables */
case ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, rhs) if mods.hasFlag(Flag.MUTABLE) =>
// TODO: What about case like:
// var x: Option[Int] = None
// x = Some(3)
// __newVar: Var[Option[Int]]
ValDef(mods, sym, tpt, liftFeature(None, "__newVar", List(rhs)))
case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
// liftFeature(None, "__assign", List(Ident(lhs+"$v"), rhs)) // Name mangling version
liftFeature(None, "__assign", List(lhs, rhs))
// Don't rewrite +=, -=, *=, and /=. This restricts the return value to Unit
// in the case where the compiler/DSL author chooses to use implicit classes rather
// than infix_ methods
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$plus$eq")), List(arg)) => // x += y
liftFeature(None, "infix_$plus$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$minus$eq")), List(arg)) => // x -= y
liftFeature(None, "infix_$minus$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$times$eq")), List(arg)) => // x *= y
liftFeature(None, "infix_$times$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$div$eq")), List(arg)) => // x /= y
liftFeature(None, "infix_$div$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
/* Control structures (keywords) */
case t @ If(cond, thenBr, elseBr) =>
liftFeature(None, "__ifThenElse", List(cond, thenBr, elseBr))
case Return(e) =>
liftFeature(None, "__return", List(e))
case LabelDef(sym, List(), If(cond, Block(body :: Nil, Apply(Ident(label),
List())), Literal(Constant(())))) if label == sym => // while(){}
liftFeature(None, "__whileDo", List(cond, body))
case LabelDef(sym, List(), Block(body :: Nil, If(cond, Apply(Ident(label),
List()), Literal(Constant(()))))) if label == sym => // do while(){}
liftFeature(None, "__doWhile", List(cond, body))
case Try(block, catches, finalizer) => {
c.warning(tree.pos, "virtualization of try/catch expressions is not supported.")
case Throw(expr) => {
c.warning(tree.pos, "virtualization of throw expressions is not supported.")
/* Special case + for String literals */
// only virtualize `+` to `infix_+` if lhs is a String *literal* (we can't look at types!)
// NOFIX: this pattern does not work for: `string + unstaged + staged`
case Apply(Select(qual @ Literal(Constant(s: String)), TermName("$plus")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_$plus", List(qual, arg))
/* Methods defined on Any/AnyRef with arguments */
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$eq$eq")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_$eq$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$bang$eq")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_$bang$eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("equals")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_equals", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("eq")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_eq", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("ne")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_ne", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("wait")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_wait", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("wait")), List(arg0, arg1)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_wait", List(qualifier, arg0, arg1))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("synchronized")), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_synchronized", List(qualifier, arg))
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(qualifier, TermName("synchronized")), targs), List(arg)) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_synchronized", List(qualifier, arg), targs)
case TypeApply(Select(qualifier, TermName("asInstanceOf")), targs) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_asInstanceOf", List(qualifier), targs)
case TypeApply(Select(qualifier, TermName("isInstanceOf")), targs) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_isInstanceOf", List(qualifier), targs)
/* Methods defined on Any/AnyRef without arguments */
// For 0-arg methods we get a different tree depending on if the user writes empty parens 'x.clone()' or no parens 'x.clone'
// We always match on the empty parens version first
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("toString")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_toString", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("toString")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_toString", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("$hash$hash")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_$hash$hash", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("$hash$hash")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_$hash$hash", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("hashCode")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_hashCode", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("hashCode")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_hashCode", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("clone")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_clone", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("clone")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_clone", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("notify")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_notify", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("notify")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_notify", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("notifyAll")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_notifyAll", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("notifyAll")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_notifyAll", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("wait")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_wait", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("wait")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_wait", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("finalize")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_finalize", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("finalize")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_finalize", List(qualifier))
case Apply(Select(qualifier, TermName("getClass")), List()) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_getClass", List(qualifier))
case Select(qualifier, TermName("getClass")) =>
liftFeature(None, "infix_getClass", List(qualifier))
// HACK: Transform into if-then-else for now. Better way?
/*case Match(selector, cases) => tree
def transformCase(cases: Seq[Tree]): Tree = {
def transformSingleCase(cas: Tree, els: => Tree): Tree = cas match {
// case name: Type if guard => body
case CaseDef(Bind(name, Typed(typeTree)), EmptyTree, body) => If(q"$selector.isInstanceOf[$typeTree]", body, els)
case CaseDef(Bind(name, Typed(typeTree)), guard, body) => If(q"$selector.isInstanceOf[$typeTree] && $guard", body, els)
// case Unapply(args...) if guard => body
case CaseDef(Apply(unapply, List(args)), _, _) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Virtualization of unapply methods is currently unsupported")
case CaseDef(Bind(name, Apply(unapply, List(args))), _, _) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Virtualization of unapply methods is currently unsupported")
// case name @ pattern if guard => body
case CaseDef(Bind(name, pattern), EmptyTree, body) => If(q"$selector == $pattern", body, els)
case CaseDef(Bind(name, pattern), guard, body) => If(q"$selector == $pattern && $guard", body, els)
// case pattern if guard => body
case CaseDef(pattern, EmptyTree, body) => If(q"$selector == $pattern", body, els)
case CaseDef(pattern, guard, body) => If(q"$selector == $pattern && $guard", body, els)
if (cases.length == 2) (cases(0),cases(1)) match {
case (c0, CaseDef(Ident(termNames.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, body)) => transformSingleCase(c0, body)
case _ => transformSingleCase(cases.head, transformCase(cases.tail))
else if (cases.length > 2) {
transformSingleCase(cases.head, transformCase(cases.tail))
else {
transformSingleCase(cases.head, q"()")
/* Unsupported */
case ClassDef(mods, name, tpt, body) if mods.hasFlag(Flag.CASE) =>
// sstucki: there are issues with the ordering of
// virtualization and expansion of case classes (i.e. some
// of the expanded code might be virtualized even though it
// should not be and vice-versa). So until we have decided
// how proper virtualization of case classes should be done,
// any attempt to do so should fail.
// TR: not 100% sure what the issue is (although i vaguely
// remember that we had issues in Scala-virtualized with
// auto-generated case class equality methods using virtualized
// equality where it shouldn't). For the moment it seems like
// just treating case classes as regular classes works fine.
c.warning(tree.pos, "virtualization of case classes is not fully supported.")
super.transform(tree) //don't virtualize the case class definition but virtualize its body
/* Scopes */
// this is a helper `method` for DSL generation in Forge
// It avoid some boilerplate code but it not that principled:
// magic() //have to make an explicit call to 'execute' side effects
// @virtualize //values could not be annotated...
// def magic[R]() = withTpee(Community){ //rhs pattern is matched by virtualized
case Apply(Apply(Ident(TermName("withTpee")), List(termName)), body) =>
val objName = TermName(termName.toString()+"Object")
//TODO (macrotrans) val bodyTransform = transform(body)
val x = q"""
_tpeScopeBox = $termName
abstract class DSLprog extends TpeScope {
def apply = $body //Transform
class DSLrun extends DSLprog with TpeScopeRunner
((new DSLrun): TpeScope with TpeScopeRunner).result
c.warning(tree.pos, s"WITHTPE SCOPE GENERATED for term: "+termName.toString)
* little Hack for Delite Scope object:
* inject specific Code for DSL to make it easier to use a DSL
* given:
* `def OptiML[R](b: => R) = new Scope[OptiML, OptiMLExp, R](b)`
* generate:
* `OptiML { body }` is expanded to:
* trait DSLprog$ extends OptiML {def apply = body}
* (new DSLprog$ with OptiMLExp): OptiML with OptiMLExp
* other use case: (with type parameters)
* new Scope[TpeScope, TpeScopeRunner[R], R](block)
* Apply(Select(New(AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Scope")), List(id1, AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("TpeScopeRunner")), List(Ident(TypeName("R")))), id3))), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Ident(TermName("block"))))
//def apply[R](b: => R) = new Scope[OptiWranglerLower, OptiWranglerLowerRunner[R], R](b)")
//DefDef(Modifiers(), TermName("apply"), List(TypeDef(Modifiers(PARAM), TypeName("R"), List(), TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree))), List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM | BYNAMEPARAM/CAPTURED/COVARIANT), TermName("b"), AppliedTypeTree(Select(Select(Ident(termNames.ROOTPKG), TermName("scala")), TypeName("")), List(Ident(TypeName("R")))), EmptyTree))), TypeTree(), Apply(Select(New(AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Scope")), List(Ident(TypeName("OptiWranglerLower")), AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("OptiWranglerLowerRunner")), List(Ident(TypeName("R")))), Ident(TypeName("R"))))), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Ident(TermName("b")))))
case DefDef(_, dslName, _, _, _, Apply(Select(New(AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Scope")), List(identDSL, AppliedTypeTree(identDSLRunner, _), typeParam))), _), _)) =>
dslScopes += Tuple2(dslName.toString, (identDSL, identDSLRunner, typeParam))
case Apply(identTermName, List(body)) if dslScopes.contains(identTermName.toString) =>
val (dsl, runner, typ) = dslScopes(identTermName.toString())
val ret = q"""{
trait DSLprog extends $dsl {def apply:$typ = $body }
val cl = (new DSLprog with $runner[$typ]): $dsl with $runner[$typ]
// this only works for: `new Scope[A, B, C]()` not for: `new Scope[A, B, C]{}` => creates anonymous class and stuff
case Apply(Select(New(AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Scope")), List(tn1, tn2, tnR))), termnames), List(body)) =>
//TODO(trans): val bodyTranform = transform(body)
val ret = q"""{
trait DSLprog extends $tn1 {def apply = $body }
val cl = (new DSLprog with $tn2): $tn1 with $tn2
c.warning(tree.pos, s"SCOPE GENERATED: \n RAW: "+showRaw(ret)+"\n CODE: "+showCode(ret))
// Argon-specific hack for changing T:Type to T<:MetaAny[T]:Type
case DefDef(mods,name,tparams,paramss,retTpe,body) =>
// HACK: Change return type from IR.Void to scala.Unit
// This is to allow both
// def method() { } and
// def method(): Unit = { } syntax
// Since lifting from scala.Unit to IR.Void is supported in argon,
// but not IR.Unit to scala.Unit, this is the only sane thing to do
val modifiedRetTpe = retTpe match {
case Ident(TypeName("Unit")) =>
case tp => tp
if (paramss.nonEmpty) {
val metaTypes = paramss.last.collect{
case ValDef(ms,_,AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Meta")),List(typeTree)),rhs) if ms.hasFlag(Flag.IMPLICIT) => typeTree
case ValDef(ms,_,AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("Type")),List(typeTree)),rhs) if ms.hasFlag(Flag.IMPLICIT) => typeTree
object TypedTree {
def unapply(x: Tree): Option[String] = x match {
case Ident(TypeName(typeName)) => Some(typeName)
case AppliedTypeTree(TypedTree(typeName),args) => Some(typeName)
case ExistentialType(TypedTree(typeName),args) => Some(typeName)
val metaTypeNames ={case TypedTree(typeName) => typeName }
val newTParams ={
case TypeDef(ms,TypeName(typeName),targs,TypeBoundsTree(child,EmptyTree)) if metaTypeNames.contains(typeName) =>
val i = metaTypeNames.indexOf(typeName)
val superBound = AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TypeName("MetaAny")), List(metaTypes(i)))
case tp => tp
super.transform( DefDef(mods,name,newTParams,paramss,modifiedRetTpe,body) )
else super.transform(DefDef(mods,name,tparams,paramss,modifiedRetTpe,body))
case _ =>
def apply(tree: c.universe.Tree): (List[Tree], Seq[DSLFeature]) =
(transformStm(tree), lifted.toSeq)
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