edu.stanford.dawn.virtualized.Structs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package virtualized
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox //TODO: should be whitebox?
/** Annotation class for @struct macro annotation. */
final class struct extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro StagedStructsMacro.impl
* Towards modularity:
* Defining and composing macros in different DSLs
* Want possible type classes for struct to be generated here, based on the type classes defined/available in the DSL
* This should eventually be generated from Forge (?), for now just outlining how it might work.
abstract class TypeclassMacro {
def generateLookup(c: blackbox.Context)(name: c.TypeName): Option[c.Tree]
def generateImplementation(c: blackbox.Context)(className: c.Tree): List[c.Tree]
object StagedStructsMacro {
val typeclasses: List[TypeclassMacro] = List(BitsTypeclassMacro, ArithsTypeclassMacro)
def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
if (annottees.length > 1)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Only classes can be transformed using the @struct annotation")
val tree = annottees.head
tree match {
// look for class definition
case ClassDef(mods, className: TypeName, tparams, impl@Template(parents, selfType, bodyList)) =>
val (fields, methods) = bodyList.partition { case _:ValDef => true case _ => false }
if (fields.isEmpty)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Classes need at least one field in order to be transformed into structs")
if (methods.size > 1)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Classes with a body (e.g. methods) cannot be transformed into structs")
if (tparams.size > 0)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Classes with type parameters cannot be transformed into structs")
assert(methods.head match { case _: DefDef => true }) // the constructor
val constructorArgs = methods.collect{
case DefDef(ms,name,tparams,argss,_,_) if name == termNames.CONSTRUCTOR => argss
* Staged class definition
val fieldList = fields map {
case ValDef(mods, termName, typeIdent, rhs) if mods.hasFlag(Flag.MUTABLE) =>
//q"var $termName: $typeIdent"
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "virtualization of variable fields is currently unsupported")
case ValDef(mods, termName, typeIdent, rhs) =>
q"""def $termName(implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, state: argon.core.State): $typeIdent = field[$typeIdent](${Literal(Constant(termName.toString))})(implicitly[Type[$typeIdent]],ctx,state)"""
* Typeclass evidences and lookup traits
val evidences = typeclasses.flatMap{_.generateImplementation(c)(tree) }
* Staged type
val childList ={
case ValDef(_, termName, typeIdent, rhs) =>
q""" ${Literal(Constant(termName.toString))} -> typ[$typeIdent]"""
val lookups = typeclasses.flatMap(_.generateLookup(c)(className) )
val parent = {
if (lookups.length > 1) CompoundTypeTree(Template(lookups, noSelfType, Nil))
else lookups.head
val stg =
object ${TermName(className.toString + "Type")} extends argon.nodes.StructType[$className] with $parent {
override def wrapped(x: Exp[$className]) = ${className.toTermName}(x)
override def typeArguments = Nil
override def stagedClass = classOf[$className]
override def fields = Seq(..$childList)
* Staged Evidence
val ev =
implicit def ${TermName(className.toString + "TypeEvidence")}: argon.nodes.StructType[$className] = ${TermName(className.toString + "Type")}
* Constructor
val argss ={ args =>{
case ValDef(_, termName, typeIdent, rhs) =>
val mods = if (rhs == EmptyTree) Modifiers(Flag.PARAM) else Modifiers(Flag.PARAM | Flag.DEFAULTPARAM)
val rhsHack = if (rhs == EmptyTree) EmptyTree else q"implicitly[Type[$typeIdent]].fakeT"
ValDef(mods, termName, typeIdent, rhsHack)
val body ={
case ValDef(_, termName, typeIdent, EmptyTree) =>
q"${Literal(Constant(termName.toString))} -> $termName.s"
case ValDef(_, termName, typeIdent, rhs) =>
q"${Literal(Constant(termName.toString))} -> $termName.getOrElseCreate{$rhs}.s"
// TODO: We assume for now that struct annotation is always used within a trait - any way to be more general?
val mdef = q"def apply(...$argss)(implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, state: argon.core.State): $className = struct[$className]( ..$body )(implicitly[argon.nodes.StructType[$className]], ctx, state)"
val companionObject = q"""
object ${className.toTermName} {
$stg ; $mdef; $ev ; ..$evidences
val copyMethod = {
val optionalArgss ={args =>{
case ValDef(_, termName, typeIdent, rhs) =>
ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM | Flag.DEFAULTPARAM), termName, typeIdent, q"implicitly[Type[$typeIdent]].fakeT") //q"this.$termName")
val actualArgss ={args =>{
case ValDef(_, termName, _, _) => q"$termName.getOrElseCreate{ this.$termName(ctx, state) }"
def copy(...$optionalArgss)(implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, state: argon.core.State): $className = {
${className.toTermName}.apply(...$actualArgss)(ctx, state)
val cls =
case class $className(s: Exp[$className]) extends Struct[$className] {
..$fieldList ; $copyMethod
// Implicit object must come before class definition
val cc = q"$cls ; $companionObject "
// Debugging
//, showCode(cc), force = true)
//, showRaw(mdef), force = true)
case _ =>
c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Only classes can be transformed using the @struct annotation")
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