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edu.stanford.nlp.classify.LogConditionalObjectiveFunction Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.classify;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Datum;
import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ADMath;
import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath;
import edu.stanford.nlp.math.DoubleAD;
import edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction;
import edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.StochasticCalculateMethods;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.RuntimeInterruptedException;

 * Maximizes the conditional likelihood with a given prior.
 * @author Dan Klein
 * @author Galen Andrew
 * @author Chris Cox (merged w/ SumConditionalObjectiveFunction, 2/16/05)
 * @author Sarah Spikes (Templatization, allowing an {@code Iterable>} to be passed in instead of a {@code GeneralDataset})
 * @author Angel Chang (support in place SGD - extend AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction)
 * @author Christopher Manning (cleaned out the cruft and sped it up in 2014)
 * @author Keenon Werling added some multithreading to the batch evaluations

public class LogConditionalObjectiveFunction extends AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction  {

  /** A logger for this class */
  private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(LogConditionalObjectiveFunction.class);

  protected final LogPrior prior;

  protected final int numFeatures;
  protected final int numClasses;

  /** Normally, this contains the data. The first index is the datum number,
   *  and then there is an array of feature indices for each datum.
  protected final int[][] data;
  /** Alternatively, the data may be available from an Iterable in not yet
   *  indexed form.  (In 2014, it's not clear any code actually uses this option.)
   *  And then you need an index for both.
  protected final Iterable> dataIterable;
  protected final Index labelIndex;
  protected final Index featureIndex;

  /** Same size as data if the features have values; null if the features are binary. */
  protected final double[][] values;
  /** The label of each data index. */
  protected final int[] labels;

  protected final float[] dataWeights;

  protected final boolean useSummedConditionalLikelihood; //whether to use sumConditional or logConditional

  /** This is used to cache the numerator in batch methods. */
  protected double[] derivativeNumerator = null;

  /** The only reason this is around is because the Prior Functions don't handle stochastic calculations yet. */
  protected double [] priorDerivative = null;

  /** The flag to tell the gradient computations to multithread over the data.
   * keenon (june 2015): On my machine,
   * */
  protected boolean parallelGradientCalculation = true;

  /** Multithreading gradient calculations is a bit cheaper if you reuse the threads. */
  protected int threads = ArgumentParser.threads;

  public int domainDimension() {
    return numFeatures * numClasses;

  public int dataDimension(){
    return data.length;

  private int classOf(int index) {
    return index % numClasses;

  private int featureOf(int index) {
    return index / numClasses;

  /** Converts a Phi feature number and class index into an f(x,y) feature index. */
  // [cdm2014: Tried inline this; no big gains.]
  protected int indexOf(int f, int c) {
    return f * numClasses + c;

  public double[][] to2D(double[] x) {
    double[][] x2 = new double[numFeatures][numClasses];
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < numClasses; j++) {
        x2[i][j] = x[indexOf(i, j)];
    return x2;

   * Calculate the conditional likelihood.
   * If {@code useSummedConditionalLikelihood} is {@code false} (the default),
   * this calculates standard(product) CL, otherwise this calculates summed CL.
   * What's the difference?  See Klein and Manning's 2002 EMNLP paper.
  protected void calculate(double[] x) {
    //If the batchSize is 0 then use the regular calculate methods
    if (useSummedConditionalLikelihood) {
    } else {

   * This function is used to come up with an estimate of the value / gradient based on only a small
   * portion of the data (referred to as the batchSize for lack of a better term.  In this case batch does
   * not mean All!!  It should be thought of in the sense of "a small batch of the data".
  public void calculateStochastic(double[] x, double[] v, int[] batch) {

    if(method.calculatesHessianVectorProduct() && v != null){
      //  This is used for Stochastic Methods that involve second order information (SMD for example)
      }else if(method.equals(StochasticCalculateMethods.IncorporatedFiniteDifference)){
    } else{
      //This is used for Stochastic Methods that don't need anything but the gradient (SGD)


   * Calculate the summed conditional likelihood of this data by summing
   * conditional estimates.
  private void calculateSCL(double[] x) {
    //System.out.println("Checking at: "+x[0]+" "+x[1]+" "+x[2]);
    value = 0.0;
    Arrays.fill(derivative, 0.0);
    double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
    double[] probs = new double[numClasses];
    // double[] counts = new double[numClasses];
    // Arrays.fill(counts, 0.0); // not needed; Java arrays zero initialized
    for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
      int[] features = data[d];
      // activation
      Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);
      for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
        for (int feature : features) {
          int i = indexOf(feature, c);
          sums[c] += x[i];
      // expectation (slower routine replaced by fast way)
      // double total = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      // for (int c=0; c 1) {
      // Launch several threads (reused out of our fixed pool) to handle the computation
      CLBatchDerivativeCalculation[] runnables = (CLBatchDerivativeCalculation[])Array.newInstance(CLBatchDerivativeCalculation.class, threads);
      CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threads);
      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        runnables[i] = new CLBatchDerivativeCalculation(threads, i, null, x, derivative.length, latch);
        new Thread(runnables[i]).start();
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e);

      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        value += runnables[i].localValue;
        for (int j = 0; j < derivative.length; j++) {
          derivative[j] += runnables[i].localDerivative[j];
    else {
      double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
      double[] probs = new double[numClasses];

      for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
        // activation
        Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);

        int[] featuresArr = data[d];

        for (int feature : featuresArr) {
          for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
            int i = indexOf(feature, c);
            sums[c] += x[i];
        // expectation (slower routine replaced by fast way)
        // double total = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        // for (int c=0; c datum : dataIterable) {
        Collection features = datum.asFeatures();
        for (F feature : features) {
          int i = indexOf(featureIndex.indexOf(feature), labelIndex.indexOf(datum.label()));
          if (dataWeights == null) {
            derivativeNumerator[i] -= 1;
          } /*else {
              derivativeNumerator[i] -= dataWeights[index];

    copy(derivative, derivativeNumerator);
    //    Arrays.fill(derivative, 0.0);
    double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
    double[] probs = new double[numClasses];
    //    double[] counts = new double[numClasses];
    //    Arrays.fill(counts, 0.0);

    for (Datum datum : dataIterable) {
      // activation
      Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);
      Collection features = datum.asFeatures();
      for (F feature : features) {
        for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
          int i = indexOf(featureIndex.indexOf(feature), c);
          sums[c] += x[i];
      // expectation (slower routine replaced by fast way)
      // double total = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      // for (int c=0; c 1) {
      int examplesPerProcessor = 50;
      if (batch.length <= Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * examplesPerProcessor) {"\n\n***************");"CONFIGURATION ERROR: YOUR BATCH SIZE DOESN'T MEET PARALLEL MINIMUM SIZE FOR PERFORMANCE");"Batch size: " + batch.length);"CPUS: " + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());"Minimum batch size per CPU: " + examplesPerProcessor);"MINIMIM BATCH SIZE ON THIS MACHINE: " + (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * examplesPerProcessor));"TURNING OFF PARALLEL GRADIENT COMPUTATION");"***************\n");
        parallelGradientCalculation = false;

    if (parallelGradientCalculation && threads > 1) {
      // Launch several threads (reused out of our fixed pool) to handle the computation
      CLBatchDerivativeCalculation[] runnables = (CLBatchDerivativeCalculation[])Array.newInstance(CLBatchDerivativeCalculation.class, threads);
      CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threads);
      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        runnables[i] = new CLBatchDerivativeCalculation(threads, i, batch, x, x.length, latch);
        new Thread(runnables[i]).start();
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e);

      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        value += runnables[i].localValue;
        for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
          x[j] += runnables[i].localDerivative[j] * xscale * gain;
    else {
      double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
      double[] probs = new double[numClasses];

      for (int m : batch) {

        // Sets the index based on the current batch
        int[] features = data[m];
        // activation

        Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);

        for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
          for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
            int i = indexOf(features[f], c);
            if (values != null) {
              sums[c] += x[i] * xscale * values[m][f];
            } else {
              sums[c] += x[i] * xscale;

        for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
          int i = indexOf(features[f], labels[m]);
          double v = (values != null) ? values[m][f] : 1;
          double delta = (dataWeights != null) ? dataWeights[m] * v : v;
          x[i] += delta * gain;

        double total = ArrayMath.logSum(sums);

        for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
          probs[c] = Math.exp(sums[c] - total);

          if (dataWeights != null) {
            probs[c] *= dataWeights[m];
          for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
            int i = indexOf(features[f], c);
            double v = (values != null) ? values[m][f] : 1;
            double delta = probs[c] * v;
            x[i] -= delta * gain;

        double dV = sums[labels[m]] - total;
        if (dataWeights != null) {
          dV *= dataWeights[m];
        value -= dV;
    return value;

  public void calculateStochasticGradient(double[] x, int[] batch) {
    if (derivative == null) {
      derivative = new double[domainDimension()];
    Arrays.fill(derivative, 0.0);
    double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
    double[] probs = new double[numClasses];
    //double[] counts = new double[numClasses];
    // Arrays.fill(counts, 0.0); // not needed; Java arrays zero initialized
    for (int d : batch) {

      //Sets the index based on the current batch
      int[] features = data[d];
      // activation
      Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);
      for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
        for (int feature : features) {
          int i = indexOf(feature, c);
          sums[c] += x[i];
      // expectation (slower routine replaced by fast way)
      // double total = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      // for (int c=0; c 1) {
      // Launch several threads (reused out of our fixed pool) to handle the computation
      RVFDerivativeCalculation[] runnables = (RVFDerivativeCalculation[])Array.newInstance(RVFDerivativeCalculation.class, threads);
      CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threads);
      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        runnables[i] = new RVFDerivativeCalculation(threads, i, x, derivative.length, latch);
        new Thread(runnables[i]).start();
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e);

      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        value += runnables[i].localValue;
        for (int j = 0; j < derivative.length; j++) {
          derivative[j] += runnables[i].localDerivative[j];
    else {
      // Do the calculation locally on this thread
      double[] sums = new double[numClasses];
      double[] probs = new double[numClasses];

      for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
        final int[] features = data[d];
        final double[] vals = values[d];
        // activation
        Arrays.fill(sums, 0.0);

        for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
          final int feature = features[f];
          final double val = vals[f];
          for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
            int i = indexOf(feature, c);
            sums[c] += x[i] * val;
        // expectation (slower routine replaced by fast way)
        // double total = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        // for (int c=0; c dataset) {
    this(dataset, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC));

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset dataset, LogPrior prior) {
    this(dataset, prior, false);

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset dataset, float[] dataWeights, LogPrior prior) {
    this(dataset, prior, false, dataWeights);

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset dataset, LogPrior prior, boolean useSumCondObjFun) {
    this(dataset, prior, useSumCondObjFun, null);

  /** Version passing in a GeneralDataset, which may be binary or real-valued features. */
  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset dataset, LogPrior prior, boolean useSumCondObjFun,
                                         float[] dataWeights) {
    this.prior = prior;
    this.useSummedConditionalLikelihood = useSumCondObjFun;
    this.numFeatures = dataset.numFeatures();
    this.numClasses = dataset.numClasses(); = dataset.getDataArray();
    this.labels = dataset.getLabelsArray();
    this.values = dataset.getValuesArray();
    if (dataWeights != null) {
      this.dataWeights = dataWeights;
    } else if (dataset instanceof WeightedDataset) {
      this.dataWeights = ((WeightedDataset)dataset).getWeights();
    } else if (dataset instanceof WeightedRVFDataset) {
      this.dataWeights = ((WeightedRVFDataset)dataset).getWeights();
    } else {
      this.dataWeights = null;
    this.labelIndex = null;
    this.featureIndex = null;
    this.dataIterable = null;

  //TODO: test this [none of our code actually even uses it].
  /** Version where an Iterable is passed in for the data. Doesn't support dataWeights. */
  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(Iterable> dataIterable, LogPrior logPrior, Index featureIndex, Index labelIndex) {
    this.prior = logPrior;
    this.useSummedConditionalLikelihood = false;
    this.numFeatures = featureIndex.size();
    this.numClasses = labelIndex.size(); = null;
    this.dataIterable = dataIterable;

    this.labelIndex = labelIndex;
    this.featureIndex = featureIndex;
    this.labels = null;//dataset.getLabelsArray();
    this.values = null;//dataset.getValuesArray();
    this.dataWeights = null;

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels, boolean useSumCondObjFun) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, labels, null, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC), useSumCondObjFun);

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, labels, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC));

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels, LogPrior prior) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, labels, null, prior);

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels, float[] dataWeights) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, labels, dataWeights, new LogPrior(LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC));

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels, float[] dataWeights, LogPrior prior) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, labels, dataWeights, prior, false);

  /* For binary features. Supports dataWeights. */
  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels,
                                         float[] dataWeights, LogPrior prior, boolean useSummedConditionalLikelihood) {
    this.numFeatures = numFeatures;
    this.numClasses = numClasses; = data;
    this.values = null;
    this.labels = labels;
    this.prior = prior;
    this.dataWeights = dataWeights;
    this.labelIndex = null;
    this.featureIndex = null;
    this.dataIterable = null;
    this.useSummedConditionalLikelihood = useSummedConditionalLikelihood;

  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, int[] labels, int intPrior, double sigma, double epsilon) {
    this(numFeatures, numClasses, data, null, labels, intPrior, sigma, epsilon);

  /** For real-valued features. Passing in processed data set. */
  public LogConditionalObjectiveFunction(int numFeatures, int numClasses, int[][] data, double[][] values, int[] labels, int intPrior, double sigma, double epsilon) {
    this.numFeatures = numFeatures;
    this.numClasses = numClasses; = data;
    this.values = values;
    this.labels = labels;
    this.prior = new LogPrior(intPrior, sigma, epsilon);
    this.labelIndex = null;
    this.featureIndex = null;
    this.dataIterable = null;
    this.useSummedConditionalLikelihood = false;
    this.dataWeights = null;


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