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edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.sievepasses.DeterministicCorefSieve Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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// StanfordCoreNLP -- a suite of NLP tools
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 The Board of Trustees of
// The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact:
//    Christopher Manning
//    Dept of Computer Science, Gates 1A
//    Stanford CA 94305-9010
//    USA

package edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.sievepasses;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Constants;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.CorefCluster;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Dictionaries;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Dictionaries.MentionType;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Dictionaries.Number;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Dictionaries.Person;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Document;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Document.DocType;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Mention;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Rules;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Semantics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.SieveCoreferenceSystem;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.SieveOptions;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;

 *  Base class for a Coref Sieve.
 *  Each sieve extends this class, and set flags for its own options in the constructor.
 *  @author heeyoung
 *  @author mihais
public abstract class DeterministicCorefSieve  {

  public final SieveOptions flags;
  protected Locale lang;

  /** Initialize flagSet */
  public DeterministicCorefSieve() {
    flags = new SieveOptions();

  public void init(Properties props) {
    lang = Locale.forLanguageTag(props.getProperty(Constants.LANGUAGE_PROP, "en"));

  public String flagsToString() { return flags.toString(); }

  public boolean useRoleSkip() { return flags.USE_ROLE_SKIP; }

  /** Skip this mention? (search pruning) */
  public boolean skipThisMention(Document document, Mention m1, CorefCluster c, Dictionaries dict) {
    boolean skip = false;

    // only do for the first mention in its cluster
        && !flags.USE_ACRONYM && !flags.USE_APPOSITION && !flags.USE_RELATIVEPRONOUN
        && !c.getFirstMention().equals(m1)) {
      return true;

    if(Constants.USE_DISCOURSE_SALIENCE)  {
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("DOING COREF FOR:\t" + m1.spanToString());
      if(m1.appositions == null && m1.predicateNominatives == null
          && (m1.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString().startsWith("a ") || m1.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString().startsWith("an "))
          && !flags.USE_EXACTSTRINGMATCH)  {
        skip = true; // A noun phrase starting with an indefinite article - unlikely to have an antecedent (e.g. "A commission" was set up to .... )
      if(dict.indefinitePronouns.contains(m1.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString()))  {
        skip = true; // An indefinite pronoun - unlikely to have an antecedent (e.g. "Some" say that... )
      for(String indef : dict.indefinitePronouns){
        if(m1.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString().startsWith(indef + " ")) {
          skip = true; // A noun phrase starting with an indefinite adjective - unlikely to have an antecedent (e.g. "Another opinion" on the topic is...)

      if(skip) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("MENTION SKIPPED:\t" + m1.spanToString() + "(" + m1.sentNum + ")"+"\toriginalRef: "+m1.originalRef + " in discourse "+m1.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));

    return skip;

  public boolean checkEntityMatch(
          Document document,
          CorefCluster mentionCluster,
          CorefCluster potentialAntecedent,
          Dictionaries dict,
          Set roleSet) {
    return false;

   * Checks if two clusters are coreferent according to our sieve pass constraints.
   * @param document
   * @throws Exception
  public boolean coreferent(Document document, CorefCluster mentionCluster,
      CorefCluster potentialAntecedent,
      Mention mention2,
      Mention ant,
      Dictionaries dict,
      Set roleSet,
      Semantics semantics) throws Exception {

    boolean ret = false;
    Mention mention = mentionCluster.getRepresentativeMention();
    if (flags.USE_INCOMPATIBLES) {
      // Check our list of incompatible mentions and don't cluster them together
      // Allows definite no's from previous sieves to propagate down
      if (document.isIncompatible(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("INCOMPATIBLE clusters: not match: " +ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID +
                ") :: "+ mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID + ") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
        return false;
    if (flags.DO_PRONOUN && Math.abs(mention2.sentNum-ant.sentNum) > 3 &&
        mention2.person!=Person.I && mention2.person!=Person.YOU) {
      return false;
    if (mention2.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString().equals("this") && Math.abs(mention2.sentNum-ant.sentNum) > 3) {
      return false;
    if (mention2.person==Person.YOU && document.docType==DocType.ARTICLE &&
        mention2.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class).equals("PER0")) {
      return false;
    if (document.conllDoc != null) {
      if (ant.generic && ant.person==Person.YOU) return false;
      if (mention2.generic) return false;
    if(mention2.insideIn(ant) || ant.insideIn(mention2)) return false;

    if(flags.USE_DISCOURSEMATCH) {
      String mString = mention.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString();
      String antString = ant.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString();

      // mention and ant both belong to the same speaker cluster
      if (mention.speakerInfo != null && mention.speakerInfo == ant.speakerInfo) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: maps to same speaker: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;

      // (I - I) in the same speaker's quotation.
      if (mention.number==Number.SINGULAR && dict.firstPersonPronouns.contains(mString)
          && ant.number==Number.SINGULAR && dict.firstPersonPronouns.contains(antString)
          && Rules.entitySameSpeaker(document, mention, ant)){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: 1st person same speaker: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      // (speaker - I)
      if ((mention.number==Number.SINGULAR && dict.firstPersonPronouns.contains(mString))
              && Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, mention, ant, dict)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: 1st person mention speaker match antecedent: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        if (mention.speakerInfo == null && ant.speakerInfo != null) { mention.speakerInfo = ant.speakerInfo; }
        return true;
      // (I - speaker)
      if ((ant.number==Number.SINGULAR && dict.firstPersonPronouns.contains(antString))
              && Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, ant, mention, dict)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: 1st person antecedent speaker match mention: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        if (ant.speakerInfo == null && mention.speakerInfo != null) { ant.speakerInfo = mention.speakerInfo; }
        return true;
      // Can be iffy if more than two speakers... but still should be okay most of the time
      if (dict.secondPersonPronouns.contains(mString)
          && dict.secondPersonPronouns.contains(antString)
          && Rules.entitySameSpeaker(document, mention, ant)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: 2nd person same speaker: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      // previous I - you or previous you - I in two person conversation
      if (((mention.person==Person.I && ant.person==Person.YOU
          || (mention.person==Person.YOU && ant.person==Person.I))
          && (mention.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class)-ant.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class) == 1)
          && document.docType==DocType.CONVERSATION)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: between two person: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      if (dict.reflexivePronouns.contains(mention.headString) && Rules.entitySubjectObject(mention, ant)){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: reflexive pronoun: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + ") :: " + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID == ant.goldCorefClusterID));
        return true;
        && !flags.USE_APPOSITION && !flags.USE_WORDS_INCLUSION) {
      for(Mention m : mentionCluster.getCorefMentions()) {
        for(Mention a : potentialAntecedent.getCorefMentions()){
          // angelx - not sure about the logic here, disable (code was also refactored from original)
          // vv gabor - re-enabled code (seems to improve performance) vv
          if(m.person!=Person.I && a.person!=Person.I &&
            (Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, m, a, dict) || Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, a, m, dict))) {
            SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: not match(speaker): " +ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID + ") :: "+ mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID + ") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
            document.addIncompatible(m, a);
            return false;
          // ^^ end block of code in question ^^
          int dist = Math.abs(m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class) - a.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
          if(document.docType!=DocType.ARTICLE && dist==1 && !Rules.entitySameSpeaker(document, m, a)) {
            String mSpeaker = document.speakers.get(m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
            String aSpeaker = document.speakers.get(a.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
            if(m.person==Person.I && a.person==Person.I) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor I: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
                      + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + "," + mSpeaker + ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID != ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
            if(m.person==Person.YOU && a.person==Person.YOU) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor YOU: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
                      + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + "," + mSpeaker +  ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID != ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
            // This is weak since we can refer to both speakers
            if(m.person==Person.WE && a.person==Person.WE) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor WE: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
                      + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + "," + mSpeaker +  ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID != ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
      if(document.docType==DocType.ARTICLE) {
        for(Mention m : mentionCluster.getCorefMentions()) {
          for(Mention a : potentialAntecedent.getCorefMentions()){
            if(Rules.entitySubjectObject(m, a)) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: subject-object: "+ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID + ") :: "+ mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID + ") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;

    // Incompatibility constraints - do before match checks
    if(flags.USE_iwithini && Rules.entityIWithinI(mention, ant, dict)) {
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: iwithini: "+ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID + ") :: "+ mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID + ") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
      document.addIncompatible(mention, ant);
      return false;

    // Match checks
    if(flags.USE_EXACTSTRINGMATCH && Rules.entityExactStringMatch(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, dict, roleSet)){
      return true;
    if (flags.USE_NAME_MATCH && checkEntityMatch(document, mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, dict, roleSet)) {
      ret = true;

    if(flags.USE_RELAXED_EXACTSTRINGMATCH && Rules.entityRelaxedExactStringMatch(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant, dict, roleSet)){
      return true;
    if(flags.USE_APPOSITION && Rules.entityIsApposition(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant)) {
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Apposition: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tvs\t" + ant.spanToString());
      return true;
    if(flags.USE_PREDICATENOMINATIVES && Rules.entityIsPredicateNominatives(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant)) {
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Predicate nominatives: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tvs\t" + ant.spanToString());
      return true;

    if(flags.USE_ACRONYM && Rules.entityIsAcronym(document, mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent)) {
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Acronym: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tvs\t" + ant.spanToString());
      return true;
    if(flags.USE_RELATIVEPRONOUN && Rules.entityIsRelativePronoun(mention, ant)){
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Relative pronoun: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tvs\t" + ant.spanToString());
      return true;
    if(flags.USE_DEMONYM && mention.isDemonym(ant, dict)){
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Demonym: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tvs\t" + ant.spanToString());
      return true;

    if(flags.USE_ROLEAPPOSITION && lang != Locale.CHINESE && Rules.entityIsRoleAppositive(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant, dict)){
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Role Appositive: "+mention.spanToString()+"\tvs\t"+ant.spanToString());
      ret = true;
    if(flags.USE_INCLUSION_HEADMATCH && Rules.entityHeadsAgree(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant, dict)){
      SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Entity heads agree: "+mention.spanToString()+"\tvs\t"+ant.spanToString());
      ret = true;
    if(flags.USE_RELAXED_HEADMATCH && Rules.entityRelaxedHeadsAgreeBetweenMentions(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant) ){
      ret = true;

    if(flags.USE_WORDS_INCLUSION && ret && ! Rules.entityWordsIncluded(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant)) {
      return false;

    if(flags.USE_INCOMPATIBLE_MODIFIER && ret && Rules.entityHaveIncompatibleModifier(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent)) {
      return false;
    if(flags.USE_PROPERHEAD_AT_LAST && ret && !Rules.entitySameProperHeadLastWord(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant)) {
      return false;
    if(flags.USE_ATTRIBUTES_AGREE && !Rules.entityAttributesAgree(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent)) {
      return false;
        && Rules.entityHaveDifferentLocation(mention, ant, dict)) {
      if(flags.USE_PROPERHEAD_AT_LAST  && ret && mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("DIFFERENT LOCATION: "+ant.spanToString()+" :: "+mention.spanToString());
      return false;
        && Rules.entityNumberInLaterMention(mention, ant)) {
      if(flags.USE_PROPERHEAD_AT_LAST  && ret && mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("NEW NUMBER : "+ant.spanToString()+" :: "+mention.spanToString());
      return false;
    if(flags.USE_WN_HYPERNYM) {
      Method meth = semantics.wordnet.getClass().getMethod("checkHypernym", CorefCluster.class, CorefCluster.class, Mention.class, Mention.class);
      if((Boolean) meth.invoke(semantics.wordnet, mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, mention, ant)) {
        ret = true;
      } else if (mention.goldCorefClusterID == ant.goldCorefClusterID
          && !mention.isPronominal() && !ant.isPronominal()){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("not hypernym in WN");
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("False Negatives:: " + ant.spanToString() +" <= "+mention.spanToString());
    if(flags.USE_WN_SYNONYM) {
      Method meth = semantics.wordnet.getClass().getMethod("checkSynonym", new Class[]{Mention.class, Mention.class});
      if((Boolean) meth.invoke(semantics.wordnet, mention, ant)) {
        ret = true;
      } else if (mention.goldCorefClusterID == ant.goldCorefClusterID
          && !mention.isPronominal() && !ant.isPronominal()){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("not synonym in WN");
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("False Negatives:: " + ant.spanToString() +" <= "+mention.spanToString());

    try {
      if(flags.USE_ALIAS && Rules.entityAlias(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, semantics, dict)){
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

    if(flags.USE_DISTANCE && Rules.entityTokenDistance(mention2, ant)){
      return false;


      // Head match
      if(ant.headWord.lemma().equals(mention2.headWord.lemma())) return false;

      // Constraint: ignore pairs commonNoun - properNoun
      if(ant.mentionType != MentionType.PROPER &&
         ( mention2.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).startsWith("NNP")
           || !mention2.headWord.word().substring(1).equals(mention2.headWord.word().substring(1).toLowerCase()) ) ) return false;

      // Constraint: ignore plurals
          && mention2.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).equals("NNS")) return false;

      // Constraint: ignore mentions with indefinite determiners
          || dict.indefinitePronouns.contains(mention2.originalSpan.get(0).lemma())) return false;

      // Constraint: ignore coordinated mentions
      if(ant.isCoordinated() || mention2.isCoordinated()) return false;

      // Constraint: context incompatibility
      if(Rules.contextIncompatible(mention2, ant, dict)) return false;

      // Constraint: sentence context incompatibility when the mentions are common nouns
      if(Rules.sentenceContextIncompatible(mention2, ant, dict)) return false;

      if(Rules.entityClusterAllCorefDictionary(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, dict, 1, 8)) return true;
      if(Rules.entityCorefDictionary(mention, ant, dict, 2, 2)) return true;
      if(Rules.entityCorefDictionary(mention, ant, dict, 3, 2)) return true;
      if(Rules.entityCorefDictionary(mention, ant, dict, 4, 2)) return true;

      Mention m;
      if (mention.predicateNominatives!=null && mention.predicateNominatives.contains(mention2)) {
        m = mention2;
      } else {
        m = mention;

      if((m.isPronominal() || dict.allPronouns.contains(m.toString())) && Rules.entityAttributesAgree(mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent)){

        if(dict.demonymSet.contains(ant.lowercaseNormalizedSpanString()) && dict.notOrganizationPRP.contains(m.headString)){
          document.addIncompatible(m, ant);
          return false;
        if(Constants.USE_DISCOURSE_CONSTRAINTS && Rules.entityPersonDisagree(document, mentionCluster, potentialAntecedent, dict)){
          SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: Person Disagree: "+ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID+") :: "+mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID+") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
          document.addIncompatible(m, ant);
          return false;
        return true;

    return ret;

   * Orders the antecedents for the given mention (m1)
   * @param antecedentSentence
   * @param mySentence
   * @param orderedMentions
   * @param orderedMentionsBySentence
   * @param m1
   * @param m1Position
   * @param corefClusters
   * @param dict
   * @return An ordering of potential antecedents depending on same/different sentence, etc.
  public List getOrderedAntecedents(
      int antecedentSentence,
      int mySentence,
      List orderedMentions,
      List> orderedMentionsBySentence,
      Mention m1,
      int m1Position,
      Map corefClusters,
      Dictionaries dict) {
    List orderedAntecedents = new ArrayList<>();

    // ordering antecedents
    if (antecedentSentence == mySentence) {   // same sentence
      orderedAntecedents.addAll(orderedMentions.subList(0, m1Position));
      if(flags.DO_PRONOUN && corefClusters.get(m1.corefClusterID).isSinglePronounCluster(dict)) {
        orderedAntecedents = sortMentionsForPronoun(orderedAntecedents, m1, true);
      if(dict.relativePronouns.contains(m1.spanToString())) Collections.reverse(orderedAntecedents);
    } else {    // previous sentence

    return orderedAntecedents;

  /** Divides a sentence into clauses and sorts the antecedents for pronoun matching. */
  private static List sortMentionsForPronoun(List l, Mention m1, boolean sameSentence) {
    List sorted = new ArrayList<>();
    if (sameSentence) {
      Tree tree = m1.contextParseTree;
      Tree current = m1.mentionSubTree;
      current = current.parent(tree);
      while (current != null) {
        if (current.label().value().startsWith("S")) {
          for (Mention m : l) {
            if (!sorted.contains(m) && current.dominates(m.mentionSubTree)) {
        current = current.parent(tree);
      if (SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
        if (l.size()!=sorted.size()) {
          SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("sorting failed!!! -> parser error?? \tmentionID: "+m1.mentionID+" " + m1.spanToString());
          sorted = l;
        } else if ( ! l.equals(sorted)) {
          SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("sorting succeeded & changed !! \tmentionID: "+m1.mentionID+" " + m1.spanToString());
          for (int i=0; i

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