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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

There is a newer version: 4.5.7
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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

 * Main driver for Machine Reading training, annotation, and evaluation. Does
 * entity, relation, and event extraction for all corpora.
 * This code has been adapted for 4 domains, all defined in the package.
 * For each domain, you need a properties file that is the only command line parameter for MachineReading.
 * Minimally, for each domain you need to define a reader class that extends the GenericDataSetReader class
 * and overrides the public Annotation read(String path) method.
 * How to run: java -arguments propertiesFile
 * This method creates an Annotation with additional objects per sentence: EntityMentions and RelationMentions.
 * Using these objects, the classifiers that get called from MachineReading train entity and relation extractors.
 * The simplest example domain currently is in,
 * which is a simple entity and relation extraction using a dataset created by Dan Roth. The properties file for the domain is at
 * projects/more/src/edu/stanford/nlp/ie/machinereading/domains/roth/
 * @author David McCLosky
 * @author mrsmith
 * @author Mihai
public class MachineReading  {

  /** A logger for this class */
  private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(MachineReading.class);

  /** Store command-line args so they can be passed to other classes */
  private final String[] args;

   * class attributes
  private GenericDataSetReader reader;
  private GenericDataSetReader auxReader;

  private Extractor entityExtractor;
  // TODO could add an entityExtractorPostProcessor if we need one
  private Extractor relationExtractor;
  private Extractor relationExtractionPostProcessor;
  private Extractor eventExtractor;
  private Extractor consistencyChecker;

  private boolean forceRetraining;
  private boolean forceParseSentences;

   * Array of pairs of datasets (training, testing)
   * If cross validation is enabled, the length of this array is the number of folds; otherwise it is 1
   * The first element in each pair is the training corpus; the second is testing
  private Pair [] datasets;

   * Stores the predictions of the extractors
   * The first index is the partition number (of length 1 is cross validation is not enabled)
   * The second index is the task: 0 - entities, 1 - relations, 2 - events
   * Note: we need to store separate predictions per task because they may not be compatible with each other.
   *       For example, we may have predicted entities in task 0 but use gold entities for task 1.
  private Annotation [][] predictions;

  private Set entityResultsPrinterSet;
  private Set relationResultsPrinterSet;
  private Set eventResultsPrinterSet;

  private static final int ENTITY_LEVEL = 0;
  private static final int RELATION_LEVEL = 1;
  private static final int EVENT_LEVEL = 2;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    MachineReading mr = makeMachineReading(args);;

  public static void setLoggerLevel(Level level) {

  public static void setConsoleLevel(Level level) {
    // get the top Logger:
    Logger topLogger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("");

    // Handler for console (reuse it if it already exists)
    Handler consoleHandler = null;
    // see if there is already a console handler
    for (Handler handler : topLogger.getHandlers()) {
      if (handler instanceof ConsoleHandler) {
        // found the console handler
        consoleHandler = handler;

    if (consoleHandler == null) {
      // there was no console handler found, create a new one
      consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();
    // set the console handler level:
    consoleHandler.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());

   * Use the makeMachineReading* methods to create MachineReading objects!
  private MachineReading(String [] args) {
    this.args = args;

  protected MachineReading() {
    this.args = StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

   * Creates a MR object to be used only for annotation purposes (no training)
   * This is needed in order to integrate MachineReading with BaselineNLProcessor
  public static MachineReading makeMachineReadingForAnnotation(
          GenericDataSetReader reader,
          Extractor entityExtractor,
          Extractor relationExtractor,
          Extractor eventExtractor,
          Extractor consistencyChecker,
          Extractor relationPostProcessor,
          boolean testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities,
          boolean verbose) {
    MachineReading mr = new MachineReading();

    // readers needed to assign syntactic heads to predicted entities
    mr.reader = reader;
    mr.auxReader = null;

    // no results printers needed
    mr.entityResultsPrinterSet = new HashSet<>();
    mr.setRelationResultsPrinterSet(new HashSet<>());

    // create the storage for the generated annotations
    mr.predictions = new Annotation[3][1];

    // create the entity/relation classifiers
    mr.entityExtractor = entityExtractor;
    MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities = entityExtractor != null;
    mr.relationExtractor = relationExtractor;
    MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations = relationExtractor != null;
    MachineReadingProperties.testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities = testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities;
    mr.eventExtractor = eventExtractor;
    MachineReadingProperties.extractEvents = eventExtractor != null;
    mr.consistencyChecker = consistencyChecker;
    mr.relationExtractionPostProcessor = relationPostProcessor;

    Level level = verbose ? Level.FINEST : Level.SEVERE;
    if (entityExtractor != null)
    if (mr.relationExtractor != null)
    if (mr.eventExtractor != null)

    return mr;

  public static MachineReading makeMachineReading(String [] args) throws IOException {
    // install global parameters
    MachineReading mr = new MachineReading(args);
    ArgumentParser.fillOptions(MachineReadingProperties.class, args);
    //Arguments.parse(args, mr);"PERCENTAGE OF TRAIN: " + MachineReadingProperties.percentageOfTrain);

    // convert args to properties
    Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args);
    if (props == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: failed to find Properties in the given arguments!");

    String logLevel = props.getProperty("logLevel", "INFO");

    // install reader specific parameters
    GenericDataSetReader reader = mr.makeReader(props);
    GenericDataSetReader auxReader = mr.makeAuxReader();
    Level readerLogLevel = Level.parse(MachineReadingProperties.readerLogLevel.toUpperCase());
    if (auxReader != null) {
    }"The reader log level is set to " + readerLogLevel);
    //Execution.fillOptions(GenericDataSetReaderProps.class, args);
    //Arguments.parse(args, reader);

    // create the pre-processing pipeline
    StanfordCoreNLP pipe = new StanfordCoreNLP(props, false);
    if (auxReader != null) {

    // create the results printers

    return mr;

   * Performs extraction. This will train a new extraction model and evaluate
   * the model on the test set. Depending on the MachineReading instance's
   * parameters, it may skip training if a model already exists or skip
   * evaluation.
   * returns results string, can be compared in a utest
  public List run() throws Exception {
    this.forceRetraining = ! MachineReadingProperties.loadModel;

    if (MachineReadingProperties.trainOnly) {
      this.forceRetraining= true;
    List retMsg = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean haveSerializedEntityExtractor = serializedModelExists(MachineReadingProperties.serializedEntityExtractorPath);
    boolean haveSerializedRelationExtractor = serializedModelExists(MachineReadingProperties.serializedRelationExtractorPath);
    boolean haveSerializedEventExtractor = serializedModelExists(MachineReadingProperties.serializedEventExtractorPath);
    Annotation training = null;
    Annotation aux = null;
    if ((MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities && !haveSerializedEntityExtractor) ||
            (MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations && !haveSerializedRelationExtractor) ||
            (MachineReadingProperties.extractEvents && !haveSerializedEventExtractor) ||
            this.forceRetraining|| MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate){
      // load training sentences
      training = loadOrMakeSerializedSentences(MachineReadingProperties.trainPath, reader, new File(MachineReadingProperties.serializedTrainingSentencesPath));
      if (auxReader != null) {
        MachineReadingProperties.logger.severe("Reading auxiliary dataset from " + MachineReadingProperties.auxDataPath + "...");
        aux = loadOrMakeSerializedSentences(MachineReadingProperties.auxDataPath, auxReader, new File(
        MachineReadingProperties.logger.severe("Done reading auxiliary dataset.");

    Annotation testing = null;
    if (!MachineReadingProperties.trainOnly && !MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate) {
      // load test sentences
      File serializedTestSentences = new File(MachineReadingProperties.serializedTestSentencesPath);
      testing = loadOrMakeSerializedSentences(MachineReadingProperties.testPath, reader, serializedTestSentences);

    // create the actual datasets to be used for training and annotation
    makeDataSets(training, testing, aux);

    // process (training + annotate) one partition at a time
    for(int partition = 0; partition < datasets.length; partition ++){
      assert(datasets.length > partition);
      assert(datasets[partition] != null);
      assert(MachineReadingProperties.trainOnly || datasets[partition].second() != null);

      // train all models
      train(datasets[partition].first(), (MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate ? partition : -1));
      // annotate using all models
      if(! MachineReadingProperties.trainOnly){"annotating partition " + partition );
        annotate(datasets[partition].second(), (MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate ? partition: -1));

    // now report overall results
    if(! MachineReadingProperties.trainOnly){
      // merge test sets for the gold data
      Annotation gold = new Annotation("");
      for (Pair dataset : datasets)
        AnnotationUtils.addSentences(gold, dataset.second().get(SentencesAnnotation.class));

      // merge test sets with predicted annotations
      Annotation[] mergedPredictions = new Annotation[3];
      assert(predictions != null);
      for (int taskLevel = 0; taskLevel < mergedPredictions.length; taskLevel++) {
        mergedPredictions[taskLevel] = new Annotation("");
        for(int fold = 0; fold < predictions[taskLevel].length; fold ++){
          if (predictions[taskLevel][fold] == null) continue;
          AnnotationUtils.addSentences(mergedPredictions[taskLevel], predictions[taskLevel][fold].get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class));
      // evaluate all tasks: entity, relation, and event recognition
      if(MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities && ! entityResultsPrinterSet.isEmpty()){
        retMsg.addAll(printTask("entity extraction", entityResultsPrinterSet, gold, mergedPredictions[ENTITY_LEVEL]));

      if(MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations && ! getRelationResultsPrinterSet().isEmpty()){
        retMsg.addAll(printTask("relation extraction", getRelationResultsPrinterSet(), gold, mergedPredictions[RELATION_LEVEL]));

      // Save the sentences with the predicted annotations
      if (MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities && MachineReadingProperties.serializedEntityExtractionResults != null)
        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(mergedPredictions[ENTITY_LEVEL], MachineReadingProperties.serializedEntityExtractionResults);
      if (MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations && MachineReadingProperties.serializedRelationExtractionResults != null)
      if (MachineReadingProperties.extractEvents && MachineReadingProperties.serializedEventExtractionResults != null)


    return retMsg;

  private static List printTask(String taskName, Set printers, Annotation gold, Annotation pred) {
    List retMsg = new ArrayList<>();
    for (ResultsPrinter rp : printers){
      String msg = rp.printResults(gold, pred);
      MachineReadingProperties.logger.severe("Overall " + taskName + " results, using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);
    return retMsg;

  protected void train(Annotation training, int partition) throws Exception {
    // train entity extraction
    if (MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities) {"Training entity extraction model(s)");
      if (partition != -1)"In partition #" + partition);
      String modelName = MachineReadingProperties.serializedEntityExtractorPath;
      if (partition != -1) modelName += "." + partition;
      File modelFile = new File(modelName);

      MachineReadingProperties.logger.fine("forceRetraining = " + this.forceRetraining+ ", modelFile.exists = " + modelFile.exists());
      if(! this.forceRetraining&& modelFile.exists()){"Loading entity extraction model from " + modelName + " ...");
        entityExtractor = BasicEntityExtractor.load(modelName, MachineReadingProperties.entityClassifier, false);
      } else {"Training entity extraction model...");
        entityExtractor = makeEntityExtractor(MachineReadingProperties.entityClassifier, MachineReadingProperties.entityGazetteerPath);
        entityExtractor.train(training);"Serializing entity extraction model to " + modelName + " ...");;

    // train relation extraction
    if (MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations) {"Training relation extraction model(s)");
      if (partition != -1)"In partition #" + partition);
      String modelName = MachineReadingProperties.serializedRelationExtractorPath;
      if (partition != -1)
        modelName += "." + partition;

      if (MachineReadingProperties.useRelationExtractionModelMerging) {
        String[] modelNames = MachineReadingProperties.serializedRelationExtractorPath.split(",");
        if (partition != -1) {
          for (int i = 0; i < modelNames.length; i++) {
            modelNames[i] += "." + partition;

        relationExtractor = ExtractorMerger.buildRelationExtractorMerger(modelNames);
      } else if (!this.forceRetraining&& new File(modelName).exists()) {"Loading relation extraction model from " + modelName + " ...");
        //TODO change this to load any type of BasicRelationExtractor
        relationExtractor = BasicRelationExtractor.load(modelName);
      } else {
        RelationFeatureFactory rff = makeRelationFeatureFactory(MachineReadingProperties.relationFeatureFactoryClass, MachineReadingProperties.relationFeatures, MachineReadingProperties.doNotLexicalizeFirstArg);
        ArgumentParser.fillOptions(rff, args);

        Annotation predicted = null;
        if (MachineReadingProperties.trainRelationsUsingPredictedEntities) {
          // generate predicted entities
          assert(entityExtractor != null);
          predicted = AnnotationUtils.deepMentionCopy(training);
          for (ResultsPrinter rp : entityResultsPrinterSet){
            String msg = rp.printResults(training, predicted);
  "Training relation extraction using predicted entitities: entity scores using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);

          // change relation mentions to use predicted entity mentions rather than gold ones
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // we may get here for unknown EntityMentionComparator class
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        Annotation dataset;
        if (MachineReadingProperties.trainRelationsUsingPredictedEntities) {
          dataset = predicted;
        } else {
          dataset = training;

        Set relationsToSkip = new HashSet<>(StringUtils.split(MachineReadingProperties.relationsToSkipDuringTraining, ","));
        List> backedUpRelations = new ArrayList<>();
        if (relationsToSkip.size() > 0) {
          // we need to backup the relations since removeSkippableRelations modifies dataset in place and we can't duplicate CoreMaps safely (or can we?)
          for (CoreMap sent : dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
            List relationMentions = sent.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class);

          removeSkippableRelations(dataset, relationsToSkip);

        //relationExtractor = new BasicRelationExtractor(rff, MachineReadingProperties.createUnrelatedRelations, makeRelationMentionFactory(MachineReadingProperties.relationMentionFactoryClass));
        relationExtractor = makeRelationExtractor(MachineReadingProperties.relationClassifier, rff, MachineReadingProperties.createUnrelatedRelations,
        ArgumentParser.fillOptions(relationExtractor, args);
        //Arguments.parse(args,relationExtractor);"Training relation extraction model...");
        relationExtractor.train(dataset);"Serializing relation extraction model to " + modelName + " ...");;

        if (relationsToSkip.size() > 0) {
          // restore backed up relations into dataset
          int sentenceIndex = 0;

          for (CoreMap sentence : dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
            List relationMentions = backedUpRelations.get(sentenceIndex);
            sentence.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class, relationMentions);

    // train event extraction -- currently just works with MSTBasedEventExtractor
    if (MachineReadingProperties.extractEvents) {"Training event extraction model(s)");
      if (partition != -1)"In partition #" + partition);
      String modelName = MachineReadingProperties.serializedEventExtractorPath;
      if (partition != -1) modelName += "." + partition;
      File modelFile = new File(modelName);

      if(!this.forceRetraining&& modelFile.exists()) {"Loading event extraction model from " + modelName + " ...");
        Method mstLoader = (Class.forName("MSTBasedEventExtractor")).getMethod("load", String.class);
        eventExtractor = (Extractor) mstLoader.invoke(null, modelName);
      } else {
        Annotation predicted = null;
        if (MachineReadingProperties.trainEventsUsingPredictedEntities) {
          // generate predicted entities
          assert(entityExtractor != null);
          predicted = AnnotationUtils.deepMentionCopy(training);
          for (ResultsPrinter rp : entityResultsPrinterSet){
            String msg = rp.printResults(training, predicted);
  "Training event extraction using predicted entitities: entity scores using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);

          // TODO: need an equivalent of changeGoldRelationArgsToPredicted here?

        Constructor mstConstructor = (Class.forName("")).getConstructor(boolean.class);
        eventExtractor = (Extractor) mstConstructor.newInstance(MachineReadingProperties.trainEventsUsingPredictedEntities);"Training event extraction model...");
        if (MachineReadingProperties.trainRelationsUsingPredictedEntities) {
        } else {
        }"Serializing event extraction model to " + modelName + " ...");;

   * Removes any relations with relation types in relationsToSkip from a dataset.  Dataset is modified in place.
  private static void removeSkippableRelations(Annotation dataset, Set relationsToSkip) {
    if (relationsToSkip == null || relationsToSkip.isEmpty()) {
    for (CoreMap sent : dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
      List relationMentions = sent.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class);
      if (relationMentions == null) {
      List newRelationMentions = new ArrayList<>();
      for (RelationMention rm: relationMentions) {
        if (!relationsToSkip.contains(rm.getType())) {
      sent.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class, newRelationMentions);

   * Replaces all relation arguments with predicted entities
  private static void changeGoldRelationArgsToPredicted(Annotation dataset) {
    for (CoreMap sent : dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
      List entityMentions = sent.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class);
      List relationMentions = sent.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class);
      List newRels = new ArrayList<>();
      for (RelationMention rm : relationMentions) {
        if (rm.replaceGoldArgsWithPredicted(entityMentions)) {
"Successfully mapped all arguments in relation mention: " + rm);
        } else {
"Dropped relation mention due to failed argument mapping: " + rm);
      sent.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class, newRels);
      // we may have added new mentions to the entity list, so let's store it again
      sent.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class, entityMentions);

  public Annotation annotate(Annotation testing) {
    return annotate(testing, -1);

  protected Annotation annotate(Annotation testing, int partition) {
    int partitionIndex = (partition != -1 ? partition : 0);

    // annotate entities
    if (MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities) {
      assert(entityExtractor != null);
      Annotation predicted = AnnotationUtils.deepMentionCopy(testing);

      for (ResultsPrinter rp : entityResultsPrinterSet){
        String msg = rp.printResults(testing, predicted);"Entity extraction results " + (partition != -1 ? "for partition #" + partition : "") + " using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);
      predictions[ENTITY_LEVEL][partitionIndex] = predicted;

    // annotate relations
    if (MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations) {
      assert(relationExtractor != null);

      Annotation predicted = (MachineReadingProperties.testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities ? predictions[ENTITY_LEVEL][partitionIndex] : AnnotationUtils.deepMentionCopy(testing));
      // make sure the entities have the syntactic head and span set. we need this for relation extraction features

      if (relationExtractionPostProcessor == null) {
        relationExtractionPostProcessor = makeExtractor(MachineReadingProperties.relationExtractionPostProcessorClass);
      if (relationExtractionPostProcessor != null) {"Using relation extraction post processor: " + MachineReadingProperties.relationExtractionPostProcessorClass);

      for (ResultsPrinter rp : getRelationResultsPrinterSet()){
        String msg = rp.printResults(testing, predicted);"Relation extraction results " + (partition != -1 ? "for partition #" + partition : "") + " using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);

      // apply the domain-specific consistency checks
      if (consistencyChecker == null) {
        consistencyChecker = makeExtractor(MachineReadingProperties.consistencyCheck);
      if (consistencyChecker != null) {"Using consistency checker: " + MachineReadingProperties.consistencyCheck);

        for (ResultsPrinter rp : entityResultsPrinterSet){
          String msg = rp.printResults(testing, predicted);
"Entity extraction results AFTER consistency checks " + (partition != -1 ? "for partition #" + partition : "") + " using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);
        for (ResultsPrinter rp : getRelationResultsPrinterSet()){
          String msg = rp.printResults(testing, predicted);
"Relation extraction results AFTER consistency checks " + (partition != -1 ? "for partition #" + partition : "") + " using printer " + rp.getClass() + ":\n" + msg);

      predictions[RELATION_LEVEL][partitionIndex] = predicted;

    // TODO: annotate events

    return predictions[RELATION_LEVEL][partitionIndex];

  private void assignSyntacticHeadToEntities(Annotation corpus) {
    assert(corpus != null);
    assert(corpus.get(SentencesAnnotation.class) != null);
    for(CoreMap sent: corpus.get(SentencesAnnotation.class)){
      List tokens = sent.get(TokensAnnotation.class);
      assert(tokens != null);
      Tree tree = sent.get(TreeAnnotation.class);
      if (MachineReadingProperties.forceGenerationOfIndexSpans) {
      assert(tree != null);
      if(sent.get(EntityMentionsAnnotation.class) != null){
        for(EntityMention e: sent.get(EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)){
          reader.assignSyntacticHead(e, tree, tokens, true);

  private static Extractor makeExtractor(Class extractorClass) {
    if (extractorClass == null) return null;
    Extractor ex;
    try {
      ex = extractorClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return ex;

  private void makeDataSets(Annotation training, Annotation testing, Annotation auxDataset) {
    if(! MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate){
      datasets = new Pair[1];
      Annotation trainingEnhanced = training;
      if (auxDataset != null) {
        trainingEnhanced = new Annotation(training.get(TextAnnotation.class));
        for(int i = 0; i < AnnotationUtils.sentenceCount(training); i ++){
          AnnotationUtils.addSentence(trainingEnhanced, AnnotationUtils.getSentence(training, i));
        for (int ind = 0; ind < AnnotationUtils.sentenceCount(auxDataset); ind++) {
          AnnotationUtils.addSentence(trainingEnhanced, AnnotationUtils.getSentence(auxDataset, ind));
      datasets[0] = new Pair<>(trainingEnhanced, testing);

      predictions = new Annotation[3][1];
    } else {
      assert(MachineReadingProperties.kfold > 1);
      datasets = new Pair[MachineReadingProperties.kfold];
      for (int partition = 0; partition (partitionTrain, partitionTest);

      predictions = new Annotation[3][MachineReadingProperties.kfold];

  /** Keeps only the first percentage sentences from the given corpus */
  private static Annotation keepPercentage(Annotation corpus, double percentage) {"Using fraction of train: " + percentage);
    if (percentage >= 1.0) {
      return corpus;
    Annotation smaller = new Annotation("");
    List sents = new ArrayList<>();
    List fullSents = corpus.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);
    double smallSize = (double) fullSents.size() * percentage;
    for (int i = 0; i < smallSize; i ++) {
    }"TRAIN corpus size reduced from " + fullSents.size() + " to " + sents.size());
    smaller.set(SentencesAnnotation.class, sents);
    return smaller;

  private static boolean serializedModelExists(String prefix) {
    if (!MachineReadingProperties.crossValidate) {
      File f = new File(prefix);
      return f.exists();

    // in cross validation we serialize models to prefix.
    for (int i = 0; i < MachineReadingProperties.kfold; i++) {
      File f = new File(prefix + "." + Integer.toString(i));
      if (!f.exists()) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Creates ResultsPrinter instances based on the resultsPrinters argument
   * @param args
  private void makeResultsPrinters(String[] args) {
    entityResultsPrinterSet = makeResultsPrinters(MachineReadingProperties.entityResultsPrinters, args);
    setRelationResultsPrinterSet(makeResultsPrinters(MachineReadingProperties.relationResultsPrinters, args));
    eventResultsPrinterSet = makeResultsPrinters(MachineReadingProperties.eventResultsPrinters, args);

  private static Set makeResultsPrinters(String classes, String[] args) {"Making result printers from " + classes);
    String[] printerClassNames = classes.trim().split(",\\s*");
    HashSet printers = new HashSet<>();
    for (String printerClassName : printerClassNames) {
      if(printerClassName.isEmpty()) continue;
      ResultsPrinter rp;
      try {
        rp = (ResultsPrinter) Class.forName(printerClassName).getConstructor().newInstance();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      //Execution.fillOptions(ResultsPrinterProps.class, args);
    return printers;

   * Constructs the corpus reader class and sets it as the reader for this MachineReading instance.
   * @return corpus reader specified by datasetReaderClass
  private GenericDataSetReader makeReader(Properties props) {
    try {
      if(reader == null){
        try {
          reader = MachineReadingProperties.datasetReaderClass.getConstructor(Properties.class).newInstance(props);
        } catch(java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {
          // if no c'tor with props found let's use the default one
          reader = MachineReadingProperties.datasetReaderClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

    return reader;

   * Constructs the corpus reader class and sets it as the reader for this MachineReading instance.
   * @return corpus reader specified by datasetAuxReaderClass
  private GenericDataSetReader makeAuxReader() {
    try {
      if (auxReader == null) {
        if (MachineReadingProperties.datasetAuxReaderClass != null) {
          auxReader = MachineReadingProperties.datasetAuxReaderClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return auxReader;

  public static Extractor makeEntityExtractor(
          Class entityExtractorClass,
          String gazetteerPath) {
    if (entityExtractorClass == null) return null;
    BasicEntityExtractor ex;
    try {
      ex = entityExtractorClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(gazetteerPath);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return ex;

  private static Extractor makeRelationExtractor(
          Class relationExtractorClass, RelationFeatureFactory featureFac, boolean createUnrelatedRelations, RelationMentionFactory factory) {
    if (relationExtractorClass == null) return null;
    BasicRelationExtractor ex;
    try {
      ex = relationExtractorClass.getConstructor(RelationFeatureFactory.class, Boolean.class, RelationMentionFactory.class).newInstance(featureFac, createUnrelatedRelations, factory);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return ex;

  public static RelationFeatureFactory makeRelationFeatureFactory(
          Class relationFeatureFactoryClass,
          String relationFeatureList,
          boolean doNotLexicalizeFirstArg) {
    if (relationFeatureList == null || relationFeatureFactoryClass == null)
      return null;
    Object[] featureList = new Object [] {relationFeatureList.trim().split(",\\s*")};
    RelationFeatureFactory rff;
    try {
      rff = relationFeatureFactoryClass.getConstructor(String[].class).newInstance(featureList);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return rff;

  private static RelationMentionFactory makeRelationMentionFactory(
          Class relationMentionFactoryClass) {
    RelationMentionFactory rmf;
    try {
      rmf = relationMentionFactoryClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return rmf;

   * Gets the serialized sentences for a data set. If the serialized sentences
   * are already on disk, it loads them from there. Otherwise, the data set is
   * read with the corpus reader and the serialized sentences are saved to disk.
   * @param sentencesPath Llocation of the raw data set
   * @param reader The corpus reader
   * @param serializedSentences Where the serialized sentences should be stored on disk
   * @return A list of RelationsSentences
  private Annotation loadOrMakeSerializedSentences(
          String sentencesPath, GenericDataSetReader reader,
          File serializedSentences) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Annotation corpusSentences;
    // if the serialized file exists, just read it. otherwise read the source
    // and and save the serialized file to disk
    if (MachineReadingProperties.serializeCorpora && serializedSentences.exists() && !forceParseSentences) {"Loaded serialized sentences from " + serializedSentences.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
      corpusSentences = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(serializedSentences);"Done. Loaded " + corpusSentences.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).size() + " sentences.");
    } else {
      // read the corpus"Parsing corpus sentences...");
      if(MachineReadingProperties.serializeCorpora)"These sentences will be serialized to " + serializedSentences.getAbsolutePath());
      corpusSentences = reader.parse(sentencesPath);"Done. Parsed " + AnnotationUtils.sentenceCount(corpusSentences) + " sentences.");

      // save corpusSentences
      if(MachineReadingProperties.serializeCorpora){"Serializing parsed sentences to " + serializedSentences.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(corpusSentences,serializedSentences);"Done. Serialized " + AnnotationUtils.sentenceCount(corpusSentences) + " sentences.");
    return corpusSentences;

  public void setExtractEntities(boolean extractEntities) {
    MachineReadingProperties.extractEntities = extractEntities;

  public void setExtractRelations(boolean extractRelations) {
    MachineReadingProperties.extractRelations = extractRelations;

  public void setExtractEvents(boolean extractEvents) {
    MachineReadingProperties.extractEvents = extractEvents;

  public void setForceParseSentences(boolean forceParseSentences) {
    this.forceParseSentences = forceParseSentences;

  public void setDatasets(Pair [] datasets) {
    this.datasets = datasets;

  public Pair [] getDatasets() {
    return datasets;

  public void setPredictions(Annotation [][] predictions) {
    this.predictions = predictions;

  public Annotation [][] getPredictions() {
    return predictions;

  public void setReader(GenericDataSetReader reader) {
    this.reader = reader;

  public GenericDataSetReader getReader() {
    return reader;

  public void setAuxReader(GenericDataSetReader auxReader) {
    this.auxReader = auxReader;

  public GenericDataSetReader getAuxReader() {
    return auxReader;

  public void setEntityResultsPrinterSet(Set entityResultsPrinterSet) {
    this.entityResultsPrinterSet = entityResultsPrinterSet;

  public Set getEntityResultsPrinterSet() {
    return entityResultsPrinterSet;

  public void setRelationResultsPrinterSet(Set relationResultsPrinterSet) {
    this.relationResultsPrinterSet = relationResultsPrinterSet;

  public Set getRelationResultsPrinterSet() {
    return relationResultsPrinterSet;


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