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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

There is a newer version: 4.5.7
Show newest version
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;

 * A class for converting strings to input suitable for processing by
 * an IOB sequence model.
 * @author Spence Green
 * @author Will Monroe
public class IOBUtils  {

  /** A logger for this class */
  private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(IOBUtils.class);

  // Training token types.
  private enum TokenType { BeginMarker, EndMarker, BothMarker, NoMarker }

  // Label inventory
  public static final String BeginSymbol = "BEGIN";
  public static final String ContinuationSymbol = "CONT";
  public static final String NosegSymbol = "NOSEG";
  public static final String RewriteSymbol = "REW";
  /** @deprecated use RewriteSymbol instead */
  public static final String RewriteTahSymbol = "REWTA";
  /** @deprecated use RewriteSymbol instead */
  public static final String RewriteTareefSymbol = "REWAL";

  private static final String BoundarySymbol = ".##.";
  private static final String BoundaryChar = ".#.";

  // Patterns for tokens that should not be segmented.
  private static final Pattern isPunc = Pattern.compile("\\p{Punct}+");
  private static final Pattern isDigit = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+");
  private static final Pattern notUnicodeArabic = Pattern.compile("\\P{InArabic}+");

  // Sets of known clitics for tagging when reconstructing the segmented sequences.
  private static final Set arPrefixSet;
  private static final Set arSuffixSet;
  static {
    String arabicPrefixString = "ل ف و م ما ح حا ه ها ك ب س";
    arPrefixSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(arabicPrefixString.split("\\s+"))));
    String arabicSuffixString = "ل و ما ه ها هم هن نا كم تن تم ى ي هما ك ب ش";
    arSuffixSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(arabicSuffixString.split("\\s+"))));

  // Only static methods
  private IOBUtils() {}

  public static String getBoundaryCharacter() { return BoundaryChar; }

   * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB
   * segmentation model.
   * @param tokenList
   * @param segMarker
   * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data)
  public static List StringToIOB(List tokenList,
                                            Character segMarker,
                                            boolean applyRewriteRules) {
    return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, false, null, null);

   * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB
   * segmentation model.
   * @param tokenList
   * @param segMarker
   * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data)
   * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries)
   * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries)
  public static List StringToIOB(List tokenList,
                                            Character segMarker,
                                            boolean applyRewriteRules,
                                            TokenizerFactory tf,
                                            String origText) {
    return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, false, tf, origText);
   * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB
   * segmentation model.
   * @param tokenList
   * @param segMarker
   * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data)
   * @param stripRewrites revert training data to old Green & DeNero model (remove
   *    rewrite labels but still rewrite to try to preserve raw text)
  public static List StringToIOB(List tokenList,
                                            Character segMarker,
                                            boolean applyRewriteRules,
                                            boolean stripRewrites) {
    return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, stripRewrites, null, null);

   * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB
   * segmentation model.
   * @param tokenList
   * @param segMarker
   * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data)
   * @param stripRewrites revert training data to old Green & DeNero model (remove
   *    rewrite labels but still rewrite to try to preserve raw text)
   * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries)
   * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries)
  public static List StringToIOB(List tokenList,
                                            Character segMarker,
                                            boolean applyRewriteRules,
                                            boolean stripRewrites,
                                            TokenizerFactory tf,
                                            String origText) {
    List iobList = new ArrayList<>(tokenList.size() * 7 + tokenList.size());
    final String strSegMarker = String.valueOf(segMarker);

    boolean addWhitespace = false;
    final int numTokens = tokenList.size();
    String lastToken = "";
    String currentWord = "";
    int wordStartIndex = 0;
    for (CoreLabel cl : tokenList) {
      // What type of token is this
      if (addWhitespace) {
        fillInWordStatistics(iobList, currentWord, wordStartIndex);
        currentWord = "";
        wordStartIndex = iobList.size() + 1;

        iobList.add(createDatum(cl, BoundaryChar, BoundarySymbol));
        final CoreLabel boundaryDatum = iobList.get(iobList.size() - 1);
        addWhitespace = false;

      String token = cl.word();
      TokenType tokType = getTokenType(token, strSegMarker);
      token = stripSegmentationMarkers(token, tokType);
      assert token.length() != 0;

      if (shouldNotSegment(token)) {
        iobList.add(createDatum(cl, token, NosegSymbol));
        addWhitespace = true;

      } else {
        // Iterate over the characters in the token
        tokenToDatums(iobList, cl, token, tokType, cl, lastToken, applyRewriteRules, stripRewrites, tf, origText);
        addWhitespace = (tokType == TokenType.BeginMarker || tokType == TokenType.NoMarker);
      currentWord += token;
      lastToken = token;
    fillInWordStatistics(iobList, currentWord, wordStartIndex);
    return iobList;

   * Loops back through all the datums inserted for the most recent word
   * and inserts statistics about the word they are a part of. This needs to
   * be post hoc because the CoreLabel lists coming from testing data sets
   * are pre-segmented (so treating each of those CoreLabels as a "word" lets
   * us cheat and get 100% classification accuracy by just looking at whether
   * we're at the beginning of a "word"). 
   * @param iobList
   * @param currentWord
   * @param wordStartIndex
  private static void fillInWordStatistics(List iobList,
      String currentWord, int wordStartIndex) {
    for (int j = wordStartIndex; j < iobList.size(); j++) {
      CoreLabel tok = iobList.get(j);
      tok.setIndex(j - wordStartIndex);

   * Convert token to a sequence of datums and add to iobList.
   * @param iobList
   * @param token
   * @param tokType
   * @param tokenLabel
   * @param lastToken
   * @param applyRewriteRules
   * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries)
   * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries)
  private static void tokenToDatums(List iobList,
                                CoreLabel cl,
                                String token,
                                TokenType tokType, 
                                CoreLabel tokenLabel,
                                String lastToken,
                                boolean applyRewriteRules,
                                boolean stripRewrites,
                                TokenizerFactory tf,
                                String origText) {

    if (token.isEmpty()) return;
    String lastLabel = ContinuationSymbol;
    String firstLabel = BeginSymbol;
    String rewritten = cl.get(ArabicDocumentReaderAndWriter.RewrittenArabicAnnotation.class);
    boolean crossRefRewrites = true;
    if (rewritten == null) {
      rewritten = token;
      crossRefRewrites = false;
    } else {
      rewritten = stripSegmentationMarkers(rewritten, tokType);

    if (applyRewriteRules) {
      // Apply Arabic-specific re-write rules
      String rawToken = tokenLabel.word();
      String tag = tokenLabel.tag();
      MorphoFeatureSpecification featureSpec = new ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification();
      MorphoFeatures features = featureSpec.strToFeatures(tag);

      // Rule #1 : ت --> ة
      if (features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.NGEN).equals("F") &&
          features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.NNUM).equals("SG") &&
          rawToken.endsWith("ت-") &&
          !stripRewrites) {
        lastLabel = RewriteSymbol;
      } else if (rawToken.endsWith("ة-")) {
        assert token.endsWith("ة");
        token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ت";
        lastLabel = RewriteSymbol;

      // Rule #2 : لل --> ل ال
      if (lastToken.equals("ل") &&
          features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.DEF).equals("D")) {
        if (rawToken.startsWith("-ال")) {
          if (!token.startsWith("ا"))
  "Bad REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token);
          token = token.substring(1);
          rewritten = rewritten.substring(1);
          if (!stripRewrites)
            firstLabel = RewriteSymbol;
        } else if (rawToken.startsWith("-ل")) {
          if (!token.startsWith("ل"))
  "Bad REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token);
          if (!stripRewrites)
            firstLabel = RewriteSymbol;
        } else {
"Ignoring REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token);
      // Rule #3 : ي --> ى
      // Rule #4 : ا --> ى
      if (rawToken.endsWith("ى-")) {
        if (features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.TENSE) != null) {
          // verb: ى becomes ا
          token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ا";
        } else {
          // assume preposition:
          token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ي";
        if (!stripRewrites)
          lastLabel = RewriteSymbol;
      } else if (rawToken.equals("علي-") || rawToken.equals("-علي-")) {
        if (!stripRewrites)
          lastLabel = RewriteSymbol;

    String origWord;
    if (origText == null) {
      origWord = tokenLabel.word();
    } else {
      origWord = origText.substring(cl.beginPosition(), cl.endPosition());
    int origIndex = 0;
    while (origIndex < origWord.length() && isDeletedCharacter(origWord.charAt(origIndex), tf)) {

    // Create datums and add to iobList
    if (token.isEmpty())"Rewriting resulted in empty token: " + tokenLabel.word());
    String firstChar = String.valueOf(token.charAt(0));
    // Start at 0 to make sure we include the whole token according to the tokenizer
    iobList.add(createDatum(cl, firstChar, firstLabel, 0, origIndex + 1));
    final int numChars = token.length();
    if (crossRefRewrites && rewritten.length() != numChars) {
      System.err.printf("Rewritten annotation doesn't have correct length: %s>>>%s%n", token, rewritten);
      crossRefRewrites = false;

    for (int j = 1; j < numChars; ++j, ++origIndex) {
      while (origIndex < origWord.length() && isDeletedCharacter(origWord.charAt(origIndex), tf)) {
      if (origIndex >= origWord.length()) {
        origIndex = origWord.length() - 1;

      String charLabel = (j == numChars-1) ? lastLabel : ContinuationSymbol;
      String thisChar = String.valueOf(token.charAt(j));
      if (crossRefRewrites && !String.valueOf(rewritten.charAt(j)).equals(thisChar))
        charLabel = RewriteSymbol;
      if (charLabel == ContinuationSymbol && thisChar.equals("ى") && j != numChars - 1)
        charLabel = RewriteSymbol; // Assume all mid-word alef maqsura are supposed to be yah
      iobList.add(createDatum(cl, thisChar, charLabel, origIndex, origIndex + 1));

    // End at endPosition to make sure we include the whole token according to the tokenizer
    if (!iobList.isEmpty()) {
      iobList.get(iobList.size() - 1).setEndPosition(cl.endPosition());

  private static boolean isDeletedCharacter(char ch, TokenizerFactory tf) {
    List tokens = tf.getTokenizer(new StringReader(Character.toString(ch))).tokenize();
    return tokens.isEmpty();

   * Identify tokens that should not be segmented.
  private static boolean shouldNotSegment(String token) {
    return (isDigit.matcher(token).find() ||
            isPunc.matcher(token).find() ||

   * Strip segmentation markers.
  private static String stripSegmentationMarkers(String tok, TokenType tokType) {
    int beginOffset = (tokType == TokenType.BeginMarker || tokType == TokenType.BothMarker) ? 1 : 0;
    int endOffset = (tokType == TokenType.EndMarker || tokType == TokenType.BothMarker) ? tok.length()-1 : tok.length();
    return tokType == TokenType.NoMarker ? tok : tok.substring(beginOffset, endOffset);

  private static CoreLabel createDatum(CoreLabel cl, String token, String label) {
    int endOffset = cl.get(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class) - cl.get(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class);
    return createDatum(cl, token, label, 0, endOffset);

   * Create a datum from a string. The CoreAnnotations must correspond to those used by
   * SequenceClassifier. The following annotations are copied from the provided
   * CoreLabel cl, if present:
   *    DomainAnnotation
   * startOffset and endOffset will be added to the {@link CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation} of
   * the {@link CoreLabel} cl to give the {@link CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation} and
   * {@link CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation} of the resulting datum.
  private static CoreLabel createDatum(CoreLabel cl, String token, String label, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
    CoreLabel newTok = new CoreLabel();
    newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, token);
    newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class, token);
    newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, label);
    newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class, label);
        cl.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class) + startOffset);
        cl.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class) + endOffset);
    if (cl != null && cl.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class))
    return newTok;

   * Deterministically classify a token.
  private static TokenType getTokenType(String token, String segMarker) {
    if (segMarker == null || token.equals(segMarker)) {
      return TokenType.NoMarker;

    TokenType tokType = TokenType.NoMarker;
    boolean startsWithMarker = token.startsWith(segMarker);
    boolean endsWithMarker = token.endsWith(segMarker);

    if (startsWithMarker && endsWithMarker) {
      tokType = TokenType.BothMarker;

    } else if (startsWithMarker) {
      tokType = TokenType.BeginMarker;

    } else if (endsWithMarker) {
      tokType = TokenType.EndMarker;
    return tokType;

   * This version is for turning an unsegmented string to an IOB input, i.e.,
   * for processing raw text.
  public static List StringToIOB(String string) {
    return StringToIOB(string, null);

  public static List StringToIOB(String str, Character segMarker) {
    // Whitespace tokenization
    List toks = SentenceUtils.toCoreLabelList(str.trim().split("\\s+"));
    return StringToIOB(toks, segMarker, false);

   * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers
   * for prefixes and suffixes in the string, and add a space at segmentations.
  public static String IOBToString(List labeledSequence, String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker) {
    return IOBToString(labeledSequence, prefixMarker, suffixMarker, true, true, 0, labeledSequence.size());

   * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers
   * for prefixes and suffixes in the string, and add a space at segmentations.
  public static String IOBToString(List labeledSequence, String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker,
      int startIndex, int endIndex) {
    return IOBToString(labeledSequence, prefixMarker, suffixMarker, true, true, startIndex, endIndex);

   * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers
   * (but no spaces) at segmentation boundaries.
  public static String IOBToString(List labeledSequence, String segmentationMarker) {
    return IOBToString(labeledSequence, segmentationMarker, null, false, true, 0, labeledSequence.size());

   * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Preserve the original (unsegmented) text.
  public static String IOBToString(List labeledSequence) {
    return IOBToString(labeledSequence, null, null, false, false, 0, labeledSequence.size());

  private static String IOBToString(List labeledSequence,
      String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker, boolean addSpace, boolean applyRewrites,
      int startIndex, int endIndex) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String lastLabel = "";
    final boolean addPrefixMarker = prefixMarker != null && prefixMarker.length() > 0;
    final boolean addSuffixMarker = suffixMarker != null && suffixMarker.length() > 0;
    if (addPrefixMarker || addSuffixMarker)
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) {
      CoreLabel labeledChar = labeledSequence.get(i);
      String token = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class);
      if (addPrefixMarker && token.equals(prefixMarker))
        token = "#pm#";
      if (addSuffixMarker && token.equals(suffixMarker))
        token = "#sm#";
      String label = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class);
      if (token.equals(BoundaryChar)) {
        sb.append(" ");

      } else if (label.equals(BeginSymbol)) {
        if (lastLabel.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(BeginSymbol) ||
            lastLabel.equals(RewriteSymbol)) {
          if (addPrefixMarker && (!addSpace || addPrefixMarker(i, labeledSequence))) {
          if (addSpace) {
            sb.append(" ");
          if (addSuffixMarker && (!addSpace || addSuffixMarker(i, labeledSequence))) {

      } else if (label.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || label.equals(BoundarySymbol)) {

      } else if (label.equals(NosegSymbol)) {
        if ( ! lastLabel.equals(BoundarySymbol) && addSpace) {
          sb.append(" ");

      } else if (label.equals(RewriteSymbol) || label.equals("REWAL") || label.equals("REWTA")) {
        switch (token) {
          case "ت":
          case "ه":
            sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ة" : token);
          case "ل":
            sb.append((addPrefixMarker ? prefixMarker : "") +
                (addSpace ? " " : "") +
                (applyRewrites ? "ال" : "ل"));
          case "ي":
          case "ا":
            sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ى" : token);
          case "ى":
            sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ي" : token);
            // Nonsense rewrite predicted by the classifier--just assume CONT
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unknown label: " + label);
      lastLabel = label;
    return sb.toString().trim();
  private static class PrefixMarkerAnnotation implements CoreAnnotation {
    public Class getType() {
      return Boolean.class;
  private static class SuffixMarkerAnnotation implements CoreAnnotation {
    public Class getType() {
      return Boolean.class;
  private static void annotateMarkers(List labeledSequence) {
    StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();
    List segments = CollectionUtils.makeList();
    int wordBegin = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < labeledSequence.size(); i++) {
      String token = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class);
      String label = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class);
      switch (label) {
        case BeginSymbol:
          if (i != wordBegin) {
        case BoundarySymbol:
          annotateMarkersOnWord(labeledSequence, wordBegin, i, segments);
          wordBegin = i + 1;
    annotateMarkersOnWord(labeledSequence, wordBegin, labeledSequence.size(), segments);

  private static void annotateMarkersOnWord(List labeledSequence,
      int wordBegin, int wordEnd, List segments) {
    Pair headBounds = getHeadBounds(segments);
    int currentIndex = 0;
    for (int i = wordBegin; i < wordEnd; i++) {
      String label = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class);
      labeledSequence.get(i).set(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.FALSE);
      labeledSequence.get(i).set(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.FALSE);
      if (label.equals(BeginSymbol)) {
        // Add prefix markers for BEGIN characters up to and including the start of the head
        // (but don't add prefix markers if there aren't any prefixes)
        if (currentIndex <= headBounds.first && currentIndex != 0)
          labeledSequence.get(i).set(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.TRUE);
        // Add suffix markers for BEGIN characters starting one past the end of the head
        // (headBounds.second is one past the end, no need to add one)
        if (currentIndex >= headBounds.second)
          labeledSequence.get(i).set(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.TRUE);

  private static Pair getHeadBounds(List segments) {
    final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
    int potentialSuffix = segments.size() - 1;
    int nonSuffix = NOT_FOUND;
    int potentialPrefix = 0;
    int nonPrefix = NOT_FOUND;
    // Heuristic algorithm for finding the head of a segmented word:
    while (true) {
      /* Alternate considering suffixes and prefixes (starting with suffix).
       * If the current segment is a known Arabic {suffix|prefix}, mark it as
       * such. Otherwise, stop considering tokens from that direction.
      if (nonSuffix == NOT_FOUND){
        if (arSuffixSet.contains(segments.get(potentialSuffix)))
          nonSuffix = potentialSuffix;
      if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix)
      if (nonPrefix == NOT_FOUND) {
        if (arPrefixSet.contains(segments.get(potentialPrefix)))
          nonPrefix = potentialPrefix;
      if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix || (nonSuffix != NOT_FOUND && nonPrefix != NOT_FOUND))
    /* Once we have exhausted all known prefixes and suffixes, take the longest
     * segment that remains to be the head. Break length ties by picking the first one.
     * Note that in some cases, no segments will remain (e.g. b# +y), so a
     * segmented word may have zero or one heads, but never more than one.
    if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix) {
      // no head--start and end are index of first suffix
      if (potentialSuffix + 1 != potentialPrefix)
        throw new RuntimeException("Suffix pointer moved too far!");
      return Pair.makePair(potentialSuffix + 1, potentialSuffix + 1);
    } else {
      int headIndex = nonPrefix;
      for (int i = nonPrefix + 1; i <= nonSuffix; i++) {
        if (segments.get(i).length() > segments.get(headIndex).length())
          headIndex = i;
      return Pair.makePair(headIndex, headIndex + 1);

  private static boolean addPrefixMarker(int focus, List labeledSequence) {
    return labeledSequence.get(focus).get(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class).booleanValue();

  private static boolean addSuffixMarker(int focus, List labeledSequence) {
    return labeledSequence.get(focus).get(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class).booleanValue();

  public static void labelDomain(List tokenList, String domain) {
    for (CoreLabel cl : tokenList) {
      cl.set(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class, domain);

  public static List TokenSpansForIOB(List labeledSequence) {
    List spans = CollectionUtils.makeList();

    String lastLabel = "";
    boolean inToken = false;
    int tokenStart = 0;
    final int sequenceLength = labeledSequence.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; ++i) {
      CoreLabel labeledChar = labeledSequence.get(i);
      String token = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class);
      String label = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class);
      if (token.equals(BoundaryChar)) {
        if (inToken) {
          spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i));
        inToken = false;
      } else {
        switch(label) {
          case BeginSymbol:
            if (lastLabel.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(BeginSymbol) ||
                lastLabel.equals(RewriteSymbol)) {
              if (inToken) {
                spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i));
              inToken = true;
              tokenStart = i;
            } else if (!inToken) {
              inToken = true;
              tokenStart = i;

          case ContinuationSymbol:
            if (!inToken) {
              inToken = true;
              tokenStart = i;

          case BoundarySymbol:
          case NosegSymbol:
            if (inToken) {
              spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i));
            inToken = true;
            tokenStart = i;

          case RewriteSymbol:
          case "REWAL":
          case "REWTA":
            if (token.equals("ل")) {
              if (inToken) {
                spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i));
              inToken = true;
              tokenStart = i;
            } else if (!inToken) {
              inToken = true;
              tokenStart = i;
      lastLabel = label;

    if (inToken) {
      spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, sequenceLength));

    return spans;

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