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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.OriginalTextAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.ParentAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.AbstractTokenizer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.CoreLabelTokenFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.LexedTokenFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.Tokenizer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PropertiesUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;

 * Tokenizer for raw Spanish text. This tokenization scheme is a derivative
 * of PTB tokenization, but with extra rules for Spanish contractions and
 * assimilations. It is based heavily on the FrenchTokenizer.

* The tokenizer tokenizes according to the modified AnCora corpus tokenization * standards, so the rules are a little different from PTB. *


* A single instance of a Spanish Tokenizer is not thread safe, as it * uses a non-threadsafe JFlex object to do the processing. Multiple * instances can be created safely, though. A single instance of a * SpanishTokenizerFactory is also not thread safe, as it keeps its * options in a local variable. *

* * @author Ishita Prasad */ public class SpanishTokenizer extends AbstractTokenizer { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(SpanishTokenizer.class); // The underlying JFlex lexer private final SpanishLexer lexer; // Internal fields compound splitting private final boolean splitCompounds; private final boolean splitVerbs; private final boolean splitContractions; private final boolean splitAny; private List compoundBuffer; private SpanishVerbStripper verbStripper; // Produces the tokenization for parsing used by AnCora (fixed) */ public static final String ANCORA_OPTIONS = "ptb3Ellipsis=true,normalizeParentheses=true,ptb3Dashes=false,splitAll=true"; /** * Constructor. * * @param r * @param tf * @param lexerProperties * @param splitCompounds */ public SpanishTokenizer(Reader r, LexedTokenFactory tf, Properties lexerProperties, boolean splitCompounds, boolean splitVerbs, boolean splitContractions) { lexer = new SpanishLexer(r, tf, lexerProperties); this.splitCompounds = splitCompounds; this.splitVerbs = splitVerbs; this.splitContractions = splitContractions; this.splitAny = (splitCompounds || splitVerbs || splitContractions); if (splitAny) compoundBuffer = Generics.newArrayList(4); if (splitVerbs) verbStripper = SpanishVerbStripper.getInstance(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T getNext() { try { T nextToken; // initialized in do-while // Depending on the orthographic normalization options, // some tokens can be obliterated. In this case, keep iterating // until we see a non-zero length token. do { nextToken = (splitAny && ! compoundBuffer.isEmpty()) ? (T) compoundBuffer.remove(0) : (T); } while (nextToken != null && nextToken.word().isEmpty()); // Check for compounds to split if (splitAny && nextToken instanceof CoreLabel) { CoreLabel cl = (CoreLabel) nextToken; if (cl.containsKey(ParentAnnotation.class)) { if(splitCompounds && cl.get(ParentAnnotation.class).equals(SpanishLexer.COMPOUND_ANNOTATION)) nextToken = (T) processCompound(cl); else if (splitVerbs && cl.get(ParentAnnotation.class).equals(SpanishLexer.VB_PRON_ANNOTATION)) nextToken = (T) processVerb(cl); else if (splitContractions && cl.get(ParentAnnotation.class).equals(SpanishLexer.CONTR_ANNOTATION)) nextToken = (T) processContraction(cl); } } return nextToken; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** Copies the CoreLabel cl with the new word part */ private static CoreLabel copyCoreLabel(CoreLabel cl, String part, int beginPosition, int endPosition) { CoreLabel newLabel = new CoreLabel(cl); newLabel.setWord(part); newLabel.setValue(part); newLabel.setBeginPosition(beginPosition); newLabel.setEndPosition(endPosition); newLabel.set(OriginalTextAnnotation.class, part); return newLabel; } private static CoreLabel copyCoreLabel(CoreLabel cl, String part, int beginPosition) { return copyCoreLabel(cl, part, beginPosition, beginPosition + part.length()); } /** * Handles contractions like del and al, marked by the lexer * * del => de + l => de + el * al => a + l => a + el * con[mts]igo => con + [mts]i * */ private CoreLabel processContraction(CoreLabel cl) { cl.remove(ParentAnnotation.class); String word = cl.word(); String first; String second; int secondOffset = 0, secondLength = 0; String lowered = word.toLowerCase(); switch (lowered) { case "del": case "al": first = word.substring(0, lowered.length() - 1); char lastChar = word.charAt(lowered.length() - 1); if (Character.isLowerCase(lastChar)) second = "el"; else second = "EL"; secondOffset = 1; secondLength = lowered.length() - 1; break; case "conmigo": case "consigo": first = word.substring(0, 3); second = word.charAt(3) + "í"; secondOffset = 3; secondLength = 4; break; case "contigo": first = word.substring(0, 3); second = word.substring(3, 5); secondOffset = 3; secondLength = 4; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid contraction provided to processContraction"); } int secondStart = cl.beginPosition() + secondOffset; int secondEnd = secondStart + secondLength; compoundBuffer.add(copyCoreLabel(cl, second, secondStart, secondEnd)); return copyCoreLabel(cl, first, cl.beginPosition(), secondStart); } /** * Handles verbs with attached suffixes, marked by the lexer: * * Escribamosela => Escribamo + se + la => escribamos + se + la * Sentaos => senta + os => sentad + os * Damelo => da + me + lo * */ private CoreLabel processVerb(CoreLabel cl) { cl.remove(ParentAnnotation.class); SpanishVerbStripper.StrippedVerb stripped = verbStripper.separatePronouns(cl.word()); if (stripped == null) { return cl; } // Split the CoreLabel into separate labels, tracking changing begin + end // positions. int stemEnd = cl.beginPosition() + stripped.getOriginalStem().length(); int lengthRemoved = 0; for (String pronoun : stripped.getPronouns()) { int beginOffset = stemEnd + lengthRemoved; compoundBuffer.add(copyCoreLabel(cl, pronoun, beginOffset)); lengthRemoved += pronoun.length(); } CoreLabel stem = copyCoreLabel(cl, stripped.getStem(), cl.beginPosition(), stemEnd); stem.setOriginalText(stripped.getOriginalStem()); return stem; } private static final Pattern pDash = Pattern.compile("\\-"); private static final Pattern pSpace = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); /** * Splits a compound marked by the lexer. */ private CoreLabel processCompound(CoreLabel cl) { cl.remove(ParentAnnotation.class); String[] parts = pSpace.split(pDash.matcher(cl.word()).replaceAll(" - ")); int lengthAccum = 0; for (String part : parts) { CoreLabel newLabel = new CoreLabel(cl); newLabel.setWord(part); newLabel.setValue(part); newLabel.setBeginPosition(cl.beginPosition() + lengthAccum); newLabel.setEndPosition(cl.beginPosition() + lengthAccum + part.length()); newLabel.set(OriginalTextAnnotation.class, part); compoundBuffer.add(newLabel); lengthAccum += part.length(); } return compoundBuffer.remove(0); } /** * recommended factory method */ public static TokenizerFactory factory(LexedTokenFactory factory, String options) { return new SpanishTokenizerFactory<>(factory, options); } public static TokenizerFactory factory(LexedTokenFactory factory) { return new SpanishTokenizerFactory<>(factory, ANCORA_OPTIONS); } /** * A factory for Spanish tokenizer instances. * * @author Spence Green * * @param */ public static class SpanishTokenizerFactory implements TokenizerFactory, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 946818805507187330L; protected final LexedTokenFactory factory; protected Properties lexerProperties = new Properties(); protected boolean splitCompoundOption = false; protected boolean splitVerbOption = false; protected boolean splitContractionOption = false; public static TokenizerFactory newCoreLabelTokenizerFactory() { return new SpanishTokenizerFactory<>(new CoreLabelTokenFactory()); } /** * Constructs a new SpanishTokenizer that returns T objects and uses the options passed in. * * @param options a String of options, separated by commas * @return A TokenizerFactory that returns the right token types * @param factory a factory for the token type that the tokenizer will return */ public static SpanishTokenizerFactory newSpanishTokenizerFactory( LexedTokenFactory factory, String options) { return new SpanishTokenizerFactory<>(factory, options); } // Constructors /** Make a factory for SpanishTokenizers, default options */ private SpanishTokenizerFactory(LexedTokenFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } /** Make a factory for SpanishTokenizers, options passed in */ private SpanishTokenizerFactory(LexedTokenFactory factory, String options) { this.factory = factory; setOptions(options); } @Override public Iterator getIterator(Reader r) { return getTokenizer(r); } @Override public Tokenizer getTokenizer(Reader r) { return new SpanishTokenizer<>(r, factory, lexerProperties, splitCompoundOption, splitVerbOption, splitContractionOption); } /** * Set underlying tokenizer options. * * @param options A comma-separated list of options */ @Override public void setOptions(String options) { if (options == null) return; String[] optionList = options.split(","); for (String option : optionList) { String[] fields = option.split("="); if (fields.length == 1) { switch (fields[0]) { case "splitAll": splitCompoundOption = true; splitVerbOption = true; splitContractionOption = true; break; case "splitCompounds": splitCompoundOption = true; break; case "splitVerbs": splitVerbOption = true; break; case "splitContractions": splitContractionOption = true; break; default: lexerProperties.setProperty(option, "true"); break; } } else if (fields.length == 2) { switch (fields[0]) { case "splitAll": splitCompoundOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); splitVerbOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); splitContractionOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); break; case "splitCompounds": splitCompoundOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); break; case "splitVerbs": splitVerbOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); break; case "splitContractions": splitContractionOption = Boolean.valueOf(fields[1]); break; default: lexerProperties.setProperty(fields[0], fields[1]); break; } } else { System.err.printf("%s: Bad option %s%n", this.getClass().getName(), option); } } } @Override public Tokenizer getTokenizer(Reader r, String extraOptions) { setOptions(extraOptions); return getTokenizer(r); } } // end static class SpanishTokenizerFactory /** * Returns a tokenizer with Ancora tokenization. */ public static TokenizerFactory ancoraFactory() { TokenizerFactory tf = SpanishTokenizerFactory.newCoreLabelTokenizerFactory(); tf.setOptions(ANCORA_OPTIONS); return tf; } /** * a factory that vends CoreLabel tokens with default tokenization. */ public static TokenizerFactory coreLabelFactory() { return SpanishTokenizerFactory.newCoreLabelTokenizerFactory(); } public static TokenizerFactory factory() { return coreLabelFactory(); } private static String usage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String nl = System.lineSeparator(); sb.append(String.format("Usage: java %s [OPTIONS] < file%n%n", SpanishTokenizer.class.getName())); sb.append("Options:").append(nl); sb.append(" -help : Print this message.").append(nl); sb.append(" -ancora : Tokenization style of AnCora (fixed).").append(nl); sb.append(" -lowerCase : Apply lowercasing.").append(nl); sb.append(" -encoding type : Encoding format.").append(nl); sb.append(" -options str : Orthographic options (see").append(nl); sb.append(" -tokens : Output tokens as line-separated instead of space-separated.").append(nl); sb.append(" -onePerLine : Output tokens one per line.").append(nl); return sb.toString(); } private static Map argOptionDefs() { Map argOptionDefs = Generics.newHashMap(); argOptionDefs.put("help", 0); argOptionDefs.put("ftb", 0); argOptionDefs.put("ancora", 0); argOptionDefs.put("lowerCase", 0); argOptionDefs.put("encoding", 1); argOptionDefs.put("options", 1); argOptionDefs.put("tokens", 0); return argOptionDefs; } /** * A fast, rule-based tokenizer for Spanish based on AnCora. * Performs punctuation splitting and light tokenization by default. *

* Currently, this tokenizer does not do line splitting. It assumes that the input * file is delimited by the system line separator. The output will be equivalently * delimited. *

* * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { final Properties options = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args, argOptionDefs()); if (options.containsKey("help")) {; return; } // Lexer options final TokenizerFactory tf = SpanishTokenizer.coreLabelFactory(); String orthoOptions = options.containsKey("ancora") ? ANCORA_OPTIONS : ""; if (options.containsKey("options")) { orthoOptions = orthoOptions.isEmpty() ? options.getProperty("options") : orthoOptions + ',' + options; } final boolean tokens = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "tokens", false); if ( ! tokens) { orthoOptions = orthoOptions.isEmpty() ? "tokenizeNLs" : orthoOptions + ",tokenizeNLs"; } tf.setOptions(orthoOptions); // Other options final String encoding = options.getProperty("encoding", "UTF-8"); final boolean toLower = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "lowerCase", false); final Locale es = new Locale("es"); boolean onePerLine = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "onePerLine", false); // Read the file from stdin int nLines = 0; int nTokens = 0; final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { Tokenizer tokenizer = tf.getTokenizer(new InputStreamReader(, encoding)); boolean printSpace = false; while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { ++nTokens; String word =; if (word.equals(SpanishLexer.NEWLINE_TOKEN)) { ++nLines; System.out.println(); if ( ! onePerLine) { printSpace = false; } } else { String outputToken = toLower ? word.toLowerCase(es) : word; if (onePerLine) { System.out.println(outputToken); } else { if (printSpace) { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.print(outputToken); printSpace = true; } } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException("Bad character encoding", e); } long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; double linesPerSec = (double) nLines / (elapsedTime / 1e9); System.err.printf("Done! Tokenized %d lines (%d tokens) at %.2f lines/sec%n", nLines, nTokens, linesPerSec); } // end main() }

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