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edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.ClauseSplitterSearchProblem Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue;
import edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.ClauseSplitter.ClauseClassifierLabel;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


* A search problem for finding clauses in a sentence. *

* *

* For usage at test time, load a model from * {@link ClauseSplitter#load(String)}, and then take the top clauses of a given tree * with {@link ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#topClauses(double, int)}, yielding a list of * {@link edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.SentenceFragment}s. *

 *   {@code
 *     ClauseSearcher searcher = ClauseSearcher.factory("/model/path/");
 *     List sentences = searcher.topClauses(threshold);
 *   }
* *

* For training, see {@link ClauseSplitter#train(Stream, File, File)}. *

* * @author Gabor Angeli */ public class ClauseSplitterSearchProblem { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ClauseSplitterSearchProblem.class); /** * A specification for clause splits we _always_ want to do. The format is a map from the edge label we are splitting, to * the preference for the type of split we should do. The most preferred is at the front of the list, and then it backs off * to the less and less preferred split types. */ protected static final Map> HARD_SPLITS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap>() {{ put("comp", new ArrayList() {{ add("simple"); }}); put("ccomp", new ArrayList() {{ add("simple"); }}); put("xcomp", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_dobj"); add("clone_nsubj"); add("simple"); }}); put("vmod", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_nsubj"); add("simple"); }}); put("csubj", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_dobj"); add("simple"); }}); put("advcl", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_nsubj"); add("simple"); }}); put("advcl:*", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_nsubj"); add("simple"); }}); put("conj:*", new ArrayList() {{ add("clone_nsubj"); add("clone_dobj"); add("simple"); }}); put("acl:relcl", new ArrayList() {{ // no doubt (-> that cats have tails <-) add("simple"); }}); put("parataxis", new ArrayList() {{ // no doubt (-> that cats have tails <-) add("simple"); }}); }}); /** * A set of words which indicate that the complement clause is not factual, or at least not necessarily factual. */ protected static final Set INDIRECT_SPEECH_LEMMAS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(){{ add("report"); add("say"); add("told"); add("claim"); add("assert"); add("think"); add("believe"); add("suppose"); }}); /** * The tree to search over. */ public final SemanticGraph tree; /** * The assumed truth of the original clause. */ public final boolean assumedTruth; /** * The length of the sentence, as determined from the tree. */ public final int sentenceLength; /** * A mapping from a word to the extra edges that come out of it. */ private final Map> extraEdgesByGovernor = new HashMap<>(); /** * A mapping from a word to the extra edges that to into it. */ private final Map> extraEdgesByDependent = new HashMap<>(); /** * The classifier for whether a particular dependency edge defines a clause boundary. */ private final Optional> isClauseClassifier; /** * An optional featurizer to use with the clause classifier ({@link ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#isClauseClassifier}). * If that classifier is defined, this should be as well. */ private final Optional, Counter>> featurizer; /** * A mapping from edges in the tree, to an index. */ @SuppressWarnings("Convert2Diamond") // It's lying -- type inference times out with a diamond private final Index edgeToIndex = new HashIndex(ArrayList::new, IdentityHashMap::new); /** * A search state. */ public class State { public final SemanticGraphEdge edge; public final int edgeIndex; public final SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull; public final int distanceFromSubj; public final SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull; public final Consumer thunk; public boolean isDone; public State(SemanticGraphEdge edge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, int distanceFromSubj, SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull, Consumer thunk, boolean isDone) { this.edge = edge; this.edgeIndex = edgeToIndex.indexOf(edge); this.subjectOrNull = subjectOrNull; this.distanceFromSubj = distanceFromSubj; this.objectOrNull = objectOrNull; this.thunk = thunk; this.isDone = isDone; } public State(State source, boolean isDone) { this.edge = source.edge; this.edgeIndex = edgeToIndex.indexOf(edge); this.subjectOrNull = source.subjectOrNull; this.distanceFromSubj = source.distanceFromSubj; this.objectOrNull = source.objectOrNull; this.thunk = source.thunk; this.isDone = isDone; } public SemanticGraph originalTree() { return ClauseSplitterSearchProblem.this.tree; } public State withIsDone(ClauseClassifierLabel argmax) { if (argmax == ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_SPLIT) { isDone = true; } else if (argmax == ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_INTERM) { isDone = false; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid classifier label for isDone: " + argmax); } return this; } } /** * An action being taken; that is, the type of clause splitting going on. */ public interface Action { /** * The name of this action. */ String signature(); /** * A check to make sure this is actually a valid action to take, in the context of the given tree. * @param originalTree The _original_ tree we are searching over. This is before any clauses are split off. * @param edge The edge that we are traversing with this clause. * @return True if this is a valid action. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") default boolean prerequisitesMet(SemanticGraph originalTree, SemanticGraphEdge edge) { return true; } /** * Apply this action to the given state. * @param tree The original tree we are applying the action to. * @param source The source state we are mutating from. * @param outgoingEdge The edge we are splitting off as a clause. * @param subjectOrNull The subject of the parent tree, if there is one. * @param ppOrNull The preposition attachment of the parent tree, if there is one. * @return A new state, or {@link Optional#empty()} if this action was not successful. */ Optional applyTo(SemanticGraph tree, State source, SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, SemanticGraphEdge ppOrNull); } /** * The options used for training the clause searcher. */ public static class TrainingOptions { @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "negativeSubsampleRatio", gloss = "The percent of negative datums to take") public double negativeSubsampleRatio = 1.00; @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "positiveDatumWeight", gloss = "The weight to assign every positive datum.") public float positiveDatumWeight = 100.0f; @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "unknownDatumWeight", gloss = "The weight to assign every unknown datum (everything extracted with an unconfirmed relation).") public float unknownDatumWeight = 1.0f; @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "clauseSplitWeight", gloss = "The weight to assign for clause splitting datums. Higher values push towards higher recall.") public float clauseSplitWeight = 1.0f; @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "clauseIntermWeight", gloss = "The weight to assign for intermediate splits. Higher values push towards higher recall.") public float clauseIntermWeight = 2.0f; @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "seed", gloss = "The random seed to use") public int seed = 42; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @ArgumentParser.Option(name = "classifierFactory", gloss = "The class of the classifier factory to use for training the various classifiers") public Class>> classifierFactory = (Class>>) ((Object) LinearClassifierFactory.class); } /** * Mostly just an alias, but make sure our featurizer is serializable! */ public interface Featurizer extends Function, Counter>, Serializable { boolean isSimpleSplit(Counter feats); } /** * Create a searcher manually, suppling a dependency tree, an optional classifier for when to split clauses, * and a featurizer for that classifier. * You almost certainly want to use {@link ClauseSplitter#load(String)} instead of this * constructor. * * @param tree The dependency tree to search over. * @param assumedTruth The assumed truth of the tree (relevant for natural logic inference). If in doubt, pass in true. * @param isClauseClassifier The classifier for whether a given dependency arc should be a new clause. If this is not given, all arcs are treated as clause separators. * @param featurizer The featurizer for the classifier. If no featurizer is given, one should be given in {@link ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#search(java.util.function.Predicate, Classifier, Map, java.util.function.Function, int)}, or else the classifier will be useless. * @see ClauseSplitter#load(String) */ protected ClauseSplitterSearchProblem(SemanticGraph tree, boolean assumedTruth, Optional> isClauseClassifier, Optional, Counter>> featurizer ) { this.tree = new SemanticGraph(tree); this.assumedTruth = assumedTruth; this.isClauseClassifier = isClauseClassifier; this.featurizer = featurizer; // Index edges this.tree.edgeIterable().forEach(edgeToIndex::addToIndex); // Get length List sortedVertices = tree.vertexListSorted(); sentenceLength = sortedVertices.get(sortedVertices.size() - 1).index(); // Register extra edges for (IndexedWord vertex : sortedVertices) { extraEdgesByGovernor.put(vertex, new ArrayList<>()); extraEdgesByDependent.put(vertex, new ArrayList<>()); } List extraEdges = Util.cleanTree(this.tree); assert Util.isTree(this.tree); for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : extraEdges) { extraEdgesByGovernor.get(edge.getGovernor()).add(edge); extraEdgesByDependent.get(edge.getDependent()).add(edge); } } /** * Create a clause searcher which searches naively through every possible subtree as a clause. * For an end-user, this is almost certainly not what you want. * However, it is very useful for training time. * * @param tree The dependency tree to search over. * @param assumedTruth The truth of the premise. Almost always True. */ public ClauseSplitterSearchProblem(SemanticGraph tree, boolean assumedTruth) { this(tree, assumedTruth, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()); } /** * The basic method for splitting off a clause of a tree. * This modifies the tree in place. * * @param tree The tree to split a clause from. * @param toKeep The edge representing the clause to keep. */ static void splitToChildOfEdge(SemanticGraph tree, SemanticGraphEdge toKeep) { Queue fringe = new LinkedList<>(); List nodesToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); // Find nodes to remove // (from the root) for (IndexedWord root : tree.getRoots()) { nodesToRemove.add(root); for (SemanticGraphEdge out : tree.outgoingEdgeIterable(root)) { if (!out.equals(toKeep)) { fringe.add(out.getDependent()); } } } // (recursively) while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { IndexedWord node = fringe.poll(); nodesToRemove.add(node); for (SemanticGraphEdge out : tree.outgoingEdgeIterable(node)) { if (!out.equals(toKeep)) { fringe.add(out.getDependent()); } } } // Remove nodes nodesToRemove.forEach(tree::removeVertex); // Set new root tree.setRoot(toKeep.getDependent()); } /** * The basic method for splitting off a clause of a tree. * This modifies the tree in place. * This method addtionally follows ref edges. * * @param tree The tree to split a clause from. * @param toKeep The edge representing the clause to keep. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void simpleClause(SemanticGraph tree, SemanticGraphEdge toKeep) { splitToChildOfEdge(tree, toKeep); // Follow 'ref' edges Map refReplaceMap = new HashMap<>(); // (find replacements) for (IndexedWord vertex : tree.vertexSet()) { for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : extraEdgesByDependent.get(vertex)) { if ("ref".equals(edge.getRelation().toString()) && // it's a ref edge... !tree.containsVertex(edge.getGovernor())) { // ...that doesn't already exist in the tree. refReplaceMap.put(vertex, edge.getGovernor()); } } } // (do replacements) for (Map.Entry entry : refReplaceMap.entrySet()) { Iterator iter = tree.incomingEdgeIterator(entry.getKey()); if (!iter.hasNext()) { continue; } SemanticGraphEdge incomingEdge =; IndexedWord governor = incomingEdge.getGovernor(); tree.removeVertex(entry.getKey()); addSubtree(tree, governor, incomingEdge.getRelation().toString(), this.tree, entry.getValue(), this.tree.incomingEdgeList(tree.getFirstRoot())); } } /** * A helper to add a single word to a given dependency tree * @param toModify The tree to add the word to. * @param root The root of the tree where we should be adding the word. * @param rel The relation to add the word with. * @param coreLabel The word to add. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private static void addWord(SemanticGraph toModify, IndexedWord root, String rel, CoreLabel coreLabel) { IndexedWord dependent = new IndexedWord(coreLabel); toModify.addVertex(dependent); toModify.addEdge(root, dependent, GrammaticalRelation.valueOf(Language.English, rel), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, false); } /** * A helper to add an entire subtree to a given dependency tree. * * @param toModify The tree to add the subtree to. * @param root The root of the tree where we should be adding the subtree. * @param rel The relation to add the subtree with. * @param originalTree The orignal tree (i.e., {@link ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#tree}). * @param subject The root of the clause to add. * @param ignoredEdges The edges to ignore adding when adding this subtree. */ private static void addSubtree(SemanticGraph toModify, IndexedWord root, String rel, SemanticGraph originalTree, IndexedWord subject, Collection ignoredEdges) { if (toModify.containsVertex(subject)) { return; // This subtree already exists. } Queue fringe = new LinkedList<>(); Collection wordsToAdd = new ArrayList<>(); Collection edgesToAdd = new ArrayList<>(); // Search for subtree to add for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : originalTree.outgoingEdgeIterable(subject)) { if (!ignoredEdges.contains(edge)) { if (toModify.containsVertex(edge.getDependent())) { // Case: we're adding a subtree that's not disjoint from toModify. This is bad news. return; } edgesToAdd.add(edge); fringe.add(edge.getDependent()); } } while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { IndexedWord node = fringe.poll(); wordsToAdd.add(node); for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : originalTree.outgoingEdgeIterable(node)) { if (!ignoredEdges.contains(edge)) { if (toModify.containsVertex(edge.getDependent())) { // Case: we're adding a subtree that's not disjoint from toModify. This is bad news. return; } edgesToAdd.add(edge); fringe.add(edge.getDependent()); } } } // Add subtree // (add subject) toModify.addVertex(subject); toModify.addEdge(root, subject, GrammaticalRelation.valueOf(Language.English, rel), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, false); // (add nodes) wordsToAdd.forEach(toModify::addVertex); // (add edges) for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : edgesToAdd) { assert !toModify.incomingEdgeIterator(edge.getDependent()).hasNext(); toModify.addEdge(edge.getGovernor(), edge.getDependent(), edge.getRelation(), edge.getWeight(), edge.isExtra()); } } /** * Strips aux and mark edges when we are splitting into a clause. * * @param toModify The tree we are stripping the edges from. */ private static void stripAuxMark(SemanticGraph toModify) { List toClean = new ArrayList<>(); for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : toModify.outgoingEdgeIterable(toModify.getFirstRoot())) { String rel = edge.getRelation().toString(); if (("aux".equals(rel) || "mark".equals(rel)) && !toModify.outgoingEdgeIterator(edge.getDependent()).hasNext()) { toClean.add(edge); } } for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : toClean) { toModify.removeEdge(edge); toModify.removeVertex(edge.getDependent()); } } /** * Create a mock node, to be added to the dependency tree but which is not part of the original sentence. * * @param toCopy The CoreLabel to copy from initially. * @param word The new word to add. * @param POS The new part of speech to add. * * @return A CoreLabel copying most fields from toCopy, but with a new word and POS tag (as well as a new index). */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private CoreLabel mockNode(CoreLabel toCopy, String word, String POS) { CoreLabel mock = new CoreLabel(toCopy); mock.setWord(word); mock.setLemma(word); mock.setValue(word); mock.setNER("O"); mock.setTag(POS); mock.setIndex(sentenceLength + 5); return mock; } /** * Get the top few clauses from this searcher, cutting off at the given minimum * probability. * * @param thresholdProbability The threshold under which to stop returning clauses. This should be between 0 and 1. * @param maxClauses A hard limit on the number of clauses to return. * * @return The resulting {@link edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.SentenceFragment} objects, representing the top clauses of the sentence. */ public List topClauses(double thresholdProbability, int maxClauses) { List results = new ArrayList<>(); search(triple -> { assert triple.first <= 0.0; double prob = Math.exp(triple.first); assert prob <= 1.0; assert prob >= 0.0; assert !Double.isNaN(prob); if (prob >= thresholdProbability) { SentenceFragment fragment = triple.third.get(); fragment.score = prob; results.add(fragment); return true; } else { return false; } }); return results; } /** * Search, using the default weights / featurizer. This is the most common entry method for the raw search, * though {@link ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#topClauses(double, int)} may be a more convenient method for * an end user. * * @param candidateFragments The callback function for results. The return value defines whether to continue searching. */ public void search(final Predicate>, Supplier>> candidateFragments) { if (!isClauseClassifier.isPresent()) { search(candidateFragments, new LinearClassifier<>(new ClassicCounter<>()), HARD_SPLITS, this.featurizer.isPresent() ? this.featurizer.get() : DEFAULT_FEATURIZER, 1000); } else { if (!(isClauseClassifier.get() instanceof LinearClassifier)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("For now, only linear classifiers are supported"); } search(candidateFragments, isClauseClassifier.get(), HARD_SPLITS, this.featurizer.get(), 1000); } } /** * Search from the root of the tree. * This function also defines the default action space to use during search. * This is NOT recommended to be used at test time. * * @see edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.ClauseSplitterSearchProblem#search(Predicate) * * @param candidateFragments The callback function. * @param classifier The classifier for whether an arc should be on the path to a clause split, a clause split itself, or neither. * @param featurizer The featurizer to use during search, to be dot producted with the weights. */ public void search( // The output specs final Predicate>, Supplier>> candidateFragments, // The learning specs final Classifier classifier, final Map> hardCodedSplits, final Function, Counter> featurizer, final int maxTicks ) { Collection actionSpace = new ArrayList<>(); // SIMPLE SPLIT actionSpace.add(new Action() { @Override public String signature() { return "simple"; } @Override public boolean prerequisitesMet(SemanticGraph originalTree, SemanticGraphEdge edge) { char tag = edge.getDependent().tag().charAt(0); return !(tag != 'V' && tag != 'N' && tag != 'J' && tag != 'P' && tag != 'D'); } @Override public Optional applyTo(SemanticGraph tree, State source, SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull) { return Optional.of(new State( outgoingEdge, subjectOrNull == null ? source.subjectOrNull : subjectOrNull, subjectOrNull == null ? (source.distanceFromSubj + 1) : 0, objectOrNull == null ? source.objectOrNull : objectOrNull, source.thunk.andThen(toModify -> { assert Util.isTree(toModify); simpleClause(toModify, outgoingEdge); if (outgoingEdge.getRelation().toString().endsWith("comp")) { stripAuxMark(toModify); } assert Util.isTree(toModify); }), false )); } }); // CLONE ROOT actionSpace.add(new Action() { @Override public String signature() { return "clone_root_as_nsubjpass"; } @Override public boolean prerequisitesMet(SemanticGraph originalTree, SemanticGraphEdge edge) { // Only valid if there's a single nontrivial outgoing edge from a node. Otherwise it's a whole can of worms. Iterator iter = originalTree.outgoingEdgeIterable(edge.getGovernor()).iterator(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { return false; // what? } boolean nontrivialEdge = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { SemanticGraphEdge outEdge =; switch (outEdge.getRelation().toString()) { case "nn": case "amod": break; default: if (nontrivialEdge) { return false; } nontrivialEdge = true; } } return true; } @Override public Optional applyTo(SemanticGraph tree, State source, SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull) { return Optional.of(new State( outgoingEdge, subjectOrNull == null ? source.subjectOrNull : subjectOrNull, subjectOrNull == null ? (source.distanceFromSubj + 1) : 0, objectOrNull == null ? source.objectOrNull : objectOrNull, source.thunk.andThen(toModify -> { assert Util.isTree(toModify); simpleClause(toModify, outgoingEdge); addSubtree(toModify, outgoingEdge.getDependent(), "nsubjpass", tree, outgoingEdge.getGovernor(), Collections.singleton(outgoingEdge)); // addWord(toModify, outgoingEdge.getDependent(), "auxpass", mockNode(outgoingEdge.getDependent().backingLabel(), "is", "VBZ")); assert Util.isTree(toModify); }), true )); } }); // COPY SUBJECT actionSpace.add(new Action() { @Override public String signature() { return "clone_nsubj"; } @Override public boolean prerequisitesMet(SemanticGraph originalTree, SemanticGraphEdge edge) { // Don't split into anything but verbs or nouns char tag = edge.getDependent().tag().charAt(0); if (tag != 'V' && tag != 'N') { return false; } for (SemanticGraphEdge grandchild : originalTree.outgoingEdgeIterable(edge.getDependent())) { if (grandchild.getRelation().toString().contains("subj")) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Optional applyTo(SemanticGraph tree, State source, SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull) { if (subjectOrNull != null && !outgoingEdge.equals(subjectOrNull)) { return Optional.of(new State( outgoingEdge, subjectOrNull, 0, objectOrNull == null ? source.objectOrNull : objectOrNull, source.thunk.andThen(toModify -> { assert Util.isTree(toModify); simpleClause(toModify, outgoingEdge); addSubtree(toModify, outgoingEdge.getDependent(), "nsubj", tree, subjectOrNull.getDependent(), Collections.singleton(outgoingEdge)); assert Util.isTree(toModify); stripAuxMark(toModify); assert Util.isTree(toModify); }), false )); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } }); // COPY OBJECT actionSpace.add(new Action() { @Override public String signature() { return "clone_dobj"; } @Override public boolean prerequisitesMet(SemanticGraph originalTree, SemanticGraphEdge edge) { // Don't split into anything but verbs or nouns char tag = edge.getDependent().tag().charAt(0); if (tag != 'V' && tag != 'N') { return false; } for (SemanticGraphEdge grandchild : originalTree.outgoingEdgeIterable(edge.getDependent())) { if (grandchild.getRelation().toString().contains("subj")) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Optional applyTo(SemanticGraph tree, State source, SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge, SemanticGraphEdge subjectOrNull, SemanticGraphEdge objectOrNull) { if (objectOrNull != null && !outgoingEdge.equals(objectOrNull)) { return Optional.of(new State( outgoingEdge, subjectOrNull == null ? source.subjectOrNull : subjectOrNull, subjectOrNull == null ? (source.distanceFromSubj + 1) : 0, objectOrNull, source.thunk.andThen(toModify -> { assert Util.isTree(toModify); // Split the clause simpleClause(toModify, outgoingEdge); // Attach the new subject addSubtree(toModify, outgoingEdge.getDependent(), "nsubj", tree, objectOrNull.getDependent(), Collections.singleton(outgoingEdge)); // Strip bits we don't want assert Util.isTree(toModify); stripAuxMark(toModify); assert Util.isTree(toModify); }), false )); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } }); for (IndexedWord root : tree.getRoots()) { search(root, candidateFragments, classifier, hardCodedSplits, featurizer, actionSpace, maxTicks); } } /** * Re-order the action space based on the specified order of names. */ private static Collection orderActions(Collection actionSpace, List order) { List tmp = new ArrayList<>(actionSpace); List out = new ArrayList<>(); for (String key : order) { Iterator iter = tmp.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Action a =; if (a.signature().equals(key)) { out.add(a); iter.remove(); } } } out.addAll(tmp); return out; } /** * The core implementation of the search. * * @param root The root word to search from. Traditionally, this is the root of the sentence. * @param candidateFragments The callback for the resulting sentence fragments. * This is a predicate of a triple of values. * The return value of the predicate determines whether we should continue searching. * The triple is a triple of *
  1. The log probability of the sentence fragment, according to the featurizer and the weights
  2. *
  3. The features along the path to this fragment. The last element of this is the features from the most recent step.
  4. *
  5. The sentence fragment. Because it is relatively expensive to compute the resulting tree, this is returned as a lazy {@link Supplier}.
  6. *
* @param classifier The classifier for whether an arc should be on the path to a clause split, a clause split itself, or neither. * @param featurizer The featurizer to use. Make sure this matches the weights! * @param actionSpace The action space we are allowed to take. Each action defines a means of splitting a clause on a dependency boundary. */ protected void search( // The root to search from IndexedWord root, // The output specs final Predicate>, Supplier>> candidateFragments, // The learning specs final Classifier classifier, Map> hardCodedSplits, final Function, Counter> featurizer, final Collection actionSpace, final int maxTicks ) { // (the fringe) PriorityQueue>>> fringe = new FixedPrioritiesPriorityQueue<>(); // (avoid duplicate work) Set seenWords = new HashSet<>(); State firstState = new State(null, null, -9000, null, x -> { }, true); // First state is implicitly "done" fringe.add(Pair.makePair(firstState, new ArrayList<>(0)), -0.0); int ticks = 0; while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { if (++ticks > maxTicks) { //"WARNING! Timed out on search with " + ticks + " ticks"); return; } // Useful variables double logProbSoFar = fringe.getPriority(); assert logProbSoFar <= 0.0; Pair>> lastStatePair = fringe.removeFirst(); State lastState = lastStatePair.first; List> featuresSoFar = lastStatePair.second; IndexedWord rootWord = lastState.edge == null ? root : lastState.edge.getDependent(); // Register thunk if (lastState.isDone) { if (!candidateFragments.test(Triple.makeTriple(logProbSoFar, featuresSoFar, () -> { SemanticGraph copy = new SemanticGraph(tree); lastState.thunk.andThen(x -> { // Add the extra edges back in, if they don't break the tree-ness of the extraction for (IndexedWord newTreeRoot : x.getRoots()) { if (newTreeRoot != null) { // what a strange thing to have happen... for (SemanticGraphEdge extraEdge : extraEdgesByGovernor.get(newTreeRoot)) { assert Util.isTree(x); //noinspection unchecked addSubtree(x, newTreeRoot, extraEdge.getRelation().toString(), tree, extraEdge.getDependent(), tree.getIncomingEdgesSorted(newTreeRoot)); assert Util.isTree(x); } } } }).accept(copy); return new SentenceFragment(copy, assumedTruth, false); }))) { break; } } // Find relevant auxilliary terms SemanticGraphEdge subjOrNull = null; SemanticGraphEdge objOrNull = null; for (SemanticGraphEdge auxEdge : tree.outgoingEdgeIterable(rootWord)) { String relString = auxEdge.getRelation().toString(); if (relString.contains("obj")) { objOrNull = auxEdge; } else if (relString.contains("subj")) { subjOrNull = auxEdge; } } // Iterate over children // For each outgoing edge... for (SemanticGraphEdge outgoingEdge : tree.outgoingEdgeIterable(rootWord)) { // Prohibit indirect speech verbs from splitting off clauses // (e.g., 'said', 'think') // This fires if the governor is an indirect speech verb, and the outgoing edge is a ccomp if ( outgoingEdge.getRelation().toString().equals("ccomp") && ( (outgoingEdge.getGovernor().lemma() != null && INDIRECT_SPEECH_LEMMAS.contains(outgoingEdge.getGovernor().lemma())) || INDIRECT_SPEECH_LEMMAS.contains(outgoingEdge.getGovernor().word())) ) { continue; } // Get some variables String outgoingEdgeRelation = outgoingEdge.getRelation().toString(); List forcedArcOrder = hardCodedSplits.get(outgoingEdgeRelation); if (forcedArcOrder == null && outgoingEdgeRelation.contains(":")) { forcedArcOrder = hardCodedSplits.get(outgoingEdgeRelation.substring(0, outgoingEdgeRelation.indexOf(":")) + ":*"); } boolean doneForcedArc = false; // For each action... for (Action action : (forcedArcOrder == null ? actionSpace : orderActions(actionSpace, forcedArcOrder))) { // Check the prerequisite if (!action.prerequisitesMet(tree, outgoingEdge)) { continue; } if (forcedArcOrder != null && doneForcedArc) { break; } // 1. Compute the child state Optional candidate = action.applyTo(tree, lastState, outgoingEdge, subjOrNull, objOrNull); if (candidate.isPresent()) { double logProbability; ClauseClassifierLabel bestLabel; Counter features = featurizer.apply(Triple.makeTriple(lastState, action, candidate.get())); if (forcedArcOrder != null && !doneForcedArc) { logProbability = 0.0; bestLabel = ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_SPLIT; doneForcedArc = true; } else if (features.containsKey("__undocumented_junit_no_classifier")) { logProbability = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; bestLabel = ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_INTERM; } else { Counter scores = classifier.scoresOf(new RVFDatum<>(features)); if (scores.size() > 0) { Counters.logNormalizeInPlace(scores); } String rel = outgoingEdge.getRelation().toString(); if ("nsubj".equals(rel) || "dobj".equals(rel)) { scores.remove(ClauseClassifierLabel.NOT_A_CLAUSE); // Always at least yield on nsubj and dobj } logProbability = Counters.max(scores, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); bestLabel = Counters.argmax(scores, (x, y) -> 0, ClauseClassifierLabel.CLAUSE_SPLIT); } if (bestLabel != ClauseClassifierLabel.NOT_A_CLAUSE) { Pair>> childState = Pair.makePair(candidate.get().withIsDone(bestLabel), new ArrayList>(featuresSoFar) {{ add(features); }}); // 2. Register the child state if (!seenWords.contains(childState.first.edge.getDependent())) { //" pushing " + action.signature() + " with " + argmax.first.edge); fringe.add(childState, logProbability); } } } } } seenWords.add(rootWord); } //"Search finished in " + ticks + " ticks and " + classifierEvals + " classifier evaluations."); } /** * The default featurizer to use during training. */ public static final Featurizer DEFAULT_FEATURIZER = new Featurizer() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4145523451314579506l; @Override public boolean isSimpleSplit(Counter feats) { for (String key : feats.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith("simple&")) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public Counter apply(Triple triple) { // Variables State from = triple.first; Action action = triple.second; State to = triple.third; String signature = action.signature(); String edgeRelTaken = to.edge == null ? "root" : to.edge.getRelation().toString(); String edgeRelShort = to.edge == null ? "root" : to.edge.getRelation().getShortName(); if (edgeRelShort.contains("_")) { edgeRelShort = edgeRelShort.substring(0, edgeRelShort.indexOf("_")); } // -- Featurize -- // Variables to aggregate boolean parentHasSubj = false; boolean parentHasObj = false; boolean childHasSubj = false; boolean childHasObj = false; Counter feats = new ClassicCounter<>(); // 1. edge taken feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge:" + edgeRelTaken); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge_type:" + edgeRelShort); // 2. last edge taken if (from.edge == null) { assert to.edge == null || to.originalTree().getRoots().contains(to.edge.getGovernor()); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&at_root"); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&at_root&root_pos:" + to.originalTree().getFirstRoot().tag()); } else { feats.incrementCount(signature + "¬_root"); String lastRelShort = from.edge.getRelation().getShortName(); if (lastRelShort.contains("_")) { lastRelShort = lastRelShort.substring(0, lastRelShort.indexOf("_")); } feats.incrementCount(signature + "&last_edge:" + lastRelShort); } if (to.edge != null) { // 3. other edges at parent for (SemanticGraphEdge parentNeighbor : from.originalTree().outgoingEdgeIterable(to.edge.getGovernor())) { if (parentNeighbor != to.edge) { String parentNeighborRel = parentNeighbor.getRelation().toString(); if (parentNeighborRel.contains("subj")) { parentHasSubj = true; } if (parentNeighborRel.contains("obj")) { parentHasObj = true; } // (add feature) feats.incrementCount(signature + "&parent_neighbor:" + parentNeighborRel); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge_type:" + edgeRelShort + "&parent_neighbor:" + parentNeighborRel); } } // 4. Other edges at child int childNeighborCount = 0; for (SemanticGraphEdge childNeighbor : from.originalTree().outgoingEdgeIterable(to.edge.getDependent())) { String childNeighborRel = childNeighbor.getRelation().toString(); if (childNeighborRel.contains("subj")) { childHasSubj = true; } if (childNeighborRel.contains("obj")) { childHasObj = true; } childNeighborCount += 1; // (add feature) feats.incrementCount(signature + "&child_neighbor:" + childNeighborRel); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge_type:" + edgeRelShort + "&child_neighbor:" + childNeighborRel); } // 4.1 Number of other edges at child feats.incrementCount(signature + "&child_neighbor_count:" + (childNeighborCount < 3 ? childNeighborCount : ">2")); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge_type:" + edgeRelShort + "&child_neighbor_count:" + (childNeighborCount < 3 ? childNeighborCount : ">2")); // 5. Subject/Object stats feats.incrementCount(signature + "&parent_neighbor_subj:" + parentHasSubj); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&parent_neighbor_obj:" + parentHasObj); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&child_neighbor_subj:" + childHasSubj); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&child_neighbor_obj:" + childHasObj); // 6. POS tag info feats.incrementCount(signature + "&parent_pos:" + to.edge.getGovernor().tag()); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&child_pos:" + to.edge.getDependent().tag()); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&pos_signature:" + to.edge.getGovernor().tag() + "_" + to.edge.getDependent().tag()); feats.incrementCount(signature + "&edge_type:" + edgeRelShort + "&pos_signature:" + to.edge.getGovernor().tag() + "_" + to.edge.getDependent().tag()); } return feats; } }; }

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