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edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.CGMinimizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.optimization; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CallbackFunction;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * Conjugate-gradient implementation based on the code in Numerical
 * Recipes in C.  (See p. 423 and others.)  As of now, it requires a
 * differentiable function (DiffFunction) as input.  Equality
 * constraints are supported; inequality constraints may soon be
 * added.

* The basic way to use the minimizer is with a null constructor, then * the simple minimize method: *


Minimizer cgm = new CGMinimizer(); *
DiffFunction df = new SomeDiffFunction(); *
double tol = 1e-4; *
double[] initial = getInitialGuess(); *
double[] minimum = cgm.minimize(df,tol,initial); * * @author Dan Klein * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class CGMinimizer implements Minimizer { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(CGMinimizer.class); private static NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0"); private Function monitor; // = null; private transient CallbackFunction iterationCallbackFunction; private static final int numToPrint = 5; private static final boolean simpleGD = false; private static final boolean checkSimpleGDConvergence = true; private static final boolean verbose = false; private boolean silent; private static final int ITMAX = 2000; // overridden in dbrent(); made bigger private static final double EPS = 1.0e-30; private static final int resetFrequency = 10; static double[] copyArray(double[] a) { return Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); } // private static String arrayToString(double[] x) { // return arrayToString(x, x.length); // } private static String arrayToString(double[] x, int num) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); if (num > x.length) { num = x.length; } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { sb.append(x[j]); if (j != x.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } if (num < x.length) { sb.append("..."); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } private static double fabs(double x) { if (x < 0) { return -x; } return x; } private static double fmax(double x, double y) { if (x < y) { return y; } return x; } // private static double fmin(double x, double y) { // if (x>y) // return y; // return x; // } private static double sign(double x, double y) { if (y >= 0.0) { return fabs(x); } return -fabs(x); } // private static double arrayMax(double[] x) { // double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // for (int i=0; i x[i]) // min = x[i]; // } // return min; // } // // private static int arrayArgMin(double[] x) { // double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // int index = -1; // for (int i=0; i x[i]) { // min = x[i]; // index = i; // } // } // return index; // } static class OneDimDiffFunction { private DiffFunction function; private double[] initial; private double[] direction; private double[] tempVector; private double[] vectorOf(double x) { for (int j = 0; j < initial.length; j++) { tempVector[j] = initial[j] + x * direction[j]; } //"Tmp "+arrayToString(tempVector,10)); //"Dir "+arrayToString(direction,10)); return tempVector; } double valueAt(double x) { return function.valueAt(vectorOf(x)); } double derivativeAt(double x) { double[] g = function.derivativeAt(vectorOf(x)); double d = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < g.length; j++) { d += g[j] * direction[j]; } return d; } OneDimDiffFunction(DiffFunction function, double[] initial, double[] direction) { this.function = function; this.initial = copyArray(initial); this.direction = copyArray(direction); this.tempVector = new double[function.domainDimension()]; } } // end class OneDimDiffFunction // constants private static final double GOLD = 1.618034; private static final double GLIMIT = 100.0; private static final double TINY = 1.0e-20; private static Triple mnbrak(Triple abc, OneDimDiffFunction function) { // inputs double ax = abc.a; double fa = function.valueAt(ax); double bx = abc.b; double fb = function.valueAt(bx); if (fb > fa) { // swap double temp = fa; fa = fb; fb = temp; temp = ax; ax = bx; bx = temp; } // guess cx double cx = bx + GOLD * (bx - ax); double fc = function.valueAt(cx); // loop until we get a bracket while (fb > fc) { double r = (bx - ax) * (fb - fc); double q = (bx - cx) * (fb - fa); double u = bx - ((bx - cx) * q - (bx - ax) * r) / (2.0 * sign(fmax(fabs(q - r), TINY), q - r)); double fu; double ulim = bx + GLIMIT * (cx - bx); if ((bx - u) * (u - cx) > 0.0) { fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu < fc) { //Ax = new Double(bx); //Bx = new Double(u); //Cx = new Double(cx); //"\nReturning3: a="+bx+" ("+fb+") b="+u+"("+fu+") c="+cx+" ("+fc+")"); return new Triple(bx, u, cx); } else if (fu > fb) { //Cx = new Double(u); //Ax = new Double(ax); //Bx = new Double(bx); //"\nReturning2: a="+ax+" ("+fa+") b="+bx+"("+fb+") c="+u+" ("+fu+")"); return new Triple(ax, bx, u); } u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fu = function.valueAt(u); } else if ((cx - u) * (u - ulim) > 0.0) { fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu < fc) { bx = cx; cx = u; u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fb = fc; fc = fu; fu = function.valueAt(u); } } else if ((u - ulim) * (ulim - cx) >= 0.0) { u = ulim; fu = function.valueAt(u); } else { u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fu = function.valueAt(u); } ax = bx; bx = cx; cx = u; fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fu; } //"\nReturning: a="+ax+" ("+fa+") b="+bx+"("+fb+") c="+cx+" ("+fc+")"); return new Triple(ax, bx, cx); } private static double dbrent(OneDimDiffFunction function, double ax, double bx, double cx) { // constants final boolean dbVerbose = false; final int ITMAX = 100; final double TOL = 1.0e-4; double d = 0.0, e = 0.0; double a = (ax < cx ? ax : cx); double b = (ax > cx ? ax : cx); double x = bx; double v = bx; double w = bx; double fx = function.valueAt(x); double fv = fx; double fw = fx; double dx = function.derivativeAt(x); double dv = dx; double dw = dx; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < ITMAX; iteration++) { //"dbrent "+iteration+" x "+x+" fx "+fx); double xm = 0.5 * (a + b); double tol1 = TOL * fabs(x); double tol2 = 2.0 * tol1; if (fabs(x - xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5 * (b - a))) { if (dbVerbose) {"dbrent returning because min is cornered " + a + " (" + function.valueAt(a) + ") ~ " + x + " (" + fx + ") " + b + " (" + function.valueAt(b) + ')'); } return x; } double u; if (fabs(e) > tol1) { double d1 = 2.0 * (b - a); double d2 = d1; if (dw != dx) { d1 = (w - x) * dx / (dx - dw); } if (dv != dx) { d2 = (v - x) * dx / (dx - dv); } double u1 = x + d1; double u2 = x + d2; boolean ok1 = ((a - u1) * (u1 - b) > 0.0 && dx * d1 <= 0.0); boolean ok2 = ((a - u2) * (u2 - b) > 0.0 && dx * d2 <= 0.0); double olde = e; e = d; if (ok1 || ok2) { if (ok1 && ok2) { d = (fabs(d1) < fabs(d2) ? d1 : d2); } else if (ok1) { d = d1; } else { d = d2; } if (fabs(d) <= fabs(0.5 * olde)) { u = x + d; if (u - a < tol2 || b - u < tol2) { d = sign(tol1, xm - x); } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } double fu; if (fabs(d) >= tol1) { u = x + d; fu = function.valueAt(u); } else { u = x + sign(tol1, d); fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu > fx) { if (dbVerbose) {"dbrent returning because derivative is broken"); } return x; } } double du = function.derivativeAt(u); if (fu <= fx) { if (u >= x) { a = x; } else { b = x; } v = w; fv = fw; dv = dw; w = x; fw = fx; dw = dx; x = u; fx = fu; dx = du; } else { if (u < x) { a = u; } else { b = u; } if (fu <= fw || w == x) { v = w; fv = fw; dv = dw; w = u; fw = fu; dw = du; } else if (fu < fv || v == x || v == w) { v = u; fv = fu; dv = du; } } } // dan's addition: if (fx < function.valueAt(0.0)) { return x; } if (dbVerbose) {"Warning: exiting dbrent because ITMAX exceeded!"); } return 0.0; } private static class Triple { public double a; public double b; public double c; public Triple(double a, double b, double c) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; } } //public double lastXx = 1.0; double[] lineMinimize(DiffFunction function, double[] initial, double[] direction) { // make a 1-dim function along the direction line // THIS IS A HACK (but it's the NRiC peoples' hack) OneDimDiffFunction oneDim = new OneDimDiffFunction(function, initial, direction); // do a 1-dim line min on this function //Double Ax = new Double(0.0); //Double Xx = new Double(1.0); //Double Bx = new Double(0.0); // bracket the extreme pt double guess = 0.01; //"Current "+oneDim.valueAt(0)+" nudge "+(oneDim.smallestZeroPositiveLocation()*1e-2)+" "+oneDim.valueAt(oneDim.smallestZeroPositiveLocation()*1e-5)); if (!silent) {"["); } Triple bracketing = mnbrak(new Triple(0, guess, 0), oneDim); if (!silent) {"]"); } double ax = bracketing.a; double xx = bracketing.b; double bx = bracketing.c; //lastXx = xx; // CHECK FOR END OF WORLD if (!(ax <= xx && xx <= bx) && !(bx <= xx && xx <= ax)) {"Bad bracket order!"); } if (verbose) {"Bracketing found: " + ax + ' ' + xx + ' ' + bx);"Bracketing found: " + oneDim.valueAt(ax) + ' ' + oneDim.valueAt(xx) + ' ' + oneDim.valueAt(bx)); //"Bracketing found: "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(ax),3)+" "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(xx),3)+" "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(bx),3)); } // find the extreme pt if (!silent) {"<"); } double xmin = dbrent(oneDim, ax, xx, bx); if (!silent) {">"); } // return the full vector //"Went "+xmin+" during lineMinimize"); return oneDim.vectorOf(xmin); } @Override public double[] minimize(DiffFunction function, double functionTolerance, double[] initial) { return minimize(function, functionTolerance, initial, ITMAX); } @Override public double[] minimize(DiffFunction dFunction, double functionTolerance, double[] initial, int maxIterations) { // check for derivatives int dimension = dFunction.domainDimension(); //lastXx = 1.0; // evaluate function double fp = dFunction.valueAt(initial); if (verbose) {"Initial: " + fp); } double[] xi = copyArray(dFunction.derivativeAt(initial)); if (verbose) {"Initial at: " + arrayToString(initial, numToPrint));"Initial deriv: " + arrayToString(xi, numToPrint)); } // make some vectors double[] g = new double[dimension]; double[] h = new double[dimension]; double[] p = new double[dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; xi[j] = g[j]; h[j] = g[j]; p[j] = initial[j]; } // iterations boolean simpleGDStep = false; for (int iterations = 1; iterations < maxIterations; iterations++) { if (!silent) {"Iter " + iterations + ' '); } // do a line min along descent direction //"Minimizing from ("+p[0]+","+p[1]+") along ("+xi[0]+","+xi[1]+")\n"); if (verbose) {"Minimizing along " + arrayToString(xi, numToPrint)); } //"Current is "+fp); double[] p2 = lineMinimize(dFunction, p, xi); double fp2 = dFunction.valueAt(p2); //"Result is "+fp2+" (from "+fp+") at ("+p2[0]+","+p2[1]+")\n"); if (verbose) {"Result is " + fp2 + " after " + iterations);"Result at " + arrayToString(p2, numToPrint)); } //"|"+(int)(Math.log((fabs(fp2-fp)+1e-100)/(fabs(fp)+fabs(fp2)+1e-100))/Math.log(10))); if (!silent) { System.err.printf(" %s (delta: %s)\n", nf.format(fp2), nf.format(fp-fp2)); } if (monitor != null) { double monitorReturn = monitor.valueAt(p2); if (monitorReturn < functionTolerance) { return p2; } } // check convergence if (2.0 * fabs(fp2 - fp) <= functionTolerance * (fabs(fp2) + fabs(fp) + EPS)) { // convergence if (!checkSimpleGDConvergence || simpleGDStep || simpleGD) { return p2; } simpleGDStep = true; //"Switched to GD for a step."); } else { //if (!simpleGD) //"Switching to CGD."); simpleGDStep = false; } // shift variables for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { xi[j] = p2[j] - p[j]; p[j] = p2[j]; } fp = fp2; // find the new gradient xi = copyArray(dFunction.derivativeAt(p)); if(iterationCallbackFunction != null){ iterationCallbackFunction.callback(p2, iterations, fp2, xi); } //"mx "+arrayMax(xi)+" mn "+arrayMin(xi)); if (!simpleGDStep && !simpleGD && (iterations % resetFrequency != 0)) { // do the magic -- part i // (calculate some dot products we'll need) double dgg = 0.0; double gg = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { // g dot g gg += g[j] * g[j]; // grad dot grad // FR method is: // dgg += x[j]*x[j]; // PR method is: dgg += (xi[j] + g[j]) * xi[j]; } // check for miraculous convergence if (gg == 0.0) { return p; } // magic part ii // (update the sequence in a way that tries to preserve conjugacy) double gam = dgg / gg; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; h[j] = g[j] + gam * h[j]; xi[j] = h[j]; } } else { // miraculous simpleGD convergence double xixi = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { xixi += xi[j] * xi[j]; } // reset cgd for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; xi[j] = g[j]; h[j] = g[j]; } if (xixi == 0.0) { return p; } } } // too many iterations"Warning: exiting minimize because ITER exceeded!"); return p; } /** * Basic constructor, use this. */ public CGMinimizer() { this(true); } /** * Pass in false to get per-iteration progress reports * (to stderr). * * @param silent a boolean value */ public CGMinimizer(boolean silent) { this.silent = silent; } /** * Perform minimization with monitoring. After each iteration, * monitor.valueAt(x) gets called, with the double array x * being that iteration's ending point. A return < * tol forces convergence (terminates the CG procedure). * Specially for Kristina. * * @param monitor a Function value */ public CGMinimizer(Function monitor) { this(); this.monitor = monitor; } public void setIterationCallbackFunction(CallbackFunction func){ this.iterationCallbackFunction = func; } }

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