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edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ArabicTreebankParserParams Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.SerializableFunction;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;

 * A {@link TreebankLangParserParams} implementing class for
 * the Penn Arabic Treebank.  The baseline feature set works with either
 * UTF-8 or Buckwalter input, although the behavior of some unused features depends
 * on the input encoding.
 * @author Roger Levy
 * @author Christopher Manning
 * @author Spence Green
public class ArabicTreebankParserParams extends AbstractTreebankParserParams  {

  /** A logger for this class */
  private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ArabicTreebankParserParams.class);

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 8853426784197984653L;

  private final StringBuilder optionsString;

  private boolean retainNPTmp = false;
  private boolean retainNPSbj = false;
  private boolean retainPRD = false;
  private boolean retainPPClr = false;
  private boolean changeNoLabels = false;
  private boolean collinizerRetainsPunctuation = false;
  private boolean discardX = false;

  private HeadFinder headFinder;
  private final Map>> annotationPatterns;
  private final List>> activeAnnotations;

  private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];

  private MorphoFeatureSpecification morphoSpec = null;
  public ArabicTreebankParserParams() {
    super(new ArabicTreebankLanguagePack());

    optionsString = new StringBuilder();

    annotationPatterns = Generics.newHashMap();
    activeAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();

    //Initialize the headFinder here
    headFinder = headFinder();


   * Creates an {@link ArabicTreeReaderFactory} with parameters set
   * via options passed in from the command line.
   * @return An {@link ArabicTreeReaderFactory}
  public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() {
    return new ArabicTreeReaderFactory(retainNPTmp, retainPRD,
        changeNoLabels, discardX,
        retainNPSbj, false, retainPPClr);

  //NOTE (WSG): This method is called by main() to load the test treebank
  public MemoryTreebank memoryTreebank() {
    return new MemoryTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);

  //NOTE (WSG): This method is called to load the training treebank
  public DiskTreebank diskTreebank() {
    return new DiskTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);

  public HeadFinder headFinder() {
    if(headFinder == null)
      headFinder = new ArabicHeadFinder(treebankLanguagePack());
    return headFinder;

  public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() {
    return headFinder();

   * Returns a lexicon for Arabic.  At the moment this is just a BaseLexicon.
   * @param op Lexicon options
   * @return A Lexicon
  public Lexicon lex(Options op, Index wordIndex, Index tagIndex) {
    if(op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer == null) {
      op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer = "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ArabicUnknownWordModelTrainer";
    if(morphoSpec != null) {
      return new FactoredLexicon(op, morphoSpec, wordIndex, tagIndex);
    return new BaseLexicon(op, wordIndex, tagIndex);

   * Return a default sentence for the language (for testing).
   * The example is in UTF-8.
  public List defaultTestSentence() {
    String[] sent = {"هو","استنكر","الحكومة","يوم","امس","."};
    return SentenceUtils.toWordList(sent);

  protected class ArabicSubcategoryStripper implements TreeTransformer {

    protected final TreeFactory tf = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory();

    public Tree transformTree(Tree tree) {
      Label lab = tree.label();
      String s = lab.value();

      if (tree.isLeaf()) {
        Tree leaf = tf.newLeaf(lab);
        return leaf;

      } else if(tree.isPhrasal()) {
        if(retainNPTmp && s.startsWith("NP-TMP")) {
          s = "NP-TMP";
        } else if(retainNPSbj && s.startsWith("NP-SBJ")) {
          s = "NP-SBJ";
        } else if(retainPRD && s.matches("VB[^P].*PRD.*")) {
          s = tlp.basicCategory(s);
          s += "-PRD";
        } else {
          s = tlp.basicCategory(s);

      } else if(tree.isPreTerminal()) {
        s = tlp.basicCategory(s);

      } else {
        System.err.printf("Encountered a non-leaf/phrasal/pre-terminal node %s\n",s);
        //Normalize by default
        s = tlp.basicCategory(s);

      // Recursively process children depth-first
      List children = new ArrayList<>(tree.numChildren());
      for (Tree child : tree.getChildrenAsList()) {
        Tree newChild = transformTree(child);

      // Make the new parent label
      Tree node = tf.newTreeNode(lab, children);
      if(node.label() instanceof HasTag)
        ((HasTag) node.label()).setTag(s);

      return node;

   * Returns a TreeTransformer that retains categories
   * according to the following options supported by setOptionFlag:

* -retainNPTmp Retain temporal NP marking on NPs. * -retainNPSbj Retain NP subject function tags * -markPRDverbs Retain PRD verbs. *

*/ //NOTE (WSG): This is applied to both the best parse by getBestParse() //and to the gold eval tree by testOnTreebank() @Override public TreeTransformer subcategoryStripper() { return new ArabicSubcategoryStripper(); } /** * The collinizer eliminates punctuation */ @Override public TreeTransformer collinizer() { return new TreeCollinizer(tlp, !collinizerRetainsPunctuation, false); } /** * Stand-in collinizer does nothing to the tree. */ @Override public TreeTransformer collinizerEvalb() { return collinizer(); } @Override public String[] sisterSplitters() { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } // WSGDEBUG -- Annotate POS tags with nominal (grammatical) gender private static final MorphoFeatureSpecification tagSpec = new ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification(); static { tagSpec.activate(MorphoFeatureType.NGEN); } @Override public Tree transformTree(Tree t, Tree root) { String baseCat = t.value(); StringBuilder newCategory = new StringBuilder(); //Add manual state splits for (Pair> e : activeAnnotations) { TregexMatcher m = e.first().matcher(root); if (m.matchesAt(t)) newCategory.append(e.second().apply(m)); } // WSGDEBUG //Add morphosyntactic features if this is a POS tag if(t.isPreTerminal() && tagSpec != null) { if( !(t.firstChild().label() instanceof CoreLabel) || ((CoreLabel) t.firstChild().label()).originalText() == null ) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("%s: Term lacks morpho analysis: %s",this.getClass().getName(),t.toString())); String morphoStr = ((CoreLabel) t.firstChild().label()).originalText(); MorphoFeatures feats = tagSpec.strToFeatures(morphoStr); baseCat = feats.getTag(baseCat); } //Update the label(s) String newCat = baseCat + newCategory.toString(); t.setValue(newCat); if (t.isPreTerminal() && t.label() instanceof HasTag) ((HasTag) t.label()).setTag(newCat); return t; } /** * These are the annotations included when the user selects the -arabicFactored option. */ private final List baselineFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); { baselineFeatures.add("-markNounNPargTakers"); baselineFeatures.add("-genitiveMark"); baselineFeatures.add("-splitPUNC"); baselineFeatures.add("-markContainsVerb"); baselineFeatures.add("-markStrictBaseNP"); baselineFeatures.add("-markOneLevelIdafa"); baselineFeatures.add("-splitIN"); baselineFeatures.add("-markMasdarVP"); baselineFeatures.add("-containsSVO"); baselineFeatures.add("-splitCC"); baselineFeatures.add("-markFem"); // Added for MWE experiments baselineFeatures.add("-mwe"); baselineFeatures.add("-mweContainsVerb"); } private final List additionalFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); private void initializeAnnotationPatterns() { //This doesn't/can't really pick out genitives, but just any NP following an NN head. //wsg2011: In particular, it doesn't select NP complements of PPs, which are also genitive. final String genitiveNodeTregexString = "@NP > @NP $- /^N/"; TregexPatternCompiler tregexPatternCompiler = new TregexPatternCompiler(headFinder()); try { // ****************** // Baseline features // ****************** annotationPatterns.put("-genitiveMark", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile(genitiveNodeTregexString), new SimpleStringFunction("-genitive"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markStrictBaseNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP !< (__ < (__ < __))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-base"))); // NP with no phrasal node in it annotationPatterns.put("-markOneLevelIdafa", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < (@NP < (__ < __)) !< (/^[^N]/ < (__ < __)) !< (__ < (__ < (__ < __)))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-idafa1"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markNounNPargTakers", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|DTNN|DTNNS|DTNNP|DTNNPS ># (@NP < @NP)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-NounNParg"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markContainsVerb", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << (/^[CIP]?V/ < (__ !< __))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-withV"))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitIN", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@IN < __=word"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "word", false))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitPUNC", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PUNC < __=" + AnnotatePunctuationFunction2.key), new AnnotatePunctuationFunction2())); annotationPatterns.put("-markMasdarVP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@VP|MWVP < /VBG|VN/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-masdar"))); annotationPatterns.put("-containsSVO", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << (@S < (@NP . @VP|MWVP))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-hasSVO"))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitCC", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@CC|CONJ . __=term , __"), new AddEquivalencedConjNode("-", "term"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markFem", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < /ة$/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-fem"))); // Added for MWE experiments annotationPatterns.put("-mwe", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ > /MW/=tag"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "tag", true))); annotationPatterns.put("-mweContainsVerb", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << @MWVP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-withV"))); //This version, which uses the PTB equivalence classing, results in slightly lower labeled F1 //than the splitPUNC feature above, which was included in the COLING2010 evaluation annotationPatterns.put("-splitPUNC2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PUNC < __=punc"), new AnnotatePunctuationFunction("-", "punc"))); // Label each POS with its parent annotationPatterns.put("-tagPAar", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("!@PUNC < (__ !< __) > __=parent"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "parent", true))); //Didn't work annotationPatterns.put("-splitCC1", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@CC|CONJ < __=term"), new AddRelativeNodeRegexFunction("-", "term", "-*([^-].*)"))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitCC2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@CC . __=term , __"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "term", true))); annotationPatterns.put("-idafaJJ1", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP <, (@NN $+ @NP) <+(@NP) @ADJP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-idafaJJ"))); annotationPatterns.put("-idafaJJ2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP <, (@NN $+ @NP) <+(@NP) @ADJP !<< @SBAR"), new SimpleStringFunction("-idafaJJ"))); annotationPatterns.put("-properBaseNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP !<< @NP < /NNP/ !< @PUNC|CD"), new SimpleStringFunction("-prop"))); annotationPatterns.put("-interrog", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << هل|ماذا|لماذا|اين|متى"), new SimpleStringFunction("-inter"))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitPseudo", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NN < مع|بعد|بين"), new SimpleStringFunction("-pseudo"))); annotationPatterns.put("-nPseudo", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < (@NN < مع|بعد|بين)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npseudo"))); annotationPatterns.put("-pseudoArg", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < @NP $, (@NN < مع|بعد|بين)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-pseudoArg"))); annotationPatterns.put("-eqL1", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < (@S !< @VP|S)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-haseq"))); annotationPatterns.put("-eqL1L2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < (__ < (@S !< @VP|S)) | < (@S !< @VP|S)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-haseq"))); annotationPatterns.put("-fullQuote", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < ((@PUNC < \") $ (@PUNC < \"))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-fq"))); annotationPatterns.put("-brokeQuote", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < ((@PUNC < \") !$ (@PUNC < \"))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-bq"))); annotationPatterns.put("-splitVP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@VP <# __=term1"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "term1", true))); annotationPatterns.put("-markFemP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP|ADJP < (__ < /ة$/)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-femP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-embedSBAR", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP|PP <+(@NP|PP) @SBAR"), new SimpleStringFunction("-embedSBAR"))); annotationPatterns.put("-complexVP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << (@VP < (@NP $ @NP)) > __"), new SimpleStringFunction("-complexVP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-containsJJ", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP <+(@NP) /JJ/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-hasJJ"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markMasdarVP2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << @VN|VBG"), new SimpleStringFunction("-masdar"))); annotationPatterns.put("-coordNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP|ADJP <+(@NP|ADJP) (@CC|PUNC $- __ $+ __)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-coordNP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-coordWa", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << (@CC , __ < و-)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-coordWA"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPhasADJP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP <+(@NP) @ADJP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-NPhasADJP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPADJP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < @ADJP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npadj"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPJJ", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < /JJ/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npjj"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPCC", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP <+(@NP) @CC"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npcc"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPCD", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < @CD"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npcd"))); annotationPatterns.put("-NPNNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < /NNP/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-npnnp"))); annotationPatterns.put("-SVO", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@S < (@NP . @VP)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-svo"))); annotationPatterns.put("-containsSBAR", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << @SBAR"), new SimpleStringFunction("-hasSBAR"))); //WSGDEBUG - Template //annotationPatterns.put("", new Pair>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile(""), new SimpleStringFunction(""))); // ************ // Old and unused features (in various states of repair) // ************* annotationPatterns.put("-markGappedVP", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("@VP > @VP $- __ $ /^(?:CC|CONJ)/ !< /^V/"), new SimpleStringFunction("-gappedVP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markGappedVPConjoiners", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("/^(?:CC|CONJ)/ $ (@VP > @VP $- __ !< /^V/)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-gappedVP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markGenitiveParent", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("@NP < (" + genitiveNodeTregexString + ')'), new SimpleStringFunction("-genitiveParent"))); // maSdr: this pattern is just a heuristic classification, which matches on // various common maSdr pattterns, but probably also matches on a lot of other // stuff. It marks NPs with possible maSdr. // Roger's old pattern: annotationPatterns.put("-maSdrMark", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^N/ <<# (/^[t\\u062a].+[y\\u064a].$/ > @NN|NOUN|DTNN)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-maSdr"))); // chris' attempt annotationPatterns.put("-maSdrMark2", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^N/ <<# (/^(?:[t\\u062a].+[y\\u064a].|<.{3,}|A.{3,})$/ > @NN|NOUN|DTNN)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-maSdr"))); annotationPatterns.put("-maSdrMark3", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^N/ <<# (/^(?:[t\\u062a @NN|NOUN|DTNN)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-maSdr"))); annotationPatterns.put("-maSdrMark4", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^N/ <<# (/^(?:[t\\u062a (@NN|NOUN|DTNN > (@NP < @NP)))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-maSdr"))); annotationPatterns.put("-maSdrMark5", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^N/ <<# (__ > (@NN|NOUN|DTNN > (@NP < @NP)))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-maSdr"))); annotationPatterns.put("-mjjMark", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@JJ|DTJJ < /^m/ $+ @PP ># @ADJP "), new SimpleStringFunction("-mjj"))); //annotationPatterns.put(markPRDverbString,new Pair>(TregexPattern.compile("/^V[^P]/ > VP $ /-PRD$/"),new SimpleStringFunction("-PRDverb"))); // don't need this pattern anymore, the functionality has been moved to ArabicTreeNormalizer // PUNC is PUNC in either raw or Bies POS encoding annotationPatterns.put("-markNPwithSdescendant", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ !< @S << @S [ >> @NP | == @NP ]"), new SimpleStringFunction("-inNPdominatesS"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markRightRecursiveNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ <<- @NP [>>- @NP | == @NP]"), new SimpleStringFunction("-rrNP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markBaseNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP !< @NP !< @VP !< @SBAR !< @ADJP !< @ADVP !< @S !< @QP !< @UCP !< @PP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-base"))); // allow only a single level of idafa as Base NP; this version works! annotationPatterns.put("-markBaseNPplusIdafa", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP !< (/^[^N]/ < (__ < __)) !< (__ < (__ < (__ < __)))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-base"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markTwoLevelIdafa", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < (@NP < (@NP < (__ < __)) !< (/^[^N]/ < (__ < __))) !< (/^[^N]/ < (__ < __)) !< (__ < (__ < (__ < (__ < __))))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-idafa2"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markDefiniteIdafa", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < (/^(?:NN|NOUN)/ !$,, /^[^AP]/) <+(/^NP/) (@NP < /^DT/)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-defIdafa"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markDefiniteIdafa1", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < (/^(?:NN|NOUN)/ !$,, /^[^AP]/) < (@NP < /^DT/) !< (/^[^N]/ < (__ < __)) !< (__ < (__ < (__ < __)))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-defIdafa1"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markContainsSBAR", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ << @SBAR"), new SimpleStringFunction("-withSBAR"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markPhrasalNodesDominatedBySBAR", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < (__ < __) >> @SBAR"), new SimpleStringFunction("-domBySBAR"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markCoordinateNPs", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < @CC|CONJ"), new SimpleStringFunction("-coord"))); //annotationPatterns.put("-markCopularVerbTags",new Pair>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^V/ < " + copularVerbForms),new SimpleStringFunction("-copular"))); //annotationPatterns.put("-markSBARVerbTags",new Pair>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^V/ < " + sbarVerbForms),new SimpleStringFunction("-SBARverb"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markNounAdjVPheads", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|JJ|DTJJ|DTNN|DTNNS|DTNNP|DTNNPS ># @VP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-VHead"))); // a better version of the below might only mark clitic pronouns, but // since most pronouns are clitics, let's try this first.... annotationPatterns.put("-markPronominalNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP < @PRP"), new SimpleStringFunction("-PRP"))); // try doing coordination parallelism -- there's a lot of that in Arabic (usually the same, sometimes different CC) annotationPatterns.put("-markMultiCC", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < (@CC $.. @CC)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-multiCC"))); // this unfortunately didn't seem helpful for capturing CC parallelism; should try again annotationPatterns.put("-markHasCCdaughter", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < @CC"), new SimpleStringFunction("-CCdtr"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markAcronymNP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@NP !< (__ < (__ < __)) < (/^NN/ < /^.$/ $ (/^NN/ < /^.$/)) !< (__ < /../)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-acro"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markAcronymNN", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("/^NN/ < /^.$/ $ (/^NN/ < /^.$/) > (@NP !< (__ < (__ < __)) !< (__ < /../))"), new SimpleStringFunction("-acro"))); //PP Specific patterns annotationPatterns.put("-markPPwithPPdescendant", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ !< @PP << @PP [ >> @PP | == @PP ]"), new SimpleStringFunction("-inPPdominatesPP"))); annotationPatterns.put("-gpAnnotatePrepositions", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("/^(?:IN|PREP)$/ > (__ > __=gp)"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("^^", "gp", false))); annotationPatterns.put("-gpEquivalencePrepositions", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("/^(?:IN|PREP)$/ > (@PP >+(/^PP/) __=gp)"), new AddEquivalencedNodeFunction("^^", "gp"))); annotationPatterns.put("-gpEquivalencePrepositionsVar", new Pair<>(TregexPattern.compile("/^(?:IN|PREP)$/ > (@PP >+(/^PP/) __=gp)"), new AddEquivalencedNodeFunctionVar("^^", "gp"))); annotationPatterns.put("-markPPParent", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PP=max !< @PP"), new AddRelativeNodeRegexFunction("^^", "max", "^(\\w)"))); annotationPatterns.put("-whPP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PP <- (@SBAR <, /^WH/)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-whPP"))); // annotationPatterns.put("-markTmpPP", new Pair>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PP !<+(__) @PP"),new LexicalCategoryFunction("-TMP",temporalNouns))); annotationPatterns.put("-deflateMin", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("__ < (__ < من)"), new SimpleStringFunction("-min"))); annotationPatterns.put("-v2MarkovIN", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@IN > (@__=p1 > @__=p2)"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("^", "p1", "p2", false))); annotationPatterns.put("-pleonasticMin", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PP <, (IN < من) > @S"), new SimpleStringFunction("-pleo"))); annotationPatterns.put("-v2MarkovPP", new Pair<>(tregexPatternCompiler.compile("@PP > (@__=p1 > @__=p2)"), new AddRelativeNodeFunction("^", "p1", "p2", false))); } catch (TregexParseException e) { int nth = annotationPatterns.size() + 1; String nthStr = (nth == 1) ? "1st": ((nth == 2) ? "2nd": nth + "th");"Parse exception on " + nthStr + " annotation pattern initialization:" + e); throw e; } } private static class SimpleStringFunction implements SerializableFunction { public SimpleStringFunction(String result) { this.result = result; } private String result; public String apply(TregexMatcher tregexMatcher) { return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "SimpleStringFunction[" + result + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private static class AddRelativeNodeFunction implements SerializableFunction { private String annotationMark; private String key; private String key2; private boolean doBasicCat = false; private static final TreebankLanguagePack tlp = new ArabicTreebankLanguagePack(); public AddRelativeNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key, boolean basicCategory) { this.annotationMark = annotationMark; this.key = key; this.key2 = null; doBasicCat = basicCategory; } public AddRelativeNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key1, String key2, boolean basicCategory) { this(annotationMark,key1,basicCategory); this.key2 = key2; } public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { if(key2 == null) return annotationMark + ((doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key).label().value()) : m.getNode(key).label().value()); else { String annot1 = (doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key).label().value()) : m.getNode(key).label().value(); String annot2 = (doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key2).label().value()) : m.getNode(key2).label().value(); return annotationMark + annot1 + annotationMark + annot2; } } @Override public String toString() { if(key2 == null) return "AddRelativeNodeFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ']'; else return "AddRelativeNodeFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ',' + key2 + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private static class AddRelativeNodeRegexFunction implements SerializableFunction { private String annotationMark; private String key; private Pattern pattern; private String key2 = null; private Pattern pattern2; public AddRelativeNodeRegexFunction(String annotationMark, String key, String regex) { this.annotationMark = annotationMark; this.key = key; try { this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {"Bad pattern: " + regex); pattern = null; throw new IllegalArgumentException(pse); } } public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { String val = m.getNode(key).label().value(); if (pattern != null) { Matcher mat = pattern.matcher(val); if (mat.find()) { val =; } } if(key2 != null && pattern2 != null) { String val2 = m.getNode(key2).label().value(); Matcher mat2 = pattern2.matcher(val2); if(mat2.find()) { val = val + annotationMark +; } else { val = val + annotationMark + val2; } } return annotationMark + val; } @Override public String toString() { return "AddRelativeNodeRegexFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ',' + pattern + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } /** This one only distinguishes VP, S and Other (mainly nominal) contexts. * These seem the crucial distinctions for Arabic true prepositions, * based on raw counts in data. */ private static class AddEquivalencedNodeFunction implements SerializableFunction { private String annotationMark; private String key; public AddEquivalencedNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key) { this.annotationMark = annotationMark; this.key = key; } public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { String node = m.getNode(key).label().value(); if (node.startsWith("S")) { return annotationMark + 'S'; } else if (node.startsWith("V")) { return annotationMark + 'V'; } else { return ""; } } @Override public String toString() { return "AddEquivalencedNodeFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } /** This one only distinguishes VP, S*, A* versus other (mainly nominal) contexts. */ private static class AddEquivalencedNodeFunctionVar implements SerializableFunction { private String annotationMark; private String key; public AddEquivalencedNodeFunctionVar(String annotationMark, String key) { this.annotationMark = annotationMark; this.key = key; } public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { String node = m.getNode(key).label().value(); // We also tried if (node.startsWith("V")) [var2] and if (node.startsWith("V") || node.startsWith("S")) [var3]. Both seemed markedly worse than the basic function or this var form (which seems a bit better than the basic equiv option). if (node.startsWith("S") || node.startsWith("V") || node.startsWith("A")) { return annotationMark + "VSA"; } else { return ""; } } @Override public String toString() { return "AddEquivalencedNodeFunctionVar[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private static class AnnotatePunctuationFunction2 implements SerializableFunction { static final String key = "term"; private static final Pattern quote = Pattern.compile("^\"$"); public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { final String punc = m.getNode(key).value(); if (punc.equals(".")) return "-fs"; else if (punc.equals("?")) return "-quest"; else if (punc.equals(",")) return "-comma"; else if (punc.equals(":") || punc.equals(";")) return "-colon"; else if (punc.equals("-LRB-")) return "-lrb"; else if (punc.equals("-RRB-")) return "-rrb"; else if (punc.equals("-PLUS-")) return "-plus"; else if (punc.equals("-")) return "-dash"; else if (quote.matcher(punc).matches()) return "-quote"; // else if(punc.equals("/")) // return "-slash"; // else if(punc.equals("%")) // return "-perc"; // else if(punc.contains("..")) // return "-ellipses"; return ""; } @Override public String toString() { return "AnnotatePunctuationFunction2"; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private static class AddEquivalencedConjNode implements SerializableFunction { private String annotationMark; private String key; private static final String nnTags = "DTNN DTNNP DTNNPS DTNNS NN NNP NNS NNPS"; private static final Set nnTagClass = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(nnTags.split("\\s+")))); private static final String jjTags = "ADJ_NUM DTJJ DTJJR JJ JJR"; private static final Set jjTagClass = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(jjTags.split("\\s+")))); private static final String vbTags = "VBD VBP"; private static final Set vbTagClass = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(vbTags.split("\\s+")))); private static final TreebankLanguagePack tlp = new ArabicTreebankLanguagePack(); public AddEquivalencedConjNode(String annotationMark, String key) { this.annotationMark = annotationMark; this.key = key; } public String apply(TregexMatcher m) { String node = m.getNode(key).value(); String eqClass = tlp.basicCategory(node); if(nnTagClass.contains(eqClass)) eqClass = "noun"; else if(jjTagClass.contains(eqClass)) eqClass = "adj"; else if(vbTagClass.contains(eqClass)) eqClass = "vb"; return annotationMark + eqClass; } @Override public String toString() { return "AddEquivalencedConjNode[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ']'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } /** * Reconfigures active features after a change in the default headfinder. * * @param hf */ private void setHeadFinder(HeadFinder hf) { if(hf == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); headFinder = hf; // Need to re-initialize all patterns due to the new headFinder initializeAnnotationPatterns(); activeAnnotations.clear(); for(String key : baselineFeatures) { Pair> p = annotationPatterns.get(key); activeAnnotations.add(p); } for(String key : additionalFeatures) { Pair> p = annotationPatterns.get(key); activeAnnotations.add(p); } } /** * Configures morpho-syntactic annotations for POS tags. * * @param activeFeats A comma-separated list of feature values with names according * to MorphoFeatureType. * */ private String setupMorphoFeatures(String activeFeats) { String[] feats = activeFeats.split(","); morphoSpec = tlp.morphFeatureSpec(); for(String feat : feats) { MorphoFeatureType fType = MorphoFeatureType.valueOf(feat.trim()); morphoSpec.activate(fType); } return morphoSpec.toString(); } private void removeBaselineFeature(String featName) { if(baselineFeatures.contains(featName)) { baselineFeatures.remove(featName); Pair> p = annotationPatterns.get(featName); activeAnnotations.remove(p); } } @Override public void display() {; } /** Some options for setOptionFlag: * *

* -retainNPTmp Retain temporal NP marking on NPs. * -retainNPSbj Retain NP subject function tags * -markGappedVP marked gapped VPs. * -collinizerRetainsPunctuation does what it says. *

* * @param args flag arguments (usually from commmand line * @param i index at which to begin argument processing * @return Index in args array after the last processed index for option */ @Override public int setOptionFlag(String[] args, int i) { //"Setting option flag: " + args[i]); //lang. specific options boolean didSomething = false; if (annotationPatterns.keySet().contains(args[i])) { if(!baselineFeatures.contains(args[i])) additionalFeatures.add(args[i]); Pair> p = annotationPatterns.get(args[i]); activeAnnotations.add(p); optionsString.append("Option " + args[i] + " added annotation pattern " + p.first() + " with annotation " + p.second() + '\n'); didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-retainNPTmp")) { optionsString.append("Retaining NP-TMP marking.\n"); retainNPTmp = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-retainNPSbj")) { optionsString.append("Retaining NP-SBJ dash tag.\n"); retainNPSbj = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-retainPPClr")) { optionsString.append("Retaining PP-CLR dash tag.\n"); retainPPClr = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-discardX")) { optionsString.append("Discarding X trees.\n"); discardX = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-changeNoLabels")) { optionsString.append("Change no labels.\n"); changeNoLabels = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-markPRDverbs")) { optionsString.append("Mark PRD.\n"); retainPRD = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-collinizerRetainsPunctuation")) { optionsString.append("Collinizer retains punctuation.\n"); collinizerRetainsPunctuation = true; didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-arabicFactored")) { for(String annotation : baselineFeatures) { String[] a = {annotation}; setOptionFlag(a,0); } didSomething = true; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-headFinder") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { try { HeadFinder hf = (HeadFinder) Class.forName(args[i + 1]).newInstance(); setHeadFinder(hf); optionsString.append("HeadFinder: " + args[i + 1] + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) {; + ": Could not load head finder " + args[i + 1]); } i++; didSomething = true; } else if(args[i].equals("-factlex") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { String activeFeats = setupMorphoFeatures(args[++i]); optionsString.append("Factored Lexicon: active features: ").append(activeFeats); // // removeBaselineFeature("-markFem"); // optionsString.append(" (removed -markFem)\n"); didSomething = true; } else if(args[i].equals("-noFeatures")) { activeAnnotations.clear(); optionsString.append("Removed all manual features.\n"); didSomething = true; } //wsg2010: The segmenter does not work, but keep this to remember how it was instantiated. // else if (args[i].equals("-arabicTokenizerModel")) { // String modelFile = args[i+1]; // try { // WordSegmenter aSeg = (WordSegmenter) Class.forName("edu.stanford.nlp.wordseg.ArabicSegmenter").newInstance(); // aSeg.loadSegmenter(modelFile); // System.out.println("aSeg=" + aSeg); // TokenizerFactory aTF = WordSegmentingTokenizer.factory(aSeg); // ((ArabicTreebankLanguagePack) treebankLanguagePack()).setTokenizerFactory(aTF); // } catch (RuntimeIOException ex) { //"Couldn't load ArabicSegmenter " + modelFile); // ex.printStackTrace(); // } catch (Exception e) { //"Couldn't instantiate segmenter: edu.stanford.nlp.wordseg.ArabicSegmenter"); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // i++; // 2 args // didSomething = true; // } if (didSomething) i++; return i; } /** * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length != 1) { System.exit(-1); } ArabicTreebankParserParams tlpp = new ArabicTreebankParserParams(); String[] options = {"-arabicFactored"}; tlpp.setOptionFlag(options, 0); DiskTreebank tb = tlpp.diskTreebank(); tb.loadPath(args[0], "txt", false); for(Tree t : tb) { for(Tree subtree : t) { tlpp.transformTree(subtree, t); } System.out.println(t.toString()); } } }

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