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edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.Classifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.MulticoreWrapper;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.ThreadsafeProcessor;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

 * Neural network classifier which powers a transition-based dependency
 * parser.
 * This classifier is built to accept distributed-representation
 * inputs, and feeds back errors to these input layers as it learns.
 * In order to train a classifier, instantiate this class using the
 * {@link #Classifier(Config, Dataset, double[][], double[][], double[], double[][], java.util.List)}
 * constructor. (The presence of a non-null dataset signals that we
 * wish to train.) After training by alternating calls to
 * {@link #computeCostFunction(int, double, double)} and,
 * {@link #takeAdaGradientStep(edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.Classifier.Cost, double, double)},
 * be sure to call {@link #finalizeTraining()} in order to allow the
 * classifier to clean up resources used during training.
 * @author Danqi Chen
 * @author Jon Gauthier
public class Classifier  {

  /** A logger for this class */
  private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(Classifier.class);
  // E: numFeatures x embeddingSize
  // W1: hiddenSize x (embeddingSize x numFeatures)
  // b1: hiddenSize
  // W2: numLabels x hiddenSize

  // Weight matrices
  private final double[][] W1, W2, E;
  private final double[] b1;

  // Global gradSaved
  private double[][] gradSaved;

  // Gradient histories
  private double[][] eg2W1, eg2W2, eg2E;
  private double[] eg2b1;

   * Pre-computed hidden layer unit activations. Each double array
   * within this data is an entire hidden layer. The sub-arrays are
   * indexed somewhat arbitrarily; in order to find hidden-layer unit
   * activations for a given feature ID, use {@link #preMap} to find
   * the proper index into this data.
  private double[][] saved;

   * Describes features which should be precomputed. Each entry maps a
   * feature ID to its destined index in the saved hidden unit
   * activation data (see {@link #saved}).
  private final Map preMap;

   * Initial training state is dependent on how the classifier is
   * initialized. We use this flag to determine whether calls to
   * {@link #computeCostFunction(int, double, double)}, etc. are valid.
  private boolean isTraining;

   * All training examples.
  private final Dataset dataset;

   * We use MulticoreWrapper to parallelize mini-batch training.

* Threaded job input: partition of minibatch; * current weights + params * Threaded job output: cost value, weight gradients for partition of * minibatch */ private final MulticoreWrapper, FeedforwardParams>, Cost> jobHandler; private final Config config; /** * Number of possible dependency relation labels among which this * classifier will choose. */ private final int numLabels; /** * Instantiate a classifier with previously learned parameters in * order to perform new inference. * * @param config * @param E * @param W1 * @param b1 * @param W2 * @param preComputed */ public Classifier(Config config, double[][] E, double[][] W1, double[] b1, double[][] W2, List preComputed) { this(config, null, E, W1, b1, W2, preComputed); } /** * Instantiate a classifier with training data and randomly * initialized parameter matrices in order to begin training. * * @param config * @param dataset * @param E * @param W1 * @param b1 * @param W2 * @param preComputed */ public Classifier(Config config, Dataset dataset, double[][] E, double[][] W1, double[] b1, double[][] W2, List preComputed) { this.config = config; this.dataset = dataset; this.E = E; this.W1 = W1; this.b1 = b1; this.W2 = W2; initGradientHistories(); numLabels = W2.length; preMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < preComputed.size() && i < config.numPreComputed; ++i) preMap.put(preComputed.get(i), i); isTraining = dataset != null; if (isTraining) jobHandler = new MulticoreWrapper<>(config.trainingThreads, new CostFunction(), false); else jobHandler = null; } /** * Evaluates the training cost of a particular subset of training * examples given the current learned weights. * * This function will be evaluated in parallel on different data in * separate threads, and accesses the classifier's weights stored in * the outer class instance. * * Each nested class instance accumulates its own weight gradients; * these gradients will be merged on a main thread after all cost * function runs complete. * * @see #computeCostFunction(int, double, double) */ private class CostFunction implements ThreadsafeProcessor, FeedforwardParams>, Cost> { private double[][] gradW1; private double[] gradb1; private double[][] gradW2; private double[][] gradE; @Override public Cost process(Pair, FeedforwardParams> input) { Collection examples = input.first(); FeedforwardParams params = input.second(); // We can't fix the seed used with ThreadLocalRandom // TODO: Is this a serious problem? ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); gradW1 = new double[W1.length][W1[0].length]; gradb1 = new double[b1.length]; gradW2 = new double[W2.length][W2[0].length]; gradE = new double[E.length][E[0].length]; double cost = 0.0; double correct = 0.0; for (Example ex : examples) { List feature = ex.getFeature(); List label = ex.getLabel(); double[] scores = new double[numLabels]; double[] hidden = new double[config.hiddenSize]; double[] hidden3 = new double[config.hiddenSize]; // Run dropout: randomly drop some hidden-layer units. `ls` // contains the indices of those units which are still active int[] ls = IntStream.range(0, config.hiddenSize) .filter(n -> random.nextDouble() > params.getDropOutProb()) .toArray(); int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < config.numTokens; ++j) { int tok = feature.get(j); int index = tok * config.numTokens + j; if (preMap.containsKey(index)) { // Unit activations for this input feature value have been // precomputed int id = preMap.get(index); // Only extract activations for those nodes which are still // activated (`ls`) for (int nodeIndex : ls) hidden[nodeIndex] += saved[id][nodeIndex]; } else { for (int nodeIndex : ls) { for (int k = 0; k < config.embeddingSize; ++k) hidden[nodeIndex] += W1[nodeIndex][offset + k] * E[tok][k]; } } offset += config.embeddingSize; } // Add bias term and apply activation function for (int nodeIndex : ls) { hidden[nodeIndex] += b1[nodeIndex]; hidden3[nodeIndex] = Math.pow(hidden[nodeIndex], 3); } // Feed forward to softmax layer (no activation yet) int optLabel = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) { if (label.get(i) >= 0) { for (int nodeIndex : ls) scores[i] += W2[i][nodeIndex] * hidden3[nodeIndex]; if (optLabel < 0 || scores[i] > scores[optLabel]) optLabel = i; } } double sum1 = 0.0; double sum2 = 0.0; double maxScore = scores[optLabel]; for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) { if (label.get(i) >= 0) { scores[i] = Math.exp(scores[i] - maxScore); if (label.get(i) == 1) sum1 += scores[i]; sum2 += scores[i]; } } cost += (Math.log(sum2) - Math.log(sum1)) / params.getBatchSize(); if (label.get(optLabel) == 1) correct += +1.0 / params.getBatchSize(); double[] gradHidden3 = new double[config.hiddenSize]; for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) if (label.get(i) >= 0) { double delta = -(label.get(i) - scores[i] / sum2) / params.getBatchSize(); for (int nodeIndex : ls) { gradW2[i][nodeIndex] += delta * hidden3[nodeIndex]; gradHidden3[nodeIndex] += delta * W2[i][nodeIndex]; } } double[] gradHidden = new double[config.hiddenSize]; for (int nodeIndex : ls) { gradHidden[nodeIndex] = gradHidden3[nodeIndex] * 3 * hidden[nodeIndex] * hidden[nodeIndex]; gradb1[nodeIndex] += gradHidden[nodeIndex]; } offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < config.numTokens; ++j) { int tok = feature.get(j); int index = tok * config.numTokens + j; if (preMap.containsKey(index)) { int id = preMap.get(index); for (int nodeIndex : ls) gradSaved[id][nodeIndex] += gradHidden[nodeIndex]; } else { for (int nodeIndex : ls) { for (int k = 0; k < config.embeddingSize; ++k) { gradW1[nodeIndex][offset + k] += gradHidden[nodeIndex] * E[tok][k]; gradE[tok][k] += gradHidden[nodeIndex] * W1[nodeIndex][offset + k]; } } } offset += config.embeddingSize; } } return new Cost(cost, correct, gradW1, gradb1, gradW2, gradE); } /** * Return a new threadsafe instance. */ @Override public ThreadsafeProcessor, FeedforwardParams>, Cost> newInstance() { return new CostFunction(); } } /** * Describes the parameters for a particular invocation of a cost * function. */ private static class FeedforwardParams { /** * Size of the entire mini-batch (not just the chunk that might be * fed-forward at this moment). */ private final int batchSize; private final double dropOutProb; private FeedforwardParams(int batchSize, double dropOutProb) { this.batchSize = batchSize; this.dropOutProb = dropOutProb; } public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } public double getDropOutProb() { return dropOutProb; } } /** * Describes the result of feedforward + backpropagation through * the neural network for the batch provided to a `CostFunction.` *

* The members of this class represent weight deltas computed by * backpropagation. * * @see Classifier.CostFunction */ public class Cost { private double cost; // Percent of training examples predicted correctly private double percentCorrect; // Weight deltas private final double[][] gradW1; private final double[] gradb1; private final double[][] gradW2; private final double[][] gradE; private Cost(double cost, double percentCorrect, double[][] gradW1, double[] gradb1, double[][] gradW2, double[][] gradE) { this.cost = cost; this.percentCorrect = percentCorrect; this.gradW1 = gradW1; this.gradb1 = gradb1; this.gradW2 = gradW2; this.gradE = gradE; } /** * Merge the given {@code Cost} data with the data in this * instance. * * @param otherCost */ public void merge(Cost otherCost) { this.cost += otherCost.getCost(); this.percentCorrect += otherCost.getPercentCorrect(); addInPlace(gradW1, otherCost.getGradW1()); addInPlace(gradb1, otherCost.getGradb1()); addInPlace(gradW2, otherCost.getGradW2()); addInPlace(gradE, otherCost.getGradE()); } /** * Backpropagate gradient values from gradSaved into the gradients * for the E vectors that generated them. * * @param featuresSeen Feature IDs observed during training for * which gradSaved values need to be backprop'd * into gradE */ private void backpropSaved(Set featuresSeen) { for (int x : featuresSeen) { int mapX = preMap.get(x); int tok = x / config.numTokens; int offset = (x % config.numTokens) * config.embeddingSize; for (int j = 0; j < config.hiddenSize; ++j) { double delta = gradSaved[mapX][j]; for (int k = 0; k < config.embeddingSize; ++k) { gradW1[j][offset + k] += delta * E[tok][k]; gradE[tok][k] += delta * W1[j][offset + k]; } } } } /** * Add L2 regularization cost to the gradients associated with this * instance. */ private void addL2Regularization(double regularizationWeight) { for (int i = 0; i < W1.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < W1[i].length; ++j) { cost += regularizationWeight * W1[i][j] * W1[i][j] / 2.0; gradW1[i][j] += regularizationWeight * W1[i][j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; ++i) { cost += regularizationWeight * b1[i] * b1[i] / 2.0; gradb1[i] += regularizationWeight * b1[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < W2.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < W2[i].length; ++j) { cost += regularizationWeight * W2[i][j] * W2[i][j] / 2.0; gradW2[i][j] += regularizationWeight * W2[i][j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < E.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < E[i].length; ++j) { cost += regularizationWeight * E[i][j] * E[i][j] / 2.0; gradE[i][j] += regularizationWeight * E[i][j]; } } } public double getCost() { return cost; } public double getPercentCorrect() { return percentCorrect; } public double[][] getGradW1() { return gradW1; } public double[] getGradb1() { return gradb1; } public double[][] getGradW2() { return gradW2; } public double[][] getGradE() { return gradE; } } /** * Determine the feature IDs which need to be pre-computed for * training with these examples. */ private Set getToPreCompute(List examples) { Set featureIDs = new HashSet<>(); for (Example ex : examples) { List feature = ex.getFeature(); for (int j = 0; j < config.numTokens; j++) { int tok = feature.get(j); int index = tok * config.numTokens + j; if (preMap.containsKey(index)) featureIDs.add(index); } } double percentagePreComputed = featureIDs.size() / (float) config.numPreComputed; System.err.printf("Percent actually necessary to pre-compute: %f%%%n", percentagePreComputed * 100); return featureIDs; } /** * Determine the total cost on the dataset associated with this * classifier using the current learned parameters. This cost is * evaluated using mini-batch adaptive gradient descent. * * This method launches multiple threads, each of which evaluates * training cost on a partition of the mini-batch. * * @param batchSize * @param regParameter Regularization parameter (lambda) * @param dropOutProb Drop-out probability. Hidden-layer units in the * neural network will be randomly turned off * while training a particular example with this * probability. * @return A {@link edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.Classifier.Cost} * object which describes the total cost of the given * weights, and includes gradients to be used for further * training */ public Cost computeCostFunction(int batchSize, double regParameter, double dropOutProb) { validateTraining(); List examples = Util.getRandomSubList(dataset.examples, batchSize); // Redo precomputations for only those features which are triggered // by examples in this mini-batch. Set toPreCompute = getToPreCompute(examples); preCompute(toPreCompute); // Set up parameters for feedforward FeedforwardParams params = new FeedforwardParams(batchSize, dropOutProb); // Zero out saved-embedding gradients gradSaved = new double[preMap.size()][config.hiddenSize]; int numChunks = config.trainingThreads; List> chunks = CollectionUtils.partitionIntoFolds(examples, numChunks); // Submit chunks for processing on separate threads for (Collection chunk : chunks) jobHandler.put(new Pair<>(chunk, params)); jobHandler.join(false); // Join costs from each chunk Cost cost = null; while (jobHandler.peek()) { Cost otherCost = jobHandler.poll(); if (cost == null) cost = otherCost; else cost.merge(otherCost); } if (cost == null) return null; // Backpropagate gradients on saved pre-computed values to actual // embeddings cost.backpropSaved(toPreCompute); cost.addL2Regularization(regParameter); return cost; } /** * Update classifier weights using the given training cost * information. * * @param cost Cost information as returned by * {@link #computeCostFunction(int, double, double)}. * @param adaAlpha Global AdaGrad learning rate * @param adaEps Epsilon value for numerical stability in AdaGrad's * division */ public void takeAdaGradientStep(Cost cost, double adaAlpha, double adaEps) { validateTraining(); double[][] gradW1 = cost.getGradW1(), gradW2 = cost.getGradW2(), gradE = cost.getGradE(); double[] gradb1 = cost.getGradb1(); for (int i = 0; i < W1.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < W1[i].length; ++j) { eg2W1[i][j] += gradW1[i][j] * gradW1[i][j]; W1[i][j] -= adaAlpha * gradW1[i][j] / Math.sqrt(eg2W1[i][j] + adaEps); } } for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; ++i) { eg2b1[i] += gradb1[i] * gradb1[i]; b1[i] -= adaAlpha * gradb1[i] / Math.sqrt(eg2b1[i] + adaEps); } for (int i = 0; i < W2.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < W2[i].length; ++j) { eg2W2[i][j] += gradW2[i][j] * gradW2[i][j]; W2[i][j] -= adaAlpha * gradW2[i][j] / Math.sqrt(eg2W2[i][j] + adaEps); } } if (config.doWordEmbeddingGradUpdate) { for (int i = 0; i < E.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < E[i].length; ++j) { eg2E[i][j] += gradE[i][j] * gradE[i][j]; E[i][j] -= adaAlpha * gradE[i][j] / Math.sqrt(eg2E[i][j] + adaEps); } } } } private void initGradientHistories() { eg2E = new double[E.length][E[0].length]; eg2W1 = new double[W1.length][W1[0].length]; eg2b1 = new double[b1.length]; eg2W2 = new double[W2.length][W2[0].length]; } /** * Clear all gradient histories used for AdaGrad training. * * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException If not training */ public void clearGradientHistories() { validateTraining(); initGradientHistories(); } private void validateTraining() { if (!isTraining) throw new IllegalStateException("Not training, or training was already finalized"); } /** * Finish training this classifier; prepare for a shutdown. */ public void finalizeTraining() { validateTraining(); // Destroy threadpool jobHandler.join(true); isTraining = false; } /** * @see #preCompute(java.util.Set) */ public void preCompute() { preCompute(preMap.keySet()); } /** * Pre-compute hidden layer activations for some set of possible * feature inputs. * * @param toPreCompute Set of feature IDs for which hidden layer * activations should be precomputed */ public void preCompute(Set toPreCompute) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // NB: It'd make sense to just make the first dimension of this // array the same size as `toPreCompute`, then recalculate all // `preMap` indices to map into this denser array. But this // actually hurt training performance! (See experiments with // "smallMap.") saved = new double[preMap.size()][config.hiddenSize]; for (int x : toPreCompute) { int mapX = preMap.get(x); int tok = x / config.numTokens; int pos = x % config.numTokens; for (int j = 0; j < config.hiddenSize; ++j) for (int k = 0; k < config.embeddingSize; ++k) saved[mapX][j] += W1[j][pos * config.embeddingSize + k] * E[tok][k]; }"PreComputed " + toPreCompute.size() + ", Elapsed Time: " + (System .currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0 + " (s)"); } double[] computeScores(int[] feature) { return computeScores(feature, preMap); } /** * Feed a feature vector forward through the network. Returns the * values of the output layer. */ private double[] computeScores(int[] feature, Map preMap) { double[] hidden = new double[config.hiddenSize]; int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < feature.length; ++j) { int tok = feature[j]; int index = tok * config.numTokens + j; if (preMap.containsKey(index)) { int id = preMap.get(index); for (int i = 0; i < config.hiddenSize; ++i) hidden[i] += saved[id][i]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < config.hiddenSize; ++i) for (int k = 0; k < config.embeddingSize; ++k) hidden[i] += W1[i][offset + k] * E[tok][k]; } offset += config.embeddingSize; } for (int i = 0; i < config.hiddenSize; ++i) { hidden[i] += b1[i]; hidden[i] = hidden[i] * hidden[i] * hidden[i]; // cube nonlinearity } double[] scores = new double[numLabels]; for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < config.hiddenSize; ++j) scores[i] += W2[i][j] * hidden[j]; return scores; } public double[][] getW1() { return W1; } public double[] getb1() { return b1; } public double[][] getW2() { return W2; } public double[][] getE() { return E; } /** * Add the two 2d arrays in place of {@code m1}. * * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (possibly) If * {@code m1} and {@code m2} are not of the same dimensions */ private static void addInPlace(double[][] m1, double[][] m2) { for (int i = 0; i < m1.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < m1[0].length; j++) m1[i][j] += m2[i][j]; } /** * Add the two 1d arrays in place of {@code a1}. * * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (Possibly) if * {@code a1} and {@code a2} are not of the same dimensions */ private static void addInPlace(double[] a1, double[] a2) { for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) a1[i] += a2[i]; } }

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