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edu.stanford.nlp.parser.shiftreduce.BasicFeatureFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

There is a newer version: 4.5.7
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package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.shiftreduce;

import java.util.List;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.TreeShapedStack;

public class BasicFeatureFactory extends FeatureFactory {
  public static void addUnaryStackFeatures(List features, CoreLabel label, String conFeature, String wordTagFeature, String tagFeature, String wordConFeature, String tagConFeature) {
    if (label == null) {
      features.add(conFeature + NULL);
    String constituent = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    String tag = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    String word = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

    features.add(conFeature + constituent);
    features.add(wordTagFeature + word + "-" + tag);
    features.add(tagFeature + tag);
    features.add(wordConFeature + word + "-" + constituent);
    features.add(tagConFeature + tag + "-" + constituent);

  public static void addUnaryQueueFeatures(List features, CoreLabel label, String wtFeature) {
    if (label == null) {
      features.add(wtFeature + NULL);
    String tag = label.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadTagLabelAnnotation.class).value();
    String word = label.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadWordLabelAnnotation.class).value();

    // TODO: check to see if this is slow because of the string concat
    features.add(wtFeature + tag + "-" + word);

  public static void addBinaryFeatures(List features,
                                       String name1, CoreLabel label1, FeatureComponent feature11, FeatureComponent feature12,
                                       String name2, CoreLabel label2, FeatureComponent feature21, FeatureComponent feature22) {
    if (label1 == null) {
      if (label2 == null) {
        features.add(name1 + "n" + name2 + "n");
      } else {
        addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + "n" + name2 + feature21.shortName() + "-", label2, feature21);
        addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + "n" + name2 + feature22.shortName() + "-", label2, feature22);
    } else if (label2 == null) {
      addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + feature11.shortName() + name2 + "n-", label1, feature11);
      addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + feature12.shortName() + name2 + "n-", label1, feature12);
    } else {
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + feature11.shortName() + name2 + feature21.shortName() + "-", label1, feature11, label2, feature21);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + feature11.shortName() + name2 + feature22.shortName() + "-", label1, feature11, label2, feature22);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + feature12.shortName() + name2 + feature21.shortName() + "-", label1, feature12, label2, feature21);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + feature12.shortName() + name2 + feature22.shortName() + "-", label1, feature12, label2, feature22);

  public static void addUnaryFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label, FeatureComponent feature) {
    String value = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, feature);
    features.add(featureType + value);

  public static void addBinaryFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label1, FeatureComponent feature1, CoreLabel label2, FeatureComponent feature2) {
    String value1 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label1, feature1);
    String value2 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label2, feature2);
    features.add(featureType + value1 + "-" + value2);

  public static void addTrigramFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label1, FeatureComponent feature1, CoreLabel label2, FeatureComponent feature2, CoreLabel label3, FeatureComponent feature3) {
    String value1 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label1, feature1);
    String value2 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label2, feature2);
    String value3 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label3, feature3);

    features.add(featureType + value1 + "-" + value2 + "-" + value3);

  public static void addPositionFeatures(List features, State state) {
    if (state.tokenPosition >= state.sentence.size()) {
    if (state.tokenPosition >= state.sentence.size() && state.stack.size() == 1) {

  public static void addSeparatorFeature(List features, String featureType, State.HeadPosition separator) {
    if (separator == null) {
    features.add(featureType + separator);

  public static void addSeparatorFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label, FeatureComponent feature, State.HeadPosition separator) {
    if (separator == null) {

    String value = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, feature);

    features.add(featureType + value + "-" + separator);

  public static void addSeparatorFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label, FeatureComponent feature, boolean between) {
    String value = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label, feature);

    features.add(featureType + value + "-" + between);

  public static void addSeparatorFeature(List features, String featureType, CoreLabel label1, FeatureComponent feature1, CoreLabel label2, FeatureComponent feature2, boolean between) {
    String value1 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label1, feature1);
    String value2 = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(label2, feature2);

    features.add(featureType + value1 + "-" + value2 + "-" + between);

  public static void addSeparatorFeatures(List features, String name1, CoreLabel label1, String name2, CoreLabel label2, String separatorBetween, int countBetween) {
    if (label1 == null || label2 == null) {

    // 0 separators is captured by the countBetween features
    if (separatorBetween != null) {
      String separatorBetweenName = "Sepb" + name1 + name2 + "-" + separatorBetween + "-";
      addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + "w" + separatorBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + "wc" + separatorBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, label1, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
      addUnaryFeature(features, name2 + "w" + separatorBetweenName, label2, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name2 + "wc" + separatorBetweenName, label2, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, label2, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
      addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + "c" + name2 + "c" + separatorBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.VALUE, label2, FeatureComponent.VALUE);

    String countBetweenName = "Sepb" + name1 + name2 + "-" + countBetween + "-";
    addUnaryFeature(features, name1 + "w" + countBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + "wc" + countBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, label1, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addUnaryFeature(features, name2 + "w" + countBetweenName, label2, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addBinaryFeature(features, name2 + "wc" + countBetweenName, label2, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, label2, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addBinaryFeature(features, name1 + "c" + name2 + "c" + countBetweenName, label1, FeatureComponent.VALUE, label2, FeatureComponent.VALUE);

  public static void addSeparatorFeatures(List features, CoreLabel s0Label, CoreLabel s1Label, State.HeadPosition s0Separator, State.HeadPosition s1Separator) {
    boolean between = false;
    if ((s0Separator != null && (s0Separator == State.HeadPosition.BOTH || s0Separator == State.HeadPosition.LEFT)) ||
        (s1Separator != null && (s1Separator == State.HeadPosition.BOTH || s1Separator == State.HeadPosition.RIGHT))) {
      between = true;

    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0sep-", s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1sep-", s1Separator);

    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0ws0sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0ws1sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1ws0sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1ws1sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Separator);

    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0cs0sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0cs1sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1cs0sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1cs1sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Separator);

    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0ts0sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0ts1sep-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, s1Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1ts0sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, s0Separator);
    addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1ts1sep-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, s1Separator);

    if (s0Label != null && s1Label != null) {
      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0wsb-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, between);
      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1wsb-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, between);

      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0csb-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, between);
      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1csb-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, between);

      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0tsb-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, between);
      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s1tsb-", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, between);

      addSeparatorFeature(features, "s0cs1csb-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, between);

   * Could potentially add the tags and words for the left and right
   * ends of the tree.  Also adds notes about the sizes of the given
   * tree.  However, it seems somewhat slow and doesn't help accuracy.
  public void addEdgeFeatures(List features, State state, String nodeName, String neighborName, Tree node, Tree neighbor) {
    if (node == null) {

    int left = ShiftReduceUtils.leftIndex(node);
    int right = ShiftReduceUtils.rightIndex(node);

    // Trees of size one are already featurized
    if (right == left) {
      features.add(nodeName + "SZ1");

    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(left)), nodeName + "EL-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(right)), nodeName + "ER-");

    if (neighbor != null) {
      addBinaryFeatures(features, nodeName, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(right)), FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, neighborName, getCoreLabel(neighbor), FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);

    if (right - left == 1) {
      features.add(nodeName + "SZ2");

    if (right - left == 2) {
      features.add(nodeName + "SZ3");
      addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(left + 1)), nodeName + "EM-");

    features.add(nodeName + "SZB");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(left + 1)), nodeName + "El-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, getCoreLabel(state.sentence.get(right - 1)), nodeName + "Er-");

  /** This option also does not seem to help */
  public void addEdgeFeatures2(List features, State state, String nodeName, Tree node) {
    if (node == null) {

    int left = ShiftReduceUtils.leftIndex(node);
    int right = ShiftReduceUtils.rightIndex(node);

    CoreLabel nodeLabel = getCoreLabel(node);
    String nodeValue = getFeatureFromCoreLabel(nodeLabel, FeatureComponent.VALUE) + "-";
    CoreLabel leftLabel = getQueueLabel(state, left);
    CoreLabel rightLabel = getQueueLabel(state, right);

    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, leftLabel, nodeName + "EL-" + nodeValue);
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, rightLabel, nodeName + "ER-" + nodeValue);

    CoreLabel previousLabel = getQueueLabel(state, left - 1);
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, previousLabel, nodeName + "EP-" + nodeValue);

    CoreLabel nextLabel = getQueueLabel(state, right + 1);
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, nextLabel, nodeName + "EN-" + nodeValue);

   * Also did not seem to help
  public void addExtraTrigramFeatures(List features, CoreLabel s0Label, CoreLabel s1Label, CoreLabel s2Label, CoreLabel q0Label, CoreLabel q1Label) {
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1wS2c-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s2Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1cS2w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s2Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1wS2w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s2Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1wQ0t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1cQ0w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1wQ0w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cQ0tQ1t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wQ0tQ1t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cQ0wQ1t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cQ0tQ1w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wQ0wQ1t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wQ0tQ1w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cQ0wQ1w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

  public List featurize(State state, List features) {
    final TreeShapedStack stack = state.stack;
    final List sentence = state.sentence;
    final int tokenPosition = state.tokenPosition;

    CoreLabel s0Label = getStackLabel(stack, 0); // current top of stack
    CoreLabel s1Label = getStackLabel(stack, 1); // one previous
    CoreLabel s2Label = getStackLabel(stack, 2); // two previous
    CoreLabel s3Label = getStackLabel(stack, 3); // three previous

    CoreLabel s0LLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.LEFT);
    CoreLabel s0RLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.RIGHT);
    CoreLabel s0ULabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.UNARY);

    CoreLabel s0LLLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.LEFT, Transition.LEFT);
    CoreLabel s0LRLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.LEFT, Transition.RIGHT);
    CoreLabel s0LULabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.LEFT, Transition.UNARY);

    CoreLabel s0RLLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.RIGHT, Transition.LEFT);
    CoreLabel s0RRLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.RIGHT, Transition.RIGHT);
    CoreLabel s0RULabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.RIGHT, Transition.UNARY);

    CoreLabel s0ULLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.UNARY, Transition.LEFT);
    CoreLabel s0URLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.UNARY, Transition.RIGHT);
    CoreLabel s0UULabel = getStackLabel(stack, 0, Transition.UNARY, Transition.UNARY);

    CoreLabel s1LLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 1, Transition.LEFT);
    CoreLabel s1RLabel = getStackLabel(stack, 1, Transition.RIGHT);
    CoreLabel s1ULabel = getStackLabel(stack, 1, Transition.UNARY);

    CoreLabel q0Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, 0); // current location in queue
    CoreLabel q1Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, 1); // next location in queue
    CoreLabel q2Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, 2); // two locations later in queue
    CoreLabel q3Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, 3); // three locations later in queue
    CoreLabel qP1Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, -1); // previous location in queue
    CoreLabel qP2Label = getQueueLabel(sentence, tokenPosition, -2); // two locations prior in queue

    // It's kind of unpleasant having this magic order of feature names.
    // On the other hand, it does save some time with string concatenation.
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0Label, "S0C-", "S0WT-", "S0T-", "S0WC-", "S0TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s1Label, "S1C-", "S1WT-", "S1T-", "S1WC-", "S1TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s2Label, "S2C-", "S2WT-", "S2T-", "S2WC-", "S2TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s3Label, "S3C-", "S3WT-", "S3T-", "S3WC-", "S3TC-");

    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0LLabel, "S0LC-", "S0LWT-", "S0LT-", "S0LWC-", "S0LTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0RLabel, "S0RC-", "S0RWT-", "S0RT-", "S0RWC-", "S0RTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0ULabel, "S0UC-", "S0UWT-", "S0UT-", "S0UWC-", "S0UTC-");

    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0LLLabel, "S0LLC-", "S0LLWT-", "S0LLT-", "S0LLWC-", "S0LLTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0LRLabel, "S0LRC-", "S0LRWT-", "S0LRT-", "S0LRWC-", "S0LRTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0LULabel, "S0LUC-", "S0LUWT-", "S0LUT-", "S0LUWC-", "S0LUTC-");

    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0RLLabel, "S0RLC-", "S0RLWT-", "S0RLT-", "S0RLWC-", "S0RLTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0RRLabel, "S0RRC-", "S0RRWT-", "S0RRT-", "S0RRWC-", "S0RRTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0RULabel, "S0RUC-", "S0RUWT-", "S0RUT-", "S0RUWC-", "S0RUTC-");

    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0ULLabel, "S0ULC-", "S0ULWT-", "S0ULT-", "S0ULWC-", "S0ULTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0URLabel, "S0URC-", "S0URWT-", "S0URT-", "S0URWC-", "S0URTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s0UULabel, "S0UUC-", "S0UUWT-", "S0UUT-", "S0UUWC-", "S0UUTC-");

    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s1LLabel, "S1LC-", "S1LWT-", "S1LT-", "S1LWC-", "S1LTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s1RLabel, "S1RC-", "S1RWT-", "S1RT-", "S1RWC-", "S1RTC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, s1ULabel, "S1UC-", "S1UWT-", "S1UT-", "S1UWC-", "S1UTC-");

    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, q0Label, "Q0WT-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, q1Label, "Q1WT-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, q2Label, "Q2WT-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, q3Label, "Q3WT-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, qP1Label, "QP1WT-");
    addUnaryQueueFeatures(features, qP2Label, "QP2WT-");

    // Figure out which are the most recent left and right node
    // attachments to the heads of the given nodes.  It seems like it
    // should be more efficient to keep track of this in the state, as
    // that would have a constant cost per transformation, but it is
    // actually faster to find it by walking down the tree each time
    CoreLabel recentL0Label = getRecentDependent(stack, Transition.LEFT, 0);
    CoreLabel recentR0Label = getRecentDependent(stack, Transition.RIGHT, 0);
    CoreLabel recentL1Label = getRecentDependent(stack, Transition.LEFT, 1);
    CoreLabel recentR1Label = getRecentDependent(stack, Transition.RIGHT, 1);
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, recentL0Label, "recL0C-", "recL0WT-", "recL0T-", "recL0WC-", "recL0TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, recentR0Label, "recR0C-", "recR0WT-", "recR0T-", "recR0WC-", "recR0TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, recentL1Label, "recL1C-", "recL1WT-", "recL1T-", "recL1WC-", "recL1TC-");
    addUnaryStackFeatures(features, recentR1Label, "recR1C-", "recR1WT-", "recR1T-", "recR1WC-", "recR1TC-");

    addBinaryFeatures(features, "S0", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.VALUE, "S1", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addBinaryFeatures(features, "S0", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.VALUE, "Q0", q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addBinaryFeatures(features, "S1", s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.VALUE, "Q0", q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addBinaryFeatures(features, "Q0", q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG, "Q1", q1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);

    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1cS2c-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s2Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1cS2c-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s2Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1wS2c-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s2Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1cS2w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s2Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1cQ0t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0wS1cQ0t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1wQ0t-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADTAG);
    addTrigramFeature(features, "S0cS1cQ0w-", s0Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, s1Label, FeatureComponent.VALUE, q0Label, FeatureComponent.HEADWORD);

    addPositionFeatures(features, state);

    // State.HeadPosition s0Separator = state.getSeparator(0);
    // State.HeadPosition s1Separator = state.getSeparator(1);
    // addSeparatorFeatures(features, s0Label, s1Label, s0Separator, s1Separator);

    Tree s0Node = state.getStackNode(0);
    Tree s1Node = state.getStackNode(1);
    Tree q0Node = state.getQueueNode(0);
    addSeparatorFeatures(features, "S0", s0Label, "S1", s1Label, state.getSeparatorBetween(s0Node, s1Node), state.getSeparatorCount(s0Node, s1Node));
    addSeparatorFeatures(features, "S0", s0Label, "Q0", q0Label, state.getSeparatorBetween(q0Node, s0Node), state.getSeparatorCount(q0Node, s0Node));

    return features;

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;

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