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edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.RedwoodConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.

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package edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.MetaClass;

 * A class which encapsulates configuration settings for Redwood.
 * The class operates on the builder model; that is, you can chain method
 * calls.
 * @author Gabor Angeli (angeli at cs.stanford)
public class RedwoodConfiguration  {

   * A list of tasks to run when the configuration is applied
  private LinkedList tasks = new LinkedList<>();

  private OutputHandler outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out();
  private File defaultFile = new File("/dev/null");
  private int channelWidth = 0;

   * Private constructor to prevent use of "new RedwoodConfiguration()"
  protected RedwoodConfiguration(){}

   * Apply this configuration to Redwood
  public void apply(){
    for(Runnable task : tasks){; }

   * Capture a system stream.
   * @param stream The stream to capture; one of System.out or System.err
   * @return this
  public RedwoodConfiguration capture(final OutputStream stream) {
    // Capture the stream
    if (stream == System.out) {
      tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(true, Redwood.realSysErr == System.err));
    } else if (stream == System.err) {
      tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(Redwood.realSysOut == System.out, true));
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must capture one of stderr or stdout");
    return this;

  public RedwoodConfiguration restore(final OutputStream stream) {
    if (stream == System.out) {
      tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(false, Redwood.realSysErr == System.err));
    } else if (stream == System.err) {
      tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(Redwood.realSysOut == System.out, false));
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must capture one of stderr or stdout");
    return this;

   * Determine where, in the end, console output should go.
   * The default is stdout.
   * @param method An output, one of: stdout, stderr, or java.util.logging
   * @return this
  public RedwoodConfiguration output(final String method) {
    if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("stdout") || method.equalsIgnoreCase("out")){
      this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out();
    } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("stderr") || method.equalsIgnoreCase("err")) {
        this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.err();
    } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("java.util.logging")){
      this.outputHandler = RedirectOutputHandler.fromJavaUtilLogging(Logger.getLogger("``error``"));
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value for log.method");
    return this;

   * Set the width of the channels (or 0 to not show channels).
   * @param width The left margin in which to show channels
   * @return this
  public RedwoodConfiguration channelWidth(final int width) {
    tasks.addFirst(() -> RedwoodConfiguration.this.channelWidth = width);
    return this;

   * Clear any custom configurations to Redwood
   * @return this
  public RedwoodConfiguration clear(){
    this.tasks = new LinkedList<>();
    this.tasks.add(() -> {
    this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out();
    return this;

  public interface Thunk {
    void apply(RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root);

  public static class Handlers {
    // Leaf destinations
     * Output to a file. This is a leaf node.
     * Consider using "defaultFile" instead.
     * @param path The file to write to
    public static Thunk file(final String path) {
      return new Thunk() {
        public void apply(final RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) {
          root.addChild(new Redwood.FileHandler(path){{ this.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; }});
     * Output to a file. This is a leaf node.
     * Consider using "defaultFile" instead.
     * @param path The file to write to
    public static Thunk file(File path) { return file(path.getPath()); }
     * Output to a file. This is a leaf node.
     * Consider using this instead of specifying a custom path.
    public static final Thunk defaultFile = new Thunk() {
      public void apply(final RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) {
        root.addChild(new Redwood.FileHandler(config.defaultFile.getPath()){{ this.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; }});
     * Output to a standard output. This is a leaf node.
     * Consider using "output" instead, unless you really
     * want to log only to stdout now and forever in the future.
    public static final Thunk stdout = (config, root) -> {
      Redwood.ConsoleHandler handler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out();
      handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth;

     * Output to a standard error. This is a leaf node.
     * Consider using "output" instead, unless you really
     * want to log only to stderr now and forever in the future.
    public static final Thunk stderr = (config, root) -> {
      Redwood.ConsoleHandler handler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.err();
      handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth;

     * Output to slf4j. This is a leaf node.
    public static final Thunk slf4j = (config, root) -> {
      try {
        OutputHandler handler = MetaClass.create("edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.SLF4JHandler").createInstance();
        handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find SLF4J in your classpath", e);

     * Output to java.util.Logging. This is a leaf node.
    public static final Thunk javaUtil = (config, root) -> {
      try {
        OutputHandler handler = new JavaUtilLoggingHandler();
        handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find java.util.logging in your classpath", e);

     * Output to the default location specified by the output() method.
     * Consider using this rather than stderr or stdout.
    public static final Thunk output = (config, root) -> {
      config.outputHandler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth;

    // Filters
     * Hide the debug channel only.
    public static final LogRecordHandler hideDebug = new VisibilityHandler() {{

     * Show only errors (e.g., to send them to an error file)
    public static final LogRecordHandler showOnlyError = new VisibilityHandler() {{

     * Hide these channels, in addition to anything already hidden by upstream handlers.
    public static LogRecordHandler hideChannels(final Object... channelsToHide) {
      return new VisibilityHandler() {{
        for (Object channel : channelsToHide) {

     * Show all channels (with this handler, there may be upstream handlers).
    public static LogRecordHandler showAllChannels() {
      return new VisibilityHandler();

     * Show only these channels, as far as downstream handlers are concerned.
    public static LogRecordHandler showOnlyChannels(final Object... channelsToShow) {
      return new VisibilityHandler() {{
        for (Object channel : channelsToShow) {
     * Rename a channel to be something else
    public static LogRecordHandler reroute(final Object src, final Object dst) {
      return new RerouteChannel(src, dst);

     * Collapse records in a heuristic way to make reading easier. This is particularly relevant to branches which
     * go to a physical console, or a file which you'd like to keep small.
    public static final LogRecordHandler collapseApproximate = new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.APPROXIMATE);
     * Collapse records which are duplicates into a single message, followed by a message detailing how many times
     * it was repeated.
    public static final LogRecordHandler collapseExact = new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.EXACT);

    // Combinators
     * Send any incoming messages multiple ways.
     * For example, you may want to send the same output to console and a file.
     * @param destinations The destinations for log messages coming into this node.
    public static Thunk branch(final Thunk... destinations) {
      return (config, root) -> {
        for (Thunk destination : destinations) {
          destination.apply(config, root);

     * Apply each of the handlers to incoming log messages, in sequence.
     * @param handlers The handlers to apply
     * @param destination The final destination of the messages, after processing
    public static Thunk chain(final LogRecordHandler[] handlers, final Thunk destination) {
      return new Thunk() {
        private Redwood.RecordHandlerTree buildChain(RedwoodConfiguration config, LogRecordHandler[] handlers, int i) {
          Redwood.RecordHandlerTree rtn = new Redwood.RecordHandlerTree(handlers[i]);
          if (i < handlers.length - 1) {
            rtn.addChildTree( buildChain(config, handlers, i + 1) );
          } else {
            destination.apply(config, rtn);
          return rtn;
        public void apply(RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) {
          if (handlers.length == 0) {
            destination.apply(config, root);
          } else {
            root.addChildTree(buildChain(config, handlers, 0));

    /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */
    public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1 }, destination); }
    /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */
    public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2 }, destination); }
    /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */
    public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3 }, destination); }
    /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */
    public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, LogRecordHandler handler4, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3, handler4 }, destination); }
    /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */
    public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, LogRecordHandler handler4, LogRecordHandler handler5, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3, handler4, handler5 }, destination); }

     * A NOOP, as the name implies. Useful for appending to the end of lists to make commas match.
    public static Thunk noop = (config, root) -> {

   * Add handlers to Redwood. This is the main way to tell Redwood to do stuff.
   * Use this by calling a combination of methods in Handlers. It may be useful
   * to "import static RedwoodConfiguration.Handlers.*"
   * For example:
   *   handlers(branch(
   *     chain( hideDebug, collapseApproximate, branch( output, file("stderr.log") ),
   *     chain( showOnlyError, file("err.log") ).
   *     chain( showOnlyChannels("results", "evaluate"), file("results.log") ),
   *     chain( file("redwood.log") ),
   *   noop))
* * @param paths A number of paths to add. * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration handlers(Thunk... paths) { for (final Thunk thunk : paths) { tasks.add(() -> thunk.apply(RedwoodConfiguration.this, Redwood.rootHandler())); } return this; } /** * Close tracks when the JVM shuts down. * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration neatExit(){ tasks.add(() -> Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(){ @Override public void run(){ Redwood.stop(); } })); return this; } /** * An empty Redwood configuration. * Note that without a Console Handler, Redwood will not print anything * @return An empty Redwood Configuration object. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration empty(){ return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear(); } /** * A standard Redwood configuration, which prints to the console with channels. * It does not show debug level messages (but shows warning and error messages). * This is the usual starting point for new configurations. * @return A basic Redwood Configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration standard() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.stderr)); } /** * The default Redwood configuration, which prints to the console without channels. * It does not show debug level messages (but shows warning and error messages). * This is the usual starting point for new configurations. * @return A basic Redwood Configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration minimal() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.stderr) ); } /** * Run Redwood with SLF4J as the console backend * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration slf4j() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.slf4j) ); } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the debug (everything) level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration debugLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showAllChannels(), Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showAllChannels(), Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the warning (and error) level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration infoLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(Redwood.DBG), Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(Redwood.DBG), Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the error only level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration errorLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showOnlyError, Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showOnlyError, Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** * Run Redwood with java.util.logging * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static RedwoodConfiguration javaUtilLogging() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.javaUtil) ); } /** * The current Redwood configuration; this is used to make incremental changes * to an existing custom configuration. * @return The current Redwood configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration current(){ return new RedwoodConfiguration(); } /** * Helper for parsing properties. * * @param p The Properties object * @param key The key to retrieve * @param defaultValue The default value if the key does not exist * @param used The set of keys we have seen * @return The value of the property at the key */ private static String get(Properties p, String key, String defaultValue, Set used){ String rtn = p.getProperty(key, defaultValue); used.add(key); return rtn; } /** * Configure Redwood (from scratch) based on a Properties file. * Currently recognized properties are: *
  • log.captureStreams = {true,false}: Capture stdout and stderr and route them through Redwood
  • *
  • log.captureStdout = {true,false}: Capture stdout and route it through Redwood
  • *
  • log.captureStderr = {true,false}: Capture stdout and route it through Redwood
  • *
  • log.channels.width = {number}: Show the channels being logged to, at this width (default: 0; recommended: 20)
  • *
  • log.channels.debug = {true,false}: Show the debugging channel
  • *
  • log.file = By default, write to this file. *
  • log.neatExit = {true,false}: Clean up logs on exception or regular system exit
  • *
  • log.output = {stderr,stdout,java.util.logging}: Output messages to either stderr or stdout by default.
  • *
* @param props The properties to use in configuration * @return A new Redwood Configuration based on the passed properties, ignoring any existing custom configuration */ public static RedwoodConfiguration parse(Properties props){ RedwoodConfiguration config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear(); Set used = Generics.newHashSet(); //--Capture Streams if(get(props,"log.captureStreams","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.out).capture(System.err); } if(get(props,"log.captureStdout","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.out); } if(get(props,"log.captureStderr","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.err); } //--Collapse String collapse = get(props, "log.collapse", "none", used); List chain = new LinkedList<>(); if (collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("exact")) { chain.add(new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.EXACT)); } else if (collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("approximate")) { chain.add(new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.APPROXIMATE)); } else if (!collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown collapse mode (Redwood): " + collapse); } //--Channels.Debug boolean debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(get(props, "log.channels.debug", "true", used)); if (!debug) { chain.add(Handlers.hideDebug); } //--Channels.Width config.channelWidth( Integer.parseInt(get(props, "log.channels.width", "0", used)) ); //--Neat exit if(get(props,"log.neatExit","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.neatExit(); } //--File String outputFile = get(props, "log.file", null, used); if (outputFile != null) { config.defaultFile = new File(outputFile); config = config.handlers(Handlers.defaultFile); } //--Console config = config.output(get(props, "log.output", "stdout", used)); //--Console config = config.handlers(Handlers.chain(chain.toArray(new LogRecordHandler[chain.size()]), Handlers.output)); //--Error Check for(Object propAsObj : props.keySet()) { String prop = propAsObj.toString(); if(prop.startsWith("log.") && !used.contains(prop)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find Redwood log property: " + prop); } } //--Return return config; } /** * Parses a properties file and applies it immediately to Redwood * @param props The properties to apply */ public static void apply(Properties props){ parse(props).apply(); } /* public static void main(String[] args) { RedwoodConfiguration.empty().neatExit().capture(System.out).capture(System.err) .channelWidth(20) .handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.output), Handlers.file("/tmp/redwood.log")) .apply(); Redwood.log("foo"); Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "debug"); System.out.println("Bar");"Baz"); } */ }

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