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edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.CGMinimizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package edu.stanford.nlp.optimization;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;

 * Conjugate-gradient implementation based on the code in Numerical
 * Recipes in C.  (See p. 423 and others.)  As of now, it requires a
 * differentiable function (DiffFunction) as input.  Equality
 * constraints are supported; inequality constraints may soon be
 * added.

* The basic way to use the minimizer is with a null constructor, then * the simple minimize method: *


Minimizer cgm = new CGMinimizer(); *
DiffFunction df = new SomeDiffFunction(); *
double tol = 1e-4; *
double[] initial = getInitialGuess(); *
double[] minimum = cgm.minimize(df,tol,initial); * * @author Dan Klein * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class CGMinimizer implements Minimizer { private static NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0"); private Function monitor; // = null; private static final int numToPrint = 5; private static final boolean simpleGD = false; private static final boolean checkSimpleGDConvergence = true; private static final boolean verbose = false; private boolean silent; private static final int ITMAX = 2000; // overridden in dbrent(); made bigger private static final double EPS = 1.0e-30; private static final int resetFrequency = 10; static double[] copyArray(double[] a) { double[] result = new double[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { result[i] = a[i]; } return result; } // private static String arrayToString(double[] x) { // return arrayToString(x, x.length); // } private static String arrayToString(double[] x, int num) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); if (num > x.length) { num = x.length; } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { sb.append(x[j]); if (j != x.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } if (num < x.length) { sb.append("..."); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private static double fabs(double x) { if (x < 0) { return -x; } return x; } private static double fmax(double x, double y) { if (x < y) { return y; } return x; } // private static double fmin(double x, double y) { // if (x>y) // return y; // return x; // } private static double sign(double x, double y) { if (y >= 0.0) { return fabs(x); } return -fabs(x); } // private static double arrayMax(double[] x) { // double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // for (int i=0; i x[i]) // min = x[i]; // } // return min; // } // // private static int arrayArgMin(double[] x) { // double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // int index = -1; // for (int i=0; i x[i]) { // min = x[i]; // index = i; // } // } // return index; // } static class OneDimDiffFunction { private DiffFunction function; private double[] initial; private double[] direction; private double[] tempVector; private double[] vectorOf(double x) { for (int j = 0; j < initial.length; j++) { tempVector[j] = initial[j] + x * direction[j]; } //System.err.println("Tmp "+arrayToString(tempVector,10)); //System.err.println("Dir "+arrayToString(direction,10)); return tempVector; } double valueAt(double x) { return function.valueAt(vectorOf(x)); } double derivativeAt(double x) { double[] g = function.derivativeAt(vectorOf(x)); double d = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < g.length; j++) { d += g[j] * direction[j]; } return d; } OneDimDiffFunction(DiffFunction function, double[] initial, double[] direction) { this.function = function; this.initial = copyArray(initial); this.direction = copyArray(direction); this.tempVector = new double[function.domainDimension()]; } } // end class OneDimDiffFunction // constants private static final double GOLD = 1.618034; private static final double GLIMIT = 100.0; private static final double TINY = 1.0e-20; private static Triple mnbrak(Triple abc, OneDimDiffFunction function) { // inputs double ax = abc.a; double fa = function.valueAt(ax); double bx = abc.b; double fb = function.valueAt(bx); if (fb > fa) { // swap double temp = fa; fa = fb; fb = temp; temp = ax; ax = bx; bx = temp; } // guess cx double cx = bx + GOLD * (bx - ax); double fc = function.valueAt(cx); // loop until we get a bracket while (fb > fc) { double r = (bx - ax) * (fb - fc); double q = (bx - cx) * (fb - fa); double u = bx - ((bx - cx) * q - (bx - ax) * r) / (2.0 * sign(fmax(fabs(q - r), TINY), q - r)); double fu; double ulim = bx + GLIMIT * (cx - bx); if ((bx - u) * (u - cx) > 0.0) { fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu < fc) { //Ax = new Double(bx); //Bx = new Double(u); //Cx = new Double(cx); //System.err.println("\nReturning3: a="+bx+" ("+fb+") b="+u+"("+fu+") c="+cx+" ("+fc+")"); return new Triple(bx, u, cx); } else if (fu > fb) { //Cx = new Double(u); //Ax = new Double(ax); //Bx = new Double(bx); //System.err.println("\nReturning2: a="+ax+" ("+fa+") b="+bx+"("+fb+") c="+u+" ("+fu+")"); return new Triple(ax, bx, u); } u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fu = function.valueAt(u); } else if ((cx - u) * (u - ulim) > 0.0) { fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu < fc) { bx = cx; cx = u; u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fb = fc; fc = fu; fu = function.valueAt(u); } } else if ((u - ulim) * (ulim - cx) >= 0.0) { u = ulim; fu = function.valueAt(u); } else { u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fu = function.valueAt(u); } ax = bx; bx = cx; cx = u; fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fu; } //System.err.println("\nReturning: a="+ax+" ("+fa+") b="+bx+"("+fb+") c="+cx+" ("+fc+")"); return new Triple(ax, bx, cx); } private static double dbrent(OneDimDiffFunction function, double ax, double bx, double cx) { // constants final boolean dbVerbose = false; final int ITMAX = 100; final double TOL = 1.0e-4; boolean ok1, ok2; double d = 0.0, d1, d2, du, e = 0.0; double fu, olde, tol1, tol2, u, u1, u2, xm; double a = (ax < cx ? ax : cx); double b = (ax > cx ? ax : cx); double x = bx; double v = bx; double w = bx; double fx = function.valueAt(x); double fv = fx; double fw = fx; double dx = function.derivativeAt(x); double dv = dx; double dw = dx; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < ITMAX; iteration++) { //System.err.println("dbrent "+iteration+" x "+x+" fx "+fx); xm = 0.5 * (a + b); tol1 = TOL * fabs(x); //+ZEPS (was 1e-10); tol2 = 2.0 * tol1; if (fabs(x - xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5 * (b - a))) { if (dbVerbose) { System.err.println("dbrent returning because min is cornered " + a + " (" + function.valueAt(a) + ") ~ " + x + " (" + fx + ") " + b + " (" + function.valueAt(b) + ")"); } return x; } if (fabs(e) > tol1) { d1 = 2.0 * (b - a); d2 = d1; if (dw != dx) { d1 = (w - x) * dx / (dx - dw); } if (dv != dx) { d2 = (v - x) * dx / (dx - dv); } u1 = x + d1; u2 = x + d2; ok1 = ((a - u1) * (u1 - b) > 0.0 && dx * d1 <= 0.0); ok2 = ((a - u2) * (u2 - b) > 0.0 && dx * d2 <= 0.0); olde = e; e = d; if (ok1 || ok2) { if (ok1 && ok2) { d = (fabs(d1) < fabs(d2) ? d1 : d2); } else if (ok1) { d = d1; } else { d = d2; } if (fabs(d) <= fabs(0.5 * olde)) { u = x + d; if (u - a < tol2 || b - u < tol2) { d = sign(tol1, xm - x); } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } } else { e = (dx >= 0.0 ? a - x : b - x); d = 0.5 * e; } if (fabs(d) >= tol1) { u = x + d; fu = function.valueAt(u); } else { u = x + sign(tol1, d); fu = function.valueAt(u); if (fu > fx) { if (dbVerbose) { System.err.println("dbrent returning because derivative is broken"); } return x; } } du = function.derivativeAt(u); if (fu <= fx) { if (u >= x) { a = x; } else { b = x; } v = w; fv = fw; dv = dw; w = x; fw = fx; dw = dx; x = u; fx = fu; dx = du; } else { if (u < x) { a = u; } else { b = u; } if (fu <= fw || w == x) { v = w; fv = fw; dv = dw; w = u; fw = fu; dw = du; } else if (fu < fv || v == x || v == w) { v = u; fv = fu; dv = du; } } } // dan's addition: if (fx < function.valueAt(0.0)) { return x; } if (dbVerbose) { System.err.println("Warning: exiting dbrent because ITMAX exceeded!"); } return 0.0; } private static class Triple { public double a; public double b; public double c; public Triple(double a, double b, double c) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; } } //public double lastXx = 1.0; double[] lineMinimize(DiffFunction function, double[] initial, double[] direction) { // make a 1-dim function along the direction line // THIS IS A HACK (but it's the NRiC peoples' hack) OneDimDiffFunction oneDim = new OneDimDiffFunction(function, initial, direction); // do a 1-dim line min on this function //Double Ax = new Double(0.0); //Double Xx = new Double(1.0); //Double Bx = new Double(0.0); // bracket the extreme pt double guess = 0.01; //System.err.println("Current "+oneDim.valueAt(0)+" nudge "+(oneDim.smallestZeroPositiveLocation()*1e-2)+" "+oneDim.valueAt(oneDim.smallestZeroPositiveLocation()*1e-5)); if (!silent) { System.err.print("["); } Triple bracketing = mnbrak(new Triple(0, guess, 0), oneDim); if (!silent) { System.err.print("]"); } double ax = bracketing.a; double xx = bracketing.b; double bx = bracketing.c; //lastXx = xx; // CHECK FOR END OF WORLD if (!(ax <= xx && xx <= bx) && !(bx <= xx && xx <= ax)) { System.err.println("Bad bracket order!"); } if (verbose) { System.err.println("Bracketing found: " + ax + " " + xx + " " + bx); System.err.println("Bracketing found: " + oneDim.valueAt(ax) + " " + oneDim.valueAt(xx) + " " + oneDim.valueAt(bx)); //System.err.println("Bracketing found: "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(ax),3)+" "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(xx),3)+" "+arrayToString(oneDim.vectorOf(bx),3)); } // find the extreme pt if (!silent) { System.err.print("<"); } double xmin = dbrent(oneDim, ax, xx, bx); if (!silent) { System.err.print(">"); } // return the full vector //System.err.println("Went "+xmin+" during lineMinimize"); return oneDim.vectorOf(xmin); } public double[] minimize(DiffFunction function, double functionTolerance, double[] initial) { return minimize(function, functionTolerance, initial, ITMAX); } public double[] minimize(DiffFunction dfunction, double functionTolerance, double[] initial, int maxIterations) { // check for derivatives int dimension = dfunction.domainDimension(); //lastXx = 1.0; // evaluate function double fp = dfunction.valueAt(initial); if (verbose) { System.err.println("Initial: " + fp); } double[] xi = copyArray(dfunction.derivativeAt(initial)); if (verbose) { System.err.println("Initial at: " + arrayToString(initial, numToPrint)); System.err.println("Initial deriv: " + arrayToString(xi, numToPrint)); } // make some vectors double[] g = new double[dimension]; double[] h = new double[dimension]; double[] p = new double[dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; xi[j] = g[j]; h[j] = g[j]; p[j] = initial[j]; } // iterations boolean simpleGDStep = false; for (int iterations = 1; iterations < maxIterations; iterations++) { if (!silent) { System.err.print("Iter " + iterations + " "); } // do a line min along descent direction //System.err.println("Minimizing from ("+p[0]+","+p[1]+") along ("+xi[0]+","+xi[1]+")\n"); if (verbose) { System.err.println("Minimizing along " + arrayToString(xi, numToPrint)); } //System.err.println("Current is "+fp); double[] p2 = lineMinimize(dfunction, p, xi); double fp2 = dfunction.valueAt(p2); //System.err.println("Result is "+fp2+" (from "+fp+") at ("+p2[0]+","+p2[1]+")\n"); if (verbose) { System.err.println("Result is " + fp2 + " after " + iterations); System.err.println("Result at " + arrayToString(p2, numToPrint)); } //System.err.print(fp2+"|"+(int)(Math.log((fabs(fp2-fp)+1e-100)/(fabs(fp)+fabs(fp2)+1e-100))/Math.log(10))); if (!silent) { System.err.printf(" %s (delta: %s)\n", nf.format(fp2), nf.format(fp-fp2)); } if (monitor != null) { double monitorReturn = monitor.valueAt(p2); if (monitorReturn < functionTolerance) { return p2; } } // check convergence if (2.0 * fabs(fp2 - fp) <= functionTolerance * (fabs(fp2) + fabs(fp) + EPS)) { // convergence if (!checkSimpleGDConvergence || simpleGDStep || simpleGD) { return p2; } simpleGDStep = true; //System.err.println("Switched to GD for a step."); } else { //if (!simpleGD) //System.err.println("Switching to CGD."); simpleGDStep = false; } // shift variables for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { xi[j] = p2[j] - p[j]; p[j] = p2[j]; } fp = fp2; // find the new gradient xi = copyArray(dfunction.derivativeAt(p)); //System.err.print("mx "+arrayMax(xi)+" mn "+arrayMin(xi)); if (!simpleGDStep && !simpleGD && (iterations % resetFrequency != 0)) { // do the magic -- part i // (calculate some dot products we'll need) double dgg = 0.0; double gg = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { // g dot g gg += g[j] * g[j]; // grad dot grad // FR method is: // dgg += x[j]*x[j]; // PR method is: dgg += (xi[j] + g[j]) * xi[j]; } // check for miraculous convergence if (gg == 0.0) { return p; } // magic part ii // (update the sequence in a way that tries to preserve conjugacy) double gam = dgg / gg; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; h[j] = g[j] + gam * h[j]; xi[j] = h[j]; } } else { // miraculous simpleGD convergence double xixi = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { xixi += xi[j] * xi[j]; } // reset cgd for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { g[j] = -xi[j]; xi[j] = g[j]; h[j] = g[j]; } if (xixi == 0.0) { return p; } } } // too many iterations System.err.println("Warning: exiting minimize because ITER exceeded!"); return p; } /** * Basic constructor, use this. */ public CGMinimizer() { this(true); } /** * Pass in false to get per-iteration progress reports * (to stderr). * * @param silent a boolean value */ public CGMinimizer(boolean silent) { this.silent = silent; } /** * Perform minimization with monitoring. After each iteration, * monitor.valueAt(x) gets called, with the double array x * being that iteration's ending point. A return < * tol forces convergence (terminates the CG procedure). * Specially for Kristina. * * @param monitor a Function value */ public CGMinimizer(Function monitor) { this(); this.monitor = monitor; } }

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