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edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.SequenceMatchRules Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.AssignableExpression;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expression;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expressions;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Value;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Rules for matching sequences using regular expressions

* There are 2 types of rules: *

  1. Assignment rules which assign a value to a variable for later use. *
  2. *
  3. Extraction rules which specifies how regular expression patterns are to be matched against text, * which matched text expressions are to extracted, and what value to assign to the matched expression.
  4. *

* * NOTE: # or // can be used to indicates one-line comments * *

Assignment Rules are used to assign values to variables. * The basic format is: variable = value *


* Variable Names: *

  • Variable names should follow the pattern [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*
  • *
  • Variable names for use in regular expressions (to be expanded later) must start with $
  • *


* Value Types: *

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
REGEX/...//[Aa]pril/String regular expression {@link Pattern}
TOKENS_REGEX( [...] [...] ... ) ( /up/ /to/ /4/ /months/ )Tokens regular expression {@link TokenSequencePattern}
LIST( [item1] , [item2], ... )("red", "blue", "yellow" )


* Some typical uses and examples for assignment rules include: *

  1. Assignment of value to variables for use in later rules
  2. *
  3. Binding of text key to annotation key (as Class). *
     *      tokens = { type: "CLASS", value: "edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations$TokensAnnotation" }
  4. *
  5. Defining regular expressions macros to be embedded in other regular expressions *
     *      $SEASON = "/spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter/"
     *      $NUM = ( [ { numcomptype:NUMBER } ] )
  6. *
  7. Setting default environment variables. * Rules are applied with respect to an environment ({@link Env}), which can be accessed using the variable ENV. * Members of the Environment can be set as needed. *
     *      # Set default parameters to be used when reading rules
     *      ENV.defaults["ruleType"] = "tokens"
     *      # Set default string pattern flags (to case-insensitive)
     *      ENV.defaultStringPatternFlags = 2
     *      # Specifies that the result should go into the tokens  key (as defined above).
     *      ENV.defaultResultAnnotationKey = tokens
  8. *
  9. Defining options
  10. *

* * Predefined values are: * * * * * * * *
ENV{@link Env}The environment with respect to which the rules are applied.
TRUEBOOLEANThe Boolean value true.
FALSEBOOLEANThe Boolean value false.
NILThe null value.
tagsClassThe annotation key {@link edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Tags.TagsAnnotation}.


Extraction Rules specifies how regular expression patterns are to be matched against text. * See {@link CoreMapExpressionExtractor} for more information on the types of the rules, and in what sequence the rules are applied. * A basic rule can be specified using the following template: *

 *        # Type of the rule
 *        ruleType: "tokens" | "text" | "composite" | "filter",
 *        # Pattern to match against
 *        pattern: ( <TokenSequencePattern> ) | /<TextPattern>/,
 *        # Resulting value to go into the resulting annotation
 *        result: ...
 *        # More fields following...
 *      }
* Example: *
 *   {
 *     ruleType: "tokens",
 *     pattern: ( /one/ ),
 *     result: 1
 *   }

* Extraction rule fields (most fields are optional): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ruleType"tokens" | "text" | "composite" | "filter" tokensType of the rule (required).
pattern<Token Sequence Pattern> = (...) | <Text Pattern> = /.../( /winter/ /of/ $YEAR )Pattern to match against. * See {@link TokenSequencePattern} and {@link Pattern} for * how to specify patterns over tokens and strings (required).
action<Action List> = (...)( Annotate($0, ner, "DATE") )List of actions to apply when the pattern is triggered. * Each action is a {@link Expressions TokensRegex Expression}
result<Expression>Resulting value to go into the resulting annotation. See {@link Expressions} for how to specify the result.
nameSTRINGName to identify the extraction rule.
stageINTEGERStage at which the rule is to be applied. Rules are grouped in stages, which are applied from lowest to highest.
activeBooleanWhether this rule is enabled (active) or not (default true).
priorityDOUBLEPriority of rule. Within a stage, matches from higher priority rules are preferred.
weightDOUBLEWeight of rule (not currently used).
overCLASSAnnotation field to check pattern against.
matchFindTypeFIND_NONOVERLAPPING | FIND_ALLWhether to find all matched expression or just the nonoverlapping ones (default FIND_NONOVERLAPPING).
matchWithResultsBooleanWhether results of the matches should be returned (default false). * Set to true to access captured groups of embedded regular expressions.
matchedExpressionGroupIntegerWhat group should be treated as the matched expression group (default 0).
* * @author Angel Chang * @see CoreMapExpressionExtractor * @see TokenSequencePattern */ public class SequenceMatchRules { /** A sequence match rule */ public static interface Rule { } /** * Rule that specifies what value to assign to a variable */ public static class AssignmentRule implements Rule { Expression expr; public AssignmentRule(AssignableExpression varExpr, Expression value) { expr = varExpr.assign(value); } public void evaluate(Env env) { expr.evaluate(env); } } /** * Rule that specifies how to extract sequence of MatchedExpression from an annotation (CoreMap). * @param Output type (MatchedExpression) */ public static class AnnotationExtractRule implements Rule, ExtractRule, Predicate, Serializable { /** Name of the rule */ public String name; /** Stage in which this rule should be applied with respect to others */ public int stage = 1; /** Priority in which this rule should be applied with respect to others */ public double priority; /** Weight given to the rule (how likely is this rule to fire) */ public double weight; /** Annotation field to apply rule over: text or tokens or numerizedtokens */ public Class annotationField; public Class tokensAnnotationField; /** Annotation field(s) on individual tokens to put new annotation */ public List tokensResultAnnotationField; /** Annotation field(s) to put new annotation */ public List resultAnnotationField; /** Annotation field for child/nested annotations */ public Class resultNestedAnnotationField; public SequenceMatcher.FindType matchFindType; public int matchedExpressionGroup; public boolean matchWithResults; // TODO: Combine ruleType and isComposite /** Type of rule to apply: token string match, pattern string match */ public String ruleType; public boolean isComposite; public boolean includeNested = true; // TODO: Get parameter from somewhere.... public boolean active = true; /** Actual rule performing the extraction (converting annotation to MatchedExpression) */ public ExtractRule extractRule; public Predicate filterRule; public void update(Env env, Map attributes) { for (String key:attributes.keySet()) { Object obj = attributes.get(key); switch (key) { case "name": name = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "priority": priority = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).doubleValue(); break; case "stage": stage = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).intValue(); break; case "weight": weight = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).doubleValue(); break; case "over": Object annoKey = Expressions.asObject(env, obj); if (annoKey instanceof Class) { annotationField = (Class) annoKey; } else if (annoKey instanceof String) { annotationField = EnvLookup.lookupAnnotationKey(env, (String) annoKey); } else if (annotationField == null) { annotationField = CoreMap.class; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid annotation key " + annoKey); } break; case "active": active = (Boolean) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "ruleType": ruleType = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "matchFindType": matchFindType = SequenceMatcher.FindType.valueOf((String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)); break; case "matchWithResults": matchWithResults = ((Boolean) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).booleanValue(); break; case "matchedExpressionGroup": matchedExpressionGroup = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).intValue(); break; } } } public boolean extract(S in, List out) { return extractRule.extract(in, out); } public boolean test(T obj) { return filterRule.test(obj); } } public static AssignmentRule createAssignmentRule(Env env, AssignableExpression var, Expression result) { AssignmentRule ar = new AssignmentRule(var, result); ar.evaluate(env); return ar; } public static Rule createRule(Env env, Expressions.CompositeValue cv) { Map attributes; cv = cv.simplifyNoTypeConversion(env); attributes = new HashMap();//Generics.newHashMap(); for (String s:cv.getAttributes()) { attributes.put(s, cv.getExpression(s)); } return createExtractionRule(env, attributes); } protected static AnnotationExtractRule createExtractionRule(Env env, Map attributes) { String ruleType = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("ruleType")); if (ruleType == null && env != null) { ruleType = (String) env.getDefaults().get("ruleType"); } AnnotationExtractRuleCreator ruleCreator = lookupExtractRuleCreator(env, ruleType); if (ruleCreator != null) { return ruleCreator.create(env, attributes); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule type: " + ruleType); } } public static AnnotationExtractRule createExtractionRule(Env env, String ruleType, Object pattern, Expression result) { if (ruleType == null && env != null) { ruleType = (String) env.getDefaults().get("ruleType"); } AnnotationExtractRuleCreator ruleCreator = lookupExtractRuleCreator(env, ruleType); if (ruleCreator != null) { Map attributes = new HashMap();//Generics.newHashMap(); attributes.put("ruleType", ruleType); attributes.put("pattern", pattern); attributes.put("result", result); return ruleCreator.create(env, attributes); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule type: " + ruleType); } } public final static String COMPOSITE_RULE_TYPE = "composite"; public final static String TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE = "tokens"; public final static String TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE = "text"; public final static String FILTER_RULE_TYPE = "filter"; public final static TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator(); public final static CompositeExtractRuleCreator COMPOSITE_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new CompositeExtractRuleCreator(); public final static TextPatternExtractRuleCreator TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new TextPatternExtractRuleCreator(); public final static AnnotationExtractRuleCreator DEFAULT_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR; final static Map registeredRuleTypes = new HashMap();//Generics.newHashMap(); static { registeredRuleTypes.put(TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE, TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(COMPOSITE_RULE_TYPE, COMPOSITE_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE, TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(FILTER_RULE_TYPE, TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); } protected static AnnotationExtractRuleCreator lookupExtractRuleCreator(Env env, String ruleType) { if (env != null) { Object obj = env.get(ruleType); if (obj != null && obj instanceof AnnotationExtractRuleCreator) { return (AnnotationExtractRuleCreator) obj; } } if (ruleType == null) { return DEFAULT_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR; } else { return registeredRuleTypes.get(ruleType); } } static public AnnotationExtractRule createTokenPatternRule(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { return TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR.create(env, expr, result); } static public AnnotationExtractRule createTextPatternRule(Env env, String expr, Expression result) { return TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR.create(env, expr, result); } public static class AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env) { AnnotationExtractRule r = new AnnotationExtractRule(); r.resultAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultResultAnnotationKey(env); r.resultNestedAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultNestedResultsAnnotationKey(env); r.tokensAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensAnnotationKey(env); r.tokensResultAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensResultAnnotationKey(env); if (env != null) { r.update(env, env.getDefaults()); } return r; } public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map attributes) { // Get default annotation extract rule from env AnnotationExtractRule r = create(env); if (attributes != null) { r.update(env, attributes); } return r; } } public static MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor createAnnotationExtractor(Env env, AnnotationExtractRule r) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor valueExtractor = new MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor(); =; valueExtractor.tokensAnnotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; valueExtractor.tokensResultAnnotationField = r.tokensResultAnnotationField; valueExtractor.resultAnnotationField = r.resultAnnotationField; valueExtractor.resultNestedAnnotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; valueExtractor.priority = r.priority; valueExtractor.weight = r.weight; valueExtractor.includeNested = r.includeNested; valueExtractor.resultAnnotationExtractor = EnvLookup.getDefaultResultAnnotationExtractor(env); valueExtractor.tokensAggregators = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensAggregators(env); return valueExtractor; } public static class CompositeExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression action, Expression result) { TokenSequencePattern pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(expr); updateExtractRule(r, env, pattern, action, result); } protected void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, TokenSequencePattern pattern, Expression action, Expression result) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor valueExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); valueExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier< List, Value>( env, r.annotationField, new SequencePatternExtractRule( pattern, new SequenceMatchResultExtractor(env, action, result), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults)); r.extractRule = new SequencePatternExtractRule(pattern, new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( valueExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults); r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(valueExtractor); } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); r.isComposite = true; if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; } if (r.annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error creating composite rule: no annotation field"); } r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); r.isComposite = true; if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; } if (r.annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error creating composite rule: no annotation field"); } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } //SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr = (SequencePattern.PatternExpr) attributes.get("pattern"); TokenSequencePattern expr = (TokenSequencePattern) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression action, Expression result) { TokenSequencePattern pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(expr); updateExtractRule(r, env, pattern, action, result); } protected void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, TokenSequencePattern pattern, Expression action, Expression result) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor valueExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); if (r.annotationField != null && r.annotationField != CoreMap.class) { valueExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier< List, Value >( env, r.annotationField, new SequencePatternExtractRule( pattern, new SequenceMatchResultExtractor(env, action, result), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults)); r.extractRule = new CoreMapExtractRule< List, MatchedExpression >( env, r.annotationField, new SequencePatternExtractRule(pattern, new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( valueExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults)); } else { valueExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapToListFunctionApplier< Value >( env, new SequencePatternExtractRule( pattern, new SequenceMatchResultExtractor(env, action, result), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults)); r.extractRule = new CoreMapToListExtractRule< MatchedExpression >( new SequencePatternExtractRule(pattern, new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( valueExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup), r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults)); } r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(valueExtractor); } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } //SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr = (SequencePattern.PatternExpr) attributes.get("pattern"); TokenSequencePattern expr = (TokenSequencePattern) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class TextPatternExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, String expr, Expression action, Expression result) { final MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor valueExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); Pattern pattern = env.getStringPattern(expr); valueExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier< String, Value >( env, r.annotationField, new StringPatternExtractRule( pattern, new StringMatchResultExtractor(env, action, result))); r.extractRule = new CoreMapExtractRule< String, MatchedExpression >( env, r.annotationField, new StringPatternExtractRule(pattern, new StringMatchedExpressionExtractor( valueExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup))); r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(valueExtractor); } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, String expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTextAnnotationKey(env); } r.ruleType = TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTextAnnotationKey(env); } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } String expr = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class AnnotationMatchedFilter implements Predicate, Serializable { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; public AnnotationMatchedFilter(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; } public boolean test(MatchedExpression me) { CoreMap cm = me.getAnnotation(); Value v = extractor.apply(cm); if (v != null) { if (v.get() == null) { return true; } else { extractor.annotate(me); return false; } //return v.get() == null; } else { return false; } } } public static class StringMatchResultExtractor implements Function { Env env; Expression action; Expression result; public StringMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression action, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.action = action; this.result = result; } public StringMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.result = result; } public Value apply(MatchResult matchResult) { Value v = null; if (action != null) { action.evaluate(env, matchResult); } if (result != null) { v = result.evaluate(env, matchResult); } return v; } } public static class SequenceMatchResultExtractor implements Function,Value> { Env env; Expression action; Expression result; public SequenceMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression action, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.action = action; this.result = result; } public SequenceMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.result = result; } public Value apply(SequenceMatchResult matchResult) { Value v = null; if (action != null) { action.evaluate(env, matchResult); } if (result != null) { v = result.evaluate(env, matchResult); } return v; } } /** * Interface for a rule that extracts a list of matched items from a input * @param input type * @param output type */ public static interface ExtractRule { public boolean extract(I in, List out); } /** * Extraction rule that filters the input before passing it on to the next extractor * @param input type * @param output type */ public static class FilterExtractRule implements ExtractRule { Predicate filter; ExtractRule rule; public FilterExtractRule(Predicate filter, ExtractRule rule) { this.filter = filter; this.rule = rule; } public FilterExtractRule(Predicate filter, ExtractRule... rules) { this.filter = filter; this.rule = new ListExtractRule(rules); } public boolean extract(I in, List out) { if (filter.test(in)) { return rule.extract(in,out); } else { return false; } } } /** * Extraction rule that applies a list of rules in sequence and aggregates * all matches found * @param input type * @param output type */ public static class ListExtractRule implements ExtractRule { List> rules; public ListExtractRule(Collection> rules) { this.rules = new ArrayList>(rules); } public ListExtractRule(ExtractRule... rules) { this.rules = new ArrayList>(rules.length); for (ExtractRule rule:rules) { this.rules.add(rule); } } public boolean extract(I in, List out) { boolean extracted = false; for (ExtractRule rule:rules) { if (rule.extract(in,out)) { extracted = true; } } return extracted; } public void addRules(ExtractRule... rules) { for (ExtractRule rule:rules) { this.rules.add(rule); } } public void addRules(Collection> rules) { this.rules.addAll(rules); } } /** * Extraction rule to apply a extraction rule on a particular CoreMap field * Input is of type CoreMap, output is templated type O. * @param type of the annotation field * @param output type */ public static class CoreMapExtractRule implements ExtractRule { Env env; Class annotationField; ExtractRule extractRule; public CoreMapExtractRule(Env env, Class annotationField, ExtractRule extractRule) { this.annotationField = annotationField; this.extractRule = extractRule; this.env = env; } public boolean extract(CoreMap cm, List out) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); T field = (T) cm.get(annotationField); boolean res = extractRule.extract(field, out); env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); return res; } } /** * Extraction rule that treats a single CoreMap as a list/sequence of CoreMaps * (convenience class, for use with BasicSequenceExtractRule) * Input is of type CoreMap, output is templated type O. * @param output type */ public static class CoreMapToListExtractRule implements ExtractRule { ExtractRule,O> extractRule; public CoreMapToListExtractRule(ExtractRule,O> extractRule) { this.extractRule = extractRule; } public boolean extract(CoreMap cm, List out) { return extractRule.extract(Arrays.asList(cm), out); } } /** * Extraction rule * Input is of type CoreMap, output is MatchedExpression */ public static class BasicSequenceExtractRule implements ExtractRule< List, MatchedExpression> { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; public BasicSequenceExtractRule(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; } public boolean extract(List seq, List out) { boolean extracted = false; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) { CoreMap t = seq.get(i); Value v = extractor.apply(t); if (v != null) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(Interval.toInterval(i, i + 1, Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END), null); out.add(te); extracted = true; } } return extracted; } } public static class SequencePatternExtractRule implements ExtractRule< List, O>, Function, O> { SequencePattern pattern; Function, O> extractor; SequenceMatcher.FindType findType = null; boolean matchWithResult = false; public SequencePatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function, O> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = SequencePattern.compile(env, regex); } public SequencePatternExtractRule(SequencePattern p, Function, O> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = p; } public SequencePatternExtractRule(SequencePattern p, Function, O> extractor, SequenceMatcher.FindType findType, boolean matchWithResult) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = p; this.findType = findType; this.matchWithResult = matchWithResult; } public boolean extract(List seq, List out) { if (seq == null) return false; boolean extracted = false; SequenceMatcher m = pattern.getMatcher(seq); if (findType != null) { m.setFindType(findType); } m.setMatchWithResult(matchWithResult); while (m.find()) { out.add(extractor.apply(m)); extracted = true; } return extracted; } public O apply(List seq) { if (seq == null) return null; SequenceMatcher m = pattern.getMatcher(seq); m.setMatchWithResult(matchWithResult); if (m.matches()) { return extractor.apply(m); } else { return null; } } } public static class StringPatternExtractRule implements ExtractRule, Function { Pattern pattern; Function extractor; public StringPatternExtractRule(Pattern pattern, Function extractor) { this.pattern = pattern; this.extractor = extractor; } public StringPatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function extractor) { this(env, regex, extractor, false); } public StringPatternExtractRule(String regex, Function extractor) { this(null, regex, extractor, false); } public StringPatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function extractor, boolean addWordBoundaries) { this.extractor = extractor; if (addWordBoundaries) { regex = "\\b" + regex + "\\b"; } if (env != null) { pattern = env.getStringPattern(regex); } else { pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); } } public boolean extract(String str, List out) { if (str == null) return false; boolean extracted = false; Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); while (m.find()) { out.add(extractor.apply( m )); extracted = true; } return extracted; } public O apply(String str) { if (str == null) return null; Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); if (m.matches()) { return extractor.apply(m); } else { return null; } } } public static class StringMatchedExpressionExtractor implements Function { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; int group = 0; public StringMatchedExpressionExtractor(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor, int group) { this.extractor = extractor; = group; } public MatchedExpression apply(MatchResult matched) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(Interval.toInterval(matched.start(group), matched.end(group), Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END), null); return te; } } public static class SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor implements Function, MatchedExpression> { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; int group = 0; public SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor, int group) { this.extractor = extractor; = group; } public MatchedExpression apply(SequenceMatchResult matched) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(null, Interval.toInterval(matched.start(group), matched.end(group), Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END)); return te; } } public static class CoreMapFunctionApplier implements Function { Env env; Class annotationField; Function func; public CoreMapFunctionApplier(Env env, Class annotationField, Function func) { this.annotationField = annotationField; if (annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotation field cannot be null"); } this.func = func; this.env = env; } public O apply(CoreMap cm) { if (env != null) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); } T field = (T) cm.get(annotationField); O res = func.apply(field); if (env != null) { env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); } return res; } } public static class CoreMapToListFunctionApplier implements Function { Env env; Function,O> func; public CoreMapToListFunctionApplier(Env env, Function,O> func) { this.func = func; this.env = env; } public O apply(CoreMap cm) { if (env != null) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); } O res = func.apply(Arrays.asList(cm)); if (env != null) { env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); } return res; } } }