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package edu.stanford.nlp.trees;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
* Implements a variant on the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999
* thesis. This starts with
* Collins' head finder. As in {@code CollinsHeadFinder}, we've
* added a head rule for NX.
* Changes:
The PRN rule used to just take the leftmost thing, we now have it
* choose the leftmost lexical category (not the common punctuation etc.)
Delete IN as a possible head of S, and add FRAG (low priority)
Place NN before QP in ADJP head rules (more to do for ADJP!)
Place PDT before RB and after CD in QP rules. Also prefer CD to
* DT or RB. And DT to RB.
Add DT, WDT as low priority choice for head of NP. Add PRP before PRN
* Add RBR as low priority choice of head for NP.
Prefer NP or NX as head of NX, and otherwise default to rightmost not
* leftmost (NP-like headedness)
VP: add JJ and NNP as low priority heads (many tagging errors)
* Place JJ above NP in priority, as it is to be preferred to NP object.
PP: add PP as a possible head (rare conjunctions)
Added rule for POSSP (can be introduced by parser)
Added a sensible-ish rule for X.
Added NML head rules, which are the same as for NP.
NP head rule: NP and NML are treated almost identically (NP has precedence)
NAC head rule: NML comes after NN/NNS but after NNP/NNPS
PP head rule: JJ added
Added JJP (appearing in David Vadas's annotation), which seems to play
* the same role as ADJP.
* These rules are suitable for the Penn Treebank.
* A case that you apparently just can't handle well in this framework is
* (NP (NP ... NP)). If this is a conjunction, apposition or similar, then
* the leftmost NP is the head, but if the first is a measure phrase like
* (NP $ 38) (NP a share) then the second should probably be the head.
* @author Christopher Manning
* @author Michel Galley
public class ModCollinsHeadFinder extends CollinsHeadFinder {
public ModCollinsHeadFinder() {
this(new PennTreebankLanguagePack());
public ModCollinsHeadFinder(TreebankLanguagePack tlp) {
super(tlp, tlp.punctuationTags()); // avoid punctuation as head in final default rule
nonTerminalInfo = Generics.newHashMap();
// This version from Collins' diss (1999: 236-238)
// NNS, NN is actually sensible (money, etc.)!
// QP early isn't; should prefer JJR NN RB
// remove ADVP; it just shouldn't be there.
// if two JJ, should take right one (e.g. South Korean)
// nonTerminalInfo.put("ADJP", new String[][]{{"left", "NNS", "NN", "$", "QP"}, {"right", "JJ"}, {"left", "VBN", "VBG", "ADJP", "JJP", "JJR", "NP", "JJS", "DT", "FW", "RBR", "RBS", "SBAR", "RB"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("ADJP", new String[][]{{"left", "$"}, {"rightdis", "NNS", "NN", "JJ", "QP", "VBN", "VBG"}, {"left", "ADJP"}, {"rightdis", "JJP", "JJR", "JJS", "DT", "RB", "RBR", "CD", "IN", "VBD"}, {"left", "ADVP", "NP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("JJP", new String[][]{{"left", "NNS", "NN", "$", "QP", "JJ", "VBN", "VBG", "ADJP", "JJP", "JJR", "NP", "JJS", "DT", "FW", "RBR", "RBS", "SBAR", "RB"}}); // JJP is introduced for NML-like adjective phrases in Vadas' treebank; Chris wishes he hadn't used JJP which should be a POS-tag.
// ADVP rule rewritten by Chris in Nov 2010 to be rightdis. This is right! JJ.* is often head and rightmost.
nonTerminalInfo.put("ADVP", new String[][]{{"left", "ADVP", "IN"},
{"rightdis", "RB", "RBR", "RBS", "JJ", "JJR", "JJS"},
{"rightdis", "RP", "DT", "NN", "CD", "NP", "VBN", "NNP", "CC", "FW", "NNS", "ADJP", "NML"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("CONJP", new String[][]{{"right", "CC", "RB", "IN"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("FRAG", new String[][]{{"right"}}); // crap
nonTerminalInfo.put("INTJ", new String[][]{{"left"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("LST", new String[][]{{"right", "LS", ":"}});
// NML is head in: (NAC-LOC (NML San Antonio) (, ,) (NNP Texas))
// TODO: NNP should be head (rare cases, could be ignored):
// (NAC (NML New York) (NNP Court) (PP of Appeals))
// (NAC (NML Prudential Insurance) (NNP Co.) (PP Of America))
// Chris: This could maybe still do with more thought, but NAC is rare.
nonTerminalInfo.put("NAC", new String[][]{{"left", "NN", "NNS", "NML", "NNP", "NNPS", "NP", "NAC", "EX", "$", "CD", "QP", "PRP", "VBG", "JJ", "JJS", "JJR", "ADJP", "JJP", "FW"}});
// Added JJ to PP head table, since it is a head in several cases, e.g.:
// (PP (JJ next) (PP to them))
// When you have both JJ and IN daughters, it is invariably "such as" -- not so clear which should be head, but leave as IN
// should prefer JJ? (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (NN crocidolite))) Michel thinks we should make JJ a head of PP
// added SYM as used in new treebanks for symbols filling role of IN
// Changed PP search to left -- just what you want for conjunction (and consistent with SemanticHeadFinder)
nonTerminalInfo.put("PP", new String[][]{{"right", "IN", "TO", "VBG", "VBN", "RP", "FW", "JJ", "SYM"}, {"left", "PP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("PRN", new String[][]{{"left", "VP", "NP", "PP", "SQ", "S", "SINV", "SBAR", "ADJP", "JJP", "ADVP", "INTJ", "WHNP", "NAC", "VBP", "JJ", "NN", "NNP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("PRT", new String[][]{{"right", "RP"}});
// add '#' for pounds!!
nonTerminalInfo.put("QP", new String[][]{{"left", "$", "IN", "NNS", "NN", "JJ", "CD", "PDT", "DT", "RB", "NCD", "QP", "JJR", "JJS"}});
// reduced relative clause can be any predicate VP, ADJP, NP, PP.
// For choosing between NP and PP, really need to know which one is temporal and to choose the other.
// It's not clear ADVP needs to be in the list at all (delete?).
nonTerminalInfo.put("RRC", new String[][]{{"left", "RRC"}, {"right", "VP", "ADJP", "JJP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP"}});
// delete IN -- go for main part of sentence; add FRAG
nonTerminalInfo.put("S", new String[][]{{"left", "TO", "VP", "S", "FRAG", "SBAR", "ADJP", "JJP", "UCP", "NP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("SBAR", new String[][]{{"left", "WHNP", "WHPP", "WHADVP", "WHADJP", "IN", "DT", "S", "SQ", "SINV", "SBAR", "FRAG"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("SBARQ", new String[][]{{"left", "SQ", "S", "SINV", "SBARQ", "FRAG", "SBAR"}});
// cdm: if you have 2 VP under an SINV, you should really take the 2nd as syntactic head, because the first is a topicalized VP complement of the second, but for now I didn't change this, since it didn't help parsing. (If it were changed, it'd need to be also changed to the opposite in SemanticHeadFinder.)
nonTerminalInfo.put("SINV", new String[][]{{"left", "VBZ", "VBD", "VBP", "VB", "MD", "VBN", "VP", "S", "SINV", "ADJP", "JJP", "NP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("SQ", new String[][]{{"left", "VBZ", "VBD", "VBP", "VB", "MD", "AUX", "AUXG", "VP", "SQ"}}); // TODO: Should maybe put S before SQ for tag questions. Check.
nonTerminalInfo.put("UCP", new String[][]{{"right"}});
// below is weird!! Make 2 lists, one for good and one for bad heads??
// VP: added AUX and AUXG to work with Charniak tags
nonTerminalInfo.put("VP", new String[][]{{"left", "TO", "VBD", "VBN", "MD", "VBZ", "VB", "VBG", "VBP", "VP", "AUX", "AUXG", "ADJP", "JJP", "NN", "NNS", "JJ", "NP", "NNP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("WHADJP", new String[][]{{"left", "WRB", "WHADVP", "RB", "JJ", "ADJP", "JJP", "JJR"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("WHADVP", new String[][]{{"right", "WRB", "WHADVP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("WHNP", new String[][]{{"left", "WDT", "WP", "WP$", "WHADJP", "WHPP", "WHNP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("WHPP", new String[][]{{"right", "IN", "TO", "FW"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("X", new String[][]{{"right", "S", "VP", "ADJP", "JJP", "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "X"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("NP", new String[][]{{"rightdis", "NN", "NNP", "NNPS", "NNS", "NML", "NX", "POS", "JJR"}, {"left", "NP", "PRP"}, {"rightdis", "$", "ADJP", "JJP", "PRN", "FW"}, {"right", "CD"}, {"rightdis", "JJ", "JJS", "RB", "QP", "DT", "WDT", "RBR", "ADVP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("NX", nonTerminalInfo.get("NP"));
// TODO: seems JJ should be head of NML in this case:
// (NP (NML (JJ former) (NML Red Sox) (JJ great)) (NNP Luis) (NNP Tiant)),
// (although JJ great is tagged wrong)
nonTerminalInfo.put("NML", nonTerminalInfo.get("NP"));
nonTerminalInfo.put("POSSP", new String[][]{{"right", "POS"}});
/* HJT: Adding the following to deal with oddly formed data in (for example) the Brown corpus */
nonTerminalInfo.put("ROOT", new String[][]{{"left", "S", "SQ", "SINV", "SBAR", "FRAG"}});
// Just to handle trees which have TOP instead of ROOT at the root
nonTerminalInfo.put("TOP", nonTerminalInfo.get("ROOT"));
nonTerminalInfo.put("TYPO", new String[][]{{"left", "NN", "NP", "NML", "NNP", "NNPS", "TO",
"VBD", "VBN", "MD", "VBZ", "VB", "VBG", "VBP", "VP", "ADJP", "JJP", "FRAG"}}); // for Brown (Roger)
nonTerminalInfo.put("ADV", new String[][]{{"right", "RB", "RBR", "RBS", "FW",
"ADVP", "TO", "CD", "JJR", "JJ", "IN", "NP", "NML", "JJS", "NN"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("EDITED", new String[][] {{"left"}}); // crap rule for Switchboard (if don't delete EDITED nodes)
// in sw2756, a "VB". (copy "VP" to handle this problem, though should really fix it on reading)
nonTerminalInfo.put("VB", new String[][]{{"left", "TO", "VBD", "VBN", "MD", "VBZ", "VB", "VBG", "VBP", "VP", "AUX", "AUXG", "ADJP", "JJP", "NN", "NNS", "JJ", "NP", "NNP"}});
nonTerminalInfo.put("META", new String[][] {{"left"}}); // rule for OntoNotes, but maybe should just be deleted in TreeReader??
nonTerminalInfo.put("XS", new String[][] {{"right", "IN"}}); // rule for new structure in QP, introduced by Stanford in QPTreeTransformer
// nonTerminalInfo.put(null, new String[][] {{"left"}}); // rule for OntoNotes from Michel, but it would be better to fix this in TreeReader or to use a default rule?
// todo: Uncomment this line if we always want to take the leftmost if no head rule is defined for the mother category.
// defaultRule = defaultLeftRule; // Don't exception, take leftmost if no rule defined for a certain parent category
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5870387458902637256L;