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org.protege.editor.owl.model.util.ClosureAxiomFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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OWL ontology editing infrastructure used by the Protege desktop application.

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package org.protege.editor.owl.model.util;

import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

 * Author: Matthew Horridge
* The University Of Manchester
* Medical Informatics Group
* Date: 14-Jun-2006

* [email protected]

*/ public class ClosureAxiomFactory extends ObjectSomeValuesFromFillerExtractor { protected OWLDataFactory owlDataFactory; private Set onts; private Set visitedClasses = new TreeSet<>(); private ClosureAxiomFactory(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty, OWLDataFactory df, Set onts) { super(df, objectProperty); this.owlDataFactory = df; this.onts = onts; } public static OWLAxiom getClosureAxiom(OWLClass cls, OWLObjectProperty prop, OWLDataFactory df, Set onts) { ClosureAxiomFactory fac = new ClosureAxiomFactory(prop, df, onts); cls.accept(fac); final OWLObjectAllValuesFrom closure = fac.getClosureRestriction(); return (closure != null) ? df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(cls, closure) : null; } /** * Gets a universal restriction (OWLObjectAllValuesFrom) that * closes off the existential restrictions that have been visited by this * visitor. For example, if the visitor had visited p some A, p some B, then * the restriction p only (A or B) would be returned. * * @return A universal restriction that represents a closure axiom for visited * restrictions, or null if no existential restrictions have been * visited by this visitor and a universal closure axiom therefore doesn't make * sense. */ public OWLObjectAllValuesFrom getClosureRestriction() { Set descriptions = getFillers(); if (descriptions.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { if (descriptions.size() == 1) { return owlDataFactory.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(getObjectProperty(), descriptions.iterator().next()); } else { return owlDataFactory.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(getObjectProperty(), owlDataFactory.getOWLObjectUnionOf(descriptions)); } } } /* Get the inherited restrictions also */ public void visit(OWLClass cls) { if (visitedClasses.contains(cls)) { return; } if (onts == null) { return; } visitedClasses.add(cls); for (OWLClassExpression superCls : EntitySearcher.getSuperClasses(cls, onts)) { superCls.accept(this); } for (OWLClassExpression equiv : EntitySearcher.getEquivalentClasses(cls, onts)) { equiv.accept(this); } } public void visit(OWLObjectIntersectionOf owlObjectIntersectionOf) { for (OWLClassExpression op : owlObjectIntersectionOf.getOperands()) { op.accept(this); } } /* Get min cardinality restriction fillers */ public void visit(OWLObjectMinCardinality restr) { handleCardinality(restr); } /* Get exact cardinality fillers */ public void visit(OWLObjectExactCardinality restr) { handleCardinality(restr); } public void visit(OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom restr) { if (restr.getProperty().equals(getObjectProperty())) { OWLClassExpression filler = restr.getFiller(); if (!filler.equals(owlDataFactory.getOWLThing())) { fillers.add(filler); } } } private void handleCardinality(OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction restr) { if (restr.getProperty().equals(getObjectProperty()) && restr.getCardinality() > 0) { OWLClassExpression filler = restr.getFiller(); if (!filler.equals(owlDataFactory.getOWLThing())) { fillers.add(filler); } } } }

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