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org.protege.editor.owl.ui.action.ConvertEntityURIsToLabels Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.protege.editor.owl.ui.action;

import org.protege.editor.core.ui.preferences.PreferencesDialogPanel;
import org.protege.editor.core.ui.util.ComponentFactory;
import org.protege.editor.owl.model.refactor.ontology.ConvertEntityURIsToIdentifierPattern;
import org.protege.editor.owl.model.refactor.ontology.OntologyTargetResolver;
import org.protege.editor.owl.ui.UIHelper;
import org.protege.editor.owl.ui.selector.OWLOntologySelectorPanel;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;

 * Author: Matthew Horridge
* The University Of Manchester
* Medical Informatics Group
* Date: 30-Aug-2006

* [email protected]

*/ public class ConvertEntityURIsToLabels extends ProtegeOWLAction { private JRadioButton askButton; private boolean ask = true; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (getOWLModelManager().getOntologies().size() == 1){ JComponent selPanel = createConfirmPanel(false); int ret = new UIHelper(getOWLEditorKit()).showDialog("Convert entity IRIs to labels", selPanel); if (ret == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { performConversion(null); } } else{ JComponent selPanel = createConfirmPanel(true); int ret = new UIHelper(getOWLEditorKit()).showDialog("Convert entity IRIs to labels", selPanel); if (ret == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { OntologyTargetResolver resolver; if (askButton.isSelected()){ ask = true; resolver = (entity, ontologies) -> handleResolveTarget(entity, ontologies); } else{ ask = false; resolver = (entity, ontologies) -> ontologies; } performConversion(resolver); } } } private void performConversion(OntologyTargetResolver resolver) { ConvertEntityURIsToIdentifierPattern converter = new ConvertEntityURIsToIdentifierPattern(getOWLModelManager(), getOWLModelManager().getOntologies()); if (resolver != null){ converter.setOntologyResolver(resolver); } converter.performConversion(); converter.dispose(); } private JComponent createConfirmPanel(boolean showOption) { JComponent selPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(8, 12)); JEditorPane label = ComponentFactory.createHTMLPane(event -> { if (event.getEventType().equals(HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED)){ showNewEntitiesPrefs(); } }); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(""); html.append("For each entity missing a label in the currently loaded ontologies:
    "); html.append("
  • create a label annotation using its current IRI fragment
  • "); html.append("
  • change its URI to an auto ID
  • "); html.append("
This conversion uses the current settings in Preferences | New Entities."); if (showOption){ html.append("

Protege will automatically detect the lowest ontologies in the import graph in which to add labels.
"); html.append("If more than one is found what would you like to do?"); askButton = new JRadioButton("Always ask me for confirmation", ask); JRadioButton addToAllReferencingOntologiesButton = new JRadioButton("Automatically add labels to all ontologies found", !ask); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(askButton); bg.add(addToAllReferencingOntologiesButton); Box optionsPanel = new Box(BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS); optionsPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 25, 0, 0)); optionsPanel.add(askButton); optionsPanel.add(addToAllReferencingOntologiesButton); selPanel.add(optionsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } html.append(""); label.setText(html.toString()); selPanel.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH); return selPanel; } private void showNewEntitiesPrefs() { PreferencesDialogPanel.showPreferencesDialog("New Entities", getEditorKit()); } private Set handleResolveTarget(OWLEntity entity, Set ontologies) { OWLOntologySelectorPanel ontPanel = new OWLOntologySelectorPanel(getOWLEditorKit(), ontologies); ontPanel.setSelection(ontologies.iterator().next()); ontPanel.setMultipleSelectionEnabled(true); int ret = new UIHelper(getOWLEditorKit()).showDialog("Select ontologies that will contain a label for " + getOWLModelManager().getRendering(entity), ontPanel); if (ret == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return ontPanel.getSelectedOntologies(); } else { return Collections.emptySet(); } } public void initialise() throws Exception { } public void dispose() { } }

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