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resources.nj22.tables.gempak.ncepgrib2.tbl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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! NCEPGRIB2.TBL -- GRIB 1 parameter conversion table version 2
!ID# NAME                             UNITS                GNAM         SCALE   MISSING  HZREMAP DIRECTION
128 MSLP (standard atm reduction)     Pa                   MSLP            -2  -9999.00        0         0
129 MSLP (MAPS reduction)             Pa                   MMSL            -2  -9999.00        0         0
130 MSLP (ETA reduction)              Pa                   EMSL            -2  -9999.00        0         0
131 Surface lifted index              K                    LIFT             0  -9999.00        0         0
132 Best (4 layer) lifted index       K                    LFT4             0  -9999.00        0         0
133 K index                           K                    KINX             0  -9999.00        0         0
134 Sweat index                       K                    SWET             0  -9999.00        0         0
135 Horizontal moisture divergence    kg kg**-1 s**-1      MCNV             0  -9999.00        0         0
136 Vertical speed shear              s**-1                VWSH             0  -9999.00        0         0
137 3-hr pressure tendency (stdatm)   Pa s**-1             PTND3           -2  -9999.00        0         0
138 Brunt-Vaisala freq (squared)      s**-2                BVSQ             0  -9999.00        0         0
139 Potential vorticity (density wt)  s**-1 m**-1          POTV             0  -9999.00        0         0
140 Categorical rain                  0,1                  WXTR             0  -9999.00        1         0
141 Categorical freezing rain         0,1                  WXTZ             0  -9999.00        1         0
142 Categorical ice pellets           0,1                  WXTP             0  -9999.00        1         0
143 Categorical snow                  0,1                  WXTS             0  -9999.00        1         0
144 Volumetric soil moisture content  fraction             SOIM             0  -9999.00        0         0
145 Potential evaporation rate        W/m**2               PEVP             0  -9999.00        0         0
146 Cloud workfunction                J/kg                 CWRK             0  -9999.00        0         0
147 Zonal flux of gravity wave stress N/m**2               UGWD             0  -9999.00        0         0
148 Meridional flux of grav wav strss N/m**2               VGWD             0  -9999.00        0         0
149 Potential vorticity               m**2/s/kg            PVOR             0  -9999.00        0         0
150 Covar merid-zonal wind            m**2 s**-2           CMZW             0  -9999.00        0         0
151 Covar temp-zonal wind             K m s**-1            CTZW             0  -9999.00        0         0
152 Covar temp-merid wind             K m s**-1            CTMW             0  -9999.00        0         0
153 Cloud water                       kg/kg                CWTR             0  -9999.00        0         0
154 Ozone mixing ratio                kg/kg                OZMR             0  -9999.00        0         0
155 Ground heat flux                  W m**-2              GHFX             0  -9999.00        0         0
156 Convective inhibition             J kg**-1             CINS             0  -9999.00        0         0
157 CAPE                              J kg**-1             CAPE             0  -9999.00        0         0
158 Turbulent kinetic energy          J kg**-1             TRKE             0  -9999.00        0         0
159 Cond pres of parcel from a sfc    Pa                   CONP            -2  -9999.00        0         0
160 Clear sky upward solar flux       W m**-2              UPSF             0  -9999.00        0         0
161 Clear sky downward solar flux     W m**-2              DNSF             0  -9999.00        0         0
162 Clear sky upward longwave flux    W m**-2              UPLF             0  -9999.00        0         0
163 Clear sky downward longwave flux  W m**-2              DNLF             0  -9999.00        0         0
164 Cloud forcing net solar flux      W m**-2              NETSF            0  -9999.00        0         0
165 Cloud forcing net longwave flux   W m**-2              NETLF            0  -9999.00        0         0
166 Visible beam down solar flux      W m**-2              VBSF             0  -9999.00        0         0
167 Visible difuse down solar flux    W m**-2              VDSF             0  -9999.00        0         0
168 Near IR beam down solar flux      W m**-2              IRBSF            0  -9999.00        0         0
169 Near IR difuse down solar flux    W m**-2              IRDSF            0  -9999.00        0         0
170 Rain water mixing ratio           Kg/Kg                RWMR             0  -9999.00        0         0
171 Snow mixing ratio                 Kg/Kg                SNMR             0  -9999.00        0         0
172 Momentum flux                     N m**-2              MFLX             0  -9999.00        0         0
173 Mass point model surface          -                    MPSFC            0  -9999.00        0         0
174 Velocity point model surface      -                    VPSFC            0  -9999.00        0         0
175 Model layer number                -                    MLYR             0  -9999.00        0         0
176 Latitude (-90 to +90)             Degree               LATD             0  -9999.00        0         1
177 East longitude (0 to 360)         Degree               LOND             0  -9999.00        0         1
178 Ice mixing ratio                  Kg/Kg                ICMR             0  -9999.00        0         0
179 Graupel mixing ratio              Kg/Kg                GRMR             0  -9999.00        0         0
180 Surface wind gust                 m/s                  GUST             0  -9999.00        0         0
181 x-gradient of log pressure        m**-1                DLPDX            0  -9999.00        0         0
182 y-gradient of log pressure        m**-1                DLPDY            0  -9999.00        0         0
183 x-gradient of height              m m**-1              DZDX             0  -9999.00        0         0
184 y-gradient of height              m m**-1              DZDY             0  -9999.00        0         0
185 Turbulence SIGMET/AIRMET          -                    TURB             0  -9999.00        0         0
186 Icing SIGMET/AIRMET               -                    ICNG             0  -9999.00        0         0
187 Lightning                         -                    LTNG             0  -9999.00        0         0
188 Rate of water from canopy to grnd -                    CNGD             0  -9999.00        0         0
189 Virtual potential temperature     K                    THTV             0  -9999.00        0         0
190 Storm relative helicity           m**2/s**2            HLCY             0  -9999.00        0         0
191 Probability from ensemble         non-dim              PROB             0  -9999.00        0         0
192 Probability from ensemble, nrml   non-dim              PROBN            0  -9999.00        0         0
193 Probability of precip             %                    POP              0  -9999.00        0         0
194 Probability of precip, frozen     %                    POPZ             0  -9999.00        0         0
195 Probability of precip, freezing   %                    POPF             0  -9999.00        0         0
196 U-component of storm motion       m/s                  USTRM            0  -9999.00        0         0
197 V-component of storm motion       m/s                  VSTRM            0  -9999.00        0         0
198 Number conc for ice particles     -                    NCIP             0  -9999.00        0         0
199 Direct evaporation from bare soil W m**-2              EVBS             0  -9999.00        0         0
200 Canopy water evaporation          W m**-2              EVCW             0  -9999.00        0         0
201 Ice-free water surface            %                    IFWS             0  -9999.00        0         0
202 Convective weather detection indx -                    CWDI             0  -9999.00        0         0
203 Volcanic Ash / VAFTAD             -                    VASH             0  -9999.00        0         0
204 Downward short wave rad flux      W m**-2              SWRD             0  -9999.00        0         0
205 Downward long wave rad flux       W m**-2              LWRD             0  -9999.00        0         0
206 Ultraviolet index (UVI)           J/m**2               UVI              0  -9999.00        0         0
207 Moisture availability             %                    MSAV             0  -9999.00        0         0
208 Exchange coefficient              kg m**-3 m s**-1     SEXC             0  -9999.00        0         0
209 No of mixed layers next to sfc    -                    NMXL             0  -9999.00        0         0
210 Transpiration                     W m**-2              TRAN             0  -9999.00        0         0
211 Upward short wave rad flux        W m**-2              SWRU             0  -9999.00        0         0
212 Upward long wave rad flux         W m**-2              LWRU             0  -9999.00        0         0
213 Amt of non-convective cloud       %                    CLDA             0  -9999.00        0         0
214 Convective precip rate            kg m**-2 s**-1       CPR--            0  -9999.00        0         0
215 Temp tendency by all physics      K s**-1              DTAP             0  -9999.00        0         0
216 Temp tendency by all radiation    K s**-1              DTAR             0  -9999.00        0         0
217 Temp tendency by non-rad physics  K s**-1              DTNRP            0  -9999.00        0         0
218 Precip index (0.0-1.0)            -                    PINDX            0  -9999.00        0         0
219 Std dev of IR T over 1x1 area     K                    IRTSD            0  -9999.00        0         0
220 Natural log of surface press      ln(kPa)              LNPSFC           0  -9999.00        0         0
221 Planetary boundary layer hght     m                    ZPBL             0  -9999.00        0         0
222 5-wave geopotential height        gpm                  HGHT5            0  -9999.00        0         0
223 Plant canopy surface water        kg m**-2             CSH2O            0  -9999.00        0         0
224 Soil type (Zobler)                -                    SOTYP            0  -9999.00        0         0
225 Vegetation type (SiB)             -                    VGTYP            0  -9999.00        0         0
226 Blackadar's mixing length         m                    LBLACK           0  -9999.00        0         0
227 Asymptotic mixing length          m                    LASYMP           0  -9999.00        0         0
228 Potential evaporation             kg m**-2             PEVAP            0  -9999.00        0         0
229 Snow phase-change heat flux       W m**-2              FXSN             0  -9999.00        0         0
230 5-wave geopotention hght anomaly  gpm                  WAVA5            0  -9999.00        0         0
231 Convective cloud mass flux        Pa s**-1             CMFX             0  -9999.00        0         0
232 Downward total radiation flux     W m**-2              DNRFX            0  -9999.00        0         0
233 Upward total radiation flux       W m**-2              UPRFX            0  -9999.00        0         0
234 Baseflow-groundwater runoff       kg m**-2             BFGR             0  -9999.00        0         0
235 Storm surface runoff              kg m**-2             R--M             0  -9999.00        0         0
236 Supercooled large drop icig diag  -                    SIPD             0  -9999.00        0         0		    
237 Total Ozone                       kg/m**2              OZON             0  -9999.00        0         0
238 Snow cover                        %                    SCVR             0  -9999.00        0         0
239 Snow temperature                  K                    STMP             0  -9999.00        0         0
240 Covariance btw tmp and vert wind  Km/s                 COVTW            0  -9999.00        0         0
241 Large scale condensat heat rate   K s**-1              LSCHDT           0  -9999.00        0         0
242 Deep convective heating rate      K s**-1              DCHDT            0  -9999.00        0         0
243 Deep convective moistening rate   kg kg**-1 s**-1      DCQDT            0  -9999.00        0         0
244 Shallow convec heating rate       K s**-1              SCHDT            0  -9999.00        0         0
245 Shallow convec moistening rate    kg kg**-1 s**-1      SCQDT            0  -9999.00        0         0
246 Vertical diff heating rate        K s**-1              VDFHDT           0  -9999.00        0         0
247 Vertical diff zonal accel         m s**-2              VDFZAC           0  -9999.00        0         0
248 Vertical diff meridional accel    m s**-2              VDFMAC           0  -9999.00        0         0
249 Vertical diff moistening rate     kg kg**-1 s**-1      VDFQDT           0  -9999.00        0         0
250 Solar radiative heating rate      K s**-1              DTSW             0  -9999.00        0         0
251 Longwave radiative heating rate   K s**-1              DTLW             0  -9999.00        0         0
252 Drag coefficient                  -                    DRAG             0  -9999.00        0         0
253 Friction velocity                 m s**-1              FRCV             0  -9999.00        0         0
254 Richardson number                 -                    RICH             0  -9999.00        0         0
255 Missing                           -                    MISS             0  -9999.00        0         0

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