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resources.nj22.tables.gempak.wmogrib3.tbl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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! WMOGRIB3.TBL -- GRIB 1 parameter conversion table version 3
!ID# NAME                             UNITS                GNAM         SCALE   MISSING  HZREMAP DIRECTION
001 Pressure                          Pa                   PRES            -2  -9999.00        0         0
002 Pressure reduced to MSL           Pa                   PMSL            -2  -9999.00        0         0
003 Pressure tendency                 Pa s**-1             PTND            -2  -9999.00        0         0
!004 undefined                         -                                     0  -9999.00       0         0
!005 undefined                         -                                     0  -9999.00       0         0
006 Geopotential                      m**2 s**-2           GP               0  -9999.00       0         0
007 Geopotential height               gpm                  HGHT             0  -9999.00        0         0
008 Geometrical height                m                    DIST             0  -9999.00       0         0
009 Standard deviation of height      m                    HGHTSD           0  -9999.00       0         0
010 Total ozone                       Dobson units         TOZO             0  -9999.00       0         0
011 Temperature                       K                    TMPK             0  -9999.00        0         0
012 Virtual temperature               K                    TVRK             0  -9999.00        0         0
013 Potential temperature             K                    THTA             0  -9999.00        0         0
014 Equivalent potential temp         K                    THTE             0  -9999.00        0         0
015 Maximum temperature               K                    TMXK             0  -9999.00        0         0
016 Minimum temperature               K                    TMNK             0  -9999.00        0         0
017 Dew-point temperature             K                    DWPK             0  -9999.00        0         0
018 Dew-point depression(or deficit)  K                    DPDK             0  -9999.00        0         0
019 Lapse rate                        K m**-1              LAPS             0  -9999.00       0         0
020 Visibility                        m                    VSBY             0  -9999.00       0         0
021 Radar spectra(1)                  -                    RDSP1            0  -9999.00       0         0
022 Radar spectra(2)                  -                    RDSP2            0  -9999.00       0         0
023 Radar spectra(3)                  -                    RDSP3            0  -9999.00       0         0
024 Parcel Lifted Index (to 500hPa)   K                    LIFT             0  -9999.00        0         0
025 Temperature anomaly               K                    TMPKA            0  -9999.00       0         0
026 Pressure anomaly                  Pa                   PRESA           -2  -9999.00       0         0
027 Geopotential height anomaly       gpm                  HGHTA            0  -9999.00       0         0
028 Wave spectra(1)                   -                    WVSP1            0  -9999.00       0         0
029 Wave spectra(2)                   -                    WVSP2            0  -9999.00       0         0
030 Wave spectra(3)                   -                    WVSP3            0  -9999.00       0         0
031 Wind direction                    Degree true          DRCT             0  -9999.00        0         1
032 Wind speed                        m s**-1              SPED             0  -9999.00        0         0
033 u-component of wind               m s**-1              UREL             0  -9999.00        0         0
034 v-component of wind               m s**-1              VREL             0  -9999.00        0         0
035 Stream function                   m**2 s**-1           STRM             0  -9999.00        0         0
036 Velocity potential                m**2 s**-1           VPOT             0  -9999.00       0         0
037 Montgomery streamfunction         m**2 s**-2           PSYM            -2  -9999.00        0         0
038 Sigma co-ordinate vert vel        s**-1                SGCVV            0  -9999.00       0         0
039 Pressure vertical velocity        Pa s**-1             OMEG            -2  -9999.00        0         0
040 Geometric vertical velocity       m s**-1              VVEL             0  -9999.00       0         0
041 Absolute vorticity                s**-1                AVOR             0  -9999.00        0         0
042 Absolute divergence               s**-1                DIV              0  -9999.00       0         0
043 Relative vorticity                s**-1                VOR              0  -9999.00       0         0
044 Relative divergence               s**-1                RDIV             0  -9999.00       0         0
045 Vertical u-component shear        s**-1                USHR             0  -9999.00       0         0
046 Vertical v-component shear        s**-1                VSHR             0  -9999.00       0         0
047 Direction of current              Degree true          DRCTC            0  -9999.00       0         1
048 Speed of current                  m s**-1              SPEDC            0  -9999.00       0         0
049 u-component of current            m s**-1              URELC            0  -9999.00       0         0
050 v-component of current            m s**-1              VRELC            0  -9999.00       0         0
051 Specific humidity                 kg kg**-1            SPFH             0  -9999.00        0         0
052 Relative humidity                 %                    RELH             0  -9999.00        0         0
053 Humidity mixing ratio             kg kg**-1            MIXR             3  -9999.00        0         0
054 Precipitable water                kg m**-2             PWTR             0  -9999.00        0         0
055 Vapour pressure                   Pa                   VAPR            -2  -9999.00        0         0
056 Saturation deficit                Pa                   SATD            -2  -9999.00       0         0
057 Evaporation                       kg m**-2             EVAP             0  -9999.00        0         0
058 Cloud ice                         kg m**-2             CICE             0  -9999.00       0         0
059 Precipitation rate                kg m**-2 s**-1       PR--             0  -9999.00        0         0
060 Thunderstorm probability          %                    TSTM             0  -9999.00        0         0
061 Total precipitation               kg m**-2             P--M             0     -0.01        0         0
062 Large scale precipitation         kg m**-2             S--M             0     -0.01        0         0
063 Convective precipitation          kg m**-2             C--M             0     -0.01        0         0
064 Snowfall rate water equivalent    kg m**-2 s**-1       SR--             0  -9999.00       0         0
065 Water equiv of accum snow depth   kg m**-2             SWEM             0  -9999.00        0         0
066 Snow depth                        m                    SNDM             0  -9999.00        0         0
067 Mixed layer depth                 m                    MIXL             0  -9999.00       0         0
068 Transient thermocline depth       m                    TTHDP            0  -9999.00       0         0
069 Main thermocline depth            m                    MTHDP            0  -9999.00       0         0
070 Main thermocline anomaly          m                    MTHAN            0  -9999.00       0         0
071 Total cloud cover                 %                    CLD              0  -9999.00       0         0
072 Convective cloud cover            %                    CCLD             0  -9999.00       0         0
073 Low cloud cover                   %                    CLDL             0  -9999.00       0         0
074 Medium cloud cover                %                    CLDM             0  -9999.00       0         0
075 High cloud cover                  %                    CLDH             0  -9999.00       0         0
076 Cloud water                       kg m**-2             CWTR             0  -9999.00        0         0
077 Best Lifted Index (to 500hPa)     K                    LFT4             0  -9999.00        0         0
078 Convective snow                   kg m**-2             CSNO             0  -9999.00       0         0
079 Large scale snow                  kg m**-2             LSNO             0  -9999.00       0         0
080 Water temperature                 K                    WTMPK            0  -9999.00       0         0
081 Land-sea mask (1=land,0=sea)      1,0                  LAND             0  -9999.00       0         0
082 Deviation of sea-level from mean  m                    CLVLD            0  -9999.00       0         0
083 Surface roughness                 m                    SRLM             0  -9999.00        0         0
084 Albedo                            %                    ALBD             0  -9999.00        0         0
085 Soil temperature                  K                    SLTK             0  -9999.00        0         0
086 Soil moisture content             kg m**-2             SLMM             0  -9999.00        0         0
087 Vegetation                        %                    VEG              0  -9999.00       0         0
088 Salinity                          kg kg**-1            SLTY             0  -9999.00       0         0
089 Density                           kg m**-3             DNTY             0  -9999.00       0         0
090 Water runoff                      kg m**-2             RNOF             0  -9999.00       0         0
091 Ice concent (1=ice,0=no ice)      1,0                  ICE              0  -9999.00        0         0
092 Ice thickness                     m                    ICET             0  -9999.00       0         0
093 Direction of ice drift            Degree true          DRCTI            0  -9999.00       0         1
094 Speed of ice drift                m s**-1              SPEDI            0  -9999.00       0         0
095 u-component of ice drift          m s**-1              URELI            0  -9999.00       0         0
096 v-component of ice drift          m s**-1              VRELI            0  -9999.00       0         0
097 Ice growth                        m                    IGRO             0  -9999.00       0         0
098 Ice divergence                    s**-1                IDIV             0  -9999.00       0         0
099 Snow melt                         kg m**-2             N--M             0  -9999.00        0         0
100 Sig hght of comb wind waves/swell m                    HTSGW            0  -9999.00       0         0
101 Direction of wind waves           Degree true          DRCTWW           0  -9999.00       0         1
102 Significant hght of wind waves    m                    HGHTWW           0  -9999.00       0         0
103 Mean period of wind waves         s                    PERDWW           0  -9999.00       0         0
104 Direction of swell waves          Degree true          DRCTSW           0  -9999.00       0         1
105 Significant hght of swell waves   m                    HGHTSW           0  -9999.00       0         0
106 Mean period of swell waves        s                    PERDSW           0  -9999.00       0         0
107 Primary wave direction            Degree true          DRCTPW           0  -9999.00       0         1
108 Primary wave mean period          s                    PERDPW           0  -9999.00       0         0
109 Secondary wave direction          Degree true          DRCTSW           0  -9999.00       0         1
110 Secondary wave mean period        s                    PERDSW           0  -9999.00       0         0
111 Net short-wave radiation (sfc)    W m**-2              SNIR             0  -9999.00        0         0
112 Net long-wave radiation (sfc)     W m**-2              SNOR             0  -9999.00        0         0
113 Net short-wave rad (top of atm)   W m**-2              SWRT             0  -9999.00        0         0
114 Net long-wave rad (top of atm)    W m**-2              LWRT             0  -9999.00        0         0
115 Long-wave radiation               W m**-2              LWRAD            0  -9999.00       0         0
116 Short-wave radiation              W m**-2              SWRAD            0  -9999.00       0         0
117 Global radiation                  W m**-2              GLRAD            0  -9999.00       0         0
!118 undefined                         -                                     0  -9999.00       0         0
!119 undefined                         -                                     0  -9999.00       0         0
!120 undefined                         -                                     0  -9999.00       0         0
121 Latent heat flux                  W m**-2              FXLH             0  -9999.00        0         0
122 Sensible heat flux                W m**-2              FXSH             0  -9999.00        0         0
123 Boundary layer dissipation        W m**-2              BLDIS            0  -9999.00       0         0
124 u-component of momentum flux      N m**-2              URELFX           0  -9999.00       0         0
125 v-component of momentum flux      N m**-2              VRELFX           0  -9999.00       0         0
126 Wind mixing energy                J                    ENRG             0  -9999.00       0         0
127 Image data                        -                    IMAG             0  -9999.00       0         0

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